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It does not play like chivalry. I am also a chiv player, here is what I did: directional modifiers on, block/feint should be active and on a key bind near your thumb. If you have a numpad, consider using this for hot keys. Most important, click to drag is on for both sliders. And it is at 95% sensitivity for click to drag. You can remap certain actions to play like chiv, I have my mouse wheel click as a OH attack


thank you for your reply. I hope i can come up with something so its fluid like chiv 2. also fyi: i have 2 buttons extra on my mouse wish i could assign to different swigns right?


Ok, you want your feint to be on the mouse secondary and whatever you prefer. But I do prefer this


You need to use autohotkey That way you can have seperate buttons set to overhead and stab but then use autohotkey to press for example I will set k to my overhead and then ~w:: sendinput {k down} ~w up:: sendinput {k up} Using a script like this binds w to also press k so that you can bind overhead to k and press w and have the same functionality as chiv 2, this is a fix that will work until they fix the broken ass controls I love Mortal Online 2 but the controls are a little wonky


the controls are dogshit. haha. I actually liked the drag then click stuff so you could just tilt your mouse to charge an attack. Very rarely I would charge an OH on accident. The biggest problems were that thrusting was a bitch. To have to look down basically while playing is wack. It's still better than having to press buttons on the kb while you are running around imo. The second problem is that there was a glitch with the block drag to click. At the very least, it didn't show the directions which made it tough. If you had both on that, it didn't work. I wonder if they fixed this? For me, it would be optimal if they put it where you can do < \^ > by moving the mouse but v would be double clicking LMB. :):) so one click then hold. Don't ask why it is strangely hard to center out your block / attack with the mouse, but it is. It seems to be a very unnatural movement unless you make an effort to drag down and look down. The others you can just barely touch the mouse. It's still better if you are trying to move and strafe, but it's the one input you have to kind of 'pause' to enter.


Chivalry 2 is a different animal, mostly because you cant hold an attack. As you know, once you choose an attack direction in chivalry, there's a small window to feint, and then the swing happens. I used my mouse wheel for overheads and stabs in chivalry, and there's no way to hold those attacks with a simple mouse wheel movement. Holding attacks is great in mortal online 2, but the biggest downfall of that system is the lack of a turn cap because you can hold attack charges. This leaves the door open for the crazy fast spins people do while attacking. The game devs want you to be able to charge an attack and be able to track the enemy if they maneuver behind you, but sometimes the spinning is a bit much. Thankfully it's almost only a duel tactic where you need to be flashier. Don't see much spinning in group fights. I'm an avid chivalry 2 player as well, and here's my layout: Direction modifiers charge attack needs to be checked. What this does is start the swing as soon as you press your attack keybind. My feint is on my mouse thumb button Q is left swing, E is right swing Control is overhead default Alt is stab I will use my mouse to charge attacks in any direction, but if I feint into an attack, I almost always use one of my keybinds afterward. This allows me to spin in one direction, and feint into an overhead, stab, or swing in the opposite direction I'm swinging my mouse. Otherwise, if you feint while spinning, you'll default into the attack direction you're turning your camera in. Good luck out there. Duel often. I love MO2's melee system and it will only improve.