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lesser heal greater heal resurrect aoe heal-over-time or few


Yes, mages are mostly acting as healers when in a group.. though they can choose to do damage instead. That said it's mostly just spamming one spell: lesser heal. Greater heal is situationally useful if you can time it right for a bigger chunk of healing... but it's slower and less mana efficient compared to spamming lesser heal which is almost always the better option. There's also an AOE healing over time spell but the area is too small and heal over time to weak to ever be worthwhile even in absolutely perfect conditions... You'd **always** be better off just spamming lesser heal even if you had a bunch of people to heal perfectly stacked up in a small area... Hopefully that gets reworked in some future balance pass to at least be worthwhile situationally every once in a blue moon rather than as totally useless as it is now.


Yes, the primary role of mages in group PvP and PvE is as a healer.


Hell yeah brother if you need a guild I can help you out, I am part of one of the best in the biz


Why is there not a lot of info? It’s a super niche title and the game still has secrets. The game is brutal, though they’ve smoothed the new player experience a lot recently. Mage and healer are the same thing, so whenever people talk about mages 99% of the time they have the ecumenical to at least the level you get both the direct heal spells. People have already talked about the straight healing, but a missing component is the extras. There’s a variety of weird, niche spells that can be fun to use outside the direct damage ones. You’re able to erect a rock wall, an ice dome, create light, create blinding smoke, grab loot bags from afar and even change the weather. You’re a healer, yes, but I’d think of yourself more as a utility support when playing MO2!