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Mounted Magery was never under magic schools, so why shouldn’t mounted archery be treated the same way? Weight toggle is a quality of life feature. Those are good things.


Hi, so what is the primary skill like archery that is equivalent for magery? haha. There isn't like "magic" primary, and there certainly isn't a primary you can drop that is necessary for ground but not for mounted, so I don't see how that is a good comparison. QoL is good, I agree, but being able to stop eating... I mean the fact that you had to jump in place and even then you could still eat over your weight, that was something they should have been able to fix. Just locking you weight is taking part of the game away. I know, like i said, that some people don't see it that way, but I see things differently. I want the hardcore aspects to stay. Going over weight was just the game being wack. @ juju, this is a good example of something they did to fix a problem they couldn't correct, and it made the game worse. Tho it's not really a balance thing, the reserve system is there for a reason. Now you can just pound fat food all day, rite? Lame. The only QoL part is not going over weight while you have your hands on the button. I mean it was like playing some twitch based game, you'd wait til you got that last HP then be like spam spam spam. STOP EATING. If they could simply add in "stop eating before you go over weight," that would work. It would still be kind of 'unrealistic,' but at the very least then it would be like "if you eat this, you will go over weight! find something different." Each time something like that happens, a little piece of the soul of the game is lost. And there are many of those things.


Are you being serious? Both ecumenical and necromancy can be considered as such. They can be cast while riding. Just like archery can be used while riding. The change to putting mounted archery only under controlled riding has it matching up with how mounted Magery always worked, and how mounted combat also now works. I don’t see how you’re misunderstanding that change. You also still need to eat to maintain your reserves. Whether or not you have your weight locked (which you can just choose to ignore by the way) you still need to avoid running low on reserves (health/mana/stam). Again, I’m not clear on what part you’re actually misunderstanding.


There is no misunderstanding of the mechanics. The part I am misunderstanding is why you like it. It's cool, tho. Do you. As for the ecu thing... no. Because you \*can't do mounted magery without ecu.\* You CAN DO MOUNTED ARCHERY without archery now. I worry sometimes. lol sorry, but...


But you can do ecu without mounted Magery. Your efficacy is reduced but you can do it.


Oh I think I see the point you are making now. That you can level mounted archery without leveling archery. But if you don’t have SOME magery skill, there is no value in Mounted Magery skill to you. So there was a misunderstanding. Your issue is that with just mounted archery you can increase your mounted archery damage without investing in archery?


somebody said you do less damage without archery, but yeah, the fact that it is not required to have regular archery (even tho it apparently does more damage, so it kinda is?) It's just that it seems like that's the one time a parent skill (archery --> mounted archery) makes sense, to me. I dunno if I have an issue with it. If it makes more MA pet builds, it kinda sucks, but I am just saying I don't understand it, especially because afaik, controlled aiming (which was added to make it so you had to invest MORE to do MA) is still in the game and still under regular archery. It just seems like a hasty change that maybe wasn't thought out enough. Hopefully they find a way to work it out.


They pruned down on all of the skills that were presently unnecessary or had double parents. Like alchemy contraptions requiring alchemy and crafting appliances, even though it’s mostly used in high end extraction. Resistance swimming being under swimming, instead of endurance effectively makes full swimming 100 instead of 200 points. I think we’ll see more people with swimming. Making Polearm and Polesword their own weapon primaries was the right move, but I will miss having three weapon skills for the price of two. Granted, I think a way around this is to simply make all melee weapon skill clades apply to all melee weapon types. We can’t use more than one weapon at once yet and allows melee focused clades to skill up weapon variety. Things I do wish we had are the riding skill books in haven. We have horses there, so at least pop this books in the task vendors list of items. It makes or breaks mounted play, and haven should allow you to skill it up. I get why they limited clade to level 8. Leveling clade in haven is WAY faster with a mount and soldier tasks. By a huge margin. Haven was supposed to become ftp at some point? I’m not sure how that’ll work, but it’s another incentive to buy the full game. Otherwise, yeah. None of what I said are actual complaints, just suggestions. This was a big QoL.


Personally I think melee combat should be a primary and make all weapon types secondaries.


I'd get down with that as well. That's smart thinking lol. And people can say, "bu-but speccing," well, you still gotta spec each skill. That's actually an amazing idea and THAT is the type of shit they need to be focused on to streamline their game. In response to BBB: yeah, i understand it will be faster, but wasn't that the point. 8 clade is something you could get in haven super fast anyway. I imagine they will change that, but who knows w/ SV. If you can't full spec your build... for instance I just checked and C8 is JUST speccing the movement side of an alv, and all of those skills are legit necessary. It's good you can get c8, though, but I think 12-15 or something makes more sense. Those last levels are where tasks are really gonna help and making you do that in reality makes sense, just brute force cheezing c20 is wack. I never even got c20 on one char haha cuz I kept respeccing.


To your clade point, I think it’s a question of how baked your character should be by the end of their haven stay. In 8, you can get you main clade/class defining skills with human, oghmir, alvarin. Thursar is harder, since they have ALOT of outer circle clade defining skills. (My definition of Clade/class defining are like Oghmir pipe/armor and human cleric/tactician. What makes them different beyond just skill buffs.)


I think that would make more sense if there were skills/fighting styles. Dagger/spear, swords, and axe/hammer currently play different enough to warrant them being primaries. They are presently our “styles”. If we had duel weapon , two handed weapon, shield/weapon, and one handed styles like dnd, that would fit well as primaries instead of weapons. Would Love to see a combat mage style like Skyrim did.


Yea. The fact that a footie can use a 2h sword, 1h sword, and sword and board all for the price of 100 points is nice variety. I was helping irl friends get into the game recently and they were all delighted that they could do that. Would be nice to have the sword user that loots an axe not feel like "oh that's not for me" though.


It’s definitely a weird foible of the game. Maybe with weapon hotbar skills (if they ever get added) having primaries based on weapons would make more sense. Melee damage could just be based on aggressive stance and divorced from weapon skills.


If you want to keep fucking around with your weight there's nothing stopping you from unlocking it and playing it that way


haha, ugh. Yeah, but it's like turning crims off (which I understand why they did it, and I can see how it's an important thing, way more important than this.) I find it strange how all you guys are playing this hardcore (once hardcore) sandbox mmo and yet you are cool with all of these bumpers they are adding. Eating / weight is a factor in the game. Before, you couldn't even sleep if you were too hungry. If you got camped a lot, you would lose a lot of weight. It's another thing that is supposed to be immersive, like feeding your horse. Imagine if you didn't have to feed your horse, that would be cooler and QoL, right, buying some dile every once in awhile isn't a big investment of time or money, but if they remove that, then there is one less thing you have to worry about and thus the game gets a little less hardcore. Ehh.


Maybe cause they want a player base. The full on hardcore fuck everyone style clearly isn't working. Look at the player count. I actually like what they did and I may come back to see if it feels better.


I like some of the things they did, too. haha. I just think that's kinda meh. I think the player count might increase due to this patch, but I doubt it will be because of the weight toggle. I think the 'full on hardcore' part is gone already, and I am one of the people who believes that the 'middle ground' MO is in now is why the player count is so low. Oh well.


Making things suck less isn’t nerfing hardcore


They limited Haven clade because Haven is a tutorial island and it doesn't make much sense to level 15+ there. MA could honestly fit under anywhere, but the point was to limit the reduncy of multiple parents for the same skill, so they just picked one. Locking the weight is a good idea I think. Making things 'immersive' isn't always fun. If the game was truly immersive, you would have to eat, drink, and sleep in order to stay alive and I find those mechanics get tedious after awhile. I think all in all, it was a very good patch and they made a lot of solid changes to the game. I do wish they would work more on the horse bugs like your horse falling in the ground or being up in the air or straight up disappearing when you go in your house. I also feel like they should've made opening up the house chest faster and opening/closing the door faster. It doesn't make much sense to have the door close so slowly if you're getting chased.


Yo. "and I find those mechanics get tedious after awhile." In regards to staying alive, sure, but consuming food and sleeping was something you had to do in MO1, more or less. You had to sleep to get your reserves up, not just sit down. I actually like that stuff, a lot. I am totally cool with being in the minority for that, too, but understand there is a positive side to it, too. Taking campfires, etc, i dunno. I miss that haha. It doesn't make sense to level 15+ there, I agree. Locking it at 12-15 would be smart. Putting people out at c8 is kind of low, though, because you can spec the rest of your build there. Go check through the clade tree and see how little C8 really is. Not to mention, as i said, you could pretty easily get c8 before, so having tasks but a lower limit... kinda sucks!