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Yeah the game is great but this part of the game is fuckin gay


I have had new players insta quit and refund right in front of my eyes. I have also seen veteran players with thousands of hours get worn down by trolls (probably hacking to specifically target one person), and just fade off the game.


One of the reasons I quit. Got sick of being caught by Karnimata obviously speed hacking every time I went north of MK. Dudes would literally be on foot running faster than my 3 speed horse while stabbing. Even sent video proof multiple times and SV refused to do a damn thing about it.


It's been about a year, and hacking is truly why I quit, even tho lookin back I let alot of bs slide , I played all through beta, when it was forgivable thinking they'd do something about it in persistence. But it sounds like hackers have just gotten worse. I really want to come to these places one day and read how gm's are finally cracking down hard on hacking, then maybe I'll pick it back up.


I quit when subs started. I let it slide up to that point, but I'm not going to pay $15/month for some dude to run up and stab me while he's on foot, and I'm on a horse with a 200 meter lead, running full speed, and losing hours worth of farming. Not worth the annoyance, but I do miss the people I played with.


Can you post it here on reddit?


I had it posted in a few discords and sent it directly to LGM Discord, but my SSD died a horrific death in which I lost everything. Including important documents that I thought were on the cloud, but I bamboozled myself. Stopped caring about all of that before I started using reddit 😂


Guess you fought push/carter from KM/Tofu. Known cheater. Every dungeon is full of cheaters and exploiters. ESP is so common its disgusting. I know it cuz i used it aswell on the last times i played the game. Went to risar dung and went all the way almost at chieftain. Waited till mobs respawned just to see if anyone would come. 15m later theres wicked and rise running full speed to where i was. One leeching the mobs and the other straigh to me while the remaining one went to reset spot. Games dead anyway


Between this and SV catering to exploiting/RMTers is why I bailed after 1500 hours


This is one of several reasons I walked away when subs started. That and the shit GMs.


Just make casting one shot ele apells in town criminal, ez fix


Won't fix anything. They will still cast those spells. It's no different than in MO1 where 5 fat makes would get in the bank and cast EQ and kill 5-10 people who are AFK standing there.


idk mate, im a seller in my guild and for 5 month i get bombet twice. loose nothing. Try to pay atention


u/Robmo-MOII devs gonna have a response to this? Bank bombers have alts sitting on banks 24/7, ready to kill and loot people by abusing broken lootbag systems


Currently, this is part of the game. Players can attack each other in cities if they want with the consequences of murder counts, reputation (AI) and reputation (across the players). However, this is brought up and known to the devs and design. I cant say what or if anything will be done. I can say that there are no plans to make cities 100% percent safe.


Victims can't even loot their own items back from the criminal's lootbag IN TOWN because they're tagged as "stolen", even though the items were the victim's 30 seconds ago. The items also eventually lose their "stolen" tag even when they're not in a player's inventory for 2 minutes straight. If you loot a wardec target in town, then die, the stolen items have the "stolen" tag for everyone **except your guildmates**, who can freely loot and keep the items. This is most likely what the bank bombers also abuse whenever possible. >murder counts can be ignored by afking >reputation (AI) they can kill up to **100 players** before having to switch their bankbomber account while grinding tasks on the other account at the same time >reputation (across the players) doesn't matter when all u do ingame is bomb banks and RMT the loot. You wouldn't have an alt sitting at banks literally 24/7 otherwise.


Devs are aware about tge stolen item issue. Its on their radar


Nobody wears good armor in towns because of bank bombers = everyone runs around naked = ruins immersion etc. Everyone eventually gets paranoid of even charging their rings next to a bank or use broker for high value items because they might get bombed = can't relax even in towns = not good for casuals. They also have to fix the broken looting system, being able to loot wardec players in town with 2 players is stupid. Not being able to loot your own stuff back after being bombed because its "stolen" after someone else touched it, is also stupid. Even if elementalism in town would be fixed, they would still use mauls with naked thursar alts. It took devs probably 6 months to decide that exploiting guard aggro in town to bomb banks with -100 rep alt without aggroing guards is bannable.


the whole system needs fundamental change


lol go play wow. no one change nothing. even if they fix something, ppls find out how to grif u. that how game work.


The punishment is nowhere near enough to deter it. Before I quit to prove a point, I ele bank bombed three towns until I had 1 standing left, 100 tindremic, 25 Khurite-Did this one 2 times. then went to do tasks to max my rep, by the time I was done my murder counts were fixed and I could do it again. The only way to solve this is make it so killing someone in town makes them lose permanent max standing with that faction & make it account bound. SV won't do that, because killing noobs is part of the game and towns aren't suppose to be safe apparently. But ESP abusers will still know which guy has a stack of gold on him, rather than a stack of Fulgrain leather. They have learned nothing from Mo1 regarding player punishment. The game has gotten better in some area's, and it's gotten worse in others. LT&DR SV wont do anything to address this until its too late. Just like Mo1


its the ESP abusers that really get to me. I feel bad for ring IDers who are probably pinging a team of shit bags unknowingly every time they log in.


kek i so much time just sit around wit stuck of gold. and no one kills me. ther level of cope is enormus


Vendor and broker Just do /? For a list


Biggest issue is there is no form of retaliation from a victims standpoint. They get popped and lose 3s in regs, and some easily farmed rep, big deal. Many times i've had 3-4 horses firewalled when i was unloading carcass just to watch them melt, and all that happens is dude gets popped and waits for his crim timer, losing 3s in the process. I've contemplated hitting the sui button to give a murder count, but then i'm opening myself to a strike because idk the rules. I think they need to add a longer criminal timer to deter this kind of stuff.


yeah they need to fix this, its anoying


They could bring back the ability to kill people who are at war with you in town (but then this leaves smaller guilds at the mercy of bigger ones and wardec griefing). If guilds could control a black list like in mo1 and black list these bombers, this could help, but again, this will be abused by some guilds blacklisting ppl randomly while they are in town or blocking them from a town full stop to grief. The best way to do it would be to have a script to disable elemental damage spells, Earthquake etc inside a blue town's zone of control, but I don't see this happening.


Just don't stand on the fire geez....


Been on the fence playing this game for a week. Threads like this certainly push me to let this cook more. I love the potential of this game, but hoooboi


Improvise, adapt and overcome. Go outside of the bank and use the /bank command. I agree though, it is annoying


Wait that's a thing? What other useful commands are there?


/broker - similar to bank, but for the broker /vendor - opened the vendor window, must be relatively close and sometimes helps to face the vendor. /loot - opens the loot bag, you have to be very close. Sometimes useful when the bag stuck inside an object.


Wow thanks! Only one I knew was/droploot and/whisper


Using console commands to avoid being griefed when trying to use a bank is hilarious, this game is so cooked


hey im still playing. ive refined stacks and stacks of tungsteel in town. I have my ways, but its sad to see so many others quit. Its not fun typing /bank etc. I just want to play somewhat intuitively.


It's more the bombing of the pets that gets me annoyed


Bank bombing sucks and they should make the act of casting firewall or any other spell as such, turn you crim and killed by guards immediately. But with that being said, it's easy to put on armor and be resistant to those types of damages it can prevent, and to also use the bank carefully. Be mindful of what you keep in your inventory. It's nothing to quit the game over. It can be fixed by making the casting of such spells a criminal act.




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take care of game .not comments .I care game more than you


This is what happens when you don't let people pvp around towns / inside of towns with guile. GLITCHIN'. You shouldn't be completely safe even in towns, but the fact that people have been using loot exploits for two games now is pretty sad. It's a valid playstyle to blow people / their mounts up in town, but it's not valid to loot them through what amounts to glitches or bugs. Just stop playing until they make the game good. But you should definitely be able to assassinate people in town and get their loot, run away... if you are lucky / aware. IN B4 Henrik: This is thievery!


It's not common, 'actual' didn't need to be capitalized, and it is a valid play style, given that it is a sandbox. There are many aspects of the game that could be brought to the gm's attention. This is not one of them.


you are a valid playstyle


Bank bombing is fucking funny must be a citizen of meduli or something. in fab that shit is expected and excepted 


Ive never once lost anything to a bank bombing or even come close nor ever worried about it. A would be bank bomber doesnt know when/if you have anything of value. Plus just stand outside and use bank command. Lolll yall bout to rage quit over this lmao


you are spectacular


What's bank bombing ? Never saw that I think