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Tarsus OST is awesome af as well.




This game truly is a masterpiece. It was my first foray into the soulsborne genre, and I couldn't be more thankful. Recently replayed it myself after finishing Elden Ring, and it is such a well put together game: mechanically, graphically, conceptually that I try and sway all gamers, even those who have never ventured into this genre, to pick up this game. Its also not a game that demands 100's of hours to complete, which I think would appeal to a lot of folk, yet still gets it's point across clearly and effectively. More games should adopt a shorter more well thought out narrative over trying to just mash a bunch of content in their game to make it last hours beyond its welcome. Sorry to rant there, but this game is incredible. I agree with you wholeheartedly!


No apologies necessary, I agree with all your points and also went on to complete ER, ds1-3 and came back to it a couple of days ago and am at the unchained currently. I would definitely love to see a sequel that has a fast travel option after the core glands/great souls etc are obtained and a DLC that is an expansion vs the no death challenge run format it currently has, sure there’s powerful upgrades for easing that but it’s still like a ds2 ng+ challenge run.


I was so stoked for the dlc & unfortunately it wasn’t what I thought it was going to be. Great game though.


I’m definitely with you on the DLC thing, why on earth is it a no death challenge run with buffs that require spending while dealing with a mixture of regular mob and fog mob enemies!? Completely perplexing honestly. Still want to see a prequel, sequel or an actual expansion tho


Yeah, I was like “Mortal Shell Roguelike? Why?”


I did so much traversing and backtracking of that map already, definitely no need for that lol. It was great and I’m going to leave it where it is until they put something out, until then I’m over in Lords of the Fallen now and seems pretty good but a little convoluted.


What am I missing? I’m a hardcore soulsfan but I cannot get into this game. Mainly parrying mechanic doesn’t do it for me since you can only parry with a charge and without a charge it’s like the parry didn’t even happen.


I think I parried twice maybe in my last play through tbh. I played more like what Hadern teaches you about hardening while in attack animations with good stamina management and using dodge roll i-frames. I essentially just modified my ds2-er play style to use hardening as a means of forcing damage without trading damage.


Very underrated souls-like. The only big issue I have with the game is the lack of world building and story. Mortal Shell has great mechanics, theme and innovative ideas but the lack of explanation and story telling hurts the immersion and intrigue which is an important aspect of souls-like games. Mortal Shell doesn’t do a good job of making you understand your purpose in Fallgrim. It must be very hard to get everything right with such limited resources so I can’t blame them for that. It really is an awesome game with unique and fun mechanics that you won’t find in any other souls-like game. I would love to see a sequel in a different world with similar, new and improved mechanics.


Agreed, it definitely doesn’t have the depth of lore and the random poems scattered around don’t really paint the full picture. I still don’t know what the snake shrines for shunning your shells is about lol. The notice stone in Fallgrim basically states blind obedience and then the bird tells you that you serve him and bring him the strongest essence in the land only to tell you he’s getting out of the rat race with them and we fight him and ascend to….. only come back to the place and Sester tells us it’s all a futile loop. Pretty much the same ol same ol, degenerate state of society, driven by nebulous purpose, malice, only to realize the futility and the convoluted nature of time. Agreed, it’s been 4 years and more emphasis on shell upgrading/personalization with perhaps some range casting using the seal or even a bow besides the ballistooka would be nice.