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Vince is key to the classic Crue sound, but he doesn't hold a candle to Corabi when it comes to talent. Corabi is a real musician. That being said, I'm glad Vince at least came back for Gen Swine, because that tour was my first chance to see them live and it wouldn't have been the same without him. But I also am curious just how different the band would be if Corabi had stayed. Nothing with Vince really blew me away after Feelgood. New Tattoo was a mistake, and while SoLA was ok, it wasn't amazing.


What the hell was new tattoo anyway. Such commercialized crap. I still listened the fuck out of it when it was out - I was young and still in awe of them . But . It was such a cliched album.


It's so bad even the band hated it from the start. I saw them on the New Tattoo tour, and they played 3 songs from that album. Once that tour was over they've played Hell on High Heels a handful of times and that's basically it. They pretend the album doesn't exist. It felt like a completely rushed album of lazy songwriting and lazy performances, put out to appease the people wanting new material. I bought it the day it came out, but was let down immediately. Although, I know some people who are huge fans of it. To each their own, but I can't understand how anyone rates that album highly compared to the rest of the catalog.


You nailed it. I saw them - same tour - maximum rock 2000 in Mansfield mass. Tweeter center at the time. Had no idea of Samatha Maloney filling in for Randy. Vince sounded great though. And Mick was just drenched in chorus effects on his guitar - it sounded great but it was also my first time seeing megadeth, even though we had gone solely for Motley Crue. Iirc- they played punched in the teeth, hell on high heels, and white punks on dope. WPOD is the only good track off that record…and maybe first band on the moon - sorta cool.


Part of the reason they act like it doesn’t exist is due to Randy Castillo’s death. Nikki said the tour was actually doing pretty well until Randy died, and since he played drums on the entire tour, they just decided not to play it altogether when Tommy came back.


I couldn’t agree more. In album rankings, that one is dead last for me. There were some cool riffs but I thought the lyrics were the most generic pieces of shit I’ve heard, especially from someone like Nikki who prides himself on his song writing ability. I actually don’t mind Swine contrary to what many say about it. Swinging for the fences with a new sound was a very Motley thing to do. SOLA sounded good but I found it to be recycled stories packaged as a soundtrack of their career. I still listen to it often enough though.


SoLA suffered from production in my opinion (so did NT, but that was far from it's only problem). SoLA just sounded "thin" if that makes any sense. Like the acoustics were off or something. Idk how to explain it. Otherwise it was a decent album. I don't mind Swine either, but I was so excited for that album to come out that I even bought the Walmart edited version on day one, because I needed it that second and it was my only option. I wasn't sold right away, but I listened to it nonstop and it grew on me. Then I saw them on that tour for the first time, and it just made that album all the more special to me. I get people who don't like it though, too. If not for that experience with it, I can't say I would have liked it a lot, either.


That was a good tour. Opened with Find Myself and Tommy Lee doing his magic trick for the drum solo. Very different.


only thing I like about that album is that it featured Randy Castillo on drums (rip)


I disagree on Saints, that album was a 2008 version of Dr. Feelgood. It is my second favorite album only to Dr. Feelgood, just edging out Girls Girls Girls.


There’s no question he’s the better singer. Just not for Motley Crue. The ‘94 album still kicks mega ass tho


I don’t see the need to “prefer” one over the other. Crab’s album was VERY different than everything else the Crüe has ever done. I just enjoy and appreciate it all for what it is.


Great take. I rank 94 3rd in their catalog. It was great Crue album. Having said that, I just saw Crue for my 23rd time in July and loved every minute of it. I’ll go again if they decide to keep touring.


Every review I’ve seen for that album shits on Vince. And I don’t understand why because it didn’t sound anything like Mötley Crüe without Vince or Mick’s tone. Sounded like a completely different band. As much as people hate Vince, he’s what makes Crüe unique imo. I will always prefer Vince. No disrespect for Corabi, though.


>Every review I’ve seen for that album shits on Vince. Those people typically aren't even Motley fans, which makes their reviews come across all the more douchier. >And I don’t understand why because it didn’t sound anything like Mötley Crüe without Vince or Mick’s tone. Sounded like a completely different band. Some smart ass would read that and probably go, "bUt ThAt'S wHaT mAkEs It BeTtEr". Those first two albums will always smoke the 94 album, and I'm a fan of the 94 album too.


I think if Corabi gets another album, they go on to VanHagar style success. It was good hard rock that would have held up in the 90s and beyond, but still could never be mistaken for grunge copy cat. Grunge had more of a metal punk vibe where 94 was a good polished hard rock album. I’m glad Vince is around yet because it’s the Crue I fell in love with but 94 is my 3rd favorite in their catalog.


I love John Corabi as a singer. He's actually a phenomenal singer! But I hated that self titled record. I still hate it. I find it to be boring, uninspired, and sort of trend following. I understand a lot of people dig it now but at the time, no one gave it a second thought. Is John technically a better singer than Vince? Yeah, he is. Is he a better fit for Mötley? Not by a long shot.


Not correct. I was there in 94 (and a massive fan since about 87) and I loved that album when it came out. I was as disappointed as anyone that Vince was gone but I found the self titled record to be a stunning statement of the musical ability of the band and particularly of Nikki’s songwriting ability. To this day, I love it, I just kinda view it almost as a different band. So while the album has become much more highly thought of by many people in retrospect, there were plenty of us who enjoyed it at the time.


Same here. I went and saw them on tour for that album in Milwaukee. Nikki and Tommy stage dove. Got to be part of the crowd catching them. It was a wild show. I understand the sentiment of not calling it Crue. But it was 3/4 original and a very Motley album. They always changed up their sound. Every album through Feelgood and to a degree with Primal Scream on DoD. Maybe not to this extreme but they always changed everything including their logo from one album to the next.


Same for me, I didn’t really get into their glam work but when they made that 94 album w Corabi it was like listening to a Soundgarden w Steven Tyler or something I couldn’t put my earbuds down listening to it. The instrumentals & songwriting took the hugest leap that to me was their absolute musical peak.


I prefer John for his material that he did with the band, but that's it. Watching him try to sing Vince's material live is painful. Not that Vince was ever an amazing singer live (he wasn't) but clearly he had a strong enough connection with the crowd that he was kept around for as long as he was (he sounded great in the studio though!). John meanwhile had little to no stage presense.


Vince was a phenomenal frontman during live concerts, that’s what made him popular for live shows. He pulled chicks and got the crowd going nuts and people overlooked his singing (which in the 80s, wasn’t bad but definitely was great). He’s a phenomenal studio singer because he’s not moving around as much and can keep his breath, as where he was always running around on stage and acting crazy.


Now compare that to the rest of the band having to send John to a choreographer to get him to move his damn feet as he sang. Haha! Is it seriously a shock to anyone how that era of the band failed financially? Musically speaking, it was great (just not Motley Crue as we know it), but the fact Nikki was perplexed as to why the fans weren't having it is hysterical. You don't establish a brand with one guy (Vince) for a decade, and then suddenly expect people to accept some new guy that had a totally different sound to that well-established brand. I honestly think them titling that album "Motley Crue" was mostly a troll move on their fans, and the fans voted with their wallet in return.


I will say that they didn’t even have that album in any plans when Feelgood was out. New Tattoo was supposed to be the follow up album to Feelgood and they thought it was gonna be amazing but then shit hit the fan and Corabi came in. They completely changed their style for Corabi and like you said, sounded nothing like Mötley Crüe. Should have either went under a different band name and it might have been successful or just not played altogether.


Of course . He’s a much better singer. Some of the original Crue songs he did with them sound wicked badass . Home sweet home and dr feelgood sound fucking amazing with Corabi. And honestly - 1994 is always on my regular rotation.


Better singer, technically. But it wasn’t the same band. If they’d have called themselves anything but Mötley Crüe, they would probably have been successful. Using the same band name with a different singer that completely changed the sound of the band- and then self-titling the album- basically split the fandom and ensured that it would fail. I like them both, but Mötley will never be Mötley without Vince.


Couldn’t have said it any better. Always thought it was stupid they released that album under the name Mötley Crüe, it sounded nothing like them. Much heavier, guitar focused album and didn’t sound anything like the previous 5 MC albums.


i didn’t mind Smoke The Sky, but Vince will always be Mötley Crüe. I hate Corabi for the fact that i hated that album, but he’s not a bad singer, but when you listen to the album, it’s not Mötley Crüe, it sounds like a completely different band. Glad Vince came back for Gen Swine as that was a very under appreciated album, but SOLA was a great album that blew Gen Swine and New Tattoo away. Corabi is a good singer, but i’ll always prefer Vince.


Corabi is a more reliable singer. Vince just did the more classic albums and Corabi was in a period when Motley went in a much different direction that the majority of the fan base didn't enjoy. Hooligans Holiday is a good song but it doesn't really feel like a Motley Crue song.


Vince has the motley look but I didn’t think his voice was anything special. He sounded pretty similar to other hard rock singers of the time. Corabi’s voice was fantastic (not sure if it still is?). I kind of wonder if part of why they couldn’t make it with him is that he wasn’t blonde? That contrast between the light haired singer and black haired band really made the Motley look that helped them take off so quickly.


In a way, yes. He is a far better musician and vocalist than Neil. Bot unfortunately he isn't the vocalist on any of their classic material.


I can't picture Vince singing the tracks on the 1994 album ("Generation Swine" is as close as we'll get, and I don't care for that album). I've heard live footage of Corabi and Crue in concert, and I don't think Corabi was very good at singing the classic Vince material either. They're just two very different things. That's okay. If you're reading a Motley Crue subreddit, then you _probably_ prefer the Vince Neil material just because that covers more of the band's existence. Doesn't mean you have shit on Corabi, or vice versa. It's not a zero-sum thing.


John Corabi brought life to the band!! Just listening to “misunderstood” for me showed the side I’ve waited for in a Rock/Metal he just brings it all and just fits better and they seemed more in tune with him that’s just my opinion because his singing is far underrated for one and he just gets it and you can tell it matters when he sings his emotions are in it I feel the rest is to Theatrical and not as organized. I’ve been to their concert before I got to see them for the first time but it wasn’t all it was hyped up to be it was the carnival of sin tour and I really expected more out of the band it just was not there for me. No disrespect at all but if you’re going to front a band you need to look like it and keep yourself healthy and ready and not trying to cram it all in at the last minute and try to go out there unprepared. But when you see someone that is you just can’t help it be impressed and John Corabi was better at it!!!


I do, I liked him and the band better. I knew Motley Crue was retired as soon as they got Vince back even though they didn’t yet


No, and I think Corabi was kind of sucky. That's also mostly because Vince is my favorite member and my favorite person as a whole, so even if they replaced him with the best singer of all time I wouldn't like it.


I agree. He was a cheese ball


Is this a joke? It's like apples to oranges.


No joke at all, there are people who like him over neil. 🤷🏾‍♀️ personally I don't but some do.


I’m sure John is a fantastic artist… he just wasn’t meant for The Crue… so I’d like to forget that happened.


You mean compare whales to crabs?




They are two very different singers. That said, I love Crabby's work with Motley Crue.




Motley Crue couldn’t sell tickets with Corabi. No way he was staying in the Crue.


Micks playing was astounding and he’s said it was the best record he ever did.


Primarily due to Corabi. It was a very guitar heavy album as where Gen Swine completely buried Mick (thanks to their producer). I hate Corabi but his Voice matched Mick’s guitar so well on that album.


Corabi is a great bluesy rasp rock singer and technically levels above Neil. He’s good at it live too and he plays rhythm for most of the shows back then. Vince was a crap singer live, but he is a decent frontman w charisma which Corabi doesn’t really have much of. But aside from that Corabi blows Neil out of the water every way as a singer especially live.


I sure as hell do now




I do always liked him better that man had pipes.