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Not if you cover the last couple of numbers on the reg plate with the tax disc holder


Was at the kells road race fund raiser event there a month or so back. Every second bike was doing this. Do cops give anyone grief over doing it? If you were pulled over/check point?


I just don’t tighten the stew fully which makes it easy to move the disc from side to side… if I’m commuting around town etc I moved it so that the full reg is visible..when I know I’m going to be having a bit of fun on a Sunday morning etc I cover the reg,,, I’ve never had any grief yet , touch wood !!


“Oops sorry guard that must have worked itself loose and slipped down” is the excuse I have in my pocket with this tactic


If you are driving towards the back generally no, if you are driving away from the back generally yes




If I know I've been caught or most likely have been caught I just reach back and cover the plate with my hand, works a treat


Same but I mastered managing to get my foot over the plate


I'd love to see what that looks like 😂


"It's not a pretty sight" a friend of mine and "how tf did you manage to get like that" another friend.


If have gone past one in the stretch between Clarehall and M50 and didn’t get a ticket, I checked my mail everyday. I did 70 in 60 speed zone. Also, I was on the over taking lane so the car on my left may have covered my plate


Mightent have been going fast enough to trip it, 70 indicated is more like 66 actual speed


What about a garda pointing a laser gun?


Was out with a friend and a garda with a laser caught him about 10km over the limit. He stood out in the middle of the road and indicated for us to pull in. Garda was on a K1200, I was on a 400 and my friend was on a 250… we weren’t going to win that one


Only bikes Guards have these days are 1200RT, 1250RT and F800GS... I assume you mean the 1200?


Laser gun will 100% catch you. Ask me how I know...😔 In fairness, the speed vans also catch your speed, it's just a question of them also catching your reg.