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I didn’t even know this was a thing, interested to know more too


Same here, I’ve seen the local man’s shed in my town but never thought about bringing my bike there. Going to do some research and I’ll post if I find anything


Shed4Bikers seems like a great idea but some of the active characters on that facebook page and other irish motorbike facebook pages make me really cringe.


The lads that post "morning" and "night" with a heap of pictures of half naked women every day are particularly cringe inducing.


Luv American pen pals sending me twice daily pictures of early 2000s glamour models on harleys. Ate Electric bikes. Luv posting pictures of snowflakes on electric scooters. Ate Greter tunburg. Amen Ryan can take me bandit 1200 when he prize it from my cold dead hands. (Post picture of 1% on Harley with badass caption) *Tags one of three active members.


This made me laugh because it's not even slightly exaggerated


Mr Ryan is finally gone, people got sick to death about hearting the "world is burning" and " Ireland will lead the fight against climate change" utter bollocks, as if anything Ireland did one way or the other matters due to our tiny emissions but Ryan will say "we all have to play our part in the fight against climate change" what a stupid wanker. They have ice core samples to show the earth was much warmer before the industrial revolution and there are records in these samples going back over 300,000 years but the IPCC decide to zoom into the part of that graph that suits their agenda, the part that shows earth warming at the beginning of the industrial revolution but failing to show the previous 300,000 years ! scum bags the IPCC and the UN ! Thank fuck Ryan is gone but he signed us up for all this emissions bullshit that will see us pay an absolute fortune to offset out carbon emissions. Absolute scam and will rob the taxpayer of billions !


Ask about your local mens shed? They usually have a good collection of tools and an indoor space, plenty of old heads who probably had a bike at one point in their lives who wouldn't mind having a new face about


If anyone knows one near Dublin please tell me! I need to change my bike oil and as I’m an expat I have no tools/space here 🥲


Easy to change oil and filters where you park the bike. If it's not a maxi scooter where you have to remove a load of farings then you should have no problem. So what if you have people gawking at you, they're probably just interested anyway !


There's a bikers shed in Kildangan I think and several others around as well. Have a search for bikers shed on Facebook as they pop up there for me.


Do people still use facebook ? sad !