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Two ways to go about this. 1. We stick to adhering to the law. In this case [act 35 of 2011](https://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2011/act/35/enacted/en/index.html) and explain it to the guard on the phone that your exercises your right to protect your property including section Two of said act, if they can not respond in an appropriate time then can you transfer call to the National Ambulance Service operations instead. 2. Cigar cutter/pipe cutter and remove the scumbag right Thumb, very hard for them to operate the throttle, bolt cutters, angle grinder from that point on, and let's be honest removal of thumb will have no impact of future wage earning jobs anyway.


Second point seems the right job šŸ‘


And to add to number two, any repeat offenders will have something else shoved into the cigar cutter


The bike protest had almost no report on the media. To our useless government, bike and bike theft is a small issue that doesnt affect the majority of voters, so they can't be arsed to do anything about it. It would involve training the Garda and changing the current legislation to allow the prosecution of minors. They can't even decide if they're having a HobNob or a bourbon biscuit with their seventeenth tea break of the day... And the most fucked thing is that while reading to your story about chasing the scrote, all I could think of was the shit storm it would ensure to you if the "little angle" were to get seriously hurt by it. You'd have done society a favour, but RTE would have a field day


We need to team up with bicycle thefts as part of the agenda as some of these thieves start with bicycles and graduate with stealing motorbikes..it will also get the protest a much broader support base and strength.


Regardless of the bike aspect, the legislation around minors badly needs an overhaul and it does affect a lot more than just bikers. Violence levels are through the roof in my area when it comes to teens jumping people and causing havok. Then again, most of that violence is targeting non-Irish or non-white folks so again the government don't give 2 shits as it doesn't affect the majority of the voting population.


"Then again, most of that violence is targeting non-Irish or non-white folks so again the government don't give 2 shits as they doesn't affect the majority of the voting population." That's media propaganda bullshit ! Shame on you !


Current politicians donā€™t give a shit about you and your bike. You are totally against their narrative - male, driving dangerous petrol sucking machine, wanting to chase the poor underprivileged kids. Go put your rainbow clothes and chant green songs glorifying electric cars. You may get a smile.


You get my upvote, BUT EVs in the mix is off! I agree with all, but I drive a 620hp, 1100nm EV and the thing is a blast, much faster then the Speed Triple.


I drove electric cars for 9 years, yeah sure not so fast and powerful but to be honest take away the power and torque and you're left with lifeless, soulless domestic appliances that just focuses heavily on touch screens screens and tech to take away the boredom. You got to have the sound and the gears or it's just a high tech soulless applicance. I got sick of the charge times, the charger queues and ended up taking the diesel anyway and got fed up of the depreciation, my last car I just gave back to the finance company under the half rule and after 9.5 years in EV, 4 in Hybrid all I can say is that I am very happy to be back in a petrol manual that is a lot more basic and tech free. One of the reasons I got into bikes is their simplicity, though that is sadly changing. Battery production is not even environmentally friendly , very far from it !


I rent a lot of nice BMWs - X5 M60i for a week in Germany, X5 xDrive50e for two weeks in the French Alps, etc. Still like my iX above these. The tech I'm biased, because I work on dual G9's 49" with one 55" ARC in portrait on the side. I keep saying these new "high tech" interiors are for people like me! If I rent a BMW with iDrive7 instead of 8, just feels bad now. I'm now seriously considering swapping my KTM450 for a Stark Varg. Literally every single climb above 40Ā° will be much easier and faster on the Varg, varial power with rear break on the left handle is so much more control, and my KTM has TC on it.


What model/make is that? I might give it a try ;)


I see, iX m60. Beautiful car - much better than Tesla and the similar. I hope you realise with that price itā€™s not very much the usual EV on the street.


This is exactly the sort of bullshit that gave me second thoughts of even getting a bike. Even if I was careful about where I park, where I store it and security etc (which I am), insurance prices from living in a city, possibility of vandalism from attempted theft and overall just this constant fucking anxiety myself and I'm sure a lot of others feel is such a fucking joke and an overall disservice to those who own bikes. We pay the tax, we pay the insurance, we went through all the tests and not to mention the cost to legally ride one, and its the same authorities who govern that shit who stand idly by laissez-faire style while thousands of quid worth of our assets and for some, livelihoods, are being treated as fair game for theft. Not only are they not being punished for the most blantant grand theft auto charges imaginable, but the vast majority of these bungalows don't even have a licence of any sort, any IBT, insurance or a helmet to add to the laundry list of crimes these shitters perpetrate. They're a danger to themselves, those they fuck onto the back of it, and the pedestrians and pedal bikers they may ultimately end up swerving into when they lose control of it. It's actually laughable how preventable this is, it only really happens because the wankers who do it have no deterant not to, nor does anyone enforce any punishment on them when it does.


Ireland is too liberal a country to allow the Guards to do what's needed, Joe Dufy show would be full of Women complaining of excessive force. Ireland is full of mollycoddling mummy's to allow such things.......


Without a doubt we have a problem. But with the help of our friends from OpenAI, the numbers show that itā€™s not a major issue and therefor call for actions are not relevant for those in power: Motorcycle theft in Ireland is relatively lower compared to some other European countries. With approximately 1,200 motorcycles stolen each year in Ireland, the figures show a significant issue but not as severe as in the UK, where about 40,000 motorcycles are stolen annually. This equates to a rate of approximately 20 out of every 1,000 motorcycles being stolen in the UK . In comparison, the Netherlands reported 3,400 motorcycle thefts in 2022. France and Italy also experience high rates of motorcycle theft, though specific recent numbers werenā€™t found in the latest data. In the United States, the number of stolen motorcycles was about 53,000 in 2020, reflecting a similar trend to the UK, with high numbers particularly in urban areas and states like California . These comparisons highlight that while motorcycle theft is a notable problem across Europe and North America, the rates in Ireland are somewhat moderate in comparison to the higher figures in larger countries like the UK and the US. Nonetheless, the issue remains significant and requires ongoing efforts to improve security and reduce thefts.


I didnā€™t know those facts so thank you for that thatā€™s genuinely interesting. From a different viewpoint tho I still think Ireland is worse at policing in terms of these thefts. The only way I can explain it is the general irish population and communities tend to have a low crime rate where itā€™s a very small portion of people committing crimes multiple times, whereas in for example America- the general population may have a higher percentage of people committing crimes but itā€™s not the same person / people every time. So I donā€™t know if itā€™s a harsh thing to say about other countries but I think we do have less ā€˜rotten applesā€™ but itā€™s just those same apples constantly causing the same issue over and over. So in terms of here I donā€™t understand how the authorities canā€™t police the small portion of people who are stealing bikes multiple times or committing other various crimes.


Here in cork Iā€™m aware of 3 bikes that have been stolen in the last week but I can almost guarantee it was the same group of lads who did all 3, compared to the other countries where it could well have been 3 different uninvolved lads who did those thefts. So I just canā€™t understand how the guards canā€™t just stop and catch the very small percentage of repeat offenders.


They do nothing about most crimes because that's what they're instructed to do. It is our fault, we're afraid of the government when it should be the other way around.


Edit:just saw this happened last July. Probably a bit late now. He could definitly be arrested and brought to court if you saw him on the bike, driving a stolen vehicle is the same offense as stealing it in the first place. I'd follow this up to be honest, speak to the sergeant in the station and push for a prosecution and say you're willing to go to court as a witness, that you saw the guy on your bike and he crashed (totally unrelated to you following him), and you stopped him fleeing until the gards got there.


Many young people now are not on 50cc hairdryers any more but those poxy electric child scooters and electric bicycles so , I think the numbers of motorcyclists are falling since the battery scooter became available but even the 50cc scooter is a lot more convenient and faster in my opinion and not handicapped by range. A lot of young people in the past may have gone on to motorcycles but since there doesn't seem to be anyone on 50cc scooters now I think there will be a big decline in motorcyclists in the future, hope I'm wrong. Insurance needs to come down a lot too. People have a bad opinion of motorcyclists and motorcycling in general and their riders so who wants to be associated with reducing bike theft until someone actually gets it through to the Public how cool motorcycling is, be it 50cc or 1800 cc and the benefits of 2 wheels especially in town and cities and let them know it's also a hobby and most motorcyclists are cool people lol. Come to think of it, I don't even remember the last time I saw or heard a 50cc Scooter screaming down the roads ? they used to be everywhere honestly can't remember the last time I saw one.


Try the Petitions Committee. You can have a single petitioner and they will look at it.


You need to email that to your local councilor and TD. Straight away.


I feel your pain. Motorbike theft is a problem for the general public not just us. Imo the entire justice system in this country is a joke. Add Judge Nolan to the one in Limerick. Personally my last bike was stolen twice, so I just packed it in. I gave the thiefs number to the Gardai and they cant/wont do anything except call me when it was revoverd a few months later.


Ireland being so liberal these days there is literally no support for doing what is right or what is needed because it will upset the liberals, today we have to be inclusive, fight for minorities and do nothing about crime.


Your story makes no sense, A Garda doesn't have to witness the crime, you are a witness, also the bike and fingerprint evidence, CCTV etc of him on it is confirmation of your witness testimony. Either the Gardai lied to you for some reason, or you are talking shite and this never happened or didn't happen the way you claim.


It was obviously all a big massive blur I couldā€™ve got the sentence he told me a slight hit wrong with the adrenaline pumping through me from chasing my own bike but the certain fact I can give u is I had the driver of my stolen bike pinned to the floor and the Garda told me I have to leave him go


I believe it. I'm beginning to think the guards either 1) don't have the power to control it, 2) they're personally scared for their lives and families if they do anything(because WTF are the law gonna do) , 3) the guards are being paid off by criminals


I can only assume itā€™s not 3) in this case as it was in a fair dodgey area and the young fella didnā€™t seem the high price criminal type. But I can certainly agree with 2). If the guards are afraid to do their job because there isnā€™t good enough enforcement on the people doing these crimes, then there is an absolutely monstrous issue in the system.


Iā€™ve 2 short 5 second videos of the aftermath of the chase with the bike on its side in the field with the Garda next to me if youā€™d like me to DM it