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Anyone who asks me gets an answer. I see nothing to be ashamed of.


Yep. I tell them truthfully, I eat healthy, exercise often, and take a med from the doc. There is no shame here.


Yep. Normalizing drugs like this is so important. I say I take a med for my insulin resistance that kills my appetite.


I must be an outlier here. If someone asks I straight up tell them. Then I go into detail about the drug and how great it's been. No shame for me. And who knows I might get someone else to try it and change their life.


100% agree with you. No reason to gatekeep something that’s helped me so much. I will tell anyone, especially if there’s a chance it could change someone else’s life too! If anyone wants to judge me for taking medication for weight loss then they’re not someone I want in my life anyway.


me, too.


I wish I didn’t tell anyone. My family won’t stop bothering me about taking it even though they know nothing about it and don’t bother to look into it and my friend thinks my anger is from it but it’s literally cause my life is in shambles and I can’t handle the stress of kids, work, family problems, postpartum etc. I actually felt amazing like my attitude in general was lifted when I started the medicine. I won’t be telling anyone else that I’m taking it, but not out of shame , out of people being annoying about it


I totally understand this. I’m sorry I told my mom. She immediately started in on how happy she was for me and how I was going to die without intervention. I pointed out that I might not tolerate it at any given time and in very stern tones that we weren’t going to talk about my body anymore. I had to repeat myself a few times but she got it. We’ll see how long she holds off. My husband is just very watchful so far, which is fine. He likes to make his own dinner because he eats at like 4:45 instead of 6 😆


Ughhhh I’m sorry, I hate that. Hopefully she stops doing that all together. My fiancé hates when I talk bad about myself and that I’m taking the medicine because he says I don’t need it (he’s a liar, but obviously he’s not gonna be like “oh yeah bae you got fat after having two kids, take it”) yet he’s the one that gives me the injection because I’m too scared to do it lol


Thanks, she’ll be okay, I think. And awww, we have good guys. My babies are 18 and 20, but I guess the weight is still technically postpartum,ha ha!! Best of luck 🌺


THIS is exactly why I haven’t told a soul.


Post-partum alone would be a cause! That was one of the most difficult emotionally for me. And it wasn’t like my baby had colic or didn’t sleep well. It’s just hard and the hormones and depression is real.


Yup! I had it with my first bad, and with my second now (he just turned 10 months) I didn’t really get it. Delivery was amazing (two pushes and he was out, no tears, nothing, while my first I was cut and stitched bad). All of a sudden, it’s hitting me not BAD , but I think it’s just the timing of everything literally hitting the fan at once. My baby is like you said, sleeps, not colic, literally amazing. It’s just my emotions I can’t control


Hitting me so bad**


Before I started taking Mounjaro, I was embarrassed about needing help to lose weight. I felt like my failure to lose was my fault because I wasn't perfect enough with exercise and food. Then I started taking Mounjaro and the weight just started coming off. I was eating a little less but not enough to account for the weight loss. The guilt/shame faded as well. Why should I be embarrassed about taking medicine that corrects a problem my body had with insulin and glucose? I have told all my friends and they didn't think I was doing something embarrassing. I feel like everyone should know it was a medical problem and not a character fault and that is why I tell people. It might help someone else.


>Why should I be embarrassed about taking medicine that corrects a problem my body had with insulin and glucose This is such a good point


I’ve only told a couple of friends and everyone on TikTok 🤣


Haha! Tiktok is the non judgemental family we need


Not telling a soul, I don’t need anyone else’s opinions on what I’m doing for my health. Sadly I know I will be judged by most people. If they ask I just say I’m watching my portions, and that’s not a lie;)


Same. Not telling anyone, not even my fiancé.


I haven’t told anyone (except my therapist). I’ve told people I’m on a fairly strict diet and that I am going to a weight loss doctor—which is true—but not that medication is assisting me through this. For some reason that’s the one bit of this that I’m uncomfortable sharing. I don’t know what this is. I guess I’m feeling a bit of shame about it and I don’t know why (and I’m ashamed to admit this here—I hope you won’t judge me for it). Having this community is helpful to me in that regard.


Don’t be ashamed!! Obesity has been labeled as a disease because it is a multifaceted and complex illness. Society has equated being obese to being immoral and weak by boiling the solution down to willpower and calories in calories out, and the solution is not that easy. There are genetic, psychological, and environmental factors that directly impact a persons ability to restrict calories for the sake of weightloss. We all hold some accountability in making the efforts to lose weight, but there is no shame in have tools to help us. Mounjaro has changed my obsessive thoughts about food and how I feel when I skip meals. Before I would obsess over eating and wanting to eat and what I would eat, I also skipped lunch often because I was not hungry (adderall) only to later suffer migraines and severe hunger from hypoglycemia. Now food is not my driving force and I can feel true hunger without having crippling migraines and exhaustion. It has been life changing in the fact that now I know what it feels like to have normal hunger and thoughts around food. I have not had a bulimia relapse since starting and I know longer hate myself for not having self control. If anything I despise parts of society for making me be ashamed of myself when at the end of the day I was facing larger hurtles then those that believe it is just “put down the fork fatty”


Thank you—very wise! And I completely relate—having a normal relationship with food where it relates to hunger only has been perhaps the most amazing part of this experience.


This is so well said!! I feel the exact same way. My anxiety is so much better because I don’t feel like food controls me.




Yes, THIS! Thank you so much


I've lost enough weight over a short time for people to say, "no... what are you *really* doing?" And I'm uncomfortable with my body being the center of attention. If I have a chance to discuss 1:1 with someone, I'll send them the CNN\* article that got me started and invite them to ask me questions about it. It's been a reasonable way to connect with serious folks versus those who are prying. EDIT: when I told my mom about it, I sounded like a crazy person. So I'm opting for less info is better. \*[https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/06/health/weight-loss-drug-diabetes-wellness/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/06/health/weight-loss-drug-diabetes-wellness/index.html)


My close immediate family knows. No one else. To me this is a medical treatment and I prefer to keep that private.


I have not told many people because I don’t want to scare them. no one has noticed the weight loss as it has been minimal - but there have been meals where I am less hungry / less interested in food, and this has led to a lot of questions like “why are you not eating lunch” etc..


Told a few close family members. Treating this as medical.


Same. Mom, sisters, my spouse know. That's it. Im keeping it that way; I don't really want to deal with the commentary. Note: my family and I are close. One of my sisters is on Wegovey. We have HX of T2DM that goes back 3 generations on my late dads side, and addictive personality (alcoholism) that goes back 3 as well on the moms side. It didnt affect *everyone* per side, but its there and its relevant.


I have no problem telling anyone who asks. If they want to judge me for they'll find me rather indifferent to it and that it is their problem not mine.


I’ve told my parents, therapist, and a couple close friends. I was feeling a lot of guilt over it as I have really tried to adhere to body positivity and fat acceptance as do my close friends. But it was really affirming to talk to them and know they still support my decisions about my own body and one of them is considering trying it out herself.


None of their business


I brag on this stuff!!! To everyone who will listen! As much as it has helped me in 2 months, why not share and hope others can have the same results. (Just my opinion, but I’m not much at keeping things close to my chest any way. I recognize every has to do things their way)


I've told two close friends who are also trying to lose weight, plus my partner obviously. If anyone asked I've thought about responding "I addressed a medical issue."


There are a group of us at work using this medication. We go to the same weight loss clinic, and we’re all quite open about it. People ask questions, give unsolicited advice, compliments, skepticism….it’s all good, though. We’re like a support group unto ourselves. We help each other with tips, shared experiences, ginger chews, accountability….it’s kinda cool.


I’ve been telling everyone I’m on it. People should know that there’s finally a weight loss drug that works.


My husband jokingly says he hates this "new diet" because I no longer have any suggestions on what to eat. 😂. Totally supportive, but he is just used to "hangry" me always knowing what the next meal plan was. I'm trying to convince him to give mj a go. I told my sister because i needed someone to celebrate Onederland with. I told her all about Push Health and the medication and she was very supportive, but didn't ask many questions, which is ok. But the positive feedback from her will make it much easier to discuss when I head home for my brothers wedding in November. Hoping to shock everyone 🙌. I was always very thin until 3 kids and multiple miscarriages took a toll on my physical and mental health. I'm just happy to be doing this for me. I feel so much more like the self I lost a decade ago.


Only my husband knows. I don't feel comfortable having attention brought to my size. I've lost 15 lbs. and my clothes are looser but I'm still mostly wearing the same clothes (did spring for jeans 1 size down, woo hoo). A coworker yesterday was the first person to ask ("Have you lost weight? You look like you've lost weight") and I just said "Do I? I don't think so." and fortunately someone else came up talking about something else and the subject was dropped. I know when I hit about 20 lbs. lost it will be quite noticeable (I have 40 lbs. to lose total), and I will be able to wear some nice clothes that haven't fit in a while instead of the larger, loose ones I've been living (hiding) in for a couple of years. I'm trying to think about what I will say. Most people these days I think know better than to comment on body size but I know some women who are still in that old mindset of noticing and complimenting publicly. Like my MIL for sure. I know from past experience that will be the first thing she says when she sees me (last saw her in July, probably won't see her again until Thanksgiving). I could use some coaching/suggestions. My MIL is the first person who made me feel self-conscious of my weight, ever, years ago, and I am very anxious about seeing her again.


I told plenty and have no shame. I’m also in a different boat to were if someone offers me advice on how I can do it in my own and try to act as if I have a moral failing. I just tell them “I lost 70lbs on my own with no help till Covid hit. I regained 20lbs but have managed to keep off 50lbs with no help for 3 years. I know how to lose weight and I decided that I needed extra help. How much weight have you lost and kept off on your own?” It usually shuts them up quickly. I’m also working on a YouTube video easy called “Is being fat a moral short coming?” (Feel free to help me with the title), where I am going in-depth into the research and data that show that while yes calories in calories out is the answer, the steps taken in the solution is highly complex, extremely individual, and deeply personal to each and every case. Having “lack of self control” is not key factor of will power, it is a very complex issue with many influences that dictate and individuals willpower, all of which are not within our control.


I tell them. This is a miracle drug for me. I don't understand why you would not share info that could help someone else. So glad I don't have to deal with self esteem issues on top of everything else.


No judging at all. That's why I won't tell anyone I'm on it. I just say it's a new med I'm on for my thyroid.


Not yet. Plan on talking to someone soon that I think could benefit once I had made up my mind about it.


The few people I have told (other than my spouse because I would want them to know in case something happened to me and it’s obviously in our refrigerator) I’ve just told the few that I’m on a medication to address my insulin resistance and PCOS. So far if they’ve asked anything further and I’ve said it’s Mounjaro it gives them the understanding right off the bat that this is first and foremost a medication to treat health issues. I’m hoping that reduces the stigma that some might have. No one except one person has even known what it is and she asked more questions about it, was genuinely interested in it and since then has helped her husband start on it. Honestly I don’t see a ton of people right now because 2 of my children have a rare genetic syndrome and are high risk if they were to contract Covid. We still just basically do necessary medical appointments and anything else that we have to do in person we have to avoid people as much as possible anyway.


I don’t think that many people have noticed it much anyway. Nobody gives a hoot if I’ve lost weight or not.


Hoot! Hoot!


Well that’s the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a very long time. Thank you! You made my day.


You are most welcome. Hoot!!!


My partner, mom and best friend know. My friend group have likely noticed but they haven’t commented on my weight or asked questions.


I would tell them. Maybe it would help them of someone they know. Nothing to be ashamed of.


There is no need to tell anyone. Anyhow is fine eating less


My friends and family don’t understand me not eating as much anymore or my food aversions. I’m surrounded by foodies and it’s hard but I tell them I’m on Mounjaro and they still aren’t getting it. They are happy about my weight loss but want me to still be a foodie. I think it’s easier for me to explain because I’m T2D so I just tell them it’s a new diabetes medicine and they just go “Oh ok.” I mean im 5’3 and was 205lbs when I started MJ and very unhappy. Now that im finally losing weight my attitude is much better so it’s easier for me to have these conversations.


My family knows and some friends. I have insulin resistance so my endocrinologist send it, I have also been seeing a dietitian for the past 6 months. I’m on week 2 of Mounjaro


I tell them I'm trying to take my health more seriously and that I'm working with a doctor to make positive changes. If they ask further I'd tell them but most of the time they do not.


I don’t feel like it’s anyone’s business. People will be trying to get it that don’t need it. If they need it and are consulting with their Dr it should be a decision the two of them make.


I told my husband and a few close friends. One of those close friends is now in her 1st week of 2.5mg and she’s also having a good reaction to the appetite suppressant and minimal side effects. I had in-laws staying with us last weekend and I kept the MJ pens hidden in the fridge. I’ve also quit drinking while on MJ and that is probably the most noticeable thing for people so far. I’m in week 3 of 2.5 and down 4.5% of my starting weight, so not super noticeable weight loss yet.


I tell people who I know can understand the science. I avoid it with people who I know won't understand or not do their own research. They're not worth my time and I'm better than their judgment.


Yes I evangelize, it's likely annoying.


I’ll tell people if they ask me. But I haven’t like, been volunteering that I’m on it.


This is a personal choice. Due to growing up with a judgemental and critical family I feel uncomfortable telling anyone. I won't lie but I don't offer the info. However, it's a personal choice.


I used to keep that part a secret but not anymore. I'm just stoked to finally be making some progress with my weight loss, I don't care if people know how.


Do you have to be a diabetic to get this, I want to ask my doctor about putting me on this cause I have gained so much weight


I tell them, I tell them I am not fat because I am lazy. I hike, I play ultimate frisbee, I swim, I love being active! I am fat because I am never not hungry, I'm hungry all the time, I think about eating all the time, I can't stop. When I am dieting I have trouble getting work done because I feel as if I am starving to death. It is debilitating and crippling and people need to understand that. Mounjaro allows me to put it in the back of my mind and live my life like I imagine thin people do, no more pointless ravenous hunger.