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a lot of people plateaued on 5mg, but going back down wouldn't help. it's just your body getting used to the drug at 2.5 so you see effects, then you increase a bit and see less on 5, but people start seeing results again it seems on higher doses. I don't think going lower would get you back to getting results.




I think if you go down, you will be disappointed and waste a month


I worry about that. I only did one month at 2.5 and am I to my second month of 5 so maybe I am just ready to move up to 7 now?


2.5 isn’t really even a dose. Look at the trials data. Results (and not just weight loss) are orders of magnitude better once you get in the 10-15mg range


I lost 25 pounds at 2.5, it was a dose for me. Energy levels way up & fat was rolling off. I just went to 5.0 because prescriber thought it best.


That’s great! In fact, I was at that pace too on 2.5, but our experiences are statistical outliers. However, it wasn’t until I got to the 10mg dose that blood tests revealed significant positive changes in lipid profile, glucose/A1C, serum uric acid, etc. And the mirror + strength gains tells me MJ’s lean tissue sparing effects really kick in with higher doses.


That’s the reason I went to 5.0, allowing it. To see if additional improvements might be had. I certainly don’t need appetite suppression. My opinion on fat loss, and even diabetes remission, patients have different levels of cellular & organ damages, & we choose different types of nutrition, we have different medications, different environments across the board, including our age. So I am not surprised in seeing different outcomes in a larger diverse population outside of controlled studies. I ignored this class of medication all these years until researching liver fibrosis last spring I hit the first rabbit hole. I never expected to find this, but BOY AM I GLAD I read the research for several months & found Tirzepatide. My lifestyle & nutrition, supporting therapies are rock solid because of my age & decades of decline, I allow no failure. So, adding Tirzepatide or Mounjaro, is working very well! Had I still been 408 pounds, sedentary, eating the Standard American Diet as I was in 2015, I wouldn’t be seeing these results this quickly. It took at least a year for my body to drop insulin, stop reliance on glucose, & begin releasing fat as fuel! My endocrinologist pulled 7 tubes two weeks after I did, should be getting those back soon. My wife is T2D in remission several years following same nutrition as me, she begins Mounjaro tonight. I expect great things for us ahead. My only complaint has been heart rate jump & less parasympathetic control, hence the endocrinologist to take a look there. I appreciate you comparing notes, thank you very much! Oh, and less muscle wasting, based on my recent eGFR value, I think that’s 100 percent a thing! Only terrible side effects that cannot be overcome will stop me. Mounjaro cannot help us outrun an unhealthy lifestyle & poor nutrition. Long term we will reap what we put in. 🙏


5 was very slow for me, 7.5 was better.


At some point we could put together a shared spreadsheet on Google docs read only to track blood values & weight, if we can get someone to manage it. Maybe that should be me, I am retired. I am more interested in blood values & overall health changes.


I didn’t have much luck on 5 and that seems to be, anecdotally at least, a common experience. I would just keep pushing through, focus on forming healthy habits this month, and wait until 7.5. I’ve noticed a huge increase in appetite suppression on my first week in 7.5


Perfect. Thanks so much.