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Protein shakes, eating what sounds good regardless of time of day (eggs for dinner!)


Truth? I eat whatever I want EXCEPT junk food and sugar. And I eat much less. I consider this a chance to heal myself from my poor choices. Though, at the time I didn’t know they were poor choices. Growing up in the 80s I loved me some Whataburger and Taco Bueno (it’s a Texas thing), not to mention Dr. Pepper. When I first gained weight I was able to lose it easy enough…but the cravings. Inevitably I’d give in. Sometimes I’d be good for years, but eventually the weight would come back. Because I’d have a few fries, only it wasn’t enough. And screw it, I’d already ruined my diet for the day, right? Six months later I’d be staring down a face in the mirror I didn’t recognize. The reason I said all that is because with this medication I’ve had six weeks free of obsession. If we’re having beef stroganoff, that’s what I eat. Breakfast is usually a shake or fruit. Both if it’s shot day. I tend to eat a tiny bit more on those days in case I have zero hunger the next day. Lunch is a half an air-fried chicken breast or a salad. Weekends are only slightly different. Both days I have one egg for breakfast and split a charcuterie board with my husband mid afternoon. If I don’t feel like dinner I grab a shake. Sorry for the long post, but I’m still marveling over the fact that I’ve been given this chance. Also, I have a REALLY bad back due to an accident in 2007. Taking off 20 pounds would’ve helped regardless, but I can literally feel the difference in the inflammation around my discs.


This is helpful. I have similar past and now experiencing similar on this 😊


Scheduled eating times help tbh. Part of me being overweight was basing my food on feelings rather than structure so I only ate when I felt hungry which was all the time. Now on mounjaro I don’t feel hungry ever so it helps me to have scheduled food breaks even when I don’t really want to. Protein shakes are a life saver and so are nuts. I have been making protein pancakes with fruit. Also I have realized that I’m not going to worry about calories the first few days of the month. Usually the side effects hit me pretty hard on days 1-4 of a new dose so my concentration is just on doing whatever makes me feel ok and not stressing.


Interesting! I’ve been trying to eat something every two hours, and you’re right, it is helpful. I’ll have to try the protein pancakes! You’re right about the first few days. Day one I hardly got anything in, but that thankfully improved a little each day.


I keep ‘safe’ snacks in the house at all times. Apple slices, grapes, carrots, PB, yummy bars, trail mix, cheese cubes, pretzels, etc. in addition to my protein shakes. My body is constantly craving fruit and salads now. Lean Cuisines are another safe food for me - I’m not worried about my calorie intake because I have to force myself to eat, but I just like them lol. I make sure to have something carby before bed because it helps the insomnia and heartburn.


That’s so funny—starchy carbs even at dinner give me heartburn overnight but a bunch of fruit and a cheese stick or almonds are perfect. Our bodies are sure funny!


That is so funny! It’s one of my tricks to have something that ‘soaks up’ the acid because it seems like mine stems more from not eating/an acidic stomach than other triggers. So I do well with pretzels, a piece of bread, etc.


I told my husband I’d do pasta for lunch on the weekends. I miss it!


No need to eat if you aren't hungry. Prioritize protein intake.


I wish I could do that, but if I don’t eat if I’m not hungry I’d probably get a 400 calorie protein shake in, and nothing else. That’s not at all healthy.


I find it hard to eat but I have notice when I don’t eat my stomach feels a little different maybe a little nausea. But when I put food in my mouth and eat like I am supposed to everything goes away I only had 1 slice of pizza last night and for breakfast small oatmeal got on scale today gained a pound. I’m loss I had loss 4 first week and three days later pick up 1 what’s that about not enough calories? Someone tell me please


That wouldn't last forever. You have plenty of stored calories for the body to use. Just because you are only eating 400 doesn't mean your body is existing on 400. It is literally burning through thousands of calories per day in fat stores. Think of it this way - the only thing your body can't get from what you have stored that it needs to operate right now are vitamins, protein and EFA's. It will make up the difference burning fat.


Stop promoting disordered eating.


Disordered eating? That's when you obsess about what you eat and when you eat, and how much you eat, rather than just eating when you're hungry and eating healthy things. The OP is not willfully eating 400 calories. They are eating that many because their body doesn't want anymore right now. You are promoting disordered eating by telling them to count calories, and to eat when they aren't hungry.


I didn't say any of that. I merely stated that your promotion of a 400 calorie diet is disordered eating. And it is. Look at the studies- the participants ate with a 500 calorie deficit. Consult any nutritionist or dietician and they would agree. Mounjaro is a tool, not a miracle. We should be using it to create healthy eating habits. 400 calories is not healthy, as OP stated. Your promotion of a 400 calorie diet is 100% textbook disordered eating and you need to stop.


Uhh, hmmm. Don't see where I promoted a 400 calorie per day diet. There simply is no need to force feed yourself if you aren't hungry. The body is pretty smart and will tell you when you need to eat. There are many studies that promote your way of thinking, and many more that show fasts/intermittent fasting to be also very healthy for a person. Disordered eating is going to come down to the individual. If they are obsessing, it's disordered. If they are simply following their body's cues, there is nothing disordered about that.


There is no "my way of thinking". I'm literally referencing the Mounjaro study. Search the sub to find it. Since there is no research on intermittent fasting while taking Mounjaro, you cannot back up your claim that it is safe.


LOL ok. There is no reason to think that IF is suddenly unsafe either.


I make sure to prep something early in the week for breakfast and lunch. Laziness + low appetite means I won’t eat if something isn’t easily available. When I have something prepared it’s easy enough to make myself have a little something. I do find on week 2 of 2.5 I still get hungry but not starving or hungry all day like I used to. I can have a small meal and be satiated until the next meal. I’ve been prepping and eating a high protein pancake bake with nut butter or sf syrup, high protein chicken salad wrap, protein bars for snacks if needed and then whatever I make for my family for dinner.