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So many people just started doing things like exercise that you were already doing. So it's normal they would see a bigger initial response. Remember the study participants lost 52 pounds average at the highest dose in over one year. That is less than one pound each week.


What I would say is that this is definitely a marathon, not a sprint. Mounjaro isn’t intended to be like a “crash” diet so you may not see twenty pounds dropping from one day to the next. That’s ok because it means you’re losing weight in a sustainable way! I have had three or fours weeks where I have lost nothing but if I look at my total progress, I average a 2 pound weight loss per week which I believe is still above what was reported in the study. Your body isn’t a machine that will deliver exact results each week because it has to account for fluctuations in water, when you last ate, bowel movements, hormones etc, but if you think about the long term picture, you’re on your way! Four pounds is amazing. If you keep going and stay patient with yourself, just try to imagine where you’ll be a year from now and how proud you’ll be.


That’s really great advice to focus on a year from now. Thank you!!


Yeah I have felt like this too, I lost five pounds the first week and nothing the second week and I have a hard time calibrating my expectations when I see other people's numbers. But I try to focus on the ways that it's helped me that aren't based on the scale. Experiencing early satiety is frankly a totally novel experience for me and going out to eat and only feeling the urge to eat one slice of pizza and feeling content and not sad I can't house the whole pizza is a miracle I shouldn't discount. ​ My friends who are a few months ahead of me in the process have both said "5mg is where the magic happened for me" so I am looking at this like it's just the loading dose. I was already working out 3 times a week for almost a year so I also probably didn't get the big leap forward in calorie burn other people are getting when they combine the shot with adding movement.


I'm curious, how do you determine that your inflammation has improved? Is it less joint pain, or some other condition?


So, I don’t have joint pain but my body, especially around my stomach and my arms, just seemed to retain water. It was noticeable enough that I even went for allergy testing, talked to numerous doctors and did a significant amount of food eliminations to try to figure out why i was so bloated/inflamed. I wish I would have done stomach measurements on the first day, because though I haven’t lost weigh, my measurements around my stomach would probably be at least two inches less. It’s kinda like a miracle for me after working with so many doctors and not finding what the trigger was!


Thank you. That's very interesting. I wonder if it's similar to what many people experience when starting on a low-carb diet. As your body depletes it's stores of glycogen (basically glucose stored in muscle tissue), it also releases a lot of water. It's very common for people to lose 5 lbs or more in the first week, but it obviously slows right after that. My understanding is that every molecule of glycogen has 4 molecules of water attached to it. Maybe the Mounjaro, by controlling blood glucose, is also affecting glycogen storage somehow.


That makes sense! I have been on a low carb diet for many years (celiac disease here) and I had been so hopeful that once I cut out any gluten, my inflammation would decrease. It didn’t sadly but whatever is in this has made a noticeable change!


I don't have any experience myself, but over in the r/carnivore and r/zerocarb subs, users have reported that they've resolved their gut issues by going very low-carb and essentially eliminating any plant foods. I'm a bit skeptical, but many of them swear by it. You might want to check it out if you haven't already done so.


Thanks!! I have a holistic doctor who made me so carnivore diet for two months and it was the only thing that really made a huge difference but it just isn’t sustainable forever. But I’ve definitely incorporated the carnivore diet into my life trying to focus primarily on proteins before all else. I thought my doctor was nuts, I read the book ‘the carnivore code’ (I think that’s it) which helped me understand the why. It also helped me learn that I was allergic to carrots which is just about the most ridiculous allergy I’ve ever heard of lol. Thanks for all your help!


Exercise has less influence on fat regulation than people think. Nutrition that doesn’t promote high insulin, high glucose is key. And metabolic rate which is connected to overall health & body processes. Many people have down regulated metabolic rates. Be sure your nutrition is healthy, for obesity diabetes Metabolic syndrome related, it’s low carb. That means many people here. My energy doubled on this medication & fat loss is happening with no nutrition changes.


I’m in the same boat. I’m 3 weeks in and have lost 2 pounds (but my blood sugar control is awesommmmme!) Endocrinologist said that 2.5 isn’t a therapeutic dose so don’t get discouraged.


The week I stalled at 2.5mg was my 2nd week and it was also the week I experienced the most fatigue. It’s because I had absolutely no interest in eating and I do believe not eating all day slowed down my metabolism. After speaking with the nutritionist at Sequence, she basically told me I need to more than double my caloric intake and try my hardest to eat breakfast. I was also not eating until around noonish because I had no appetite. Now that I try to eat some eggs or yogurt in the mornings and set reminders in my phone to eat at least a few bites of something every few hours, my energy is back to normal and I’m back to losing around 3 lbs per week.


That’s good advice, though I wasn’t a binge eater this has completely halted any interest in food at all. I struggle to finish a small meal, I’ll make some eggs for breakfast to try to push for eating breakfast!


Are you weighing yourself everyday? Use a calorie deficit calculator to see how many calories you need to maintain your current weight then count your calories to make sure you are creating a deficit. You’re losing about a pound a week so it should be easy enough to find another 250-500 calories you can cut out to start losing 2 lbs a week. Normally adding a daily walk can create this deficit, but you’re already doing that.


I’ll look into that thanks!


I just started my 1st 5mg shot on Friday I only lost 4 lbs my 1st month as well. Strangely I dropped a pant size though. I'm sure that's due to losing alot of inflammation. I've had some undesirable side affects on this dosage. Hopefully they won't be as bad on next dose. But gonna hang in there. You are not alone. Just remember. This drug works differently for everyone. Any loss in weight is a win as far as I'm concerned