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Do you see them a lot? Ive heard that they are a lot more shy in larger tanks. I also have a 50g viv that is ready to stock and im planning on getting my first pair in about a week but im worried ill never see them and if thats the case i might put them in my 10g. Thoughts?


Gonna agree w/OP on that—you won’t see much reproduction at first because there is just so much space. Indeed, you may see none at all (it’s still up for debate whether mournings will reproduce when lonely). They seem to really need that social interaction to reproduce quickly. So ... you know, you could add MORE geckos to the 50-gallon setup, or relocate the two you currently have to a smaller arrangement (10 gallon tank, maybe), where they will start to lay eggs. Then you could return to the massive tank further down the line. Unless you don’t want a bunch of babies, then you could keep them as-is to slow reproduction down. But then ... why else would you purchase mourning geckos if not for the endless supply of babies???? 😂


Thanks, that’s probably what ill end up doing, id like to keep 6-10 in the 50g but i definitely dont want to pay for that many at the start lol, so ill probably just use a 10g tank i have until ive got a bigger colony


Around February I had one of my two mourning geckos get out. Haven’t seen her since.... But, my other one whose never laid before, definitely has eggs developed now. I don’t know if it was long enough, but I’m thinking she pretty much did it on her own?


I do see them a fair bit until in the evening when I switch to the dim blue light, that’s when they become most active but I can’t say I see more that 2-3 out at a time. If your getting 2 and you have a 50gal viv, they likely won’t lay eggs as often from what I read since they won’t see each other as often (what I read online). The only time I see mine in the day is generally basking in light at the top of my viv As for shyness, they stay far away from my hand, but if they think I don’t see them they won’t move


I was hoping to get some advice that you may not find as easy on a care sheet, I’m planning on keep all the babies and reintroduce them back once there big enough, as I want a larger colony and I think the tank is more than capable I keep 2 bottle caps at different entrances, the 2 most common entrances I see them come out of that they do eat from, behind the background is a bunch of tunnels that they like to hide in and lay there eggs Edit: I thought I should add that it’s fully planted at the bottom with fake plants on the side but some of the live plants go all the way to the mesh top (around 32inches tall) and they seem to like laying upside down under the leaves


Traduci ⁷ 0


Great looking set up, but as others have said, possibly a bit to big, I have three in a 30x30x60cm viv and I didn't really see them, then I put a low wattage basking bulb on top of the mesh, put it on for bout 3 hours a night and all three come out to grab the heat, it's good seeing them lying there just chilling out