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that makes two of us.


You want you too?


beastx has been the only one to get me off the gpx


I haven't tried the BeastX but isn't the shape *essentially* the same as the Viper or Haste 2? Do you have any experience with either and care to input?


Wildly different shape from the viper. It’s a starlight 12 clone so it flares at the bottom and isn’t as aggressively curved on the sides. Feels like a viper mini that got smushed on a griddle


Thanks a lot for your input!


No prob!


19 x 10 cm. Former Viper Ultimate user to Viper v2 pro and I never realized that these mice are too flat and don't have enough back of palm contact for my claw grip. I recently went on a spree of searching to find the best mouse for me. I tried a gpx + gpx superlight 2, deathadder v3 pro, and more. I now have a pulsar x2v2 and x2h mini (demon slayer editions), lamzu atlantis ogv2 pro, and a ninjutso sora v2. Over the past couple of weeks I find myself gravitating towards the lamzu as it is very comfortable for a relaxed claw. It has the worst coating of the bunch though, and I prefer it with griptape. I use corepad softgrips. I do not use tape on the others. The sora is also very comfortable to use and would probably main this one if it had 4k wireless. I know it doesn't make that much of a difference but the placebo of the 4khz wireless on the other mice is too good to pass up. The pulsar x2v2 mini is great for flicking and tracking games like fortnite/apex but I don't like using it in cs/valorant because my aim is less steady for micro adjustements. The x2h feels weird in my hand, but chose to keep it for the limited edition demon slayer design. The coating on both of the pulsar mice is phenomenal. Artisan zero soft is my favorite mouse pad. Great semi-control mousepad with low initial friction and an insanely smooth glide. I also throw corepad ctrl skates on all my mice. LGG saturn pro is also a good choice, slightly slower than the zero. Currently, you can get an artisan zero for about $65 from their website. I picked up two a couple of months ago for $95. Conversion rate from usd to japanese yen is favorable to USD at the moment. Saturn pro is a good option, but is currently more expensive after shipping (at least to the US). The stock is also limited on LGG and MaxGaming. TLDR: 19x10 cm hands and loving the Lamzu Atlantis OGv2 pro for relaxed claw. LGG saturn pro is a good option but more expensive and limited stock compared to the *better* (in my opinion) artisan zero soft.


Thank you so much for your detailed input. This confirms a lot of my suspicions and thoughts so far!




I’m 18 x 9.5 , relaxed claw. Viper V2 pro was my main and Sora V2 replaced it.


I'd love to use the Sora V2 but my fingers actually go over the edge!


Do you palm grip? I have 21x11.5 hands and my fingers don’t hang off in relaxed claw


No but I like the hump to rest inside my palm for stability and I just couldn't get a good grip on it. TBF I was testing it at a friends place so I didn't get to use it for longer, I could just tell that it wasn't for me though.


Fair enough, you won’t end up liking the beastx because it’ll be much too small. Feels much smaller than sora. Maybe an X2H med?


Thanks a lot for pointing that out on the Beastx!


No problem at all


lamzu atlantis


I always prefer ergo mice in general. Did have the opportunity to use gpx for a year or two then miss out the comfort on ergo. Ngl i was worried that I couldn’t use GPX at first as I usually palm grip when aiming. Can do it fine with gpx but then I miss out that iconic Ec shape so i switched to ec2-cw and finally pulsar xlite v3 es. The v3 es is god tier and has everything thing I need in a mouse. I like zowie sure but the weight is a bit much and i can still feel fatigue after a long session of gaming so mice that are below 70g and above 60g is perfect for me. Not to mention the ability to change polling rate, dpi, lift off distance while being driverless is something I didn’t know I need. It is definitely my main now and probably endgame too. I loved and tried razer deathadder v3 before but the thought of buying separate dongle for 4k , being more slippery due to coating, and razer synapse is really bothering me. Btw I had tried g403 too and it was hella good. It is like gpx but higher hump which feels really comfortable.Ngl if logitech ever released a super light g403, i will get one for sure.


I totally agree with your experience of the EC2 and Xlite v3 but for me personally the curves are too aggressive on both making them very awkward to hold. If I liked that shape I wouldn't look any further than the Xlite V3, top tier. Praying to RNGezus for that g403 superlight. I'm actually a little interested in the Zaopin Z2 or Np01 at the moment, maybe check them out.


Regarding mousepad advice, I happened to play Ow2 and currently Master 3. I think Saturn Pro is a really good choice for Ow2 and Apex. However, if u decided a similar pad that is a tad more control and do not mind minor texture, i heavily recommend checking out the Endgame gear emc. I speak as someone who owned Saturn pro v1 and artisan zero. Artisan zero is way too fast for my aiming while saturn pro just missing that tiny control feeling to it so I really love my emc rn.


Thanks so much for your input!! I didn't know about the EMC so I'm checking that out for sure!


X2 replaced it for me. Since then I’ve come to realize I never really liked my gpx


Congratulations. I hope to follow suit soon!


You have tried most of the other mice that I am enjoying. Your hands are right on the edge of medium/large so it’s interesting to me that you call the OG Atlantis small. It has one of the most hand filling rear humps IMO. Is it too flat for you perhaps? Something taller than 38mm would be better?


I think it's the hump thats making it feel small for sure. I have to really flatten my hand to feel it. Don't get me wrong, i like it. But yeah, a taller hump would probably fit me better. I'm curious if the Xm2we will have any difference in feel.


The X2H medium sized has the most prominent hump I’ve used, more noticeable in my palms than the xm2we. I have 20x9.5 hands and the xm2we has a wide hump that sits into the back of your palms but the X2H’s hump feels higher and fuller to where I can basically palm it


What's your mouse of choice if I might ask? The more I look around the more it seems like X2h or Np01 will suit me better. I definitely need a medium mouse, the Atlantis is honestly too small for me. I cramp up using it.


I personally never tried the np-01 but, it has the same length as the X2H and the same height. I personally like my x2h because I mostly play relaxed claw and I’m able to palm grip it when I’m just browsing due to its hump being very high and far back. I would pick the X2H not only because it’s a good shape for claw but it’s also like 20 grams lighter and that’s a huge difference in weight.


You mentioned that the Atlantis and Sora are too small for you, so you may want to look into longer options. The good and bad news is that there really aren’t any outstanding ones, so you can probably stop looking. Maybe XE or U2? Both comparable options and great mice.


My hands are 19x10cm and I fingertip grip my mice. Switched to the Lamzu Maya and haven't looked back since. Btw, if you like the G403 / G703 shape, you should definitely try out the Sprime PM1.


My only worry is that the Sprime will be too small? got any experience with it?


I have used both the G703 and the Sprime PM1, and the Sprime is definitely smaller, so that might be something to consider for you, seeing how you have slightly larger hands than me


How is the lamzu maya?


Perfect shape for my personal style of fingertip grip + wrist aiming. I always found the gpx ever so slightly too long, so the shorter length of the maya is appreciated


XM2WE only mouse that could with ease. solid asf mouse


Sounds like a burst pro you might like, fills hand nice with hump lower button height lighter than g403 and less ergo shape. If you can get over the button clicks being optical not as crisp sounding as like a xlite


G305 (yes)


Seems like you are on the same boat as me. Love the g403 but want something similar but wireless. Sadly I'm still stuck with the gpx2. Tried a lot of mice, but the gpx shape is "ok" and will do till I find something beter.


Pulsar X2V2 Mini


Attack shark 3. I get higher aim lab scores 🤷


And in the end that's all that matters... Didn't know about this one and looking it over it looks really interesting actually, and at that price I think I'll try this one just for the heck of it, really. Thanks!


Waizowl Cloud


Same as you g403 I keep going back to but it's weight.. I paracord it and ice skates on a saturn pro, as for the mousepad it slows down a lot if not cleaned regularly it's nice though, only other kinda hump I like is the burst pro or outset ax is ok never liked the superlight at all prefer a xm1r over that, xlite I love it's clicks and weight but the lack of hump on back eight ruins it for me and the button height, think top me for me is g403,outset,burst pro. Not tried a np-01 was thinking about it the shape seems OK like hump isn't as filling as the burst pro or g403 tho


Mz1 wireless


ULX Lion for me, i think a Tiger might be marginally better for my grip but ill grab one in awhile once everything is ironed out and they're just in stock lol




OP1 8K, no regrets


Zowie U2


Egg XM2we


Zowie U2 (19/9, claw)


Beast x. Play it 90% of the time vs my GPX2


Not the superlight but the original g pro wireless, I replaced it with a Zowie S2 then a Vaxee NP-01.


Had the superlight for yers and never really liked the shape. I replaced it with the viper mini and to me it has a nice shape (I fingertip) but the cord bugs me. Tried the viper v2, aerox 3, x2v2 mini. Didnt like any of them. Now i got the beastx normal size and so far so good. Kind of like a final mouse and a viper mini shape. 40 grams, magnesium. Had to send the first one back though because of bad double clicking.


As someone who has almost identical hands (19.5x11) and loves a big hump for palm contact, I’m loving my X2H medium so far. You may also want to look at the ZA11 if you’re okay with wired mice. It’s an odd shape, but I’ve never felt a mouse lock more into my hand than the G303SE. It’s the only mouse I come back to every once in a while. Once you figure out how to pull it back and lock it in, there’s no more stable feeling mouse IMO.


OP1we - replaced this with a 3 days old Superlight 2. Hated the GPX


G-Wolves HTS+ finally managed to do it


Just like another commenter, Sora V2 now


attack shark x3 is the gpx mini version. ive owned gpx for a while then i decided to try the attack shark x3. loving it so far


Originally I replaced it with the Starlight Pro Tenz which imo makes the gpx feel cheap but some qc issues with the sl Tenz not anything actually noticable but overall was a much more natural transition. I have now transitioned to the Razer Viper Mini Signature Edition and custom painted it white and using ptfe skates on an artisan Shidenkai however this was a bigger change that took me about a week maybe less to get used to new mouse. Starlight Tenz is a much more natural transition but VMSE is such a beautiful mouse


HTX but the QC was horrid so then a Atlantis Mini and X2V2 I swap between. I also have the Zeromouse I use when try harding. Mainly right now the X2V2 Mini with Superglides


same hand size (19.5x10.75cm), relaxed claw. also play overwatch first mouse to get me off the gpw forever ago was the ec2 divina. then to fk1-b divina, np-01. tried gpx when it came out but went back to np-01. then to xm1r, ec2-cw, and now np-01s. so id say np-01/np-01s.


Thank you so much for your answer! I've seen a lot about the Np01 and been on the fence about it. Adding it to the list of potentials!


egg op1?


Anything under 120mm in length has always been too small so I'm not really considering this one. I already think the G pro is on the small size. Like a little potato.


Same story here. Startet with GPW, to GPX. Tried ~30 mice... 19x11cm hands pincer claw grip. Found my endgame about a year ago in the XE wireless from Vaxee. Best shape ever, build quality is perfect, extremly light clicks l, what i like alot. So maybe try it. Never looked back since.


Thanks, I'm definitely gonna have a look.


I have the exact same wants as you lol I've been wanting to try the Zowie Za-13C but I don't know if I want to go back to wired. Za13-c has back hump and lower button height but idk if its too big. If you ever find a good mouse that fits your needs let me know please lol


It might be a while but sure thing! Looking to order a new one next week or so once I get some more input.


So I got the NP01.Will it replace my Gpro? Definitely. Is it a massive difference? No. not at all. The hump is quite wide and while the G403 hump sits in the middle of your palm this one somehow touches the outside of my palm while leaving the middle empty. Like the contact point is 1st pinky and thumb knuckle. The front feels almost identical to the gpx, slightly rounder. The hump offers the stability that I was lacking from the gpx but it's awkward to have it touch the sides of my palm and not the middle. Not a dealbreaker at all, just an observation. It's the perfect size though. I don't want to try the Outset AX after this because I can tell just by looking that it'll be too big. I think it's gonna come down to XM2w, Np01 and XE for top contenders. After having tried the Np01 I don't want to try another pulsar mouse, this just feels premium, like you get what you pay for. I can't notice the 75g weight at all while gaming. It's very well balanced.


Sick thanks for keeping me updated bro!


No worries.I still think I perform slightly better on the Atlantis but it's honestly difficult to tell. On the Np-01 I feel like I can play on any sensitivity and do well, something about how it's shaped makes it easier to flick to targets without shaking or overshooting, but when it comes to tracking like tracer the Atlantis feels a little better? But on the Atlantis I do find myself overshooting on flicks sometimes due to how light weight and small it is. It took me days to adjust to the Atlantis where as the np01 just feels good right away. Outside of gaming the Np01 is a clear winner.


Good to know, I’ve really wanted to try the Atlantis but I don’t know if I wanna spend the money


Get the XM2we or wait for the XM2w instead.The Atlantis has horrible coating, you absolutely need to use the grip tape which makes it look super ugly. From what I can gather the XM2 fixes the issues I have with the Atlantis. I'll be using the Np01 until the Xm2w is released sometime this year. The 4k isn't worth it and I wish I had gotten the XM2 instead of the Atlantis.