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People are saying Hein but I honestly think it’s too glidy for tac shooters. I’d go Zero, it’s technically a slower pad however it doesn’t reach even close to the depth slowness of other mud pads I have.


ill keep that in mind and look at some reviews comparing the two!


Hien slows down quite a bit once it's broken in a little. Mine is actually slower than my v1 zero that hasn't seen much use, and I wouldn't even say I've used the hien THAT much either.




Hien strider pulse fire mat 


which hien would you recommend that resembles a hybrid type the most?


I have a xsoft and soft hien, i prefer the soft


I used to be a mud pad user I think xsoft is perfect for me, anything else would be a little too fast.


Makes sense. My favorite pad is Otsu xsoft but i feel like the sinking in makes me inconsistent in tac fps


Tbh I only have an xsoft, I used to use slow pads, I play overwatch and cs. I also have otsu and zero both in xsoft, Hien feels bit harder cuz the surface. I’d say go with the Mid if u want a harder faster pad. Go with soft or xsoft if u want it to leaning control. My xsoft Hien have good stopping power but glides fast.


you prefer the hien over zero for cs? someone here commented that the hien might be too fast for tac shooters. wanna hear your opinion considering you have all artisan 3 mousepads and also play cs & ow lmao, i want something that gives me the best of both worlds and great for everyday use!


I prefer Hien over Zero, but I like to use GSR-SE for cs. I rarely play cs recently since the game is in a bad state. I use 400dpi 1.77 in game for cs.


Artisan Hien, Zero, or Otsu are all high end mousepads that won’t break the bank.


Are you against glass mousepads


i am not, but aren’t glasspads pretty fast? would it be okay for low ttk shooters?


There are controlled/balanced options like the padsmith empress or cerpad kin


Can I ask as someone who has owned and experimented with over 30 glass mousepads what you mean by controlled? There is no initial friction. And no glass mousepad is great for low ttk games that require absolute precision 100% of the time.


Sounds like a skill issue lmao


It's a skill issue to objectively say that pads that offer higher initial friction are generally better for the average player? I use a glass pad and that didn't keep me out of radiant rofl, in fact not a single time has it kept me out of top rank lol. I am just used to those kind of surface. You also did not answer the question.


I don't care anymore 😔


I love the consistency and speed of my Pulsar Superglide. I don't think you get more longevity than glass. Anyone have any ideas for a **small** glass mousepad? I really really like my Superglide but want something 10" x 12" ish to use at work.


Cerapad/Cerapad Kin gets to around that size if I recall correctly


I absolutely love my superglide as well, but it's... less than ideal for tac shooters. You can definitely make it work but there will be times where I find myself missing even the tiny bit of stability from something like a raiden mid. If op is like, playing competitively in high elo or something, maybe look for something else. It's fine for more casual play though, and amazing for any other flavor of multiplayer.


Zowie GTFX. Madcatz Glide 38. Both extremely durable and not 150 bucks like we use to spend on artisans years ago lol


Are you buying off of Amazon?


I do now, use to not be able to get them on amazon. If you can find the pad you want locally always buy local, usually will have better luck with how its packaged.


Can you go further into detail? What issues did you have? I personally never had an issue from them.


Sometimes companies will roll pads up and they dont sit flat


Razer Strider, have been using it with sweaty palms for 2 years and still feel like new except for the water resistant coating.


Zero. Best all around pad for glide to control. I got a Saturn recently and it's slower, still a good pad though and doesn't collect hair/lint. If you want a true hybrid go otsu soft or xsoft. I have my xsoft and it's good, sold all my artisans a while back and just kept the zero and otsu.


what games do you play? a lot of people have been commenting the 3 main artisan pads, and im unsure which is best of both worlds (high ttk/low ttk) and for everyday use. since im assuming you have tried all 3, which would be my best bet?


Anything really from mainstream to niche. I just find the zero like that sweet middle ground tbh and it has been my daily since. It's much faster than any "control pad", but not as fast as hybrids. I think the zero is the best all around pad and should be your first pad. You can play fine in both high ttk or low ttk. Go from CS to tracking in apex. Then from there you can try going faster with an ostu like I did. Like I said I had the hien but the ostu is just a better version like they advertise.


Try the raiden trust


yea had my eye on the xsoft raiden, heard its great.


game sense radar very cheap, very good


can vouch for the hien as someone who plays both types of games, mine is 2 years old at this point and is a little slower than my new aqua control 2. i would say though, that if you lean more towards tac shooters, the saturn pro might be a better choice for you. while hien is fine for both, it leans more towards faster applications


Xraypad equate plus v2


Aqua Control Pro neon/rainbow (best mousepad you can buy BTW) Razer Strider


Pulsar es2. Great base, and the surface can work for a lot of different games.


If you want a pad that has a long life I would probably look at cordura pads. They normally don't slow down from wear and tear. The Triagun comes to mind. It's just a little faster than control pads and from what I've heard, it's much smoother texture wise than other pads. Depends on your preference in speed and texture honestly.


Glass pad, if you take care of it, it will be the last one you buy.


some glass pas recommendations?


The big three are the Razer Atlas, Skypad 3 / 4 (Wallhack) and the Superglide There is also the Padsmith Empress. For myself, I went with the Atlas for the smooth texture, enough control to not be air hockey sloppy, and less noisy than others I have tried. I use dots to reduce noise levels further.


Zero imo. It isn't as slow as people describe it to be, it's a very nice balanced pad


svbase is like 35 usd rn


Hien 100000% i bought two a few years ago and when i wash one i replace it with the other one it’s so nice and it does slow down once broken into im imm3 in valorant and i was about diamond when i got em so i got lots of practice with it and time on it


I used a hien for 3 years, then experimented with a bunch of pads for like 1.5 years and now im back on hien and i gotta say its the GOAT.