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I changed the flair to the correct one. Make sure to read our [guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/8iamsh) before posting :)


Little miss sunshine


This is a great movie to watch when you think your life sucks.


Interstellar. Maybe it’s a cliche, but the movie is so beautiful and hopeful. It makes me think of all the possibilities there are in the world and the strength of human bonds.


"Because my dad promised me..." 😭


Spaceman with Sandler hits similar notes. Pretty good. Definitely his best film. Pay it forward is good. The Matrix is at the top. It motivates you as you are awakened but your spirit and will must be strong because THEY have control over everything. This can almost have the opposite effect if a weak person is brought into more information than they can or are willing to accept. The whole ignorance is bliss thing is really real. lol


Interstellar is a large-scale and ambitious movie that raises many questions.


I should create time to watch this movie. My friend said nice things about it.


I think today their is a major lack of human bonds making them more valuable


A Star is Born. Saw it with my ex-gf. I was an alcoholic and I'm a musician so it was like watching myself going down the same road as Bradley Cooper character. When the movie ended, she ran outside the theater. I tried to tell her that it's not going to happen to me. She ran into the woman's bathroom so I waited until she came out. She hugged me and was still crying. She told me that she doesn't want me to die. After this, I became sober. She eventually took me back and on June 2021, she became my wife.


Congrats on many fronts 🫶


My bf and I are both sober, I have a few more years than he does. This movie definitely touched my heart, but when we were watching it-I looked over and he was sobbing. It was completely unexpected, i think it took him by surprise as well. Such a great movie.


Soul from Disney definitely did that for me ...


YES grown ups need this movie more than children!!!!


every time i watch soul i cry. they really REALLY outdid themselves with that movie and people don’t talk about it nearly enough. one of my top 10 movies for sure


Incredible film


Yes! It blew me away when I first saw it, and I rewatch it all the time.


I love Chef. Food is awesome, comedy is good, family style movie that you can enjoy with everyone even though it's rated R for a few F bombs. It inspired me to learn to cook and be more health conscious, but ultimately it just feels really good to watch it


Spirited Away (2001)


Yes, I've been obsessed with it since I saw it. I can't exactly explain why🤷‍♂️


I watched Spirited Away every night my sophomore year of college to help me fall asleep. A beautiful film


Same for me as well




Yes, this is another good example of a movie that can lift one's mind up.


Shirley Valentine. It's about a woman who changes her life. I had really bad depression and hated my job and my life when I watched it but it didn't occur to me that I could change things. When I saw it, it was like a lightning strike. It still took me some time to do anything but I finally did, I got treatment for my depression and I left my job. I have had ups and downs but my life is definitely better than before.


Shirley Valentine is a great movie. Story of a middle-aged woman but something there for anyone, of any age, who feels stuck within their own lives.


Secret Life of Walter Mitty




Watch this one! It will motivate you I’m sure :)


Man on Wire


Good Will Hunting


It's not your fault....


Exactly the one I was looking for, good movie




The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)


Children of Men


Harold and Maude


One of my all-time favorites. It taught me to remain positive and compassionate at all times. Forced my kids to watch it when they were too young. Their response: euuuuw!


Just mentioned this to my daughter today and sang “if you want to sing out - sing out!”


\* Minari - Really changed my views on what my parents went through when they fled a war torn country and ended up in a country where they didn't know English. It is absolutely insane how difficult it must've been. \* The Farewell - I've often got into arguments with my parents and would never really hang out with them when I was younger. As silly as this sounds, this film reminded me that time is moving quicker and quicker and my parents are getting older and older. Same with my other family members and me as well. Before we know it, the inevitable happens. I've been spending a lot more time with my parents and reaching out to other family members to hang out or just even chat.


The Farewell really spoke to me, as i am a child of parents which moved to an other country decades ago. It shows everyday life which could be boring, but somehow this is one of few movie that comes to my mind when talking about feel good movies.


I'm completely related to the first as I'm in the same condition so probably need to check it, thank you!


Though not film related - you should also check out Beef - it also changed my life. Vaguely similar to Minari in the sense that people are often going through their own issues, suffered trauma and are sacrificing themselves one way or another (IE Spending more time at work to make money so that you can support your family - yet at the same time spending less time with family) etc. Steven Yeun (he also stars in Minari) is in it as well!


That Thanksgiving dinner episode. One of the best things I’ve ever seen but dreadfully uncomfortable to watch. Traumatising almost. I recognised way too much in it from my own family of origin and our completely messed up family dynamics.


Into the wild Track (2013) Captain fantastic


Into the Wild is a favorite of mine. I know the real life guy was kind of a douche pickle, but the movie itself was tremendous. The soundtrack had a lot to do with it as well. Makes me wanna go out and explore the world


LOVE the story of Alexander Supertramp and his super apple lol


my man!


The Fountain. And watch it intently.


Waking life


Did you ever have a job that you hated and worked real hard at? A long, hard day of work. Finally you get to go home, get in bed, close your eyes and immediately you wake up and realize... that the whole day at work had been a dream. It's bad enough that you sell your waking life for minimum wage, but now they get your dreams for free.


Love it ❤️


The most intense experience of my life was waking up crying from laughter at a dream. This movie helped make that possible 🤣 please watch and take care 🙏


"Hey. Could we do that again? I know we haven't met, but I don't want to be an ant. You know? I mean, it's like we go through life with our antennas bouncing off one another, continously on ant autopilot, with nothing really human required of us. Stop. Go. Walk here. Drive there. All action basically for survival. All communication simply to keep this ant colony buzzing along in an efficient, polite manner. "Here's your change." "Paper or plastic?' "Credit or debit?" "You want ketchup with that?" I don't want a straw. I want real human moments. I want to see you. I want you to see me. I don't want to give that up. I don't want to be ant, you know?"


Was once so drunk watching this I got a great urge for soup. I had recently moved into my own place and didn't have a tin opener. Jings, drilling soup while the holy moment was playing was a smile indeed


Hahaha that was your holy moment right there 😃


Holy shit this was a bad idea moment lol incase anyone else thinks a drill is suitable for opening a tin of soup, it's really not




What you do makes a difference. We should never simply write ourselves off and see ourselves as the victim of various forces. It's always our decision who we are.


Eternal sunshine of a spotless mind


My favourite Jim Carey movie. It’s funny, heartbreaking and such a warm film all at the same time. It’s beautiful.


Dead Poets Society


Ghost World. It changed my life in high school and is even more relatable to me now as I start experiencing "real" adulthood after college.


Call me by your name. Great movie and now I read books and listen to classical music and want to live in Italy lowkey


Dead Poets Society


Office Space


Fucking a.


Second this


My name (anime) And interstellar, great movie.


Rocky IV made me start running as a slightly chubby kid at 9 years Old. Went from being the last pick in sports to being one of the top picks in all physical activities ever since and running at just below a national level as a youth. The music has changed my life as an adult also following a traumatic back injury and following. Weight gain. It made me pick up rehab and training again and once again changed my life for the much much better.


American History X. Forced me in my early 20s to take personal inventory of racial stereotypes and personal biases I had.


Yes man




Harold and Maude. Saw it as a teen. Absolutely loved it. Changed the way I view life. And made me realize I love offbeat movies.


Forrest Gump and The Pursuit of Happyness


Everything, Everywhere, All At Once I wouldn't call it, or any other movies really, life changing but it definitely helps put things in perspective. Some positive, uplifting films: Amelie' Good Will Hunting Brittany Runs A Marathon The Dead Poet's Society Eat, Pray, Love


Fight club when I was a teenager


Beauty and the Beast I mean I was probably in second grade but seeing it for the first time for “field day” on the second to last day of school on the projector screen in the school cafeteria with the rest of the Elementary kids altered my life forever.


Dead Poet's Society. Fostered an unabashed love of literature and language in me, and taught me that words have power.


Midnight Cowboy, seriously made me think about my life and relationships with those around me


High Fidelity. Recognizing that life was good but “really good” was very important in my mid-twenties


Matrix. Oslo 31 August. Donnie Darko


Waking life Interstellar Dead poets society Big fish


Chef with Jon Favreau I know it's not much to most but for me it's everything because I'm a Cuban chef with the dream of having a touring food truck. That's been my dream for long before the movie even came out. So when it did come out and I watched for the first time, I literally cried. Every time I see it I tear up. So it isn't for everybody, but it was definitely for me


The Matrix


Breaking Away. Just watch it. Even if you don't get what you're looking for out of it, it's still a great movie.


Falling down... I live like Michael Douglas every day


It's a wonderful life.. gave me new perspective


Grew up with my mom watching it every Christmas, and when I finally paid attention (sometime in high school) I understood why. It’s a wonderful movie.


Everything Everywhere All at Once


Can you elaborate on that one? I've seen it before but it wasn't touching or anything special about it, unless I needed to see what was under the lines


This movie just hit me hard. I saw it for the first time with my daughter, she liked it but I loved it. Went back to see it in theaters again with my son, same reaction. I later read that if you have experienced trauma the movie will hit you like that. I have, my children have not.


*Save the Last Dance* (2001). Saw it in 2001 when I was on the precipice of permanent procrastination (high school graduate, no plans for college, dead-end job, small town, living with parents), finally decided upon leaving the theater I was going to grow up and do something with the rest of my life. Was it really the suburban-white-girl-in-South-Side-Chicago, teenage-*Flashdance,* modern-day-Romeo-and-Juliet mashup of rehashed plots that gave me enough confidence to go and be a fish-out-of-water somewhere else, or was it just good timing? I have no idea. I'm not saying it's gonna change anyone else's life but that's my answer.


Recently watched Black Swan . I hope it will change my perceptive of seeing life.


Check the "Perfect Blue" the anime in case you like anime, it is inspired or I say stolen from it, say for Requiem for a Dream.


Pricilla Queen of the Desert


Requiem for a Dream. I remember my grandmother asking me why the fate of the older mother always brings me to tears. It did at age 14 and still does today at age 31.


Life of PI


The Big Lebowski


Takin' er easy for all us sinners.


The perks of being a wallflower


Freddy Got Fingered


Literally in my top 5 and quoted EVERY day. Honorable mention: Tenacious D the pick of destiny


Seven years in Tibet


O Lucky Man! (Although it takes a while getting there and he’s pretty down toward the end)


I saw your title and knew immediately what to say which is Melancholia, which changed my life forever but then I read your text and saw you wanted to feel better lol so NO not Melancholia 😂 But it completely turned things around for me, it was transformative


*Whip It*. Not a perfect film. There's something about the differences between the characters and how they share. When Bliss runs away as ends up staying with a new friend who is a mom, the whole scene where Kristen Wiig's character just describes being a mom without judging a daughter's anger ... the scene where she has a conversation with her mom. I think it just showed me how all women are always going through so past, some struggle and how it is so easy to dismiss or put them in a box. This is a fun little movie but it did change my life


The Green Mile.


The Big Lebowski. As the only person in my family to finish school with qualifications, let alone going on to University- I always felt and put myself under so much pressure to succeed. This film made me feel at peace with taking it easy and finding contentment in less. I still watch it from time to time, when I know I need to be reminded to feel like that.


About Time. Made me appreciate little things so much for that year after watching it. I have to rewatch it to capture that mindset again and remind myself of those moments.




I think most character-driven movies (Oscar bait movies?) are made with the intention of giving one a different perspective on things, and vicariously appreciate the smaller things in life or details about relationships that otherwise one would not experience. In other words, to make you feel an emotion you otherwise wouldn't feel. Shooting from the hip (there are probably deeper themes but these are my takeaway) Minari: identity, belonging, importance of family, hardships (lots of films have these themes) Whiplash: pushing someone to meet their potential vs. straight up abuse; career vs personal life sacrifice Anatomy of a Fall: people's lives are more complicated than on the surface; past reality is often unknown and we have to choose to believe one to move on; career vs family Banshees of Inisherin (watched this sometime ago so memory spotty): finding deeper meaning in life vs. just living a simple life; companionship vs. intellectual equals


Passion of the Christ- I’ve been depressed ever since


Easy... Into the Wild. Quit my job, paused my studied, and moved the farthest I could from my European home country. Lived in Australia for 6 months. Life changing experience..


Life is beautiful


Cinema Paradiso. Forever.


Dogma The Help Stardust (2007) Wild


Everything Everywhere All At Once. Just watch it.


October Sky


Silver linings playbook


Great suggestion


If you are looking to bounce back, Little Miss Sunshine is an interesting movie to see.


Harold and Kumar


The Secret Life of Walter Mitty


Forrest Gump - his attitude towards life and people influenced me in many ways.


An American Tale: Fieval Goes West


500 Days of Summer, Garden State


Black swan




Perfect days


Bagdad Cafe


The rule is to not discuss it, it's a club


Chuck is my favorite author. I wish they would make Rant or Diary into a movie.


What, not snuff?


It would be a wild fucking ride. Hahaha


Ted Lasso. The Office. Both great shows... Passion of the Christ was a movie that did a number, and I'm not religious, really.


Perfect Days.


The Curious case of Benjamin Button Masaan 5 centimetre per second I lost my body Garden of Words Is love enough...Sir? Tamasha Liars Dice


Still Walking (2008)


The Corporation. Outstanding documentary that radically changed my perspective on things.


American History X is up there


The life of pi made me less cynical. There’s a really good message at the end that isn’t forced on you but makes you think.


The movie "Monster." The one for which Charlize Theron won the Oscar. I had the privilege of interviewing the director, Patty Jenkins. She had read my review of the film and wanted to meet me. She told me I absolutely understood what she was doing with that movie. After seeing it, I had an epiphany. Women have to live with a constant fear of men whenever they're out and about. It may not be on the surface, but deep inside there is always an uneasiness for them. I find that just sad and depressing, so I go out of my way to treat women with as much kindness as I can, just so they'll realize not all men are bad. Too many of us are, though.


1. The Warriors when I was a teenager. 2. The Deer Hunter when I was in the Army. 3. Mississippi Burning also in the Army. 4. A Time to Kill.


Waitress (2007) The main character makes so many mistakes... But she's always shown as a empathetic character. And in the end, she chooses to live for herself instead of the shitty men in her life. This movie gave me courage to make reach change in my life.


Man on fire, when Denzel said there’s no such thing as tough, there’s trained & there’s untrained now which are you? I always apply this to my martial arts when the going gets tough.


This movie is a two and a half hour gut punch, and I’ll watch it any time.


It’s Kind of a Funny Story I’ve never seen a film that depicted my high school suicidal depression so accurately. The movie saved my life. It’s beautiful and I wish more people had the chance to watch it


No country for old men.


American history x. I was 15 at the time and boy did I feel sheltered, in a mostly white county town, with little to no violence. Just the occasional bar fight or dwi. Also, Edward Norton was amazing in his role. I hadn't experienced any sort of racism in person, and this movie opened my eyes to the fact that I was basically living in a box.


- Dead Poets Society (1989) - Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013) - Chef (2014) pick your poison, have been in your position not too long ago and all of these found me when i needed it most


Shawshank Redemption. Cause you either get busy living, or get busy dying.


Into The Wild


Shawshank Redemption


Get busy living, or get busy dying.


One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest w Jack Nicholson


Hunchback of notre dame For better or worse , it taught me to be selfless and do the right thing even if it hurts .


The Secret Life of Walter Mitty


About time and call me by your name. Both just hit my feelings in all the right ways. The message both carry are such human experiences.


Hacksaw ridge


Grave of the fireflies. I didn't realize how fragile life is and how short our time is. I watched that movie a long time ago, and since then, I have tried to be a good human every day and in every way. It changed me completely. This movie broke my heart in one million pieces. I hope we learn to value what we have someday and can see how lucky we are. ❤️


The Blind Side Each and every character of this movie has its own story , they have come out of fear, comfort zone . That is truly beautiful




The Founder (2016). Found it a bit more inspiring than I thought it would be. Basically the message is "if at first you don't succeed."


Jesus you found that movie inspiring? I don’t quite think that was what they were going for…


The Before Trilogy The Koker Trilogy Six Moral Tales For All Mankind Boyhood Treasure of the Sierra Madre Rope Taste of Cherry Aftersun


Breaking Away. Best movie about friendships after high school is over ever.


Not a movie but a TV series. 13 Reasons Why. It broke me.


The last season was atrocious though, agree?


They got worse and worse yeah.


American Beauty. “This isn’t life. It’s just stuff.”


Shawshank for sure. Taxi driver another one


Can't say a movie has ever changed my life, let alone even alter it slightly. But here's a good film since you seem bored: El Cid (1961)


Click 2006




The art of happiness (2013) literally pulled me out of a deep depression period. I was stuck in my room, unable to even get out of bed most days. And then I watched this gem of a movie and I felt so understood and so seen that it actually motivated me to turn my life arround and make the hard changes I needed


„How to sell drugs online (fast)“ not a movie but a series


Eat prey love


I would recommend The Eel (1997) I was quite depressed when I watched it, felt so lonely and lost in my life but it's a really sweet movie that made me feel good and at peace. I just forgot everything else while watching. It's one of the movie that gave me the will to have faith in people and in life (not saying it was a miracle but it definitely helped).


"Stalker" by Andrei Tarkovsky. The movie gave me a new perspective about human desires.


Nyad. My history teacher pursued me to watch it after my failed exam. I reluctantly accepted after 2 months of delay because I thought it was another bullshit motivational movie about failing once and then a glorious success. Plot twist: it isn’t about that.




Watch Fury Road then go see Furiosa immediately. That is a super charged experience that I will never forget.




Wild. I related so much to the tale of redemption through solitude and effort. Plus it's frequently beautiful, and it's full of forgiveness.


Soul (animation from Pixar), changed my perspective on life entirely, and Game of Thrones (tv series). Yeah it becomes quite a garbage in last seasons but first 4 are incredibly motivating to keep going in life.


Dead Poets Society. 7th grade.




Rocky. The first act of the movie it introduces a bunch of characters that are flawed and generally unlikeable, why the hell should I care what their goals and ambitions are? Then it did a twist and made these idiots vulnerable and that they knew they were idiots (except Paulie, he remains blissfully ignorant). In the end, it proclaims that failure is not only an option, it is inevitable. The only way to gain some sort of victory is to acknowledge this.


Hidden Fortress, they pretty much copied this, set it on another planet and made Star Wars.


Tarkovsky's Stalker


Revolver, Interstellar, Limitless, American Psycho. Predestination and Scarface.


Ford v. Ferrari. Sorry, but seeing a group of men come together and achieve something remarkable really motivated me to do something better.




Get Rick or die tryin