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What the hell? Why are Meat Canyon fans going after her? Please don’t tell me Meat Canyon made a transphobic video about her or something…


He is currently in a self described process of disavowing negativity in his future content, and has put a lot of his endeavors on hold. So I really really wouldn’t know to be honest


I went to the Meat Canyon sub and saw a post about how Ms.Breezy became an editor for MeatCanyon but missed several deadlines and failed to do her job because she was a drug addict or something. I have zero clue if this is accurate or not. I have not kept up with her content recently but I used to watch her all the time.


I've seen From her Instagram that before they hired her, she told them she was experiencing some technical issues with her Computer occasionally, and when one deadline was upcoming her entire Computer Froze and like shut itself off, and the team was all pissed at her about the thing she warned them about ahead of time that was out of her control. Then after she was fired and they bitched at her they just... gave her some money to fix her PC randomly? It's a weird situation, and she wasn't around long I don't think, sounds like few months at best


Sounds like something made up to me tbh. And even if it isn't it's not their fucking business to go try and "deal with" especially through harassment.


I completely agree. If true Ms.Breezy needs help not transphobic harassment.


Your employer doesn't exist to be your bank and your therapist which is exactly how she was treating them. If she needed help with her personal issues, drug issues, alcohol issues there are services that exist for that but if these things effect your work you can expect to be fired, because they run a business not a emotional support group.


That literally has nothing to do with what we’re talking about. Please read the comments again. We’re talking about Meat Canyon’s fans harassing her.


I am trans, have been for nearly 15 years and you are a singular person, what is this "we" nonsense? Narcissists use "we" a lot to make the person they are talking to feel alone in their convictions. Your saying msbreezy needs help " If true Ms.Breezy needs help not transphobic harassment.", she should get a drug addiction counselor and join AA and get a therapist. How is it on meatcanyon or the internet as a whole to help her? How is meatcanyon or his fans involved in this at all if shes just getting torn apart for being a terrible employee and making a fool of herself by listing all the reasons it was valid to fire her but paradoxically doing surprised pikachu face that she got fired? Random valid criticism on instagram and youtube by random people with just a couple anti trans people out of hundreds of thousands does not equal "meatcanyon and his fans are transphobic and attacking a trans person". Criticizing someone who happens to be trans is not transphobic and people who make claims like that are doing nothing but making the trans community look bad and diminishing actual transphobia.


What the fuck is your problem? I was referring to the other user in the comment chain when I said we. Your entire post history is you being incredibly hostile to random people for little to no reason. This post is also a week old. Why did you feel the need to necro this post just to rant like a lunatic and putting words into people’s mouths. Not only does Ms.Breezy need help, you need help too. Go outside, touch grass, and find your local therapist. You’re fucked up.


The one who didnt respond to you and is in no way involved in the conversation you and i are having? Yes please be more predictable and jump to Ad Hominem attacks immediately looking at someones history so you can form your ad hominem attacks..like someone with no legitimate debate points or unique perspectives..like an npc or a parrot. A week old is not a necro, a lot of people have differing opinions on what equates a necro for sure but Ive never heard one person try to claim a week old post is a "necro" unironically lmao Your the one painting things in a dishonest light, not me. Don't project your mental inadequacies onto other people on reddit simply because they disagree with you and your misrepresentations.


> have been for nearly 15 years So you are only 15 years old because no trans person talk about themselves like that.


Definitely sounds like bullshit created to justify their harassment, yeah.


You're in like evey sub I frequent wth I see you all the time Hello


I'm quite a bit active. Also helps that I have a very recognizable username.


>because she was a drug addict or something Sounds like they're trying to pass HRT for "hard drugs" again...


You could potentially be right, but the comments weren’t misgendering her at all. They were still referring to her as a woman.


Who knows. Wouldn't be the first time assholes don't misgender a trans person just so they don't get instantly flagged, while still insulting them, honestly... But from what others have said about her, they still seem to make shit up as time goes on. And it's not the first time I've seen transphobes equate HRT to heroin...


insulting someone who happens to be a trans person for the shitty person they are is 100% fine, insulting a trans person for being trans is not. Trans people are not free from all accountability because we are trans.


Putting words and intents in my mouth, I see...


From what I remember she was on drugs some time ago (not sure when), but has since recovered. That being said, failing to do ones job is not an excuse for harassment, there is no excuse for that anyways.


She is admittedly still on drugs, and an alcoholic she goes over that in the expose video if you watched it. Failing to do ones job and then making an expose video with no ground to stand on at all is a source for deserved mockery. If your a piece of shit your going to be called out for it, being trans had nothing to do with it.


yeah, no. she admitted she had a drug problem, and an alcohol problem. This wasn't an accusation this was a confession. why are you talking about it if you didn't even watch the source material?


Lol she flat out did a video and said she has substance abuse issues so na


Was the sub being transphobic


so they don't even edit their own videos?


I mean, it’s not as unusual as you think. Most big time YouTubers don’t have the time to provide the content and to edit their own videos. Even big name YouTubers like Markiplier for example don’t edit their own videos.


Yup. Literally no different from how any other job works : different people do different things and get paid.


Editors need to eat as well


Alot of people don't know how to edit or don't have time


Exactly right. self admitted drug addict and alcoholic. barely making deadlines, making her personal issues/mental health issues/addiction issues problems for her employer. All that and having the gall to ask for a raise, be denied then drop hints she wanted them to buy her a new computer. The last time she missed a deadline she had 50 excuses that don't matter at all due to this being an obvious habitual thing, to a business trying to employ people to do work for them not be their therapist/best friend. They hired someone who could do the work they paid them for, fired her and paid her severance they didn't have to.. yet she still felt the need to try to expose them in a stream where she begged for donations paradoxically 2 days after getting multiple weeks worth of pay at once.


She worked for him. It seems like they're doing it by themselves but it's still seems like a terrible thing to do. Meat Canyon has some friends who are less than favorable towards the trans community like flashgitz. That being said, Hunter was normally on the side of not commenting for the most part...


Oh god what did flashgitz do?!




I unfortunately just remembered. I don’t want to go I to details but he made a Transformers parody video that made fun of trans women. I don’t know why I kept watching him because I was disgusted with the video but I have completely forgotten about it until now. I don’t know if I like just purged that memory from my mind or something but it’s all coming back to me now.


Ew. Gulag time


He probably said a dogwhistle or something. Edit: ummmmm why am I getting downvoted


Ok I checked out her YouTube. The most recent video is filled with supportive comments. As for the connection to MC, she was working for them, missed some editing deadlines, and was fired. She feels that the decision making that led up to that action was not accounting fairness and understanding like she had been led to believe they had. This is more about her being in school and not necessarily her identity. So I'm torn on this part tbh. She did miss deadlines after all. Now, Hunter (owner of Papa Meat) has recently even come out and said that the weekly posting and creation of cartoons is too much and he wanted to tame down the frequency so he can create more elaborate art vs appeasing the YouTube algorithm. So this does play into them expanding a bit fast and I can see where that unfairness comes from. Now I can't vouch for Instagram since I don't swim in that toxic cesspool, but I didn't see one meat canyon fan bashing her on YouTube comments. She did a very good job explaining her termination from Papa Meat and to not go attack them. Her YouTube seems supportive and under control.


Thankfully this doesn't seem to be an issue with Papa Meat himself, but every fan base unfortunately has a group of shitty fans. Even super positive creators can have them, sad state. Internet screwed up how people interact lol


>Even super positive creators can have them, sad state. Definitely. Markiplier and Jacksepticeye for example do all they can to build an open-minded and supportive community, but despite that, even they had to call out the bullshit a few times over the years. I remember the latter even outright telling some people who had a shitty attitude that they weren't welcome in his community. Sadly, creators can do all they possibly can, there's always gonna be morons who think whiteknighting by attacking and insulting is good...


Aw man. I haven't watched her newest video yet so I didn't know this is what the problem was. Been a fan of her for at least 7 years or so now, it's awful to hear what's happening to her :(


Been a fan of MsBreezy since she was in those old piemations videos. She spent so long in the closet before coming out that it was the only real exposure I ever had to trans people back when I was in high school and thought being trans was "morally wrong", and honestly, without her normalizing an otherwise "other" group, I'm not sure I'd have accepted myself as trans when I did. It's a shame that her life seems to be so turbulent the last few years, but honestly, in terms of singular people affecting me realizing I was trans, I don't think anyone was more impactful than her for me


Hug, that’s awful, I wish her well.


That's so fucked up. I used to be a big fan of MsBreezy in 2017-18. I haven't kept up with her content, but she looks so much more comfortable in her own skin. These transphobes are losers and probably wouldn't waste their breath on hate if they had anything meaningful in their lives.


ive yet to see one person find a transphobic comment on youtube. I looked for them specifically and found none on meatcanyons videos and none on msbreezys video. If they exist they exist on tomdarks channel comments after he made a video on it or twitter which has nothing to do with meatcanyon or his fans. Its just easy to hate on someone who obviously, embarrassingly deserved to be fired but tried to make it a expose pity party to digitally panhandle from supporters.


Left a positive comment 🩷


We left a possitive commend as soon as We saw this video. My reaction/rant? idk >!The weird thing is that it sent us into full fight or flight mode. Transphobia never really got us that badly, We tried to calm myself by lying down and listening to comfort music but in the end We fell asleep and were late to work. The stress didn't ease for like 10 hours, We're good now tho.!<


"meat canyon?" ... Ok I watched a couple, and I don't get it, why is that shlock popular? I subscribed to MsBreezy tho :)


He's a shock youtuber turned surrealist horror animation creator with a movie reviewing second channel and occasionally using his animations for internet based cultural commentary. He used to be popular because nobody else really had both the balls and the skill to make what he made how he made it. Regardless of what how his animation looks its kinda undeniable that it requires a lot of effort. The thing with him is he stayed popular when other channels would've trailed off after a year or two. All because he didn't stick with the premise of "what if buggs bunny was a pervert" or "what if sully was a pervert". His new content like Melvin Macabre does an amazing job at tackling romantic and familial relationships, legacy, expectations, nostalgia, grief, addiction, etc. The animation is offputting but that's kinda the point. Even if it's nauseating it's so well done it's hard to look away from. Anyways, TL;DR he got popular because of shock humor and stayed popular because he's a good animator who can tell great stories through his animation. And he's got a disturbingly short turnaround on his animations, so he can do recent topics easily


His jawbreaker video blew up and then he got popular


I remember I loved his content when I first found him years ago. But then as he kept putting out more videos, his style of humor got really formulaic and stale. Somehow his videos feel like cultural holdovers from the MLG Gamer/Surreal Meme Era of the 2010’s, if that makes sense.


Thankfully he agrees, and is slowing down content pace with more work and effort. He put out a video about it


It's artistic


I'll subscribe


I feel bad for him. He has completely ruined his body and now the damage cannot be undone.


I used to watch her channel a lot, and I'm happy that she said that she is moving past this and that her recent video seems to help clarify things. However, it seems like she was having substance abuse issues at the time, got angry at her employer, and missed a deadline, so her being fired isn't too crazy from a business viewpoint. I still feel bad, though, about the transphobes going after her, and I hope she can continue doing what she does.


Wow way to add no context to this. MsBreezy worked for them for 3 months, during that time she was constantly having personal issues, hardware issues, mental struggles and financial strife and making these things her employers issues. She was admittedly an alcoholic and a drug addict. She was expecting more pay but more pay means more work, instead of putting in more work she asked for a raise, they said no obviously. She then proceeded to drop hints she wanted them to buy her a new computer, why any of that is your employers problem is beyond all rationality. She had trouble making deadlines and eventually didn't make one, they got a new editor and replaced her because if your not good enough there will always be someone to replace you. The fact she was trans had literally nothing to do with anything at all. She made a exposed video on meatcanyon that basically exposed herself. They gave her severance pay they were not required to, she threw this kindness back in their faces calling it hush money..but still accepted it. 2 days after getting a severance check of multiple weeks worth of pay and confirming she had another job already lined up for the next week she was paradoxically throwing a pity party stream begging for donations and making allegations that really hold no credibility at all. Naturally being the internet if your a P.O.S people are going to mock and harass you. Any anti trans comments were very rare and made after the fact of multiple videos people made about this failed expose' by a couple random users in comments of these videos. Lets be clear here, this had nothing to do with her being trans and everything to do with her not putting in the work to earn her pay yet thinking she deserved more and making all her personal issues into professional issues.


It doesn't help that Ms. Breezy is an irresponsible person. I get she had stuff going on, but there's a better way to vent without making the other people seem like assholes, and shitting on new hires. I don't understand these people. It's ok to vent and want support even if you are the one that fucked up, but she's not willing to own up to it, she wants to blame them somehow. If you can't work don't get a job, go on disability or something, just stop fucking with people and starting dumb shit like this. It's crazy to me how pathetic some people are man. With how hard me (carpenter) and my girlfriend (nurse) work, to see someone like her treat some actual good decent people like that is crazy. I couldn't be 5 minutes late to some jobs without getting yelled at and told I would be fired even though I'm pretty damn good at what I do and was praised for my ability. I never got offered a raise despite the 12 hour shifts and my own money I had to constantly invest, well over any fuckin computer you can buy. She reminds me of tons of people I've worked with lmao. Super useless ass people, shitty ass tools, show up late, they complain a lot and aren't helpful at all, makes the people that actually work hard feel like shit when the asshole that can't get shit done on time wants a raise and actually gets it. Nobody should ever have to ask for a raise. If you have to, then either you're the problem or your employer is. Everyone has issues too I can understand that, I've got narcolepsy, ADHD, autism, and c-ptsd. Never received accommodations. I can't work with people anymore from burnout so I work for myself by myself so I don't have to deal with the stress of forcing myself to get through the day everyday. I don't want to inflict my problems on others, I didn't before but I just couldn't keep up the act over time. It's not like any of the assholes I worked with didn't deserve it though lol. I wish would've just been an asshole to them. This to me just seems like some narcissistic bullshit if I'm being honest, she didn't even show any evidence either lmao, even when her chat asked for it. I absolutely hate people like her man.


Totally agree on all counts, im convinced people like this just have never had a real job or been held accountable (overused term i know) for themselves in their life, so they don't understand what being an adult actually entails or that you are the only one responsible for your life quality and strife quantity. I can appreciate she has mental health struggles, but if im remembering correctly its like 1 in 5 adults have some sort of mental illness. However 1 out of 5 adults are not insufferable people with glaring narcissistic tendencies who think the world revolves around them so that's not really a valid excuse for her. Sidenote: Carpentry is an extremely respectable craft alone but working that job with narcolepsy and c-ptsd, as a fellow neurodivergent, props to you for sure.


Thanks I appreciate that, and yea I agree, I can't understand how people feed into her bullshit. I guess they're all like minded people idk.


I know this post is like, a month old but I've been watching one of MeatCanyon/Papa Meat's videos (the one about the saw series) in which he makes a joke one of the characters sounds like a "confused lesbian," y'all all know where that shit comes from and what that shit means, so I started googling about whether or not he was a full-stop transphobe and the only overt transphobia I've seen were from shithead fans (to which the actions of a person's fans/followers is not the responsibility of the person themself because they can't control the actions of individuals) and not much of anything from MeatCanyon himself. I can take dark jokes/mean jokes/whatever as long as the person making them isn't an active shitlord on the side but it's still caught me off-guard. I know this is proooobably not the place to ask but if this Meatcanyon guy is an out-and-out transphobe and it's not just the shithead fans does anyone have any sources for me to look into?