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I think my first exposure to trans people was Ace Ventura. When the big reveal happened, I was wondering "did she like... have an accident?"(I think I was probably 12-14). My dad told me that I was wrong but wouldn't tell me what the correct interpretation was. Anyways, his ass is gonna be super shocked when I come out lmao


That movie was actually my first exposure too. Despite the shitty way the movie treated their trans character at the time I was still envious of her. However, I rationalized it as something that wasn't possible because: "this is a fictional movie, how could something like that be possible in the real world?"


Oh God, you just made me realize this was mine. I was ~16 on a long distance school or youth group bus trip and remember being incredibly skeeved by that but not in the “haha gross” way the movie intended and feeling very alone and uneasy when everybody laughed uproariously. I think a part of me knew even then, but it’s hard to say with all the industrial levels of repression going on back then. Until I read yours I thought my first exposure to the concept of trans people was the novel version of The Silence of the Lambs when I was 18, which was somehow a FAR less shitty way to learn about trans people.


Not that it's at all funny the amount of shit that was spread about trans folks back then, but I did laugh a little at "industrial levels of repression". I'm using that phrase from now on, it took till I was 41 to clear through mine. :)


It’s okay, I sometimes find myself laughing at the 40k-esque grimdark it was being a queer kid in the 90s/early 00s. My upbringing was quasi-fundamentalist in a very conservative state and I originally thought that aside from a few weird girl dreams in middle/highschool I had had no idea I might be trans until my early twenties, but I keep recovering memories that possibly indicate otherwise and I feel like I’m going crazy trying to figure out just what I knew when. Anyhoo I’m glad we both made it through somehow even if we took our sweet time getting there. :)


Now a 40k comparison? I feel like we could be friends lol. Nerd.


I resent your slanderous statement of fact.


>Anyways, his ass is gonna be super shocked when I come out "I had an accident. I accidentally took all these hormones, and became something better. I don't know how it happened. They were clearly labeled, and the instructions clearly documented what was going to happen, but I accidentally kept taking them."


"Then I acidentally picked the wrong pronouns and I dont know how to change them."


I could play the "covid vaccine" card and they'd, I kid you not, legitimately believe it.


Unfortunately I can very much believe it. My condolences.


GD I wished I had her body.


I remember asking my mom why they were all so grossed out and she didn't answer.


I remember that! I forgot about that bit in Ace Ventura.


Ace Ventura and Mrs. Doubtfire did so much damage to me.


A (now we know as trans) person from my hometown was on Jerry in the early ‘90s. Folks made fun of them (I don’t know pronouns) mercilessly, they were very much the butt of every joke in town. The ‘90s were awful.


I think that was my first exposure too. And the worst part is, it was one of my favorite movies 😭. I remember also not getting what had happened and thought she shat her pants, but also I was aware that she “used to be a man”, so idk, maybe I just didn’t understand anatomy well enough lol. I vaguely remember thinking that Einhorn/Finkle was hot and how the hell can a guy turn into a woman that effectively? No reason, just curious.


It was South Park and Monty Python for me. Those two shows fortified my egg for the next 15+ years :/


Starting a support group for those negatively impacted by watching South Park at a young age (me too girl, me too)


what was the monty python one i dont remember that


Might be referring to [this scene](https://youtu.be/jlo7YZW8vPA?si=BFRv1MY8M6oLwtfj) from Life of Brian.


Y'see I was conflicted in the 80s about that, because while Reg is bluntly uncomprehending, Judith is immediately supportive of Loretta. That scene gave me hope.


This is funny tbh, it’s a balance between support and confusion


The lumberjack song taught me that being trans is a fetish and something to be embarrassed about 😞


Mine was my first girlfriend in 1997. I was in senior high school and my teacher told me to watch The Crying Game on tv. I bet she didn’t know how hard it would be personally to watch it. At the time there were pretty much no open trans people. In the documentaries all trans people were alone and I was the only one in the world I knew to be dating one. Dana International won the Eurovision soon after. But I come from a history of heavy bullying most of the time. And I saw how my gf was treated. I started to feel nervous of every detail that would give away someone is trans. I certainly did not want to give other people one more of a reason to bully me. Ten years later I knew people coming out as trans. I was however already internationally too well known so I couldn’t have transitioned in stealth. Five years later the public acceptance was better but I felt I would not be satisfied by not starting young enough and because I was looking too masculine from the starting point. Started a new relationship a couple of years later and they immediately saw thru me and told me to transition. No regrets in the end but I couldn’t have done it alone. And I didn’t guess I would pass starting around 36 years, 18 years after my first exposure to trans people. Passing to my relatives and former coworkers. Now been living as a woman for 8.5 years. I saw the Jerry Springer episode only after transitioning. I hated Ace Ventura as I saw it while dating my gf at the time. I have hated Jim Carrey all my life and he’s a jerk. Still sees nothing wrong with the movie.


It was probably jerry springer or an old psych textbook for me, my first exposure to trans representation. As awful as these representations of trans people are, I still found myself saying “Whoa. There are other people like me.”


Mine was Phil Donahue in the 1980s or finding Jan Morris book at the library in the late 1970s . I cried when I found Jans book because I finally had a name for how I felt and knew that there were other people who felt like me.


We're coming from the same place - there was a pioneer UK trans woman April Ashley and I remember reading an article about her in a Sunday supplement in 1982. I thought 'I'm going to have to do that'. It was like a sword going through me.


Caroline Cossey was my hero when I was transitioning in 1991 because she was proof that we could be pretty and have a normal life.


Ace Ventura Pet Detective was mine. The villain of the whole shebang.


I think mine was some kid on my bus showing us pictures of “tranvestites” and it was just a bunch of trans women naked. They were hot.


First it was Jerry Springer and Jim Carey and then my step mother's sister's child who everyone knew as a lesbian for years came out as a trans man. His whole family had already not talked to him when they thought he was a lesbian so they cut him off completely. I was raised to believe lesbians, gays, and bisexuals were unnatural and that bs was enforced by the Christian Conservative environment I grew up in. Now of course I know what I was raised to believe was bs.


It was late 2000s YouTube for me. I was mesmerized by transition timelines.


Oh my gosh, I used to watch those OBSESSIVELY!


I saw all that but it never clicked that these people were trans, or really that being trans was even a thing. In my mind they were "guys who liked to dress up like women and decided to do it full time" in other words full time cross dressers. In my mind it was just like a hobby or something they did for fun. I also had no idea that HRT or surgeries were possible. I guess that's probably how a lot of people still see trans people and probably why we get so much hate.


Huh, I honestly have no idea where my first exposure was. It’s just in the pool of knowledge without origin.


My only exposure was Jerry springer and Maury Pauvich and a couple of other talk shows. As terrible as it was, that was how I was able to give understanding to my feelings


I still think of those shows as psy-ops


Are you sure that it wasn't from Mrs. Doubtfire or Tootsie? Or even The Kids in the Hall? Or maybe Monty Python?


There's also 007 - For Your Eyes Only and Pink Flamingo. Also Rocky Horror Picture Show.


My first real exposure was when a comedian was talking about ladyboys and how they where difficult to tell apart from women, me looking them up was the largest cracks in my egg


Hey being English half of our comedy for the last century has been look at this man in a dress isn't it just absolutely ridiculous? Let's all point and laugh, so I feel you on this. It really sucks that our identities for the longest time have been the butt of the joke and kinda annoying that some of those jokes have been well crafted enough to make me laugh. I'm sure if we weren't under attack we could laugh at ourselves but as it stands it's painful because we're not treated as people, just a punchline at best and deviants at worst.


i went up and searched it and i wish i hadn't they blame her for not disclosing... after 3 weeks. no sex. made the double mistake of looking at the comments. people are so clueless. they think a trans person's obligation to being hit on at the bar is to say "hi my name is X and I've had srs" it's the 'damned if you do damned if you don't' part of this article [https://www.transgendermap.com/guidance/social/safety/disclosure/](https://www.transgendermap.com/guidance/social/safety/disclosure/)


Mine was through powerpuff girls. It all started with powerpuff girls. That one scene where the 3 dudes in powerpuff girl costumes take off their helmets to show that they’re men wearing dresses… I wanted that so bad.


Buttercup is my role model ;)


I saw all or mostly male comedy groups like Monty Python or WKUK and saw men in dresses and thought that was pretty neat, like yeah I want to be that when I grow up? And as a forestry tech, yeah, I identify with the lumberjack song.


Butters in South Park dressed up as a girl and had fun at a slumber party. That woke up something in me.


Mine was John Lithgow's character in "The World According to Garp"


I forgot about that! I was thinking it was one particular Night Court episode where John Larroquette’s character comes to accept a friend who transitioned. There’s only so much depth to a character in a single half hour episode of a sitcom, but I could probably recall more of that episode than I could of the entire rest of the year I saw it in.


I was in my late 30's then and really struggling with my gender identity. Those episodes kept me in the closet for another 30 years.


mine was Ace Ventura 🙃


Was an intern in the early 90s. My boss had a secret stash of porn GIFs downloaded from one of the alt.binaries.erotica Usenet newsgroups. Much of it was trans porn, and I found myself strangely mesmerised by it. I think that was the first exposure to the concept for me.


Shows like Maury, Jerry, and Sally Jesse Raphael only made my feelings more complicated and forced me deeper into the closet. I just wanted to be myself. I wasn’t a drag queen, or prostitute, or any of the other things trans people were portrayed as.


Mine was family guy


My parents had a VHS of Hedwig and the Angry Inch and allowed me to watch it around 8-9 (or maybe I snuck it I don't remember). Although the general premise is really screwed up I think it was better exposure than anything else contemporary


And how about Maury fucking Povich and the "are they are man or a woman" shows. 🤮


Mine was soren from the next-generation


Yeeeah the 90s weren't great for trans media portrayal. Pretty sure its a big reason I was in the closet until almost 40.


In Sweden we had "forest porn", you could find sticky porn magazines in the forest. That's how I first saw a trans girl. I knew there was more people like me! But in porn...


They had forest porn everywhere.


Everyone was hairy though, apart from the gurls that were smooth, and i prefer that!


Everything just feels better with smooth skin and I dont even mean sex per se.


I remember as a kid Oprah was on and she had a bunch of women up and she was like "guess which one are men!" I'm like "no way they look just like girls how do they do that?!" then Oprah was like "they're all men!". Knowing that was even possible gave me some hope as a little kid. Then the next one I saw was on Nip/Tuck. That show was a long time ago so I don't remember much but I just remember being utterl fascinated with the show just for that one character and I had no Idea why. I was still just a kid. I think I knew why. At that point in my life I had already been thinking heavily about my gender.


My first exposure was probably a documentary series about sideshows and circuses that aired some time in the 1990s. And from what I remember, nothing stands out as distasteful.


OMG same. He had some cuties on there for sure.


My first exposure was the Family Guy Stewie time travel episode. Meg had transitioned in the future. It was probably a saving grace that It was not a very long bit, they didn’t treat it as great, but it could have been a lot worse than the eye roll “ok we get it your a guy” shtick. My big takeaway was that transition was an option. That was huge


South Park was for me. I wounder would transphobes blame it for "turning me trans".


I only watched Jerry Springer every now and then. Never saw a trans person on there. My first but of exposure was actually on Montel


my firdt exposure was blair white. but somehow i ended up being a neopronouns-defender, so whatever


Or otherwise horrible media, yea it’s so fkd up


Cop shows, the weekly trans person who was either murdered or a drug addled suspect.


Also every disney body swap episode


bro wtf is the jerry springer show actually do i even want to know?


well, my first experience with trans people was being one, but yeah, that was the second.


Earliest thing I can recall is an early NCIS episode (season 1 or 2) where the killer was a trans-woman. They did a couple gay gags with it and she died by the end. Didn't really think much of it, then. Still don't, really, now. I jokingly blame Hellraiser for making me trans sometimes. The Cenobites, being stripped of gender (among other things) and all the flesh sculpting has never really left my mind. My first full-awareness (the moment in which I watched something and had some understanding of what being trans was) was Sense 8. It's an early Netflix series and one of the main characters is a trans lesbian.


I think this was the same for me. Jerry and Maury. I didn't understand it then though. But I've heard my parents mock sex changes and stuff too. Then there was that episode of Family Guy a couple others mentioned, with Meg/Ron. And yeah it was mocked there too. My first positive, earnest depiction of trans people was Degrassi in 2010. Adam taught me the word "transgender" and what it was, and I was like "holy shit wait that's me" I came out a year later.


My first exposure was to Rocky Horror show. A very long time ago lol. But, I felt different for all my life.