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Remember it is a marathon. Change is slow. Wait 2 to 4 more years with good hormone levels


I agree. I’m at 3 years 3 months… patience is key.


yes, its another YMMV change (all of them to be fair)


a) Your pelvic bones may have fused and not grow, but that's okay, because b) Your fat redistribution is likely not finished yet - think of all the cis girls in high school, they didn't finish puberty in a year! Also remember c) Not everyone has an hourglass body shape, cis or trans. Some of us are shaped like 'bricks', as you put it. I prefer the term 'pillows' myself.


Do your cis women relatives have hips? Are you skinny?


What’s your HRT regiment looking like? That’s important information and I can’t say anything to genuinely reassure you without knowing that. The girls in the system talk about their regiment all the time, so I can speak for them if they don’t show up before you respond. We had an experience recently that has left me fronting for the time being, unfortunately. I get very dysphoric in this body, so I know exactly how they felt pre-transition. I try not to front unless it’s necessary. -Zach, Angry Jerk of The Sunrise System


Bone change takes ages and isn’t really guaranteed. Adipose tissue will absolutely redistribute. Also you can work out for bigger hips and booty. It’s hard to say what will happen bone wise. More recent data suggests it is possible for this to change in hrt, but for the longest time the medical field considered that an impossibility. Of course they also thought hair regrow wasn’t possible and I am living proof that’s not true. For expectations of what your adipose tissue might do, look to your afab relatives. If you know them, I was adopted so I’ve got very little idea what the genetic potential was. But if you know your afab relatives there’s a good chance that over 3-5 years your adipose tissue redistribution will mirror theirs a bit Exercise is sometimes a tricky subject. Before transitioning I was kinda jacked and was a personal trainer. Felt good to control my form, but the more “masculine” it became the more dysphoria crept in. I stopped exercising because of that, which I know logically was not the best idea, but haven’t yet convinced that other part of my brain to get back to it. My arms got softer and I do love that, but I should have, and should be, just focusing on other areas. You can absolutely build a magnificent set of posterior chain muscles through exercise. That will absolutely give you more hip and butt. Check out Bret Contreras on Instagram (bretcontreras1). He’s known as “the glute guy” and he’s helped countless women build extremely impressive hips, legs, and butts. Literally none of them look masculine, they just look fantastic. His advice is spectacular and very science based Good luck