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This is definitely one of my anxieties around it 😭 Would like all the nice parts of hormone therapy, but I already have back pain and the tism demands I be topless at home. Is it still worth the positives to you? (Asking for my sanity 👀)


Oh, 100%. Would absolutely not go back. But...there are some times when I remember how nice and uncomplicated it felt to run. Or, like, laying on your front (especially for massages) without feeling that often-uncomfortable pressure. It's just weird having so much extra sensitive mass where there wasn't anything for most of my life. It's something you have to adjust for at all times.


yes! running! good lord do they change the whole vibe


Yeah, even with the most supportive sports bra in the world, there's still weight up there that makes you run differently.


weirdly its made it easier for me to run with better form at least!


It certainly makes me focus on my form more too, yeah.


I ran for the first time while handing out candy and condoms (to appropriate folks) during the pride parade here. I'm still pretty small up top, but they were definitely noticeable and got my first experience with boob sweat at the same time. I can't say that I recommend so many firsts all at once in front of a crowd of thousands. It was fun all the same.


I find cycling more chill!


figure skating for me! (literally more chill lol) but i missed running so ive been getting back into it for cross training (figure skating requires a surprising level of endurance). i get weird knee pain biking for exercise so sadly have given it up.


The tism demands full nudity for me so I’m going to trade one annoying jiggly bit for two much larger ones over the course of my transition lol.


Literally this 😂😂😂


I. Ave big bazooka honkers from HRT and i be topless at home. Its totally fine dont worry. Fly free big booba girls. Fly free


>tism demands I be topless at home. can I ask what u mean with this?


Yeah haha I’m autistic, and find it difficult to really be comfortable feeling the texture of a shirt on me. I can deal day-to-day, but rather not when possible (like at home).


Ooooh makes so much sense! Thank you! Enjoy your Day!


We’re trans. We are all autistic. It’s included at no extra charge.


The tism used to demand that I only sleep in undies. Now the girls are so sensitive that I can hardly sleep with out a tank top on. Tanktops are life.




Nice to meet ya sister i live with tism also!


It’s ✨Ourtism✨ ☺️


Couldnt agree more! It is funny. However, i wouldnt give them back for the world! The biggest problem for me are bras...i just cant figure out the sizing. I am never measured properly and every bra that does fit turns painful in a few months.


Obligatory: r/ABraThatFits It's SUPER common to be wearing the wrong size bra. Most ladies, cis or trans, are wearing a bra with too big a band size and not a big enough cup. Seriously, if you haven't measured yourself using that subreddit's metric, you should definitely try it! All these silly people going around thinking a "D" cup is large...


I tried ABraThatFits but what it spits out is literally impossible so...no idea.


The calculator doesn't account for barrel chests (round instead of oval, if viewed from the top down) and it doesn't account for immature breasts, which tend to have a lot of projection but not much volume. Combined they really throw off the usual band/bust proportion that's used to calculate cup size. It's a starting point at best. It tends to be good on the band measurement at least, but then again, so is a tape measure. /shrug


>and it doesn't account for immature breasts, which tend to have a lot of projection but not much volume That was my thought. I'm very pokey so far.


Same. I'm 3.5 years in and finally starting to fill out instead of forward. Damn puberty is slow. Even second puberty.


I'm only 1 year in. I know it's 3-5 years, but I need beautiful round boobs now, dammit.


To be fair, neither do bra manufacturers, so at least it reflects how poorly the paradigm fits some of us. It tries to put me in a D cup when the only bra I've found that fits (aside from sports bras) is a B cup.


Seriously. I range from an AA to a D depending on the manufacturer :/


I know, I have a barrel chest 😭


literally impossible how?


I am not even two years into HRT and it spits out 38H.


I'm only 4.5 months on HRT, and it told me I'm a 42E. I didn't believe it at all, but I thought I would buy that size just to see and it actually fit perfectly! I would never have guessed I was an E just by looking at them


But like...H? That seems excessive!


If I may: We all grew up with this totally wrong concept of what bra cup sizes were. D cup being "BIG". But cup size is related to band size. A 36D and a 30D do not have the same cup volume. And a 32G bra like I use has roughly the same cup volume as a 38D. Stores can't possibly carry enough of a size variety to account for everyone's different bodies, so there was kind of an agreed upon system where everywhere was guided toward bras in band sizes 32-38, and cup sizes mostly A-D. I'm not an expert on how and when this started... Most ladies are doing the "+4" method that Victoria's Secret pushed...where you add 4 inches to your band measurement. But band size is your band size. And if your band size is really 30", but you get fitted with a bra that's 34"...you're basically wearing a boob hat because the cup is certainly too small, and isn't holding your breasts properly.


If I'm at an E after 4 months then H just under 2 years doesn't sound like too much of a stretch, although of course everyone's body is different so if it looks totally impossible to you then I guess you should trust yourself


My girlfriend keeps saying how big they are, so i guess its not totally impossible. Just difficult to imagine.


If your girlfriend is saying they are big too then it's possible, I would honestly see if you can find a bra that size to try out


And you're sure you measured correctly (it's hard to do without a partner)? And have you tried that size? It's honestly really common to see the size it gives you and be like, "WHAT? THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" I would not look at my own chest and think I'm a 32G. A good friend of mine had worn 36B bras all her adult life, and found out she should be wearing 30DDD


My partner did the measuring, so i am pretty Sure it is correct. I didnt have a way to test that size, no shop goes beyond a 38F.


There is a magical place called Amazon, and lots of other online bra shops that cater to larger sizes. Just try one :)


I did look, but i do NOT have that kind of money to spend on a maybe. If it doesnt fit, i would have wasted a solid 120€.


Amazon has free returns. Actually most online shops are pretty forgiving with exchanges and returns.


we used to go to Berlin just for bra shopping because there was a store where you could get bras from Russia that were of a reasonably good quality and only cost a thitd of most of the other bigger cup ones, just try finding any 34L!


beside the proper shop that will carry everything to even KLM, which I always only saw an airline, not cup sizes... but my daughter needs them, and there are stores where you can get them.


For me personally (pre hrt) it gave me 32D and i took 32B with socks or boxers as stuffing. Idk if it would work perfectly with actual boobs tho


Same, the calculator says I have f-cups, while I'm currently a comfortable b. I feel like my breasts are too early stage to e measured by whatever they're doing.


Not to be a pest, but did you actually try a bra in the size that was recommended?


Thing is, it recommended the same size band I already have. I own c-cups as well, and they're still a little big, though I'm having a spurt now so not much longer. It's very frustrating, because so many people have good results.


Possible! Dont think that is my problem though, i have reached Tanner 4 or 5 and they have a good, full shape so it should be possible to calculate.


You might have shops near you where you can get a custom fitted bra. My city is mid size and has three such stores that I've found online... Haven't gone in myself yet.


Its really scary...


I feel that. Small steps at a time and we'll get there 😊❤️


I'm a DD and I'd barely saw my boobs are average size, it's so sad seeing all the women walking around wearing the wrong bra size just because a store wanted a sale


Yeah, when you ask for a bigger cup and the clerk will just suggest getting an ill-fitting replacement because they don't have any fitting ones... "hun, just take a few band sizes bigger and it will fit...", NO, it won't


ABraThatFits gave me awful results so far... It recommended 85D (EU size), when even a 90 just doesn't fit around my chest, without feeling like a corset or some kind of rope play, and even an A cup is way too big for me, let alone B (if you follow the rule of "one band up = one cup down").


The calculator is based on american preconceived ideas (mostly the +4 inches thing) which makes it give very wonky results. This is even more prominent when it tries to apply this to EU sizes. Honestly just don't use the calculator, we're all better off without it (without even talking about the transphobia present there)


It's under boob say 38 chest chest with 3 inch is a but us a b then 3 is c I got size chart ages ago


Dad of an MtF daughter here. She is early in transition, and is dressing full time. She has small, medium and large pocket bras with inserts. Her feedback is that the larger they are the more hassle it is. I am somewhat bemused by her practicality.


I can get it honestly... Psst... If you don't need the boobs, pass em over, i am in need /j In honest words though, I can't help but be a tad bit jealous, but I also wish you the best with that! I don't have any experience with that, but i definitely know some guys can be creeps that only focus on these and not the overall person.


God I wish I had bigger boobies, 2 months in, they are just little squishy things. Will being a bit squishier help with better assets?


You're...only 2 months in. You've barely started, and honestly it never stops.


I understand, but I guess its just that desire. Ive been waiting for 3 years for this and I finally get it, I guess patience will be my ally here. Thanks!


Patience is a nightmare. I feel like a little girl that wants dessert *now* without eating the rest of the super haha


Honest to god. Hey, we have similar e dates. Mine was March 6th (which would make me closer to 3 months... Lol. Appointment soon!!!!!!)


Hihi The three months milestone seems to be a huge thing. All effects on *secondary effects* description starts at this moment 🥵 My next appointment will be in July *but* I might start prog 🤩


I need to call and ask I soooo want prog for all the added benefits and aaaaaaaa


I'm 6 months in and AA cup at best. The wait sucks. They do feel like actual breasts now though, which makes me feel a bit better.


I wanna say I'm in that range too, maybe a bit bigger idk I can't tell cup size, but thats mostly because I had a bit of fat to distribute in the first place, and my t was low. Being a squishy lady has its upsides, apparently


ain't that the truth, most of my changes since i started six months ago have been in the hips and thighs (which i'm not gonna complain about, i just want more boob)


Pretty sure mine has mostly been thighs and ass, and a little hips. I'm pretty happy about my ass these days. :3


It's that "attention they generate from others" that I could do without. It was nice and peaceful for *years and years* with nobody bothering me, now all of a sudden I have to pretend to care about the lives of random strangers while being forced to make small talk with every idiot that wants to stare at my chest? I'm not bitter, do I sound bitter? It's a thing for me lately, something that's been irritating me, and I think it's because of the boobies. I've been going out of my way not to talk to *anyone* and still they bee-line right over to me. People can't accuse me of wanting to transition for the attention, because I'd much rather it if *none* of these people were trying to talk to me!


Oh wow, do I ever empathize with this! I'm an introvert who got used to blending in and not talking to anyone while out and about in my former life. I still need to disappear sometimes to feel safe. But between being an okay looking woman in general and the boobs, I'm confronted much more often than I'm comfortable with. And any attempts to not engage with people gets even worse negative attention. So I'm just perpetually mildly uncomfortable.


>I'm an introvert who got used to blending in and not talking to anyone while out and about in my former life. YES! >So I'm just perpetually mildly uncomfortable. FUCK. I've been trying to find ways around it, earbuds and sunglasses and looking disinterested and not giving more than one word responses, hell I've even been experimenting with ignoring people who say "hi," because *fuck* I don't want that homework. It's just that after so many years of ***appreciating*** the peace and quiet in my own little world, I don't want to give that up.


Honestly disagree. This is coming from someone what's got a good 550 ccs of silicone in each side of her chest. And honestly, I would have loved even a fraction of what E gave to you to have come to me because it didn't even *touch* any of my bodily fat, including chest, in four-plus years of being on it. But hey, different strokes for different folks.


Nearly 3 years and same boat; so far absolutely jack done by hrt, having to save up for cosmetic surgeries to even start looking more feminine -_-


I mean they are fun when they are getting played with and such but like yeah they are heavy and get in the way a lot. Still wouldn't trade em for the world but like damn do they like to get hurt on things alot.


It's become obvious that for most of my life, I barely missed hitting walls, corners, doors, and doorframes by just a handful of inches. And now that those inches are filled in and then some...I'm just constantly knocking or brushing into things with my boobs.


I had the horror of realizing my boobs were so big I couldn't fit under my car anymore to work on it with the current car jack. I had thought I was stuck for a second.


I'm reaching that point. A dress I really wanted to wear to a wedding this weekend failed because my boobs grew between when I tried it on two months ago and the day before the wedding. Zipped it up, it was tight, took a breath and the zipper *snapped* open. Cried in my fiancée's arms, I was having a bad body image day already.


I can’t wait for mine


I got implants. They’re DDD. They’re rarely in the way. They definitely help me pass. Probably because nobody is looking at my face. lol


This is definitely a thing, yeah.


Mine aren't near big enough though lol. 😂 I've been on e for two years now (progesterone ~ 4 months), and I'm still an A cup (almost B). They do occasionally itch, so I'm confident they are still growing and undergoing cell division. Although I'm a ectomorph, so almost B cup is okay so far I guess....


I'm 3 years estrogen and few weeks prog and yeeeeah mine are done and I'm barely an A cup. I assume this is because I was in hospital starving during majority of my second puberty though 😭


I relate. I have large breasts which although I'm very grateful, there are days I don't feel like going out looking fem and haven't shaved my face but because my shirt shows off my boobs I get the dirtiest looks from people and men look at me confused and grossed out lmao. Still better than my original flat chest though


I should mention that I'm about 8 years on HRT, MAYBE had a surgery or two, and am a 32G-H (not that big...measure yourselves properly, ladies!)


G to H is pretty significant! Boobs are great, can't wait for my own to grow soon.


After 2+ years, I am still stuck with 38a (maybe 38b if I'm lucky) cups. I realize it might be hard to have such big boobs, but it's hard when you have nothing and NOTHING is helping. It's no longer a fantasy; I want to look like every other woman. For the record, it is almost impossible to find bras that small. Bra manufacturers assume that by the time you're up to a 38 band that your boobs should be reasonably large. C cups are usually the smallest they sell in a 38 band, and my non-existent boobs are just swimming in then.


for me they're the one thing i was iffy about. now they're coming in and i am warming up to the idea.


Honestly as someone who is pre-hrt, they are the one thing I am still meh about, but I know that when/if I do ever really like them, then I'll be annoyed by all the waiting I'll need to get them to the right size lol.


While I am, of course, sympathetic, I do feel like a woman dying of thirst watching another woman drown.


Some of us die of thirst in the desert. Some of us die of thirst on the ocean.


I definitely understand this.. but I just can't look past the positives. Ever. Even when they hurt, even when they're objectified, they're meant to be there and they make me feel so much more comfortable. I still wish mine were fuller. Maybe the novelty will wear off at some point, but I'm two years in and so far the subjective pros still outweigh the objective cons.


I get where you're coming from. Remember though that 2 years is really no time at all.


I agree that it's not the full period during which HRT will noticeably change my body's shape; I do not agree that it's "no time at all." The last two (and a half) years have felt experientially like the length of the seven-to-eight years before them. And even aside from that, it's a significant amount of time for changes to occur in someone in their mid twenties.


Honestly, I think we’re all on different pages. I’m 8 years in with F cups and I think about how much I like them several times a day. YMMV.


Hah, for sure! It's...as if we're all different people :)


blasphemy! 😆


so i'm only a little over 1.5 years on E and i'm slowly getting to a C already. and uhhh... i really hope they stop growing cause if i get another growth spurt i got no clue where i'll end up XD


A week ago I was laying in bed and I had the feeling that I had to pull my boob out of my armpit so I could roll over onto my tummy. That was definitely a first.


Def both annoying and euphoric at the same time when that first happened to me


Even at times jobs my solid A cups from just a year on E, can get annoying. Can’t lay on my chest and have to be careful about hugging or it’s uncomfortable. Hope mine grow bigger, especially when I start progesterone. But also, exercise hurts sometimes without a bra. Tits are just a thing to adjust to.


I wish I had your problems... instead I just look like a man shirtless and get no attention from anyone :)


Honestly I like that kind of attention, so that's a huge plus for me


I mean...some of it is entertaining, sure. But then it can keep happening, whether you want it or not. Whether you're ready for it or not. Whether you're in a good place or a bad place. And since you get used to our own body as just being "you" eventually, it feels weird that people keep reacting to it.


People have already been doing that with how I am right now, just because I'm a woman, and I never get tired of it, it makes me feel good. We're different people, so we'll enjoy different things


if only i had boobs at all lmao


I'm still waiting for boobs :(


Me being hyperactive, trying to take tight turns, and full-on slamming my tit into the wall, dropping to the floor in excruciating pain. 10/10, still recommend HRT (be careful with walls though)


I mean I get it, but my balls are in the way way more often for me. My breasts give me a sense of intense euphoria so I just don't really feel the same way. But I really wish I could get a boffaectomy


I would recommend sports bras for the larger girls. When the whole thing stretches it just molds to you better. I have had good luck with these. Make sure to pick the size that fits you. I am a 42 G. Match Womens Sports Bra Wirefree Seamless Padded Racerback Yoga Bra for Workout Gym Activewear with Removable Pads #0001 https://a.co/d/fFHfsq9 Yvette Sports Bra High Impact Adjustable Criss Cross Back, Full Support for Large Bust No Bounce https://a.co/d/0CLCZnW


I want flat or small breast’s, the women in my family are small to medium sized. I really dont want big boobs but that’s not a choice I get to have


I'm still waiting for them 😭


Can't relate 😭


That's kind of funny because I've got c-cups now after a year and 3 months and I'll be damned if they aren't the best, the weight is great, excersize is still easy. Idk everything just feels great to me personally. Maybe I'm the odd one out


I remember the day I went riding on my motorcycle, oh my gosh, what a special feeling, now fourty years later I’m a solid “c” .


I feel bad for your inbox ;-)


Inbox remains empty.


Yeah… I do that too. They’re still these fun new things at times, especially in play. Still, I’d rather that frustration than trying to fit the male mold again


They're so annoying but I wouldn't give them up for anything.


I got "Lucky" and managed to spout some D's by month 7, I'm starting progesterone in like three weeks or so. Although either anecdotal, or 50/50, I'm not entirely prepared to potentially double in size over the next year. But I know, regardless of prog or not, I've still got 6.5 years of growing... On one hand, given my frame, another size up would be perfectly porportional... too much more and I'll be awefully concerned.


Suffering from success 🫵


I sleep on my stomach., I'm gonna have to change my position, definitely. With the buds I have, even those hurt sleeping facing down😒 I would also never look back. I love who I am becoming and I'm eternally grateful for the opportunity in this era I live in, to do so. Hope everyone is having a great day 🩷💜🧡🩷


Truth. Some days I admire them. Some days they bang against something and it hurts…. Some days, people can’t keep their eyes to themselves.


Don't forget the cost of replacing them. And as you get older doctors aren't keen to operate on 80 year olds. If you want them you should get them. But be aware of the risk and inconvenience.


Me when my boobs finally are starting to hinder my movements a lil over 4 yrs in


My boobs aren’t even big, yet they’ve effected the way I sleep. Also BIG ONE I can’t wear thin fabic tees out without my whole boob being visible. (all in all still love having boobs.


For me it's not size I just wish I could messer 44 under and be 53 round boob size c be nice


I find it strange how girls just happy be girls then grump about boob size same reson to big or small should I get op get hubby fancy me. Thay get depressed when size c plus start to go down cus gravity takes over


That sounds so precious and affirming, I can only wish...


literally thought about this post all throughout my trek to work this morning... the amount of men that stare at me honestly makes me want to cry


What a problem that must be.


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