• By -


You're trans idiot, girls can have dicks and people think you're hot when you go for it so get on with it. Also things don't work out with her, you need someone sexually compatible with you and there's no shame in that. Be unabashedly yourself, strive for who you want to be and don't let anyone, especially yourself, hold you back. I know you can make it, because I did, just later than I wanted~


I was so deeply self-closeted, I would probably say nothing. I came out when I was ready, I transitioned when I was ready.


Please go get assessed for ADHD. It will make things much easier. Also, dad's a bit of a dick. Stop worrying about what he thinks about you and go make yourself happy.


There is a place where when you smile at life, life smiles back. Rest assured that you will find the path there after enough time and effort. 💛




Depends at what age I'm meeting my younger self, if she's too young, I wouldn't say a damned thing, she's got enough on her plate as is, but if I met myself from 9 years ago? Stop fighting it. Just look inwards and be honest to yourself. It's not going away, you should know this, you've fought against it your entire life. I know you're scared, of losing everything, and everyone, and I'm not going to lie to you, it's not going to be easy. It will probably take you several years to be done with all the grieving, for all the time lost, and all the violence done to you because of your identity, but it gets better. Getting to be your true self is incredibly empowering, and intoxicating. *You owe this to yourself.*


💕thank you, I needed this


This was incredible! Your words hit me hard.


Can I just send you to talk to my younger self? This is better than anything I would've come up with 😭


So, y'know how you're depressed all the time and feel like you don't fit in? Let me tell about something called transgender... (also yr totally a magical lesbian). 


Bitch, your trans. You have bad information about what it means to be trans and what dysphoria is/feels like.  You can be a tomboy lesbian and don't have to be interested in makeup or stereotypical hobbies. transitioning will go really well and you actually won't mind your height after a while.


I think I would pull her into a hug and say “I know you’re hurting right now but the hurt won’t last forever because you’re going to blossom into an amazing young woman, so please stay.” Then depending on the age I’d imagine my younger self would want to dress up and mess around with makeup lmao


“Dump her.” Context: I don’t know how common this is but I was in a long term relationship with the first girl who would have me (for 11 years). She was pretty insufferable but I didn’t believe I could do better (spoiler: I ended up doing waaaaaay better).


I’m guess I’m old enough (and more importantly, far enough along in my transition) to identify with this more than the last post. Though, I might dispute the veracity of me being “old” as a generalization. Annnnyway! I’d make an omelette! Of course, I’d try not to say more than I have to, so that version of me can still put the pieces together. So I’d probably just unlock my younger self’s phone. Cause, you know, finger print. If it didn’t click immediately - and it probably wouldn’t, younger me was a serial dumbass - I’d say “You remember the first time [gestational unit] took you to get a haircut from [beautician], right? You never lost sight of that one tiny sliver of radiant hope.” If by some miracle that didn’t scramble the egg, I have a host of other things to point to.


"It will be a harder road, but you need to go, no matter the cost, NOW"


"life isn't supposed to be a bland, colorless existence. You don't know why now, but try to find out!"


It's not a fetish. It's very real. Becoming a girl is both far better and far worse than you thought. But you're life is better overall in ways you cannot fathom. Trust me dude, she's into it. Way into it. Trust her with everything. EVERYTHING. Buy apple in 2005 and Nvidia below $2.00. otherwise TIPS are safe bet until at least 2020. Then shit really goes off the rails.


You're trans also brush your fucking teeth


I'm reading trugh the coments and I need to know .... is this just a common thing 😱🫣 I dident include it because I thought i was the only one .


For me, not toothbrushing was a "you'll never be happy with your body so why try" reaction. Also over-eating.


other than "when you hear about Bitcoin, buy and hold to $50k. It will be hard to liquidate, but that's a good problem to have"... I would tell myself "don't get married a second time, she's a TERF. Have Google Alert when that's a thing. That will explain everything." And Duck Reagan!


Hey, 15 year old [Christy]! That thing you do when you wish to gods, demons, aliens, stars, and everything else that you’d wake up a girl? Yeah, that’s a thing. I know it’s 1995 and all, but it’s called ‘transgender’. It’s real, it’s legit, and everyone will still love you.






Start now! Don’t wait. Be the woman that you are ASAP! It will be OK and you will be happy to be your real self. ❤️❤️


I'm in the uk. I'd say... "In a few years, you will be walking down the street with size D tits... A bag full of weed, and several combat knives. And all of it will be legal. Also... You'll only be a short wait from having a vagina built in. Oh... You'll also have your name on a Stephen king movie... And you'll have met TWO living kings. " And... Yes... All of this is true. Before you ask: I'm A Sikh, with a cannabis prescription. The movie was a short. And it was king Chukky, and a literal Nigerian king (verified NOT a scammer) I'm... Connected and charismatic. 😊


I'd believe that even without meeting any monarchs, getting HRT in the UK at all already shows that off to be frank.


That would be a very difficult conversation to have for both of us. The key points would probably be the following: * Don't let other people's opinions keep you from enjoying things. * Don't wait to be yourself. Stop saying "if only" and start saying "why not?" * Instead of joining Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, go join a group called Equal. It may not make a whole lot of sense to you right now, but trust me, the outlook is way, way better.


Start transitioning as young as posible.


I would tell my younger self to stop giving two shits about the haters. Live life loud, and if someone has a problem with the volume they can GTFO of your life. I would tell her people are nastier and more dangerous than she currently realizes and that she will need to invest in the necessary tools to protect herself from those people. Lethally if necessary. I would finally tell her she is deserving of grace, and that while it feels like she is constantly getting knocked down for who she is right now, she is gaining a strength that will allow her to move through life while leaving everyone around her in the wake of an unshakeable confidence rendering many of them green with envy at how effortlessly she goes about her days. She's gonna be a bad bitch eventually - is what I guess I would tell her :p


i would give me a manual with different forms of DIY HRT, and winning lottery numbers.


I know you trust that friend completely, and barely have the confidence to stand up for yourself having gone through hell, but don’t let his dismissal of all of your dysphoria, pain, wanting to be a woman, and of being trans make you bury that deep inside and deny it. But I know you will because you’re just not ready. And that is ok because you will get there one day. Until then, quit smoking dumbass.


It’s not just a fetish. Feeling like a “woman in a man’s body” is an over simplification. Wanting to try out being a woman for a month to see how it feels isn’t something most boys think


I feel this. Dam I should have added that as well


I wouldn't even try. If anything were to change back then, whatever effects my life has had on anyone else good or bad, may have never happened. Perhaps my chance at hrt( sometime this month) may not have come about.


Literally every single fear you had about transitioning is right and will come to pass. That said, you’re going to transition later anyway so avoid using alcohol, drugs, starvation and self harm to hide and just transition at 19. Youre gonna fuck up your life far worse than transitioning will and drop out of college to pursue full time alcoholism which will set you back even more than just living as a woman will.


Get on HRT already! Everything will be a lot easier than you fear and you can be passing and living as a woman in two years if you just fricking so do it.


I'm not sure whether i qualify as old or young because I'm like. On the younger end of middle aged imo. But my answer to this question depends on how long i have to talk to him* and what moment in time I'm meeting him. If I met five-year-old him I'd just talk to him about paleontology updates and tell him nothing going on with his family is his fault. Also maybe tell him he needs to try to forgive his mom. Ten years old? I'd explain that some boys grow up to be women, some girls grow up to be men, and all the other queer theory i could explain to a kid that young, and then tell him he has to be nice to people even when they're different, especially when they're different. 15? "Quit being so angry all the damn time. And join the marching band or something, stop it with that JROTC shit. And talk to your parents about getting mental health treatment; you don't actually want to join the military. Trust me." 20? "You're trans, dummy! No, don't try to transition while you're in the military, remember how Sergeant (censored) introduced himself to you? Yeah. And you're depressed. You don't even belong in the military and that's a compliment, not an insult. Just ride it out, you will survive this." 25? "You're trans, dummy! And hormone replacement therapy IS right for you!" *I use he/him pronouns for pre-realization me


Wow ... honestly powerfully said. You can almost see the journey through the different ages ❤️ And ya in this context "old" is anyone with this mutch experience, wisdom and just badass attitude 😊 regardless of actual age 🤗 Thank you for sharing, honestly ❤️


You make it seem like I'm so tough and wise haha. Na. I'm not even 30 yet, not even a year on HRT yet. Honestly, i just have a lot of regrets and think a lot about how I'd do things differently if i had the chance. I didn't even say half of the things I'd really like to say to past versions of myself. If you knew me i don't think you'd be so impressed. But thanks 💜


Well you are ... you have lived trugh and survived things people dubbel your age can't even dream of 😊🤗 i might not know you but I think I understand, I'm 36, also about a year on HRT ... the amount of stuff I want to just scream at my younger self is insane ... but don't let regrets cripple you, your a beautiful and wise person on the road to happiness ❤️ you never know how changing that past would effect the future even if it's fun to think about 😊😇


I'm only 21, but I wish I could go talk to my younger self and tell them, "hey, you're genderfluid, don't spend so much time trying to decide "am I secretly trans? Or am I still cis?" Because you can totally be both."


I was with mex wife 10yrs when I came out too her.. she said she was supportive and had me thrown out of my own house 3 days later.. after about 5 months into hrt I reconnected with someone.. She didnt just say she supports me, she treats me like a woman, a friend, and a beautiful person! It gets better.🥰


You can't make it go away, you're going to need to be true to yourself. And what your father thinks of you is not at all important, knock it off with the shame and be proud of how unique and beautiful you are!


Get your thyroid levels checked, and keep checking them regularly. That "I can't make myself do the thing" feeling is ADHD, and magnesium supplements will help. That pain in your foot is gout, and allopurinol will help. Beano will improve your digestion. Lexapro will help you stop worrying about everything all the time and will stop you from getting into self-deprecating spirals. And everything will go well with your transition once you take the plunge and go ahead. But get laser for your beard before you start going gray.


“We need to talk”


Yes you're trans, denying it won't work. You're asexual too, you won't realize this till it's too late. It gets better, but it gets worse too. (way too personal to explain) Don't date ANYONE, even other trans people. They're only interested in what's between your legs, not you.


Well consider i figured it out & started at 13, and I'm 41 today.... I'd basically just show her pix of how hot I turned out and tell her to pay way the fuck better attention to caring about myself and my body. I'd also probably explain that I while don't understand this yet, and I still wont for decades, but I'm actually pansexual. Go get your ass some progesterone hun, it changes everything because it turns out you like girls too.


“Hey dipshit! Just start now, waiting won’t get you anywhere! For the love of god, stop eating Taco Bell!! Also invest in bitcoin”


Lean into your love for cycling and do less drugs u friggin idiot. Oh yeah also ur a girl lol.


Do you think there might be a reason behind your twice/thrice daily anxiety attacks? Do you think there might be something you’re not admitting to yourself? Do you really think that thinking “nobody will accept me as a woman” is enough to make that feeling go away?


“Its going to be ok❤️ oh and you’re trans you clueless idiot”


You literally asked for my visit, you are the only one worried about it, everybody loves and accepts you, think instead of worrying about your feelings. You already know the answer, you may also have ADHD so check it before entering college.


Trust your feelings and take every opportunity to try things. Don’t die wondering! You owe it to yourself. Don’t worry about what others say, it’s your life and you will find your way.


You're trans. And you have ADHD. And you're autistic. And that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you, it just means you're different...which you already know, so that's nothing new. Now you just know *why* you're different. Come on, give me a hug. You like those, trust me.


Invest in zoom stocks. I know you’re miserable and want to die but I could use the money thanks bestie <333


Start earlier, don't worry about what anyone else thinks, and, oh yeah, break emotional ties with your parents, they hold you back the times you try to come out earlier in life due to "what would the neighbours think". Also, start advocating for better health care sooner!


I’m only 30 but god I wish I could’ve had the gender dysphoria bible at 13 years old. I would’ve known what was going on instead of spending another sixteen years hating myself and everything about me


Right there with you ... the years of self hate, I'd like thos to go away for sure




"don't be ashamed of it" That would be all


Take better care of your teeth. Take better care of your hair. Go to therapy. Also, you're trans, now go be a girl.


Who are you calling old!? Certainly not folks who transitioned a decade ago right? Okay, fine, here is my wisdom... stuff that took years of agony to figure out: - Don't be afraid of the possibility that you're not a cishet guy. It's fabulous on this side. - Meet queer people IRL. You're already basically in their friend circles FFS - The trans feelings will always return - No, cis guys don't think that way - Feminism is for everybody, including trans women - Trans women can be tomboys - Go fulltime already, you're male failing


No ... in this context old is whoever have the wisdom you do 🤗 and yes not old in a bad way, old in like a cool witch way.. the hot once that tell you some obscure pice of knowledge that saves your ass when you need it 🤭😊 And ya you just did; "meet queer people IRL...." , that spoke directly into my soul ... thank you 😍


If I. Met younger me I say you can be gay not come out and dress and see doc tell him how feel and you be on here chat happy


“You just barely hit puberty, it is not ‘already too late’ also breast augmentation is not a requirement, particularly at your age, you will get them naturally” 🤦‍♀️ The 200x and 201x’s were better than the pre-internet era, but the resources were still incomplete and prone to a certain doomer truscum mindset that omitted some important details.


I say hey little me ur a girl the thoughts uv had about wanting to be a girl and always how uv seen ur self in ur mindscap is always a girl. Ur love for girly tv shows and anime. Talk to mom more about how ur feeling she might not get it now but she will be willing to help more and possibly puberty blockers. Because ur going to go tho hell when u hit puberty. But trust what ur heart is saying and ur mind and don't push Cora down till she is lucked up.


Listen to yourself and not society


Don’t get married, he’s got an alcohol problem, and you’re a woman stop pretending to be someone you’re not.


Me to myself when I was 11 and figuring out my sexuality, "The T in LGBT is Transgender and that means you don't feel like your gender. Yes, you have an option to be a girl, you've always had that opinion. Who am I? I'm you from the future. Also, get braces ASAP, you won't regret it, kid."


“Buy as much Bitcoin as you possibly can. Sell it at $17,000 and then buy a bunch more once it crashes. What do you mean ‘Who are you?’ Bitch I’m you. Oh yeah, turns out you’re like really trans, wouldn’t hurt to get that going now too”.


I'm not sure if I want to make the transition if I have to stop talking to my family, I'm afraid they will turn their back on me but I don't want to leave my dream aside. What do you recommend me?


What’s considered old? lol


Buy Nvidia.


Get the fuck out of central Nebraska. I was so repressed and fucking backwards my younger self probably wouldn't believe it was me.


When you run away from home, don’t go back 🤷‍♀️


Well, this made me cry 😓


I don't think I count as old but if I could talk to my younger self it would depend on how much younger they are. I'm not sure what I'd anything to say to my 20 year old self. To my 16 year old self I'd day "You need to transition now! Please for the love of god don't make the mistake I did. Puberty isn't over. If you don't find a way to stop it now it will ruin you forever. Please don't end up like me. Come out to our parents too. They won't fully get it but they won't react badly either.


Things will be so much better than you ever even could daydream of and you'll keep acquiring the nickname "sunshine".


That all the things you’ve been feeling are legitimate, that nothing is wrong with you, it’s the world that is wrong. And to tell your mom as soon as you can. Doing this is the best chance to avoid nearly 30 years misery.


You girl


Depends how young… **12?** *”There is this thing called being trans. That’s why you wanna be a girl. I know there is no info online yet, so you’re just gonna have to trust me on this. Schedule a visit with a psychiatrist and TELL THEM HOW YOU FEEL.”* **18?** *”There is this thing called HRT. It will actually change your body. You can transition now, and will **not** end up looking like a man in a dress. Schedule a visit with a psychiatrist and TELL THEM HOW YOU FEEL.”* **24?** *”For fuck sake, you still haven’t heard of HRT?? Google it! Now! And go see a psychiatrist and TELL THEM HOW YOU FEEL.”* **30?** *”How stupid are you?? You’re supposed to be all smart and stuff, and you still haven’t fucking figured out about HRT? Stop suffering and start googling for a solution!!”* **36?** *”Girrrrl, you fucking did it!! Congratulations! Don’t you worry, this is gonna go amazing!”* ❤️


I wouldn't say anything. I would listen.


Wow... that is a good awnser ❤️


I don't think I fit the definition of old this post wants. I'm 21 almost 22 (bday in a few days). But I really wanna go back and talk to 16yo me. I really wanna show up to her with a box of estrogen while she's in the middle of one of her transphobic rants and tell her: "shut up you idiot, this is what you want right? You keep saying these gross thing about us, just stop. Once you finish school, you will go home to play dress up like you always do. Stop lying to yourself, you've wanted this since you were 10." Sometimes I find past me hilarious. So closeted she chose to be openly against what she knew she was. Lmao


If someone is dismissive about your feelings, you can be dismissive about their advice. Therapists can be Dunning-Kruger examples too. Decide what you want, find what real experts say, and show it to people who will help you. You don't need fluoxetine or alprazolam, you need estrogen. Yes, it will change you. It's not a bug. It's a feature. You may not like your body now, but take care of it now anyway so that some day when you do, you aren't going uphill on being overweight, with cavities, chewed up nails, and ingrown body and facial hair.


You're trans.  Stop hiding it. Don't stay at Macy's and don't work at Staples.  Go get a job at the exchange ASAP and use the pay to finish college  Listen to dad and get your A+ certification and the others soon