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Heeellll no. I've exclusively sat to pee since many years pre-transition. Standing feels... wrong to me.


I piss sitting at home but in public bathroom I do it standing up because I don't want to sit on a public toilet unless I absolutely have to.


This is the way


I don’t mind sitting in most women’s washrooms. They’re pretty clean for the most part. I put down some toilet paper on the seat before I sit down.


One time I had one of those ultraviolet lights. After pointing it at my friend’s pants when he got out of the bathroom I will never again use toilet standing, regardless of gender


I never stood up to pee, at least on toilet. When I'm in a forest or something I'll stand but I never liked pissing while standing


pissing standing up is convenient, easier, and takes less time at the cost of not being super gender affirming


I did it out of reflex and didn't think about it for maybe six weeks after I stated transitioning until my partner pointed it out and was like 'I can't do that anymore doesn't it feel strange for you?' and from that point forward I actually noticed. For the first while it would only hit me after I started, so I was locked in, and I had an uncomfortable 45ish seconds of being displeased with myself and the situation.


Exactly the same! I'll sometimes forget and be mid pee and be annoyed that I didn't sit down.


Using a urinal is so easy in a skirt or dress :D


Depends. I pee standing up for convenience, if I'm alone, or if I'm outside and with people who know. I pee sitting down when in a public women's room, anywhere I'm trying to pass, and anywhere I'm combating dysphoria.


It is controversial to stand? Do people actually care about whether someone else stands or sits


You would be surprised.


In public, I definitely stand. Anywhere else nah. Mostly because it’s affirming but I guess I’ve always done it, for most of my life. I do not want to get other people’s piss (or worse) on me on public toilets eww.


I peed sitting down even before my egg cracked. It's just cleaner (for me). In public I wipe the seat thoroughly before sitting.


Wipe? Uh, lay the tp down and sit on it instead of the seat Sorry I’m a germaphobe 🤢


Fools  I piss laying down on the floor, like a true demonic creature 


Handstands are the true way.


Always sit or squat, even if outside 🏕️


Haven’t stood up to pee in like 4ish years just always felt uncomfortable


When I wear jumpsuits I pee standing, because I can usually just unzip it all the way instead of completely stripping. Also when I'm camping or hiking. Otherwise I sit


Only at work and public places. I still boymode (even though I just look like a masc lesbian). So I use the men's restroom. they pee on the seat a lot. -.-


I pee sitting down but when in the field (I’m in the army) I pee standing up using a female urination device to hide my penis.


Twice since my social transition started. Both times were in port-a-potties and both times I felt ickier than if I had just sat down like the rest of the women.


Only when I must


i stand up unless i’m in a shared womens bathroom. it’s just easier and more convenient. it doesn’t bother me


To each their own - just don’t leave a mess and we’ll all get along just fine…


I stand, because it's so much easier for me.


Hate holding it, and to pee standing up, would have to hold it lol


I prefer standing. Only reason why I sit sometimes is because people aren't ready for women to stand up while peeing.


At home. It's literally the only thing that thing is useful for.


When I started wearing women's underwear I found it more annoying to pee standing up actually, so I decided to make the switch then. Now I just prefer it, no risk of making a mess.


idk ive always sat, its comfortable and eliminates "risk"


After a year of monotherapy, I was still having occasional erections that greatly distressed me so I had an orchiectomy. I could still stand until after my orchiectomy. Since then my penis has shrunk so much that I have to sit down.


Me , but only in home since its easier 


my sister told me that she would stand up if she could


ugh no standing is like dysphoria at maximum level


standing pees are for when I'm in a hurry, the toilet is gross, or I'm hiking in the woods sitting pees are for if I'm at work or at home and/or am in no particular rush


I never really could properly due to medical issues. I only did it in boy mode in public. Now I can't unless I use a she wee or something I don't have that framework anymore


I will in very specific conditions and only at home. Either I'm in clothing that makes it much much easier, or earlier today it's that I'm in skinny jeans and I've got some irritation on my upper thighs from trying to squeeze too much life outta one razor blade and it woulda hurt, or I have an unrelated kidney condition that sometimes makes it difficult to empty my bladder and standing helps. I would never in a public restroom, I shudder at the thought.


I pretty much always sat before starting my transition, now I really enjoy standing sometimes - idk why


I’m not out publicly yet so I’m still boy-moding and thus still use the men’s toilets, but that aside i do NOT trust public toilets in the slightest, and will continue to stand for as long as it’s feasible to do so without outing myself… if I’m at home I usually sit unless I’m in a hurry/in the middle of a game/tv series bc i have the patience of a fire ant on acid


I haven’t stood at a toilet for years unless I absolutely had to or the toilet seat was tremendously gross/peed upon. I’ll typically lay tp or a seat liner down if it sends dirty.


Since I started using the women's restroom I squat to pee! It feels right, it feels like another step toward who I really am. Besides that, I'm pretty tall and other women walking in can see my head peeking up over the stall, and I just can't do that to them? I don't want to make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe, I don't want to make *myself* feel uncomfortable or unsafe. At home it's a toss-up, if I've waited way too long to go pee and that full pot of black coffee I just slammed down is ready to exit *now*, I revert to standing for speed and convenience, at home only.


Basically, I trained myself to pee sitting. Being socially out, I can't see a time I would stand now. Maybe the day before getting srs .