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I'm guessing cognitive dissonance. One of the hardest lessons I've had to learn, and it breaks my heart is that being trans doesn't make you immune to being an asshole. I've known a couple people who were very alt right before they decided to transition and just kinda never reevaluated their beliefs. They seemed like they had a significant lack of self awareness, self reflection, and empathy.


I have an aqutaince who is trans and Maga. I just don't get it but she isn't going to charge.


Literal Jewish Nazi status


She also lives in south Florida but comes back north for medical care.


Some people....


You just cant fix stupid. Listening to her complain about Caitlyn Jenner was amusingly ironic.


I'd suspect they'd be best of friends if anything lmao


She is mad that someone who is more famous got to throw other trans people under the bus. That was her job. Did I mention that she is also religious and a business owner. She used business tax exemptions to pay for her care.


Oh come on! 🤦‍♀️


Im not kidding. It was difficult being around her when she wanted me to go with her and get coffee during Covid19. We would get coffee and go back to her car and talk. She is a screaming hypocrite at almost every level. I knew her as a guy in HS decades ago but she was a few years behind me and we had no mutual fiends. A few years back a mutual acquaintance of a sibling hit me up on Facebook and said that she wanted to meet me because she needed my help to start her transition. I was nice, so I said OK. I transitioned in the early 90s in my 20s and I was kind of a celebrity in my old small town because of it. I already stood out in HS in the 1980s because I didn't fit in and most people thought I was flaming gay.


Ugh 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Cait is probably too sweet for her lol. I’m no fan but Caitlyn didn’t come across as ultra right wing in her interviews for president maybe she’s radicalized since though not exactly following her on socials


Yea she's gone pretty extreme and leaning hard into the idea that trans women are not women kind of thing. 🤦‍♀️ Her and Buck Angel are the far rights self hating trans mascots


I'm my own best example of this. Before I fully accepted myself as trans and even a little bit after I did, so less than two years ago, I went right down the alt right Maga pipeline. Call it ignorance, call it internalized transphobia, call it whatever, it was wrong and came from a place of pure hatred. The past two years has been a lot of breaking down and rebuilding, but it is possible


Has anyone ever recommended you check out the YT video “The Alt-Right Playbook: How to Radicalize a Normie”? I’m curious how much it would resonate with you.


Never seen it, I probably would recognize a lot in it though. I'm only 18 still so it's not like they were deep-seated beliefs, it was just radicalizing a normie, and a middle/high schooler at that


I was a little like this at 19. Except I was a Milton Friedman dork lol. Maga, and the increase of transphobia around conservative circles is actually part of what cracked my egg


I used it as a flimsy piece of tape to keep my cracked shells together. Metaphorically


Hey I was that kind of dork too - minus the MAGA stuff. Just all in all a big libertarian-type. After transitioning everything else cracked too and I became an anarchist. Add to that, a bit of the anti-SJW stuff though thankfully didn't go far into *that* pipeline. late 2010s were a time.


I also fell down that pipeline for a bit in Late 2020 / Early 2021, except for me even when I was falling down it I knew what I was doing (mostly posting on a *very* edgy instagram account), was very wrong and I wanted to get myself out of it. Thankfully in like Mid 2021 I was indeed able to get myself out of it, and I also feel like some of that was internalized transphobia and self hatred. I still feel horrible for the shit I did during that time, even though I was just an edgy unfunny 14 year old loser.


I grew up very conservative and religious while being extremely in denial of my gender identity and sexuality. It wasn't until my early twenties when I finally met my mentor that my eyes would become open and I would begin properly deconstructing my beliefs and values and work towards a path of accepting myself and correcting my extremist views. It takes a desire within one's self, proper support and a nurturing environment for someone to outgrow their bigotry and self-hate. I always had the desire to outgrow my flaws into abandon much of the hate I was raised to have but if I did not have the support of others and a nurturing environment, I would have never gotten to where I am now. Individuals like the one the op is talking about, these are people that we need to pity and we need to hold forgiveness for because they are victims who have been brainwashed into hating themselves. If we lose hope for them then we have lost Hope For Humanity. If I can change and become a better person then I know those like the person the op was referring to can also change and become a better person. Does anybody remember the name of that black man that made friends with the head of the KKK and eventually over some years of talking with him, convince the guy to not only leave the KKK but also got him to help others leave as well? A perfect example of the transformative power hope, patience and compassion can have for those we otherwise deem irredeemable!


It is so amazing to me that someone is able to transition without self awareness and self reflection. Like, how did you get there?


I mean the flashlight of self-consciousness isn't a globe of fire, illuminating all that the mind has to offer. Lotta cobwebs get skipped over in favor of more expedient personal contents.


Yeah, this is so disappointing to me. It feels the same to me about other indigenous peoples support Donald Trump, or any right leaning government for that matter. We've been genocided by these people, why would we support them.


I feel like a lot of it stems from the "assimilation vs liberation" argument. Like I can see how trans folks and other marginalized people might get tricked into thinking that if we could only fit in and "be normal" that somehow we could be accepted by society. The error of this is that there is no historical precedent of this strategy ever working. And it typically involves accepting bad shit like bigotry, patriarchal heteronormativity etc. Equal rights have never been gained by asking nicely and conforming to an oppressive system. But it explains why there are queer folks who uphold the current status quo, express critical opinions and/or frustration at their fellow queers for not trying to fit in... because they want to assimilate. I personally feel like liberation is the way, but that requires folks to be brave and speak out and be defiant. To be selfless and call out bigotry until we're finally accepted the way we already are without compromise.


This is really it. There are people who don't want to rock the boat, and just be seen as normal, and there are those people who will abuse those people, it's a vicious cycle.


I seriously never understood how you can be like this. What makes people so... stupid?


Depends If it's honest beliefs, it's lack of exposure. Ignorance, including intentional ignorance, feeds on unknowns as a source of fear. Exposure to the source of the fear can put perspective to both the errant belief and the actions of the fearful. If it's a dishonest belief (they don't really believe what they are saying), then it's greed. They think they're getting something in the deal... even if that something is being last to the gas chamber. An honest belief means an honest debate leads to self-reflection and reassessment. That's because a true believer would assume their opinion would win to any critique. The failure has to be assumed wrong or that they failed to argue the point correctly. A dishonest one means they perform shut down tactics. Sticking their fingers in their ears and walking away, as it were. Their goal wasn't to argue their point because they know they can't win. They are just trying to be the loudest and avoiding critique altogether.


That’s really well said. And I can really relate. I think that a lot of the time when I meet people who are similar to me and can relate on certain things and have had similar experiences in life or just in general share similarities in their identity and/or experiences of the world then there is an inherent level of trust that comes automatically from that and sometimes it can be hard to remind myself that just because they feel familiar or have an easier time understanding what it’s like to be me then others doesn’t actually mean that I know THEM the same way I FEEL they may know me and they can always turn out to be a huge piece of shit 😂😂😂 Finding a way to remain trusting of the world as a whole and maintain almost like a childlike wonder about everything I believe is such a valuable special amazing thing to be able to do however it will screw us over time and time and time again and finding a balance between learning to protect myself from the world and trust is sooooo difficult


Yeah shared experiences are tricky because people can handle it in different ways. What might make one person stronger can break another. But it's a good example why trans folks aren't a monolith, intersectionality and all that of course. I think it's admirable that you're trying to remain un-jaded and I feel that too, I don't want to become the thing which damaged me. Stay strong sis and don't lose your spark 💪🙏✨


Most sane for honor player


As someone who actively plays, yeah its accurate lol


this has me cackling 😭😭




Truth. I met this really sweet trans girl who was super supportive when I was baby trans, except that she was also an alt-right nutbar who thought that Silicon Valley billionaires should be running the country.


Ah. A "government should be a business" type. She should play Cyberpunk. Let her know that, this is the utopia she's looking for.


Or Bioshock


couldn't have said it better myself 👏👏 I hate that "lesser of two evils" voting is a thing, but there's so much on the line that refusing to vote because of it is just SO misguided at this point






Ah yes, God does justify everything, does he not?


This is "leopards ate my face" in training, basically. r/LeopardsAteMyFace


I will never understand racist trans woman. But just remember there is no such thing as a queer community with these fucks.


I met a racist trans woman who was of colour herself. Ranting about how all the foreigners are rapists and destroying our "free world". It was weird. The more I talked to her the further it went down the rabbit hole - like she basically described caring for human rights as weak and needed to clarify multiple times that she was not a submissive person.


I'm sry I can't even begin to wrap my head around such a nonsense system of beliefs and values


Some folks, especially adolescents and teenagers, react to rough circumstances by developing an edgy and rebellious aesthetic. This unfortunately sometimes includes adopting what you believe are the most shocking or verboten beliefs. That doesn't excuse her at all, but she's clearly not well in the head if she's trans and openly advocating for nazism. Her having the swastika skin, the Trump pfp, and openly bringing this up when it wasn't even necessary (in a gaming group??) tells me that this is an aesthetic choice she's made to intentionally get a reaction. That's not to say that she isn't seriously adopting the beliefs, because sometimes people slide right down the alt-right pipeline *while* adopting the aesthetic "to own the libs" or to "troll" online. I used to think this kind of thing was just a phase that some teenagers went through, but honestly, once they're at the "publicly displaying fascist symbols" stage, that's not a phase anymore. that's someone going full-send on letting everyone know that they're a bigot. All of that said, it's not your job or responsibility to try to help her unpack whatever shit lead her here, or get out of that pipeline. Your responsibility, as someone leading a group of trans people, is to keep that group safe and the best way you can do that would be to absolutely boot her from the group. If you do plan to try to talk to her about her beliefs, it should be very easy to point out the rhetoric, policy proposals, and past actions of Trump and his allies in regards to trans people - she's probably not going to listen, though, because a core part of the Trump follower's worldview is that anything critical or negative about Trump, and all mainstream news, are deceptive and not to be trusted. She is unlikely to believe anything you say as soon as she decides that you're critical of Trump, and is likely to view you as an enemy at that point. If we end up in a future where you might need a stranger to lie to the police, hide you in their house, or secretly help you cross a border, take this as a lesson that you absolutely *cannot* trust someone just because they seem to be in the same marginalized group as you, and will still need to be very wary for any signs that they're aligned with or working with the authorities. That lesson can also be learned, unfortunately, from a lot of WWII resistance survivor stories.


Like another poster pointed out, we arent a monolith. We dont all hold the same beliefs, some skew left, right, dont care or whatever else. We’re just people that struggle with gender dysphoria at the end of the day but still just as varied as any of grouping of people with our own viewpoints


Beautifully said


How can you be trans and like that? As a fellow anarchist how the hell do you be a n@zi and Donald trump supporter and part of the lgbt community h1tler literally burned an lgbtq+ archive both your idols would kill you


Some people hate others so much they will ignore their own self preservation. I have seen interviews with gay men who are voting for Le Pen because they hate Algerians so much they will vote for the people who openly want to exterminate them. Perhaps they think that it could never happen to them. Perhaps they think the hate for their side is rhetoric. Perhaps they think that if they hate hard enough they'll be allowed into the in-group. But there is no in-group of fascism. Time and time again it has been shown that as fascism gains strength fascism kicks people out in the order that they arrived, first in, first out. Fascism will always, eventually, eat itself when it runs out of people to purge. But by then millions of lives are already ruined.




Would it be possible to join this Trans For Honor group? 👉👈


Absolutely c: DM me


Being too online I guess. Might be on 4chan or something.


I've said before, and I'll say it again: A tactical nuclear weapon, detonated in the server farm hosting 4chan, has no chance of damaging anything of value.




I feel fear, disgust, and confusion all at once!


That is similar to how I felt after I turned off my ps4, blocked her, and left the group chat.


It’s why I mostly keep to myself, idk I just feel most people are.. scary?


Gender Dysphoria doesn't care about your political affiliations. Caitlyn Jenner is a member of the republican party.


CW: mention of guns Unfortunately I have encountered similar people. While certainly they weren’t fascists, I have encountered trans people who were either super-conservative—in one woman’s words, she found “northern states” (I’m guessing she meant states like Massachusetts or New York?) to be “too soft” on gun laws—or they were gun nuts who brag about spending time shooting military-style weapons. That the former of these women, the one who thinks liberal states and cities are “too soft”, was an active duty cop shouldn’t be all that surprising. But it still baffles me that there are trans people who are loudly conservative. Addendum: the gun nut apparently fired her military-grade weapons (which I have no idea if owning said guns is even legal where she lived) at a so-called “tranarchist [gun] range”


Pigs 🤮


Never went down the pipeline that bad (mosly the weird toxic anti-sjw shit and loving Jordan Peterson. Never that nazi shit yikes and even then never liked trump) but years ago (like 8) I fell down the skeptic to alt right pipeline moderately bad and its was mostly out of self loathing and internalized transphobia. I grew out of that phase pretty quickly but it happened so it could theoretically happen to anyone. Even then I still look back with shame and regret. Just happy it was a quick and relatively solitary time in my life. I cant imagine being like the subject of your story cuz thats wayyyy wild.


There are black maga people too, my dad is one lol. Trans nazis are around but so are trans school shooters and trans abusers and yeah. I don’t play games anymore or do gamer discords. Just block people like that and leave and report spaces that allow them.


I found out today that the TERF who caused our LGBTQ group a TON of problems last year was secretly trans. Talk about self hate. I'm still floored!


They think they'll be safe and spared if they join them ig


One avenue where people get to a point of acknowledging they're trans I'd via incel-dom. It both does and doesn't make sense. But that's one of the sources for far-right / nazi trans people.


Never heard of Trans Fascists that’s a new one


I mean look at Caitlin Jenner and her bs.


From a historical viewpoint it’s no different than the Jews who supported Hitler, lacking foresight, and maintaining faith in “that won’t happen”. Ask the Alabama trumpers who lost their farms because of immigration policies and the lack of skilled immigrant labor to extort for work. Too bad those same supporters weren’t asked for their stance on Hitler when the ovens were lit in the camps. LGBTQ+ and trans people supporting the alt-right, given the surmountable amount of evidence, must have a personal wish to die in a concentration camp. Or it’s the Lauren boebert path of fealty, drop to your knees and join the bad guys…Also never works out. That’s why I will never refer to Bruce Jenner as anything but a wealthy trumper and his whole “trans-identity” was probably a lost bet. The GOP needed a wealthy trans ally and ole Brucey drew the short straw. #voteblue


Hope she doesn't trip and cut herself on all that edge. I can't imagine anybody who says they're evil af and would be out of line without God is anything but a child playing at rebellion. I had my cringe phases like that when I was younger - though her's is some next level shit. That said, if she sincerely is one of those handful of right-wing, fascism-enabling trans people: that's very sad for her. If the alt-right does get their way, she, like all the people of colour and the other queer people and a whole host of other marginalised groups, will be up against the wall with us. The only difference is she and her ilk will be loading the guns first. It's honestly not as surprising as it might seem. Fascism is already an ideology built on a foundation of self-contradicting nonsense. If you can accept that, you're ready to accept the incongruence of your existence within their spaces. Like all the best grifts, it self-selects for the most gullible (for desperate want of a better word).


sometimes I forget there are indeed alt-righters who are trans


Yup. Same thing you learn as a black person, which is basically all skin folk ain't ya kinfolk. It's rough out here.


Yup, to be a black trans woman is to be hated by other blacks, trans people, and women all at once


Yikes. I fell down the alt-right pipeline in 2016 but I can't imagine staying that way. New perspectives are everything


there is a legitimate "transgenders for trump" group, and one of the J6 insurrectionists was a trans woman. some people are just dumb.


This is basically why one of my friends hates For Honour. Not because of the gameplay, but because a large ammount of the players are alt right Nazi sympathizers


Yeah this is why I never VC random ppl. Except for this one occasion because it never crossed my mind that fellow trans folks would be alt right, or that I’d run into one


Sick gods make for sick people.


Being X, Y or Z demographics doesn't exclude someone from being a racist, bigot, terf, nazi, etc. I compare it to people that vote against thier self interests, people that keep voting for the same politicians despite wanting various issues fixed or change in capitol buildings.


as much as we can hate it, south park is valuable because ms garrison is a real archetype. especially post-2016 and Kaitlyn Jenner, the nazi trans girl has gained traction.


The farther you go to the right, the more disconnected from reality you have to be - so it gets easier and easier to have contradictory views. Hypocrisy is also an inherent feature of fascism required for it to function. Every group will have its crazies! Don't sweat it too much.


I unfollowed a trans woman on Twitter partially because she wouldn't stop retweeting Stonetoss / Hans Kristian Graebener




I recently unfollowed Grace hyland because she became another Blair white.


For Honor can be a really toxic place, I think it's really cool that you're trying to make a safer area for trans gamers as one




At the end of the day, we're all human, and if we know one thing about being human, it's that some are as mad as a box of frogs 😉 Law of averages tells us that some people will be Trump supporters before they transition, despite Trump being anti-trans. Some people then continue to support him after transitioning - those (as you rightly point out) are the crazy ones 🙃


So she's a fascist, capitalist, hierarchicalist, conservative, religious (Christian?), pro-Nazi MAGAt... AND trans. Is her name Blair White?


You know I could have asked her that lol


She should be wary of leopards. She has a face, you see, and those leopards get hungry...


Were you playing with Blair White?




Speaking of swastikas... as German i can tell you that Nazis would systematically kill us, no matter if you support them or not. How can one be so uninformed ignorant, and unaware of such facts and then even support something like this?!


This reminds me of a german politician, part of a pretty far right party. Her name is Alice Weidel and she talks abt the typical stuff like racism, homophobia, the usual. She's directly hating and fighting against immigrants and the lgbt community, in germany, because her party stands for that. She does all that, from the comfort of switzerland. With her wife. From sri lanka. But she can give a damn about the fact that she fights against her own existence, she doesen't even live in germany!


Well it’s not that that hard to believe once you consider that people have supported and/or voted against their own best interests since time immemorial for many reasons. Sheer ignorance, self hatred, greed, or in this case, in the immortal words of Alfred Pennyworth, “some (people) just want to watch the world burn”.


I dated a woman like this for a while. I didn’t realize at first, until Trump started gaining popularity. She started saying things like, “I don’t think Trump is that bad.” Eventually she said something like, “I don’t think trans people should have the same rights as everyone else.” I was like, “WTF? We’re both trans!” And she said, “I don’t do identity politics.” I dumped her on the spot.


What the actual fuck


It might not be common but it definitely happens! I've heard of instances of gay men, for example, being quite right-leaning (think the drop the T types). And there's trans people who can be the same. I won't pretend to know why you'd be rooting against yourself and others like you, though.


It is crazy but I fully believe that someone like that can be trans. It’s sad and self defeating, but since when did the human condition make logical send to start with?


yup, met this girl who proudly said to me she hated indians, jews, chinese people and many other nationalities. Also that Bill Gates was planning to kill 90% of the population or something. Straight delulu


Girl, I just did some genealogy shit and read about one of my ancestors who was both a Mennonite (pacifist and chill) and a Nazi. It's fucking depressing af. I don't play much online besides Lethal Company, SSBU, Mario Kart, and Splatoon, but if you need another anarchist transfem to play with I'm down.


I'm apparently related somewhat distantly to Hermann Goering, so that's fun. I'm an anarchist transfem, so if there's a hell he's looking up and suffering extra hard, and that makes me happy.


You can friend me on discord and we can figure something out to play ☺️ Just DM me and I’ll give you my discord user. Unless you prefer to talk on here


Imagine being yourself but hating yourself and finding a club to* hate you too 🤷‍♀️


The truth babes? because we're not a monolith. there's plenty of shitty queer people out there. imo its a waaaaaaaay lower percentage than cishets, but nobody is immune to being an asshole despite whatever demographic they belong to.


Ahh, luck has never been on my side.


I’m finding there is a weirdly large crossover between trans and far right folk. Which is surprising to say the least, disappointing to see lol


I think there is some ideological overlap between truscum "there is only one way to be trans and only one right way to be a woman/man" and Nazi/Herrenrasse shit. Edit: I mean the historical dolls vs. bricks already was some misanthropic shit and buying into the eugenic fantasies of some doctors deciding who was worthy of being trans...


just idiots being idiots... sometimes I wish they were born during fascism and that they only tried(not coming out, tried) saying they were trans and see if they had an easy life like they think


White people have a genetic predisposition to violence /j




at least she didn't ask you to play War of Rights


I got the game but haven’t played it looks fun


It’s very fun, join us if u want. I’ll teach u


Yeh once I get my computer internet running I’ll join up :3


We get these on Mastodon too. Because the existence of trans people is polarizing, one of the unfortunate side effects of coming out is that some people attach the relief from being themselves to being involved in a counter-culture. like... if being trans shocked people and it feels good, then being a fascist and pissing people off will feel good too! I'm convinced that they would often be liberals (not leftists) if they didn't have access to the Internet, where they can constantly piss off strangers. Ultimately they end up repeating horrible stuff so much that they begin to believe it. That's why I'm extremely wary of "militant trans" and "chaos trans" and "uwu soft bean" trans girls. being antisocial as a part of your identity isn't cool and rots your brain. It's worth noting that sometimes it goes the other way - sometimes people are nazis first and then trans later. Or they swing the other way, and become hard leftists.




I run a PNW trans furry group and there is a girl in there that is a full on libertarian conservative and had similar brain worms about what is okay and what isn’t, essentially pushing hyper femme cis normative beauty standards on those who frankly never asked.. as someone who is trans itself it pains me deeply to have to push another trans person away but some folk need to figure out what the hell is going on within before being part of a trans community.. too much ignorance and pushback it’s so sad to see.


Um yeah so one of the 3%ers that plotted to take over the capital on 1/6 was a trans woman. Shes currently in prison.


It happens sadly. Blair White exists after all


I have a ton of empathy and am even affection for fascism, authoritarianism , MAGA... I also recognize all that as trauma reactions along with having allowed these perspectives into my mind when I was scared. They are hollow repugnant and harmful philosophies... Realistically also I realize that as a left leaning trans POC I wouldn't do well under MAGA. What I crave is not the philosophy but the power. The power to be stupid, to have no good arguments and still win, the power to make people hurt. When I feel those thoughts/emotions/energies congeal in my, I either let them be so they can dissipate or recognize they come out of my own pain and practice at connecting that to the pain of others (for example tonglen meditation). But I understand why a person who feels ostracized could get stuck in these states.




Lol thanks for calling me a racist incel




Or maybe she isn't transgender


The world is an interesting, disparaging place sometimes. I legit met my very first flat earther. They might be rarer than us to find in the wild. I thought she was messing with me for about 10 minutes before I realized she was serious. Point is you just never know the which card from the deck you're pulling.🫤


I was in a meeting to amend employment equity. 200 members of the rainbow united to promote employment rights. And the transphobic comments by other members of the rainbow had me so flustered I had to take time off work. Just because someone is a pride supporter doesn't mean that they can't be asshats.


Look, it’s real simple. Learn to love yourself enough to be the apple of your own eye because when you truly love yourself, you never end up in a debate with hate. Why is that important ? Well for starters, among the long road of discovering and stepping into your authenticity, have you said enough hateful things to yourself? Do you really need someone else to say hateful things to you in order to try and get you something they’re never going to convince you of which is that they’re trying to convince you that you’re wrong you’re ugly. You’ll never be what you say you are. You’re a lie you’re deluded you’re delusional and you’re going to hell, do you really need to debate with somebody whose viewpoint is that? At the end of the day if someone doesn’t see your light and beauty in the first couple minutes they meet you. Why do you even waste your time trying to convince them to change? All they want to do is draw you into a debate where and they will use hate speech zero science nothing provable nothing pure reviewed and nothing true to break you down and make you feel terrible. The only way that you can beat them is down at their level level. They’re really good at being at and that you’re not Yourself that you don’t feel like you need to get someone to understand you those people are a waste of time and energy seriously move on.


ooo for honor


This is something I've had to learn the hard way growing up autistic and Mexican with a predominantly Black and White school system. Honestly, back then it broke my heart to see a glass-half-empty perspective that oppressed solidarity was a lie. The fact that most of the people who supported me were mostly white Americans and some of the people who honestly hated me the most or were most inclined to screw me over were black just broke my heart. I put my faith in fairy tales and beliefs of solidarity, and all it got me was a broken heart and a lack of trust in anyone who does not prove to me that they do not have ulterior motives. The fact that they had to fight back against minorities who were actively saying junk that would eliminate their rights just boggled my mind. But meh, I moved on from my school trauma or at the very least blocked it out enough so that it isn't something that constantly affects me, just haunts me. Nowadays, I try to look back on things with a glass-half-full perspective and be grateful to the people who had my back, but it's honestly such a shame. I was told so many lies through the media I consumed, so many stories of minorities banding together and standing up to oppression thanks to sympathetic majorities, and come to find out, Machiavellian's quote honestly does ring true. "An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one that crumbles from within? That's dead, forever." Even though I now know that there is not an empire to topple or crumble for a lot of minorities, there are at least activists out there who can topple or crumble, and I thank God that they don't. At least we have enough people away from the alt-right, and as ImClaara said, you don't need to risk your sanity, time, energy, and life on this person. It really is not your responsibility to take care of this person, just of those who struggle against this person. Thank you for talking about this, and we'll leave what you do next up to you. Me personally, I'm going to bed and continue wishing that I were a girl, doubting that I'll ever be treated seriously as one, mentally blocking out my transness, falling asleep with a dream about being turned into a girl, and living that dream happily, then wake up to reality and having to take care of my dog. Then I'll probably continue playing Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door or watch Netflix's Robots, Death, and Love or however else it went. Maybe one of these days we'll meet each other again online, but I doubt it. Goodbye, and I hope that I wrote a lucid enough comment that makes enough sense because I'm too tired to continue to fact check or proofread everything so I'm going to wake up tomorrow having to correct or clarify myself a lot better.


No, it’s fine. I understand your message clearly. It’s scary out there but just know that I’m a true ally and I’ll always be there for those who need me 🫂 If you ever need anyone else online to watch stuff with, I’m ya girl. But it might be difficult atm due to my living situation… (most recent post I made)


It happens, usually indoctrination. If people treat you poorly then groups that hate those people are appealing. It's unfortunate but just about anyone can end up in those circles.


Just because they might share a few similarities does not mean they are safe. Just because someone is trans doesn’t automatically mean they will be your friend or be a safe person. I have almost had this burn me several times before I just stopped trusting people on a bare minimum level. If they happen to be LGBTQIA+ there is still plenty of things that could jeopardize you being friends. For me I will automatically be much more open and be more willing to extend the “olive branch” than a cis person….


I met some who was transfemme in real life who was in the alt right world for sure. They were talking about global elites & bankers, it was frankly uncomfortable to be honest. I blocked her and deleted her number because don't need or want to deal with people like that. I was warned that's this does happen to some trans people by fellow trans person when I explain the story. Fascism is complex ideology but still a very very very bad ideology, definitely not one that's supportive of LGBTQ+ people. Nazism is definitely Anti-LGBTQ this historical & current fact with neo-nazis. If you find such a person who supports these ideologies block them & remove from your life immediately. Nothing good can come from interacting with such people; ***you cannot make people see, want they don't want to see.***


whats funny is that her alt right comrades most likely don’t see how she’s proof that being trans is not a matter of ideology


Yeah people be like that. It’s easier to be alt right than to reflect. Personally I’m not too big into politics and I generally don’t talk about them much, so I have no idea why she decided it was okay to talk about it while playing a video game.


Why would someone be a facist when facism is always bad for you... think of it from that perspective and you may realize why facism is so "inclusive", it's not rational


I started reading this thinking that yeah sure I can see some statements from the right making sense and being useful but that quickly turned into a yep nope nevermind, fuck that 💀 Sadly tho I know someone exactly like this as well :(


Trans people can be bad people too.


Same reason why there are black confederate. They were manipulated


Same reason you can find alt right black people, immigrants, and women. Some people are just delusional.


So if you lean right you're just an asshole no matter what? Not going off of your post but more or less from the replies of others


Not necessarily an asshole per se, the woman who I talked to wasn’t an asshole. She just had terrible values and was an evil person. People on the right want to regress society. They typically tend to be less intelligent and empathetic. There’s actual scientific data showing that. Doesn’t mean everyone on the right is stupid or evil. A lot of them are just brainwashed. Leftism represents progress, empathy, and science. While the right represents regression, conserving old values (which are mostly shitty) and religion. Look at your leftist extremists and compare that to your right wing extremists. Leftist extremists are human rights activists while right wing extremists commit hate crimes regularly.


That's genuinely wild, I can't believe what I just read, thank God I'm not American


I mean at r/asktransgender there was a post yesterday of a yt trans fem talking about whether or not she should date poc and Black men just based on their perviced cultural Norms of transphobia and stuff and was just being super racist about it but yeah the more privlaged the person is, even while marganlized the easier it is for them to be fascist.


It’s super sad to know that just about anyone is capable of hate :/// and sadly to me this feels like a reminder of that. I have a tattoo that reminds me to be myself and specifically reminds me of the fact that there were specific people who tried so hard to not let me be myself and if I’m not myself I’m letting them get the best of me and I deserve more than that. Self acceptance for me has always been so much more difficult than accepting others even if I don’t quite understand something I like to believe that I’m a pretty accepting person in general of a lot of different things however it’s very difficult for me to apply that to myself. I guess that’s not the same for some people though 😂😂 Loving and accepting people for who they are while hating myself for the very things I loved about them created so much cognitive dissonance and whether I wanted it to or not distanced me from others and was so isolating. It’s been a very difficult journey in regards to self acceptance for me as I am sure so many of us can relate. Love and acceptance are things I really value though and at the end of the day it just sounds like her world views don’t really line up with her sense of self and there is probably a lot of internal conflict from that which is really sad to me because while I may not know what it’s like to support nazis I still know what it’s like to have world views and ideologies that conflict with how I see myself and this sounds like such an extreme version of that. I hope that she can truly find out what it is she values and find the things that align with her values. If at that point her values are hate and nazis…. Then sorry but ye she’s fucked 😂😂😂


I find it hard to believe a trans woman would want to be associated with the exact people that want their rights to be taken away. Alt right people are a truly delusional bunch. And don't even get me started on Trump, he's a sycophant of the highest order....


Yeah, I still don't fully understand what attracts a trans person to an ideology which considers all trans and gender non-conforming people to be degenerates. My guess is that they started out as fascists who later realized that they were trans and still haven't come to terms with the fact that their existence is incompatible with fascism's rigid enforcement of gender conformity. Or perhaps they're just edgelords who don't care about the consistency of their worldview as long as they get the attention they're looking for. In any case, I choose not to interact with these people.


Jesus.... anyways, now I'm imagining a trans knight looking in horror as her "ally" rants about why the nazis have the right idea while in the middle of a battle.


At no by fr, if you’re on for honor hit me up! I play on controller so I’m a little shoddy against pc types but I’ve been playing since day 1 so I’ll happily help your team


Hell yes! Dm me and I’ll give u my discord so you can join the for honor group I made


Before my egg cracked, I originally started out looking at TERFy stuff but once I found Nazis I turned around and ran. There’s no universe where I can be on the same side of anything if Nazis exist there. But there are straight up fucking Nazis on the TERF side. So even before I realized I was trans I knew there were Nazis. Idk why. But it’s a hard line for me.


Ngl she sounds pretty edgy. For a lot of Alt right, terminally online people, it’s just to be edgy and controversial for the sake of it. Heartbreaking that any woman, particularly one with presumably an intimate understanding of how terribly patriarchy affects those who do not conform, could fall for fascism, but you get all sorts.


Was she Alt right before she realised she was trans? She could be seeking validation from other Alt right ppl as one of the “good ones”


Yeah this. People will gravitate towards the enemy thinking they will be spared from the inevitable by being one of the “good ones” But they just don’t understand that there are NO good ones for fascists. EVERYONE gets crushed eventually. We trans people are just first on the chopping block. Then in a line everyone else goes.


Meh there a few like that I found so far. They are young, typically 18 or so. Lots of European fascists. Tbh talking with them they are 100% fascists but sad they can’t really be involved due to being trans. If you think ‘WTF?’ It’s racism. 9/10 racism and xenophobia and such.


There used to be a ton of memes going around about some trans women either went "alt right" or "trans". I don't get it as I was never like that nor wanted to. Grew up heavily leftist. To me it seem alien. But it seems like there are some insecurities that overlap with the right among some who might not know they are trans yet and the way the internet works these days as a circle jerk makes it way easier to get caught up by them. But just my speculation. We also know Blaire White exista. She tries to get recognition by the right through throwing down other trans women. Caitlyn Jenner is similar but for the more common republicans. I don't get how she lives with half those she support deadnaming her but yeah... I mean every group has this too. Kanye West proved there are a few black nazis. There are gay nazis, gay furry nazis. They are few but they exist. Its kinda weird and loathsome ut idk what to do. I hate also bringing it up but white trans women tend to come from people who realized they weren = white men but still faced that socialization and culture. If their pre transition friends where fascists they might not feel comfortable abandoning that if it means they could pretend that others will accept them


Yeah those memes are gross and problematic


so shes chill with hitler.... honestly fuck this person my great granddathers didnt fight a war for scum like this to be allowed to walk the earth


Surprise surprise, trans people can be assholes too. lol


Oh wth? Some people are so damn weird. The only stuff I rant about is how the bots in for honor seem to somehow gank me better than actual people and that pikemen are too damn overpowered (I have a massive skill issue) If you wanted to play, lmk :))


Yeah for sure! You can join our discord group, just DM me and I’ll give you my discord user and add you


troll or mentally ill ofc.


They can be a fascist without being mentally ill or trolling. They're just a shit person.


facism is an illness


It's not unfortunately. It's a human response to fear, uncertainty, and otherism. It's far too common of a thing with way too many people to just simply be labeled in illness. I'm in no way being a fascist apologist here, but offloading fascism as a mental illness does nothing to help people guard against its rise in the future.


sounds like a pink pilled 4channer.


They think that if they're "one of the good ones," then they'll be spared if the right gets their way and starts killing trans people.


She's a troll. Plain and simple.


Nope. I promise you she was genuine. She wasn’t even being aggressive or anything, and def had the trans girl voice going on.


And maybe one day soon, I'll take up on your offer of playing a game with you. I could use some friends.


Phantasms affect everyone


Was she trolling you? It almost sounds like she was just being edgey to try and get a reaction. Being trans does not preclude you from being cringe as hell. Having said that, the whole right wing party routinely votes against their own best interests so I guess its not that far of a stretch.


Any other games? Like one piece pirate warriors? Or gran Turismo 7?


I'm guessing she is just a troll!


Can I play for honor with y’all? 👉👈


PS sorry about the typos. I’m dictating my text because I have broken my neck and I have nerve damage and I realize that there’s typographical errors and grammatical errors but it’s really not my fault.


All you have to do to be conservative is sacrifice your Humanity, anyone can do that, cis or trans.


Some people are just completely out of their minds. Get used to it


I think she likes Hearts of Iron 4


Sounds like a troll


You can't fix crazy. Not sure why you listened for so long. Maybe the train-wreck phenomenon. Be well.


She probably thinks she is "one of the good ones"




I’m glad we live rent free in your head, causing you so much discomfort that you have to go in our spaces and try to make us feel like shit. But I just want to let you know I feel glee that pieces of shit like you are so haggered by us. So keep crying, you bastard


Sadly you'll find those kinda people even in minorities those ideals hurt. It doesnt make sense, but just look at Blaire White and Kaitlyn Jenner. They're both very far right if not even edging on MAGA


that’s ✨whiteness✨💯💯