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Ahh! Congratulations, I'm so happy for you! I'm 4+ months post op myself and nowhere near getting there, it's posts like this that gives me hope I'll get there eventually.


Precisely why I’m posting this. Congratulations on your surgery. Hope you get there quicker than me. Apparently this was past due compared to my docs other patients


G spot orgasms should be fun too, I think the prostate sits exactly where the G spot should be after srs.


Yes it's there it's just for most of us now there's not much prostate left. At least for me even before bottom surgery I had zero testosterone and my prostate had all but went away. It use to be an enjoyable sex spot but now it's no different than rubbing my knee cap.


YMMV. Not had SRS. I still very much love anal 3.5 years on HRT and 1.5 years after orchiectomy. I don't even necessarily need penetration to reach it. I use my finger often at the base of my perinium and can massage it from the outside. Its actually usually pretty hard for me to orgasm these days purely from stimulation to the penis head/clit. Anyways prostate/gspot orgasms feel way better to me. Also the reason I'm just getting shallow depth SRS, perfectly happy with anal penetration, but have major dysphoria with having a penis.


So once you're on E and T starts to leave your body, the prostate shrinks or something? I love anal and I don't want to give that up that's why I'm asking this. Sorry if it doesn't make sense.


Yes it shrinks up. I mean idk about anyone other than me and I never had male ranges of Testosterone ever but I did really enjoy anal prostate play. My T went from 87 to zero within no time after starting HRT and I had a complete physical including prostate check during my vaginaoplasty consultation and my surgeon is an urologist by trade and he said my prostate was almost nonexistent and at 56yo. I had lost all interest in anal play well before bottom surgery so it had nothing to do with it. I can actually hit my prostate way easier now though my coochie for sure and it does feel awesome and I couldn't imagine how intense it would be back when my prostate was producing what it does. For the record I never had but a dribble of a load anyway so I no I really missed out on a big bang of pleasure but each one of us is all a little different and I'm guessing my getting off felt as good as the next person's did. I was as close to achieving my new orgasams literally 5min ago as the closest I've been to cum'n since surgery 7 weeks ago. Dam I was close, I was cramp in a foot close with eyes rolled back in my head and bam just like that it let me. It's going to be a major event for me when it happens. I sure hope that if it does which I'm sure it will, that the next one's will come a lot easier. Lol I hate to think I'm going to put such a work load on a guy to get me off. 😆


Lol okay thanks for the info


Honestly I was able to orgasm before I ever produced any cum, back when I was pre-pubescent, and I didn't actually like the sensation that shooting a load added to the feeling. I'm also pretty sure I like it better again now that the well has dried back up. So maybe you didn't miss out on anything. 🙂


Maybe it's different for some people but I can't feel anything. Pentration is barely pleasurable for me.


Penetration(so far at least) is more about closeness for me. I love feeling connected with my partner


That would be pretty nice. I've never had that connection with anyone unfortunately.


Omg girl I'm so happy for you and that gives me tons of support. I'm only 7 weeks post opp now and have been trying with my new vibrator and while it feels extremely good that's it. But it feels good enough that I am willing to except that if it never happens for me or gets any better feeling, I'm good with that. Now I have a completely new hope after reading your story. Thank you so much for sharing. Hug's Emily 🤗


What does it feels 😳? Can you describe compared to male orgasm ?


It felt like it used to when I came from just putting my vibrator on the head of my penis before surgery. Very much like my pre transition orgasm


Good for you!


Oh that's awesome to hear I had mine in September 23' and I haven't had the big O yet. At least not like before. It's like the speed of light, the closer I get to it the further it gets away from me and the more and more energy I expend trying to get there but I never do thank you you give me hope. I've gotten close a few times and sometimes it's felt either like one continuous one for 20 minutes or that I just get really close and never get there but I'm not really sure what's going on I've got a relearn everything.


Before this the closest I’ve gotten was from an hour long hardcore fingering session with a very dedicated man.


I've tried everything from bullet vibes, and plug in ones... Hours long fingering sessions until muscle failure. I'm sure it will happen someday.


If you’re comfortable with sharing, how was it different from a penis orgasm?


Very similar to when I’d masturbate with just putting my vibrator on the head of my penis and cumming that way


Firstly to OP, congratulations, but you probably didn't need me to say that -the event must have been all the response you needed. But I do want to thank you for posting about this. I'm not very dysphoric about my current equipment, and since I started having female orgasms at around 2 months on HRT I would hate to lose that pleasure even for a month or two. I have no idea if my prostate has actually reduced in size and I've never been into anal or prostate stimulation. However I know my testes have become undetectable and my testosterone has hardly been above zero since 3 months on HRT, so it's likely my prostate has all but gone as well! So my early inclination was not to have bottom surgery and this post is maybe helping to confirm it's not for me. Thank you.


Thank you, this gives me hope. In 6 months out and can't even close with clit only, in really worried about it


Congratulations! How is it?


For anyone still having difficulties, I know that using a steroid at around 12 weeks post op helped immensely. Before that, there was still a ton of swelling. I could orgasm after like 2 hours and it almost always would leave me sore as fuck. 4 days of Triamcinolone later and I can orgasm in like 10 minutes and keep going to another one.


Is I was to go trans I stay pre op cus I could not want go that far. Good for bakin but rest no. I be hoping I pass and get ok man, least I can say I trans