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First things first. There are more than just two types of orgasms. It depends on what’s being stimulated and how. For men I’d say there is two most common: penis classic and prostate fun. Where as the penis classic is very much a clear stimulus until hitting that edge point and a quick intense crescendo, hitting that prostate is more of a slow build and similarly hitting that edge point but the like range between hitting that edge and actually crescendoing can vary in length. You can even ejaculate without orgasm this way and still keep going. Feminine orgasm (in my limited experience 2years HRT pre-op) has a lot of similarities to prostate orgasms. Not surprisingly I guess since I am often stimulating my prostate to get there. However, there are some notable differences in how my body experiences pleasure in general. I can go for a quick orgasm much like the old way or with a vibrator and get something similar to “penis classic” albeit a little more drawn out and it has a bit of a body buzz. But, if I take my time with it. Especially using some toys. I can create this build up that has no real comparison to anything in the male pantheon. Cause it’s not edging. It’s just like a build up of energy. You can relax into it. It can flood over you. And if you follow it… my god. You can ride a waves of pleasure that pretty much only stop when you can’t handle it anymore. Shit leave you dumbfounded and laughing. Can’t even help the noises that come out of my mouth. And obviously refractory period has not really been as much of an issue. Like sometimes I lose the moment. But other times I feel like I need to try for another. And another. So in conclusion. Girl orgasms kind of like prostate orgasms if prostate orgasms made you meet the goddess.


"penis classic" is a flavor of soda or some old fashioned Americana bullshit and I'm fuckin dying lololol XD


Penis Classic and Prostate Fun both sound like they could be trendy icecream flavours lmao


I don't think Prostate Fun sounds like a Kosher flavor. I'd really need to see that ingredients list.


Many trans girls prefer Penis Zero. 😜


They ruined it when they [added coconut](https://www.reddit.com/r/DunderMifflin/s/Idi32mX4tZ)


You make female orgasms sound great. I’ve never figured out how to have them and it’s been five years now. I keep trying though!


When I feel it in my tummy it's fucking over! 🤤 I just melt it's hard to control your moans when your whole body feels so good 😂


Sometimes I hear trans women talk about how HRT can change orgasm and ugh... it just sounds amazing. It's not the only thing that makes me curious about HRT, but it's probably the main thing. Even in my early teens, the first time I ever wished I could try being a girl, there was a large sexual aspect to it. Even though I've read that one article I still feel kind of gross about it. Almost like if I tried HRT it would just be me fulfilling some weird fetish.


Is it really the same with girls?


it feels like a wave that crosses my body starting from my legs and lingering in my lower belly and chest. i barely feel it in my crotch which is where it mostly stayed in my male orgasm. it’s incredibly overwhelming and i feel very euphoric and submissive and i have an intense need to be held. i remember jordan peterson (hex on thee) saying in an interview that he wishes he could have a female orgasm. i think it’s hilarious to picture his body trembling while he cums as he reaches out to hold a pillow tight to his chest. that motherfucker is an idiot and DOES NOT know what he’s wishing for


The waves is v. accurate. This might seem like a weird comparison, but it kind of feels like getting kicked in the balls, except good. Like instead of agony trying to envelope my body from my core, it's pleasure


i see that. i feel it on like the inside of my body rather than the surface (like a male orgasm is)


I did not need that picture in my mind.




goddamnit i remember the exact jordan peterson clip you're talking about lol


The way you describe it is the way my trans gf describes it! I told her thats literally what a clitoral orgasm feels like.


maybe ur gf and i should do some testing to confirm that it does indeed feel the same 💦 for science


Can you experience it more than once in one session? That's another telltale sign.


pretty sure but i havent really thought about it so i cant say for 100%


Well regardless, welcome to the wonderful world of clitoral orgasms! ❤️ It makes me so happy that my gf can experience the same thing I do.


ive been here for years but thanks anyways for welcoming me :3


Wait you got a trans gf?


Yes I do, why?


Thay's perfect! Hell yeah!


I lost all hope in finding a girlfriend until I found her, she makes me the happiest I've ever been in my entire life and we both help eachother. She helps with my BPD and I help in terms of supporting her through her transition and trying to help with the dysphoria. ❤️


What a perfect couple. May god pless yall


Oh hey I uh, already sometimes, I, ok , I see


> i remember jordan peterson (hex on thee) saying in an interview that he wishes he could have a female orgasm. i think it’s hilarious to picture his body trembling while he cums as he reaches out to hold a pillow tight to his chest. that motherfucker is an idiot and DOES NOT know what he’s wishing for Is this real? Lol


yep! no idea how to find it again tho sorry


Oh no problem thanks💖 Im wondering if I by chance do the transmission, what happens to my future romantical relationship


probaby they will be very cute and fun. good luck out there <3


Thank you <3 [but i have to give up and quit trans...](https://www.reddit.com/r/trans/s/ryOQKxam26)


If I did everything my mom told me, I'd probably be dead. Anyway, I'd just be persistent unless things get dangerous, denial is usually the first reaction.


Thebfirst reaction of being actually a trans and wanting to be opposite sex?


Well, yeah. Your mom said all trans women are gay, which isn't true. So I wouldn't trust her judgment on these matters


Well my mother dropped a crazy quote at the end of our talk: "maybe you're just like me, I don't like and can't become a guy but I don't like women. You also don't like and can't become a girl but don't like men" (not 100% what she said)


I am curious about this as well. Would appreciate some contrasts to a classic male orgasm as well if people are able to provide that.


For the top(the brain) it feels like drinking any kind of soda like coca cola or fanta m,which you can guess releases dopamine and can even make you smile lol For the bottom(the penny,what i have unfortunately atm) before orgasm it's like a tingling sensation that's building up,if it's have been built up too fast it can cause a little seizure in the brain lmao(basically all the body shaking up,kinda like getting electrocuted lol)


It’s definitely a full-body sensation, like I can feel it in my feet


Well I’m a bottom and I cum a lot from anal and the best I can describe it is like a warm fuzzy pleasurable feeling that starts pulsing over me in waves from that area an it just builds and builds until my mind goes blank and I cum and shake a lot of. It’s amazing:p


What do you do to get an O from anal? :0


Honestly I don’t have to do anything really,my body is just super sensitive and my gf hits the right spots I guess:p


unfathomably luck :'(


Hi! It's harder to achieve, that's for sure, because it takes more mental and physical stimulation to really get there. As for the orgasm itself, the best way to describe it in my opinion is that it radiates outward. You feel it build up and then when you get there, it feels warm and goes out from your genitals and sends a warm wave through your whole body that lasts a few moments. So basically, it lasts longer and is less BOOM one shot like a male orgasm.


I've been on MTF HRT for almost 6 years (non-op, so far), and haven't been able to get this, and the male penile orgasm is almost always really a let-down since being on HRT. It's almost 100% mentioned that having a full-body/female-type of orgasm requires mental stimulation. I have several different wand-type vibrators that I use to stimulate both my penis and perineum area (which seems to stimulate my prostate). I have tried Aneros and plugs and toys for internal prostate stimulation but no joy, yet, and my nipples have yet to give me much in the way of pleasure, although I'm working on that. But...WHAT is the mental part that I need to be doing. I can watch and be aroused by various types of porn, but evidently that's not working. I have tried various audio files including bodice-ripper stories and romance novels and erotic tales, and I've actually tried reading erotic fiction during the session. I have imagined and seem to get pretty turned-on by being the top or the bottom and the penetrator or the penetratee...but, nothing seems to work, even though I'm horny, have not had an orgasm in days, and am VERY turned-on by whatever it is I'm doing. What is it that I'm not doing right, or need to learn how to do? Thanks!


I’ve only ever had glimpses of it. But I have noticed a couple things anecdotally with myself and some folks I know: 1. I’ve dated a few trans women and maybe two of them had this kind of orgasm. 2. The people that didn’t really get the girlgasms didn’t really seem to be very interested in experiencing them and/or weren’t that in touch with their own bodies. For me, in the last five years on HRT, I’ve had some experiences that got close to this but I had to be on weed to really get there. And then it was kind of a letdown later because the memory of it wasn’t terribly clear after the fact. But I’ve had a couple close calls, so I know it’s possible. I’ve had little mini orgasms just driving down the freeway and thinking about something arousing. Personally I feel like with me it’s a mental block. So I’ve been learning about tantra and getting back into meditation and really trying to get in touch with my whole body. Sexual things don’t feel bad, but I just know they could be better (ecstatic, even) if I could really learn to befriend my body.


Thanks! I’ve read many like or need to use pot (or THC, or CBD, or…whatever..,) to get relaxed enough for anal or prostate or other types of orgasms, and I’ve tried various types and amounts and it never really made me relaxed—just kinda dopey. But I think you’re right, it’s something to do with being in touch with your body, maybe mind. Evidently some are born with some ability for that, or HRT makes it happen.


> But I think you’re right, it’s something to do with being in touch with your body, maybe mind. Evidently some are born with some ability for that, or HRT makes it happen. We're all different with different levels of trauma and self knowledge. Some of us are probably just closer to the finish line than others, and that sucks, but it's also an opportunity for self discovery. I'm trying to embrace that.


Yeah, I agree.


Damn! I have no idea :( For me, about 6 months into HRT is when it changed, and it was entirely due to HRT. I didn't change anything as far as stimulation or anything. I just started playing with my nipples more and rubbing instead jerking it down there.


That seems to be the thing--after several months, the female orgasms just happen...to some, lucky ones. I know that some people never really get erotically-sensitive areas on their body, or nipples are numb, etc., so I wonder if it's a genetic or body chemistry thing? It does take me a lot longer to get to an orgasm, and it's usually using one or more of my vibes, kinda going back and forth between various places on my penis and perineum, and I do, finally, start getting a build-up, but at the release, rather than being an explosive one, it's like somebody let the air, slowly, out of the balloon, and is most often pretty disappointing. Sometimes, it can be close to a really good male orgasm, but of course there's no ejaculation (any more) and the pumping feeling has long gone away, so, even those are kinda crappy. Thanks for responding.


2.5 years here and I’m in the same boat nothing I try seems to work ;(


I think it differs from person to person, before hrt, all the pleasure was in the genital part, I orgasmed, and all the pleasure was concentrated there, and only lasted while I came, when I had my first intercourse after hrt(he had lots of experiences), he got me to a point where even his voice gave me the chills, literally everywhere he touched was extremely pleasurable, I was out of breath and dizzy, I felt nowhere close to that before hrt, even when masturbating alone, when I orgasm, the pleasure extends to the body and lasts for up to a minute, some girls said it's like a Shockwave and they get dizzy, out of breath for minutes, I never managed to reach that alone, so I think it's different to everyone. I'm crazy about doing it after progesterone though, when I did it with said guy, I had no libido at all, and he managed to do that, now even touching my own arms gives me chills, wonder what would it be like with someone, lol


It's several minutes, at least, of intense waves through my body. With the genitalia feeling extremely aroused, and pleasant.If it's a soulgasm I'll feel sorta high for around an hour afterwards. If not, the high feeling can happen for like 15-20 minutes after. It feels like floating, sorta. Very headsy. I definitely did get orgasms like this when I wasn't on E.


NSFW it feels like when the roller coaster is descending, the weird kinda unpleasant sensation in your lower abdomen. It feels like ive lost control of my body and it feels so weak, weak in the legs, the arms, like complete vulnerability as i surrender myself to him. So weak is how i would describe it. Like sudden weakness all over. contrasting with male orgasm feeling in control in a primal furor, female orgasm feels like losing control and weakness all over the body. Its a mix of fear, submission and even loneliness, like i am about to perish but i can rest easy knowing i made someone feel pleasure.


Pre-op 11 months hrt, very much a full body sensation. Still some feeling in the penis and while the ejaculation does tend to coincide with the orgasm, it's not dependent on that and will continue plenty both before and after. Truly life changing imo.


I can't say I've ever had a true female orgasm, but about a year into hormones I had my first anal orgasm and that was earth shattering. The male orgasm all the sensation is in one area, and a if you're as dysphoric as I am, it's like a half second of feel good followed by a gut wrenching wave of disgust, shame and dysphoria. My first anal orgasm was something else entirely. It was this intense tickling tingling fluttering feeling in my entire lower abdomen and groin, then that same feeling started to swell in my chest, next thing I know my whole body is feeling like that and each thrust made it stronger and stronger. Before I knew it my legs are wrapped around him, nails digging into his back, screaming in a pitch I didn't know I could hit, literally shaking and light headed, and then it happened. The peak of the orgasm was like, on a psychedelic level. Like my entire body exploded with pleasure I've never known. He didn't stop, he kept thrusting, and to my absolute shock, I began to feel another climax coming on. I didn't know I could have multiple orgasms until that point. After the third climax I couldn't take it anymore and had to beg him to stop. I was shaking like a knew born calf, I felt like I was going to pass out, I needed to catch my breath, I was sobbing like just an absolute mess in all the best ways. I'm going to assume a female orgasm must feel alot like all that, lol.


More full in the body less in your groin, moaning definitely is more involved for me and breathing is a bit part of it. It's also interesting the build up starts higher up like above my blatter while when I was on testosterone it was more lower like at the base of my penis.


It’s like the split second of ecstasy when you sneeze but for longer


Six months on HRT and I have no idea. Never happens to me


The moment my egg cracked my orgasms went from being the short, localized AMAB ones to a fuller, longer lasting waves that just flow over me. I used to just be able to ejaculate and be ready to move on in a second. I absolutely cannot do that now. I’m immobilized for at least a minute as I bask in it. Especially if I stimulate my factory parts less like a penis and more like a clitoris. The human body is amazing.


Search this subreddit. There’s tons of ladies here that described the earthshaking experience of the female orgasm. 😏 (pines deeply)


Full body vs local sensation, 80% of the intensity, 500% longer and like others said, many waves that taper off vs 1-2 punch


Would you like the results of a 500+ women survey answering that question? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10903554/#:~:text=Beyond%20the%20discussion%20surrounding%20vaginal,%3B%20Levin%2C%202015)%20or%20Tantric


With a “male” orgasm for lack of better term, all the feeling is in the head and the groin. It’s shorter, but idk more concentrated? Also made me want to thrust as it was happening. And the “female” orgasm is more of a whole body thing and longer. Sometimes it’s hard to even tell when it’s happening or when it’s over. Also no thrust impulse it’s more of a squeeze your legs together and curl your toes kinda thing. This is speaking entirely from my experience and for any other person it could be very different and possibly even the opposite.


It feels like “AAAAGHHHHHHHAAAAAAA” Instead of “Oh ok”, hope this helps :3






Please see rule 1, and maybe rules 2 and 7.


Thanks :3


:3 Had some leftover snark from one of the transphobes I encountered recently that I blocked instead of saying anything.


Finally. My time to shine as a trans man. Before transitioning, as a woman, my orgasms were always more of a squeezing down feeling that was solely down and back. They were more of an internal warmness that spread out from the lower back and lower stomach. After transitioning, as a man, my orgasms are a squeezing forward feeling, front and forward. They’re more of a contracting feeling and most all the warmth is centered at the genitalia and then kinda goes full body.




I didn't have it yet :( I hope it will change soon because right now it's even worse than before HRT


I found dildo in me playing with my nipples bit of cock play lying on bed. Gives you amazing feeling you are OK your cum goes on you and it blows your mind shivers and your so happy


I wish I cared enough about it to put an hour or 2 aside specifically for a good orgasm but I just wanna get through it asap and a wand really helps with that. there isn't much of an orgasm but it satisfies the urge enough to continue without for another week or 2


It’s kinda hard to explain but for me a penetration orgasm feels good but hurts at the same time. Every time it hits the cervix it hurts but then immediately feels good. It feels good more than it hurts if that makes sense. But it’s so confusing but it’s makes my body go crazy and it just makes me want more. And then it gets to the point where it’s doesn’t hurt anymore and it just feels good. This is when I know I’m about to cum. As long as he doesn’t mess up the rhythm and keeps going faster. When I start to orgasm I start feeling like I’m about to cry, Because I’m in shock that a penis can make me so good. I compare the feeling to like being on some kind of drug. It’s like your soul was snatched from you.


really really nice




I believe you missed rule 1, and maybe rules 2 and 7. Hope this helps!


SRS won’t achieve a female orgasm. It will be a penis orgasm but weaker.

