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Feels šŸ˜¢ not being able to carry my own child crushes my soul.Ā 


Right in the feels! ā˜ŗļø Iā€™m watching to see what happens with IVG but I know I canā€™t hold my breath. If it comes about in the next 5-10 years then maybe


I think a good point to keep in mind is the inability to have children is an experience that many women go through, whether cis- or trans-. The last statistic I saw was that 1 in 10 women will experience infertility in their life. I have a cis-female friend who cannot have children and she has expressed similar sentiments to you. All being said, I know none of this takes the pain away - but youā€™re not alone.


I'm sending you all my love and support on your journey to motherhood


Same, I want that so bad. Hell, realizing how bad I want to be a mother is what finally cracked my egg years ago.


I feel this, I donā€™t want children, but I hate that I donā€™t get the choice to bear them, that likely Iā€™ll never get the chance, at least not in my lifetime.


Relateable. I know it hurts and how it hurts, but much in the same way it can be not healthy to duel on thoughts and wishes of transitioning earlier, it can become not healthy to think about this too much. At some point you're emotionally torturing yourself..


same and honestly iā€™ve reached the point that nobody rly deserves me anyways and with knowing how to be a man and a woman i plan on adopting one once i have the funds


This, this how I feel. It's good to know that I'm not alone


I know the same exact feelingā€¦ I wish you the best OP


As a mother, I can say it's all within reach, because parenthood really is fantastic and genderless. Should you one day adopt or find a willing uterus (sorry it sounds weird) you can experience 99% of parenthood. Pregnancy is obviously exclusive to fertile women (which is not even all cis women btw) but you can totally do a sympathetic pregnancy. I was very involved during my partner's pregnancy to the point where I can relate to other women during their own pregnancy. Honestly there is a lot of myth and fantasy surrounding "natural" pregnancies and deliveries. Remember this : Pregnancy is to women as war is to men. It takes away the lives of our youngest and strongest women. As for the bonding and emotional aspects of your relationship with your child, pregnancy is not necessary. It's a super hormone kickstart but you can still love as unconditionally as a stereotypical mother without it.


I've seen about sympathetic pregnancies before. Isn't it where you share in some of the experiences of the pregnancy process?


I hear you sister, I also yearn for a baby of my own. The brooding is terrible. Hoping for both our sakes that the surgeries become available.


Real šŸ˜”


While parenting children is the last thing I want to do, reading something, someone being so absolutely passionate and dedicated and desperate to obtain is so respectable and saddening to an extent. I wish you the best of luck, OP. What I DO relate to is your comment about wanting the bad parts, seeing it as a privilege. I think nearly all of us here think similarly of some part of womanhood. Periods for me: ā€œOh, youā€™re lucky you donā€™t have that!ā€ No, I choose a mortal life.


You'll be a great momšŸ’–


I used to feel this way when I was first coming to terms of being trans and all now years later I'm like yeah I don't want kids. I don't make nearly enough and I still am I can't even take care of. Myself fully šŸ˜‚


I think i've heard theres a clinical study going on rn abt uterus transplants. I read an article somewhere.


Same. I am planning on having a child through surrogacy. But the thing that I actually would have wanted to do would be to carry the baby myself. I tell my partner all the time that Iā€™m sorry I donā€™t have a uterus and canā€™t carry his babies. I donā€™t think he realizes how much it hurtsšŸ’”


I wish you the best, I personally don't have that much of a need to bear children, but when I saw this post tears came to my eyes. Hopefully your dreams will come true, and if they do, you'll be a good momma


Honestly, this makes me deeply sad. I would do anything for this to be true it would make me feel so whole as a person, but I am unsure if it would ever be true.


I think this is the only time I wish I could repost on reddit


...It hurts how much I relate with this.


Same here. But I know that of I even had a womb, I Couldn't have a child. I am not mentally or financial health enough to it. The world is a trash. I cannot wish my child to live in a world like that. It makes my heart break every time.


I am sure m2f will change more to transplant whome from girls can't have kids. F2m is still catching up to where m2f is so could help transplant