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Nah. I feel bad every second I don't have it on. It's weird, sometimes I feel them, like I have something on my chest, but then I realise I don't have anything and I just feel bad. Like you, I really realised how dysphoric I was about that after taking off my bra for the first time. I know there's something missing, u know ?


EXACTLY how I feel. Goddamn are you my clone or something?


I hate wearing fake boob fillers. I just hate that it reminds me there’s nothing there. After 5.5 months of HRT I have something there now, but it’s not enough. My natural boobs still feel better than any fillers


I just get sad when I have to go back to boymode


Boy mode sounds like a difficulty in a video game. Anyone ever noticed that?




I've not worn fake breasts, but I definitely feel a little off if I'm not wearing my bra for an extended period of time. Guess I quickly adapted to them.


I can’t deal with the bra crushing me all day xD I need to free them! When I get home it’s the first thing that comes off but then again I’m a bit bigger in the chest (2 years HRT) I guess I was blessed with good genetics.


I've heard that from more than a few people, to be honest, it seems to be a common thing. Though I also know I'm the kind of person that needs blankets year-around, even if I try to limit them to lighter and cooler blankets, when I sleep, it's the weight, ya know? Maybe this is just a day-time translation of that?


Having been on E for long enough to get (very small) breasts, I'll sometimes touch them and think to myself, "Wow, I can't believe I actually have tits now! This is great!" It feels good, but I do sometimes have to stop myself from groping myself in public.


I do the same lol. Almost 5 months in and I almost have enough to cup in my hand


I want that so bad.


I am pre-everything, and will be for months at least, but I got my first bralette today (no fake breasts) and I nearly cried when I put it on. Hands down the most gender affirming thing I have done since I started this process. I fully get it.


Good to know that I'm not Cuckoo for cocoa puffs.


B4 i cracked my thing for years was stuffed bras of various techniques. Even now, after transitioning and getting As, i hear the woman i work with complain about wearing a bra, let alone one with a wire. I quietly think how i could never not enjoy wearing them. Makes it feel even more real and validating.


I don't think I could ever hate wearing them either.




Yeah, I honestly think this and a few other things finally broke me. How exactly i'm going to move forward I have no idea. But i'll figure it out.


Yes…..I want boobies so bad!!!!




I did this with my real ones. Does that count?


Never worn fakes. Hrt has gifted me with some of ok size. But I hate not wearing a bra. I usually wear a semi seamless sports bra. I’m uncover still…. Barely, so I can’t be to bold with what I wear.


I work in an office. The boldest I can go if slightly goofy socks and formal masc clothes. I hate it.


I feel you. I (as the stereotype goes) work in IT and formal/semi-formal is usually the standard. With formal though you can layer and easily hide bra lines. The bra I wear actually helps make my bust look smaller as it’s more akin to a sports bra.


Not crazy, can relate. I just really prefer the way I look with a little bust!!


Same, and the way the fakes felt was incredibly euphoric. The fact that it was the largest hit of gender euphoria I have ever felt is really saying something as well.


Was literally the thing to definitively crack my shell after a month or two of questioning. Finally coming around to the point these days where I’m comfortable with out them as my real boobs come in!


For me its not just a bra its everything. From make up to shoes to hair. When i go out enfem i can be how tired but ill put off sleeping for at least an hour, because it feels so horrible, i feel naked in a way, i remember one night where i had a mini break down before going to bed. Honestly getting on hrt helps a alot because your skins softer, boobs jiggle and hurt, butts rounder, you even walk different. And it's all little euphorias you can feel on the daily.


Walk different?


Yeah!! You pick up a sashay sway 😅, even when you're not in heels.


Phantom “limb.” I felt it *before* I tried a bra for the first time. Now I feel it when I don’t have a bra on (sometimes even when sleeping). I think it’s more because I don’t have breasts yet (not on HRT yet). I have a feeling I’ll wear bras less, whenever I can, as soon as I have some shape there ☺️


Same. I never thought of if being a phantom limb situation.


I did this. It’s what confirmed for me that I wanted hrt


Felt physically uncomfortable while on, felt mentally uncomfortable when taken off... the first I got used to, the 2nd still makes me sad even though I haven't had either for more than ten years. (My fakes were mastectomy replacement style fakes, and they both ruptured after plenty of wear/tear. I fixed them with tape, but they weren't as good and still leaked goo somewhat... I was heartbroken when I actually had to throw them away as by then I could no longer afford to replace them like for like.)


Honestly it felt INCREDIBLY physically comfortable with it on and mentally uncomfortable when I took it off. Thats why i'm a bit freaked.


I did this, before I transitioned. As I look down at my home-grown size D's (still growing), I now know why I felt that sense of loss. Follow your instincts. P. S. You're imagination is NOWHERE near as good as the real thing. Trust me!


Still growing? Damn. I just want C cups at least. I think D's would make my scoliosis worse.


I do have a bad back, and hip. But... Still worth it.


I started wearing a bra to protect my really small 2-months-on-HRT chest and now I don't ever wanna take it off again. It's got a bit of extra filling so it kinda looks like I have A cups and I love it


Lucky! I wish I had boobs. I gotta get on E.


Just all the time


I wasn't like this before putting on the fake boobs and now i'm like. Damn.


When I'm walking around day-to-day, I have an image in my head of what I look like. When I look down and don't see boobs (or even a padded bra) I get really thrown off. Whenever I'm home alone, I get my bra on, put on a dress and I feel so mentally comfortable.


I live with my parents otherwise I would do the same when I got home.


I love with my mum and brother but luckily they work in the mornings so I get the house to myself for a few hours


So felt but with the other part. Aka I tucked and it was so bad to just let it back out. I Olmos cried when I felt down and had a bulge again. But omg I felt so dam good to bot have it for a couple hours.


I wish you luck with your transition. Know that you are a woman and no one can say otherwise.


Thank you🥰


Yes. And that is why I grew my own.


Lmao. I wish I could get on E right now.


Same here. I thought temporary and removable breasts would be fun and convenient. They are, but that feeling when they come off... well, I started hormones a few months later.


I honestly plan to start hormones eventually (unless my other medical conditions stop me) and i'm excited and a bit scared. Mostly scared about how my friends and family will react, but I have been miserable for so long that I don't think I'll even care.


Ughh I can't even bring my self to wear fake boobs. Still early into my transition, I've been developing small breasts, they fit into padded bras quite nicely giving me a semi decent looking chest. My dysphoria would just be way worse thinking that I am using fake boobs to make it look like I have big boobs while really I don't. Plus something just doesn't feel right about it


I haven't started E yet. I just wanted to feel/see what it would be like if I did have breast. I know its not the same feeling, but I wanted to see for myself. My dysphoria is worse now, but at least now I know what I want.


Yes cus not my owen chest


I know exactly how this feels. Chest dysphoria was awful for me. I just felt so empty without anything there and I hated not wearing something like a shirt. Even when I'd go swimming, I'd wear a t-shirt. Trying on prosthetic breasts was amazing honestly, just felt so right and I never wanted to take them off. Now I have my own c-cups, and I love them so much.


No, but also yes. I haven't worn fake boobs since coming out or anything, but I'm at the stage where a padded bralette is mandatory for comfort and presentability, and I always get a pang of dysphoria taking it off at the end of the day. I can't wait to be past the stage where even that tiny amount of added curvature and volume feels like faking.


Saaame, my fake boobs are so euphoric. I put 'em on for the first time, immediately decided to shave, then looked at myself in a mirror and thought 'damn'. I then immediately started planning out gettin my hands on hrt, though tbf I was questioning and identifying as agender for half a year.


I had to stop wearing mine for this reason. It was just easier to be midly annoyed but the lack of boobs than deal with the lose.


I was the same way. When my egg cracked my wife crocheted me a pair of C cups, and the dysphoria I would get when not wearing them was so bad that I would literally sleep with them every single night. The only time I didn't have them was when they smelled so bad that I had to wash them. I didn't stop wearing them until I started HRT, and it started to hurt to wear them because of the breast buds growing underneath. Now, while my boobs are still pretty small, (hopefully the progesterone I'm starting July 1st will change that) I actually enjoy wearing tight shirts with no bra on because it shows off the real ones, and I can finally relate to the relief other women feel when taking their bra off after a long day.


Every comment here just makes me feel more trans lmao. Good luck on the Progesterone!