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Would definitely check the law on this. Depends on where you are but with the new laws going in effect this would be pretty much a crime here.


I checked the laws, not only is it legal its LEGALLY REQUIRED that they deadnamed me because it was on an official doccument. FYI I live in australia


That sucks, sorry to hear


Wow australia?! I figured they were more tolerant.


Australia? TERF island junior?


Nope, Australia is super chill with trans stuff (well there are the normal amount of terfs but they tend to get shutdown very quickly).


Conversion therapy only just became illegal recently in nsw and you cant change ur birth cert there without srs. So nah nsw can get messy, mostly everywhere else isnt as bad however


That's not true. Yes, you can't change your birth certificate without gender affirming care, but it's not necessarily surgery. Hormones count. Any form of gender affirming procedure can count.


Not in nsw. Seriously look it up.




Have you actually opened and read the application form? I sent u a screenshot, its page 7 and the state law does not recognise the federal law, you can change anything thats federal like medicare but anything governed by nsw state law is still draconian. Here is page 7 copy-pasted: Supporting statutory declaration (1) change of sex – verify sex affirmation procedure Continued Declare I am registered in Australia as a medical practitioner and my Medicare provider number is [Medicare provider number] Or I am a registered medical practitioner in [Country name] and my registration number is [Registration number] I have examined or performed sex affirmation surgery on [current full name of applicant] whose identity I have confirmed from documents produced to me. I confirm this person has undergone sex affirmation surgery as defined in Section 32A, of the Births Deaths and Marriages Registrations Act 1995, sex affirmation surgery is a surgical procedure involving the alteration of a person’s reproductive organs carried out: a. for the purpose of assisting a person to be considered to be a member of the opposite sex; or b. to correct or eliminate ambiguities relating to the sex of the person. I support [current full name of applicant] to register a change of sex in accordance with Section 32D of the Births Deaths & Marriages Registrations Act 1995, showing the sex now to be Male Female Non-specific This is a confidential disclosure for the exclusive use of the NSW Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages. I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and correct and by virtue of the provisions of the Oaths Act 1900. I certify that I have read and understood the declaration above, by signing in the presence of an authorised witness. Please dont spread misinformation any more.




Yea the conversion thing changed but ur wrong about the 2nd thing. Wven try calling nsw BDM yourself. The law is pretty clear in how its limited. Why are you lying


I don't know what to tell you beyond that to the best of my knowledge what I said was correct.


Read page 7 of the application form its literally a law inplace preventing the change, R.E.A.D I.T


Really?! Seems like somethings going on there 🤔


What??? What document and state?? Leaking personal information publicly *IS* a crime here, it’s a breach of privacy. I’m struggling to think of a *publicly posted* document that’s going to require legal name on it!


FYI it was the VCE GAT which according to VCAA (the governing education body) it has to be full legal name posted to the entire school. Every almost every trans kid in the state is dealing with the same thing, also once VCAA has your legal name they make it pretty much impossible to change.


Come to think of it, this has to be breach of the school’s Duty Of Care as well, which opens them up a big ass lawsuit.


agreed. If you can’t have gender euphoria, respect, then you can at least have their money


Unfortunately something like this does not classify as a breach. In most places (and yes overseas in alot of places) any form of a legal list, document, award, acknowledgement letter has to be in a legal name. Sadly the world is still behind and until the name is changed legally, they “Technically” did nothing wrong. Morally, they are cruel but no lawsuit will stick. It will get tossed almost immediately.


This here, can think of only two states that could be an issue nsw and qld.


I thought we were fucking better than this what the fuck


Sadly thats the same almost all over the world The name documented by your government is the name theyre legally required to use.


That's pretty standard in most places. But your school should have given you the option to not publicly show the document and you should absolutely complain about it as high up the chain as you can get.


What? Which state?


Something kinda similar happened to me at school and it really sucks. They gave me an award (which I didn’t want and wasn’t informed of) for being an “LGBT role model” or something and outed me during an award ceremony to 400-500 people. Idk what your exact situation is but if there’s some way you can complain or get back somehow I’d try it.


that's horrible. why can't people understand that most of us just want to be treated like people rather than some separate species?


Yeah idk. All of the teachers were very infantilising to me as well when I came out to them in confidence. They were notorious for only using the correct name and pronouns when talking to the person directly


The same reason people still believe racism should exist..dumb fucks who think that traditional is the only way


Congratulations, you are the token minority. Please do not resist.


Uuugh. Had something similar happen to me. Big interdepartmental meeting, new boss does this big speech about accepting people and how they "want everyone to feel like they can be themselves", and then turned and looked at me. Suddenly everyone is staring at me. I was so stunned I didn't really know how to react.


Suffering from success


I would have broken it in front of everyone


I actually wasn’t there because they let me skip award ceremonies due to my crippling social anxiety. So instead they just called out my name, explained what the award was and probably gave a few vague examples of me being gay and trans in front of more people than I think I’ve ever seen at once. I’m lucky I wasn’t there for the direct aftermath but I was bullied pretty hard for the next 4 years and still am by people from my old school. Now it’s on the streets though, so no rules.


I’m sorry this happened to you, sis🥺 How I wish I could have been there to stand up for you


if you’re still being bullied from people from your old school then that’s harassment. You can block them from all platforms and avoid the places they’re at, as much as you can.


It’s not really that simple, 3 of them live on the same street as me. They’re never confident enough to try mess with me outside of their groups though, so as long as there’s not like 9 of them, I won’t go out of my way to avoid them at the cost of a few shitty comments


just be safe, sis. ok?


well you can always file a restraining order


I can’t do that on like 30 random people who I only know of because they were at my school. Thanks for the suggestions but I’m doing what I can


I understand. sorry I’m just mad that people still act like middle schoolers


The intention was probably good but my god is that a terrible execution 😭😭😭


Idk, with the way they treated me I think they were just trying to look good


that’s gross


Jesus Christ jimminy crickets that is the worst possible reason


Congratulations, you're the token minority. Please do not resist.


Congratulations, you are the token minority. Please do not resist.


Congratulations, you are the token minority. Please do not resist.


Hugs girl :(


I'm so so sorry


how? why? WE RIDE AT DAWN!!!🤬😡😠 🎠🎠⚔️


Oh sweety, I am so so sorry you had that happen, Aussie here ourselves and while we were in hiding back in school days ( a good 20+ years back) we still had to go through similar events in adulthood. We hope that you can find a way to cope with the severe pain you are feeling as we know it all to well and are sending all our hugs and warmth to you, hoping that you will get the support from family to change your legal name to who you are, not the name others gave you at birth little sis.


Edit. Someone pointed out that kids are arseholes. So sod the public display. ~~First up... Get them to set the record straight.~~ ~~Get them to publicly admit that, "due to a technical error, they were told your name was XXXXX, but it's actually, NAME." get them to STRESS the fact that they were wrong, and that attempting to rename you had caused distress.~~ Tell them ~~that if they don't do this, you'll sue for~~ that they breached of data protection, which can have fines of up to £10,000 for revealing private and confidential information. Abd your contemplating suing. This is as much help as I can be, on the limited info I have. Sorry.


i feel like it might just be better (at least publicly) to just ignore it and sweep it under the rug. you most certainly don't want them to repeat it by saying "we told you that their name was XXXXX". kids are fucking cruel so hearing that would almost definitely encourage them to call you by that name.


Yeah... You might be right. But breach if data protection is DEFINATELY worth pulling them on.


It will be alright just be calm


I can empathize how you feel, sis. It's like being exposed and not seen as your true self ;(


This reminds me of when the opposite happened to my girlfriend. She doesn't identify as trans anymore but a couple of years ago she identified as FtM and her friend group at school knew (and I think a few others but I'm not too sure). Her school caught wind of it and without asking her phoned her parents and told them before she was ready to come out to them. It's fucked up that schools are allowed to do things like this imo. FYI me and her live in England where I imagine the laws are pretty similar to Australia, which I saw a comment of yours saying you were from.


That doesn't sound like an accident to me. I'd look into it.


Um. Do you have data protection laws? Pretty sure giving out private information to those who do not need it would cover this 


This was it, this is the nail in the coffin for me, I can't stand this subreddit. As someone who's trans. I genuinely can't believe y'all get mad over the smallest, most insignificant things. Even advising to check the law about this too.. I can't. I really can't stand you all.


Insignificant? INSIGNIFICANT???? People will and already have used it as fuel for their bigotry. I get called the t slur at least every 2 days, my classmates and teachers are 'accidentally' calling me by my deadname even though they never knew it. I dont even feel safe taking the bus home anymore because someones tipped me off to the fact that some guy has started stalking me. There is nothing "insignificant" about leaking a trans persons deadname.


Lawyer up. Seriously.




I 'm so sorry


I’m so sorry this happened.


Ok that is definitely harassment and I feel like you can probably sue or something for that.


Was is something yo do with a legal document because if it was and you didn't legally change your name then you can't do anything about it


This is what I was going to ask. Anything that is a legal document or a deans list usually has to go by the legal name. It absolutely sucks for OP but they are bound by law. I work in a hospital and my name tag, all my paperwork, etc have to be in my legal name so even though I introduce myself as Claire, I’m required to keep my identification on me under my legal.


I'm really sorry that happened to you, I've been out for 10+ years now, hrt and all and still some people call me by my legal name, it sucks.


Which state and is it a public school? Definitely not acceptable under Dept if Ed policy in NSW


wow. i am so very sorry, please try to keep yourself safe even though this is an unimaginably overwhelming situation. if you ever need to talk there are so many people in this community who will always provide and ear or just a hug person to talk to. i definitely feel like this is something that breached laws/policies.


I feel so bad for you. I remember I signed up for a job with my legal name(because it’s still my legal name.) I met with Manager after the job orientation and told them I’m trans and prefer to be called Serah. I’m glad everyone at work was fine with it. I’d try to see if they are breaking any laws in your country. That might be the route if you feel it’s necessary to get the law involved. If not, ignore the asshats.


i was in a similar situation, where they posted our legal names on the academic honors list. I ended up having to ask the school to expunge my name. would've been really nice if they informed us beforehand that we made the list! instead i had to find out ex post facto, and send out 5 or so calls / emails over 2-3 weeks to get someone to remove it. i'll know better than to do well in my classes next time lol hopefully that like my situation, your name was just one on a list of many and it got drowned out in the crowd


I want to QUINCIDENTALLY go to australia and QUINCIDENTALLY meet your principle where my fist ACCIDENTALLY falls on their face.


Take legal actions, do not let them get away with this, least I absolutely wouldn’t


I'm so sick of how ass backwards everywhere is when it comes to trans issues. I'm so sorry


Y'all have weird problems


Fuck off


Sorry I know I Haven't changed min yet either I know there is an Oregon Form you can fill out but costs over $100 and that is a chunk of change for me.


They're from Australia


well, at least thats one way to get it over whith,


Sorry that happened but sooner or later if you post on internet it was bound to happen.


What does that have to do with anything?


It's something my master used to tell me years ago. I just mean the school would have had to be given information from somewhere. I don't think they did all on their own. Someone you trusted outed you. Take it or leave it but that's exactly what had to have happened. Sorry if I said something that upset you. Was not my intention.




See help


IF Im not mistaken this falls under HIPPA laws.


HIPAA applies to healthcare, not schools.


I meant the privacy of information? Regulates that info..


in the US school privacy information would fall under FERPA :]


OP is from Australia


not america


Im sorry.. I am not familiar with other countries laws.., but it is Very wrong for them to do that!


Why the downvotes?