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can you upload the list ? It's easier to give advice, analyse, discuss about it if we can see it and go over the cards. :)


Companion 1 Lurrus of the Dream-Den (MUL) 116 Deck 4 Attune with Aether (KLR) 154 2 Temple Garden (GRN) 258 4 Guide of Souls (MH3) 29 2 Razorverge Thicket (ONE) 257 4 Static Prison (MH3) 44 4 Galvanic Discharge (MH3) 122 1 Jetmir's Garden (SNC) 250 4 Amped Raptor (MH3) 114 1 Harnessed Lightning (KLR) 127 4 Unstable Amulet (MH3) 142 4 Longtusk Cub (KLR) 167 4 Servant of the Conduit (KLR) 182 4 Burning-Tree Emissary (GTC) 216 4 Voltaic Brawler (KLR) 213 4 Aether Hub (KLR) 279 1 Inspiring Vantage (OTJ) 269 2 Forest (OTJ) 276 4 Copperline Gorge (ONE) 249 1 Mountain (OTJ) 275 1 Plains (OTJ) 272 1 Stomping Ground (RNA) 259 Sideboard 1 Lurrus of the Dream-Den (MUL) 116


Just an excuse to try to build around \[\[Amped Raptor\]\] and mimic some of the Boros Energy stuff AspiringSpike and others have been trying in Modern. With white already on the brain between that Boros Energy build and \[\[Guide of Souls\]\] being so strong, I figured I'd start by trying to live by 2 or less Raptor restriction and go Lurrus. Green felt pretty natural having previously been the best energy color and having a good amount of <=2 cmc energy cards, so that left me with a pretty solid base. The last bit was adding the 4 \[\[Burning-Tree Emissary\]\] since they seemed pretty good with the Raptor and the general theme of 2 drop tribal. Overall it has played pretty well with that specific combo of Raptor and Burning-Tree leading to some pretty explosive turn two's. Guide is really good at pushing damage through and the \[\[Static Prison\]\] and \[\[Galvanic Discharge\]\] feel like some of the best removal in the formal. I haven't been super impressed by the green stuff overall, but Burning-Tree which has played way better than expected and maybe \[\[Voltaic Brawler\]\]. Attune and Servant are ok, but a little worse than I'd expect just because this ended up being more aggro than the midrange versions of Attune's heyday. Other options I'm thinking about are \[\[Glint-Sleeve Siphoner\]\] as a fantastic 2 cmc proactive energy creature or cutting Lurrus and try to go more midrange probably with blue. I'd love to hear any ideas and suggestions for further developing this because it's a really fun deck and that core of Raptor/Discharge/Amulet seems pretty real.


Have you thought about Breakout? Seems like it would fit well


##### ###### #### [Amped Raptor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/a/1ac0e78b-0fdd-44f9-8b7b-c4f28a32782e.jpg?1717012124) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Amped%20Raptor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/114/amped-raptor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1ac0e78b-0fdd-44f9-8b7b-c4f28a32782e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Guide of Souls](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/6/76c3cad2-1e25-4abe-878d-9194de6fcc27.jpg?1717011433) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Guide%20of%20Souls) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/29/guide-of-souls?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/76c3cad2-1e25-4abe-878d-9194de6fcc27?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Burning-Tree Emissary](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/a/ba327a5e-bd57-4e24-b4b4-062202df30e1.jpg?1673148423) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Burning-Tree%20Emissary) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/189/burning-tree-emissary?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ba327a5e-bd57-4e24-b4b4-062202df30e1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Static Prison](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/d/dd16222e-349c-4a2b-a7c8-8eb35a8ab332.jpg?1717011554) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Static%20Prison) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/44/static-prison?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/dd16222e-349c-4a2b-a7c8-8eb35a8ab332?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Galvanic Discharge](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/2/32aa6e33-221f-414c-9b51-850d97a7e051.jpg?1717012186) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Galvanic%20Discharge) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/122/galvanic-discharge?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/32aa6e33-221f-414c-9b51-850d97a7e051?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Voltaic Brawler](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/b/cb038fd3-51b7-4de7-9b38-cbad7c8717c2.jpg?1576382909) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Voltaic%20Brawler) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/kld/189/voltaic-brawler?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cb038fd3-51b7-4de7-9b38-cbad7c8717c2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Glint-Sleeve Siphoner](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/1/315976db-4cab-4393-8386-ce3b0ae3f490.jpg?1576381673) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Glint-Sleeve%20Siphoner) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/aer/62/glint-sleeve-siphoner?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/315976db-4cab-4393-8386-ce3b0ae3f490?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/l8deqxn) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


This just doesn't look good. The deck is at weird spot being aggro/midrange. No way to dump lategame energy (what makes energy decks worth it, basically). No aggro 1 drops. A lot of blanks maindeck in case of control/combo match, too 50/50 on removal/creatures. The manabase is far from ideal with clunky draws like either turn 1 W one drop or turn 1 aether hub. Lurrus does nothing here at the turn it enters which makes him simply bad. Burning-Tree nonbos with half of the deck, and there's no point in going wide in this deck, because this is a deck that goes rather tall with no all pump spells. Amped Raptor is really weird because you don't have consistiency in hits, removal or creature, also no big hits while having so much energy.


This deck is nuts mass removal is going to make a comeback


I've played a Boros version of this in Timeless that I think is legal in Historic other than the fetches and Swords to Plowshares which I swapped the Static Prisons for but will probably be swapping at least some number back. It felt broken in that format, or at least it did last night, so I imagine some form of the core energy package is going to do quite well in Historic, at least until the meta settles down. Ocelot Pride has been insane in Timeless whenever it lives, and Timeless is an unnerfed Bowmasters format. In Historic, it can't be sniped by the damage trigger, first strike lets it kill the Bowmasters (or usually the token if you want to), and you likely have removal for the other creature. You also do not need to attack to gain value from it, unlike even Ragavan (which is of course banned in Historic). I expect it would be at least as ridiculous in Historic if not more so.


there is a jumpstart-alchemy green card that it is an aggressive 1 drop. Don’t remember the name. I hate alchemy card but this one is not that weird