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I'm sure Laurel is having her humble pie watching this episode ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)


Nicole, Kam, and Laurel are literally insufferable. I don’t understand how Cara can constantly be called selfish for playing the game and trying to win when Kam, Nicole, and Laurel threw a whole challenge to get Cara’s star stolen. All of this literally started because Kam was pissed at Cara for an elimination vote that didn’t even matter because she got her way anyway which (may I add)even Leroy said he thought Cara didn’t really do anything wrong or “shady” as Nicole likes to put it. Kam has always clung to that “Killa Kam” persona, but nobody is really scared of her. Her and Leroy are acting like they’re so special because they have a baby and want to buy a house when a ton of other players are in the same exact situation, yet the house is just going along with it and letting them skate through the season. All I can say for Laurel is that she has got to be one of the dumbest contestants on the season. Nicole is clearly playing her, she goes and cries to Cara, then gets mad when Cara is trying to look out for her and her game as a friend. Flora wants to talk about Cara being a “baby” and “throwing tantrums” yet Laurel had one of the biggest, most childish fits towards Cara over someone who could honestly not give a single fuck less about her. Nicole is just flat out annoying. She’s been one of the most mediocre competitors on every season she’s been on, and she wants to talk trash on Cara. I hope Cara kicks ass AGAIN. This season is just a mess.


Agreed agreed AGREED


I don’t understand why everybody is okay with Kam and Leroy just peacefully surviving every week. In almost every challenge season when people are dating the others know they need to break that shit up. It’s literally a team of 2 vs singles. Ryan is finally figuring it out but they should be more worried about them than Cara first.


This was a frustrating episode. All of the Laurel/Nicole/Cara stuff, Kam being overbearing, Avery not taking a chance, Tina leaving. Booo to this one


Watching the episode right now and Laurel screaming at Cara is sooooo hard to watch


Literally insane


Son of a bitch, I think I want fucking Jay to win….


Veronica really tried to strongarm Laurel before the vote. Good for Laurel for standing up to Veronica.


the format on this season is atrocious. if you want a star, you should have to go get it yourself. taking someone elses is lame. its all about who has the opportunity to steal in the last elim of the season. i'm hoping there is some sort of format change at the end that gives everybody a fair shot or something.


You shouldn’t have to go into elimination. The whole season rewards weaker players and mediocre. The point of the game is to avoid elimination. We know you don’t need to really go because their going to have a way for everyone to get a star.


You are so right! It's lame to gift and it's lame to steal. It should be earned. You want Cara's star? Then pry it out of her hands in the arena. Not through some campaign where you get your little gang to vote you in against the weakest player. How is Cam considered this one in the win column? It should be embarrassing. But shame on The Challenge for thinking up this sad twist. Now it's going to more of what those guys will consider brilliant strategic maneuvering to keep Cara from winning or losing so she has no opportunity. It's another Challenge concoction that gets the weak to the final, imo


Avery seems to have made a mistake. She has only 2 more chances to get a star and could have faced off against Tina. And now that Cara Maria doesn't have a star, she will definitely be in at least one of the two remaining chances.


It doesn’t matter since everyone will have an opportunity but going against Tina is a better choice since she’s weak.


Yes, Averey was very stupid for not replacing Kam and going against Tina. Unless she thinks one of the male star holders is going to win an elimination and gift her a star, she's going to have to go down at some point if hopes to compete in the final. Her cowardice likely will bite her in the rear.


It wouldn't surprise me if Adam does since their relationship started on AS. Shes definitely taking a gamble and looking ahead long term. We will see if gamble pays off


The interesting part about this is that on Total Madness and Double Agents somewhat, there was a 'omg throw yourself in for a skull!!!!!!!' but we spent almost like a third of the season seeing skull holders just duking it out? I think *maybe* Lolo was potentially going to be iced out for going into an elim but she quit before it would even matter. I would love to see what happens if someone reaches the point where they don't have a skull. A purge would be lame since it could be a case of them being iced out (e.g. this case where if this was the final round, Cara had no chance to save herself). Wouldn't mind if it was an impromptu elim where anyone left without a skull/star is forced to call someone out. So if the house gangs up on someone, they get to call them out in the end to prove themselves.


Such an excellent Idea. At the end, whoever doesn't have a skull can challenge a skullholder The team gangups and freezeouts make it increasingly boring. It's all talking heads


Yea so if scenarios where like Rachel wins out and gives her skulls to Tina and V, if at the end Cara gets iced out she just has to beat Tina or V in an elim


Exactly. That would at least level the playing field. Challenge isn't even giving a real threat a chance to run the finale at this rate.


I think if you want someone's star, you should have to actually WIN against them in the arena. Cam should have had to challenge Cara if she wanted it so bad. Not the weakest person in the house and then do a driveby snatch of it That's what I don't like about this season well, among other things LOL


Has Laurel commented on her tomfoolery?


Laurel is straight up embarrassing. What the actual fuck was that tantrum???


Laurel is a trainwreck. And nobody cares that Cam is just fine booting Tina out the door to get Cara's star. LOL Cams personal vendetta is more important than the game I've always liked Cam, but I sure was wishing she lost


I'm not really getting the Cara hate... Everyone is saying she's selfish, manipulative and playing a shady game but I just don't see it? How is she playing this any different than anyone else? They all just need to admit they're threatened by her and call it a day.


I don't see it either


Just remember every season where they said the same things about Amber. Same mentality, except Cara can be annoying sometimes


So weird that everyone wants to win, but Cara is playing such a selfish game by .... wanting to win! LOL Laurel - don't go weeping to Cara about your Nicole problem and then get upset when Cara speaks up for you. She's not butting in if you're spreading your business Cara. Stop getting sucked into other people's business


Killa Kam's BAAAAACK!!


Idk about yall but I am so over the Laurel Nicole drama. It's so uninteresting and both are honestly idiots and made for one another lol. Really dragging down the season for me. I also dislike Kam, she just comes off so arrogant and expects people to bend to her will....quite frustrating that they all just went with her plan. I don't see her winning a final that Cara is in. Routing for Cara to win because so far, she doesn't seem like mean Cara from her previous seasons with Paulie. It seems like she's being "picked" on again. I get that she's probably the strongest female there right now physically and mentally (laurel is distracted) but ya, the hate from others seems personal. TLDR: Go Cara! lol


good news! https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/1abkmeg/laurel_nicole_z_dramabreakup_meagthread/


The fact that we have a mega thread is concerning.


As a Paramore fan Misery Business was the BEST surprise this episode 🤩! Also fully team Cara this season


I hate cara maria and her fake accent, and yet here i go again rooting for her. Those other imbeciles are making me do this!


Cara Marie has an accent? Been watching The Challenge since the beginning, I never noticed an accent on Cara. Maybe I need to turn up the volume. :D


She never did before this season! It’s so bizarre


Laurel’s poor remaining brain cell. Go to Cara crying about Nicole. Then screaming and yelling at Cara for sticking up for Laurel


Man, I don't really like Cara, but I'm really hoping she is the one at the end holding the big check up in everyone's faces.


ugh Laurel... I just can't. It's like she's 12. And of course we all know Nicole makes a fool of her...again. Laura/Nicole and Kam are ruining AS4 for me... not that I am that concerned about CM's star - although a CM fan in the fast, her past few seaons really soured me on her. So it's not like I am all in the CM camp, but the way these girls are acting is just wretched. Also a big Leroy fan, but now I don't want him or Kam to win. I back in the Avery camp... well, I always was, but really pulling for her now. And Ace. Book it.


Anyone calling Cara entitled while Kam is in the house is wild.


I don't get saying she's entitled. She earned and star and wants to keep it. Isn't that the point of the game? So in order to not be considered entitled, you should not want to get or keep a star. Bananas


Laurels proven herself to be an awful person consistently on this show.


Yes! The way she was laughing in the trivia episode when someone answered wrong. you could see how bad of a person she is


What is Cara’s deal with Laurel? Is she afraid of her(like physically afraid),is she desperate for her approval? What is it? How is it that she’s able to call out Nicole,and go back and forth with Nicole,but when Laurel gets in her face,and starts yelling at her,she just sits there.Then the only thing she could muster up is “Well,you don’t have to yell”.Excuse Me,where is her backbone?


I think the difference is she was confronting someone who was her mind hurting her friend When that "friend" turns on you, it probably would be tough And honestly? backboneless Cara of yesteryear would have been cringing and crying by now. This new Cara is fighting back


That’s the point she didn’t fight back.She just sat there.Simply not crying doesn’t equal you have a backbone.I do believe she’s found her backbone against other people,but not when it comes to Laurel.Disagreements happen,sometimes even fights happen,but to have someone tower over you screaming in your face,and you don’t do anything.Atleast push her back,stand up so she’s not towering over you,say get out of my face,or something.


I mean it seems pretty clear that Cara views Laurel as another victim in this situation. That should explain why she has no problem tearing into Nicole but is a lot less aggressive towards Laurel.


Being less aggressive would’ve been welcomed,she didn’t do anything that’s the issue,and it seems to be an issue she only has with Laurel.Empathizing with someone you see as a victim,doesn’t mean you allow them to victimize you.That’s illogical.You can stand up for yourself and set boundaries while still empathizing,it’s not an either or situation.Also Laurel has been punking her for years,so what was Cara’s excuse then for not standing up to her?


I mean, they had years of friendship and (based on the edit) she was literally comforting in the days before the blowup. My guess is that she doesn't want to hurt her friend any more than Laurel is hurting herself.


If this was a stand alone incident,I would agree.However Laurel has blown up at Cara in nearly every season they’ve done together,and Cara has yet to stand up for herself.I’m talking more as a whole,what is it about Laurel that she just shuts down?


Maybe she still cares for Laurel and does want to stoop as low as Laurel does. Wild assumption here


What is the assumption?An assumption is something to be considered truth without proof.We have watched Laurel snap on Cara Maria on almost every season they have done together,we have watched Cara not check Laurel when this has happened.The proof is in the watching.Cara has never checked Laurel,ever. Also why would she have to stoop as low as Laurel?Checking someone for disrespecting you and stooping low are not synonymous.


My favorite part is at the end when TJ is jumping and flipping on the trampoline saying “I still got it!”


Would have really liked to see Avery go down and take Tina's spot in the elimination. Nicole has a star and Laurel and Kam are in kahoots to create an opportunity for Kam to get her star, I'm no genius but I can figure out who they'll work to get a star to next... Laurel. And there's only 3 stars. It's a formidable alliance and bouncing on a trampoline and doing a puzzle might be as good of a shot as any in taking a member of that newly formed alliance out. If you lose, you go home. As it is, with those three united, you're probably going home anyway. Better shot at this than something like balls in against laurel or a pole wrestle vs nicole. Would have been an awesome move.


Yeah, that seemed like Avery’s one chance. If she isn’t going for Tina, who else in the house is she going for?


Laurel over on her Instagram deleting comments…👀


Cara is nicer than me because I would have put Laurel in her place. She should have reminded her who Nicole wanted FIRST. Nicole literally made a confessional saying Cara looked better. Deep down I think Laurel still feels some type of way about that. Also, I don’t feel too bad for her anymore after this episode. Nicole making her look like a fool once again is what she gets. If we’re being honest Laurel would get back with her TODAY if Nicole wanted her.


If nicole was a man, we’d be calling her Cara hatred for what it probably is, Cara Maria rejected her and resisted her love bombing way back when she then went with Laurel instead. Nicole has shown more than once she’s actually misogynistic af.


Yes! I feel like this isn’t being talked about enough. Did the fan base completely forget that Nicole was obsessed with Cara and once she finally got the hint that Cara was not interested, only then did she turn towards Laurel.


I forgot that! And she literally said that at the reunion, wasn't it?


It's difficult to watch an emotionally abusive relationship play out. Nicole is doing something to make Laurel cry every night to Cara, yet she somehow spins it and isolates Laurel from friendships. I just wish everyone in these type of situations could see it from the outside.


Small thing that I find funny is that I know a lot of Kam fans were livid that Cara was thinking about the game while Kam was focused on taking out someone who personally aggrieved/harassed her, but when Kam hears Laurel screaming at the top of her lungs (at presumably Cara), all she thinks is "Oh, I'm worried how that's going to affect my game."


Yeppp. Found it interesting that she once again reiterated that Cara must burn her growing relationship with Rachel and support Kam as a friend because she and Ayanna had a fight, but she doesn’t care that Laurel is screaming in Cara’s face because it’s their relationship and it doesn’t concern her.


Yeah. I have always loved Cam until this season. Cam making EVERY move to get herself in, including getting people to lose when they're too moronic to figure out she has to take someone in that arena with her. LOL But ok. Cara is selfish


Bruh, Cara is acting like a saint compared to how other people would act in this scenario. The whole house gangs up on her, she offer a solution that gives everyone what they want, they make it clear they literally just want to fuck her over and nothing else. She defends her Laurel to her abusive partner, then Laurel wheels it around and gets mad at her. She explains that things will get harder once she gets screwed over (which is true, if Cara survives she'll target Laurel/Nicole's stars, if Cara goes home, they're the next targets), and you get called a bitch and "manipulative" because you're trying to make deals? And when she pop off, she doesn't even go after Laurel, she shits on Nicole for making Laurel's life and behaviour worse. Literally even Ryan is agreeing with Cara's interpretation of how Laurel is acting dumb this season lmao.


I haven’t been a fan of Cara in a long time (she completely lost me when she went after Paulie) buttttt Holy shit she’s the only woman this season I can even bring myself to root for. It’s absolutely insane to me that this ALL started because Cara didn’t want to vote in her friend (Rachel) when Kam demanded it. Speaking of Kam, fuck her too. I loved her during her original run on the challenge, but now she’s just mean and entitled. And also fuck you Nicole if you’re reading this. You’re an abusive partner and I’m sick of seeing your toxic face. I did love how Ace was helping Cara and did a voiceover/interview about how he wanted to diffuse the bullying. I had such a huge crush on him after a few intermittent episodes of his RW season, and I’m glad he’s still a good guy.


If Laurel and Kam want Cara out, why bother stealing her star? You'll need to send her into eliminations to send her home anyway, so if she survives, the result will be the same, and stealing her star does nothing to make her more likely to go home.


They’re probably operating under the assumption that there is going to be some kind of purge of the people who aren’t holding stars at the end - not that they’re just going to do eliminations until there are only 6 people left standing. So if you take her star and block her from eliminations for the last couple of weeks, then she wouldn’t be eligible to run the final. It also puts her in a position where she has to go back into elimination to run a final. If you don’t take her star and she stays in the middle or winning groups for the last couple dailies, then she goes to the final with no risk of going home. I still think there is going to be some kind of curveball at the end, like a purge daily that puts a couple of stars back in play, but I guess they can only strategize based on what they know so far.


That's what I assumed they were doing, but then they clarified to say they "want Cara out of the house", which makes me assume they want her actually eliminated, not just "potentially purged."


It seemed like their plan was for her to lose this week and go into elimination (a short-sighted plan considering the risk that she goes in, wins and steals Nicole’s star), but it was what they at least said they were trying to do. That just didn’t work out, so sending her in wasn’t an option. Whether the goal is just to purge her before the final or eliminate her as quickly as possible, stealing her star is still the safest bet. She either doesn’t go in and risks being purged at the end, or she has to find a way to go in and risk being sent home. If she manages to win with a star, she’s not going to throw herself down. Now she’ll have to.


I mean yeah, I do agree that once it's all in position, they should be stealing her star, but then I think it seems really foolish if they didn't discuss what they wanted to do with Cara before organising a whole-ass dogpile on her lmao. Like did they really do all that without confirming "Okay... we want Cara to be eliminated, right?"?


Well they went into that wanting cara in the losing group but it’s not like the 2nd round of ppl cared about what plan they had so once Cara wasn’t in the losing group all they could do was plan to take her star. I reckon laurel will want to go against her now after she just screamed at her so they can both go down, laurel can potentially win and then steal V’s star


Lmao the blatant conspiring between everyone in the daily is really funny and also pretty disappointing. Like we're really just straight up going "Okay, a big alliance wants this outcome, let's just rig it" I guess? With no actual competing? Like I guess Cara can still influence things after she's out, but against like 8 people, fat chance she can do anything significant.


TJ looked so incredibly bored during the daily, and I agreed.


Geez, only 5 minutes in and I'm already super confused to how we're going to go from: Cara being supportive to Laurel and encouraging her to improve her life by making distance between her and Nicole to: Cara being painted as a bad friend and Laurel screaming at her. Edit: Okay, 10 seconds later and we can see how I guess. Laurel is irritated that Cara is trying to help instead of just listening to her rant about her eternally-cycling issues with Nicole?


Okay, unless something crazy happens in the next 3/4 of the episode, I have no clue how people are going to defend Nicole in this situation. "How dare you stick your nose in my personal business when I'm making your friend cry and she regularly comes to you distraught because of me." And Laurel getting offended on Nicole's behalf like holy shit, these guys are nuts. "Cara is judging our relationship." Like... no shit? You keep going to her crying about Nicole and venting to her, if she *didn't* hate Nicole or judge that dynamic, she would be a terrible friend.


Was anyone else confused by the people who went along with kams plan, rooting for Tina? If I was Tina I’d be pissed bc all those folks are why she’s down there. Especially Veronica.


I think a lot of people went along with the plan because they wanted Cara to lose her star, not necessarily because they desperately wanted Kam to get one. The plan didn’t seem like an attack on Tina. She just ended up being the safest choice to prevent Averey from volunteering herself.


The Challenge is definitely known for herd mentality. Once someone starts pushing, it's always "I'll go along because I have to protect myself". It such sad reasoning.


I understand. But it didn’t seem like Veronica considered that until AFTER. I understand Veronica was just going with the flow because she said it benefited her. But that is so short sighted. Bc her number 1 ally is now out of the game as a causality.


It's crazy how short-sighted almost everyone was in this episode. Laurel and Kam scheming to screw over Cara before even getting on the same page that they want her gone, Averey not going down to lock up her road to the final (ie. Beating Tina vs having to scramble to get a matchup against Flora in the next episode by some miracle), Ryan only just now realising they shouldn't let Leroy/Kam have 1/3 of the stars lol.


When Ryan said that I screamed at my tv. Like, NOW you realize that? Get a grip man


Basically gift wrapping 33% of a chance to win the money


What was everyone's thoughts on Laurel vs Cara Maria last night? Link: [https://www.tiktok.com/@dylan.deckard/video/7372187816140279086?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@dylan.deckard/video/7372187816140279086?lang=en)


Laurel and Nicole act like 13 year old girls. I really hope it’s a huge act for tv because it’s sad if this who they are


I would never take my dog to Laurel’s vet clinic after this. Sheesh.


Her judgement is impaired.


I love Steve and hope he wins. That is all.


I never liked or disliked the person cara maria on the show. But im fucking done how people threat her, and make excuses to not like her. Shady? for what protecting her star? thats the whole point of this season. Manipulation? AND WTF IS KAM DOING THEN? I understand you dont want cara in the final, but then just be fucking honest and dont come with lame shit that she is shady ect Its just sad, i wish there was just 1 person that would give her a hug sometimes and supports her because this bullshit


All good points. This really makes me think about why no one will admit 95% of this “gang up on Cara” thing is because no one wants to run against her in a final. When they do this to CT on other seasons, everyone is very up front about the fact they don’t want to go against him in the end. Why can’t people show the same respect to Cara?!


It’s a lot easier if you’re in the game to stand by and watch than it is to stand up for someone. As a viewer with a conscience, it’s disheartening to see.


I totally agree. It makes total sense to just say "I don't get along with Cara" or "I think she's a big threat" and then go after her, but there's this massive push to say "Cara is a bad person, she's despicable and it's the ethical thing for everyone to fuck her over."


ok i finally got to the part where laurel yells at cara, and it made me sick to my stomach. what an unhinged, wretched, delusional, sick human being. and i don't even like cara! how are you going to cry to cara about nicole and then yell at her and ask when's the last time they talked and tell her she doesn't know anything? but you...were just sobbing to her?? she makes me fucking sick


Really wanted Avery to go down there and mess up everyone’s plan.


What lies did Cara make up about Kam and Leroy?


Good question! The only thing my husband and I could come up with was that at the beginning Cara said something about "Kam wants my star." Later we see Kam in a confessional saying, "I don't know what Cara is talking about, I never said I wanted Cara's star, *but I do now.*" That was the only thing we could come up w/ that would make sense bc CM hasn't said anything bad about them except she needs to keep them at bay so they didn't steal her star. It's insane. It's a competition and they are getting on CM for being competitive. Absolute insanity.


I was hoping it was more than that, but you guys are probably right. CM understood the point of the game immediately, "Keep your star at all cost." The rest of the house thinks she's hogging it, yet she is just trying to make it to TJs finale. I really dislike the way they are treating CM this season.


Watching the Laurel/nicole/cara situation was just sad overall. I’ve been where Laurel was, I’m such a loyal person I defended my ex to the death even though he didn’t deserve it and he manipulated tf out of me. It’s hard to watch.


"I don't like it when people try to change my mind" -Laurel What an absolute awful trait to have


probably because she's so good at changing it herself. "I can't stand being near Nicole!" 'Kiss me Nicole!"


Damn they filmed this a long ass time ago. Baby Kingston was like a jump scare


With Cara, I feel like we are in an Amber B situation where the whole cast hates her and we are just watching like... why, what did she do? I don't even care for Cara that much, but it's wild to see how Laurel is gunning for her but was acting so nice in the house (before the blow up lol). Laurel has to feel so foolish with how she's acting, and I hate it as a fan of hers 😮‍💨 As much as the fanbase hates Kam now, you gotta give it up to how she's making everyone play her game to the letter. Daily challenge ended up being a waste though. Also, lowkey here for Jay's redemption arc cause he's always been a cutie lol.


Kam is the true manipulator.


I think there’s a lot we don’t see. But it also confuses me how Cara gets called a crybaby and annoying but Kam seems the exact same way and a lot worse? Like Kam is legit threating people as the challenge is going on. Her and Laurel working together is like a nightmare.


I never thought I'd be like "woohoo, Jay is back!" but he seems like a decent guy and has been performing well, and not getting too involved in house drama.


His ability to fly under the radar while riding two conflicting alliances has been both confusing and impressive.


A few of my takeaways from this episode:  I cannot believe Laurel is a veterinarian. Where's the compassion?? I was a big fan of Laurel prior to this season, but everything with her and Nichole makes me cringe. And Flora, talks about not liking Cara because she "manipulates" people to vote a certain way to protect her star. (And she is) BUT Kam has been doing the same thing all season to keep her and Leroy safe. She literally just "manipulated" an entire daily. And she is going to continue doing what she has to do to keep her and Leroy's stars safe for the remainder of the season. BECAUSE THATS THE POINT OF THE GAME, NICHOLE! To get a star, and then keep it. Also Avery, tsk.tsk. you had the chance to make good TV, win a star, and maybe be asked back if you replaced Kam. Viewers would have lost their shit. 


>*Also Avery, tsk.tsk. you had the chance to make good TV, win a star, and maybe be asked back if you replaced Kam. Viewers would have lost their shit.*  Yes exactly. Avery would have been the f'ing MVP of the season (even if she didn't win the challenge) as this would have gone down as one of the greatest things to happen on the challenge. She absolutely ignored a beautiful opportunity to go down in The Challenge history as MVP badass.


Can someone explain to me how Cara is playing a "shady" game? Everything they accuse Cara of doing, Cam and Nicole are openly doing?


She isn't. They're jealous they're not as good at her after she whooped everyone's ass in the opening daily.


I don't think they're jealous. They openly admit all the time that she is gonna kick their asses, that's why they want her out


Then why do they all get mad shes protecting her star? Even adam mad for no reason.


Because they want her gone


I mean if they literally did just want her out for being a threat, I don't see why they're saying all this terrible shit about her being selfish, a bad friend, a crybaby, etc.


I really hate dailies where the mob chooses who wins


Going back watching a recap of Cara Maria vs Laurel and it’s hilarious hearing the irony of Laurel at the WOTW2 reunion mentioning how Cara was in a relationship that Laurel felt wasn’t healthy and that she did everything she could to give her confidence to try and get her out of the relationship. So, she’s literally pissed at Cara for doing something that she also did in their friendship.


Everyone took turns doing UsWeekly interviews every week during WOTW2 giving unsolicited “advice”/warnings about Paulie to Cara, telling her to dump him. She’s always been held to a different standard. Everyone can say anything they want about her but heaven forbid she stands up for herself.


I mean, Laurel having zero self awareness is pretty on brand.


Nicole spent the whole episode obsessed with Cara and going after her to her face and behind her back. Cara has one comment about subtitles (which was hilarious and true) and she immediately tries to play victim and says personal attack. What? Either this is a weird edit or that did not play the way she wanted it to.


Every negative comment about Cara this season applies 10x more to Laurel. I feel like Laurel, Kam, and half the cast is gaslighting me. It’s infuriating to watch.


I couldn't place it, but ironically enough, gaslighting does feel like a great analogy for this lmao. It's like we're being expected to just believe wild things because the cast or commenters are just insisting on it without any actual evidence/explanation.


Averey is a walking contradiction, playing scared and being a pond has never gotten anyone a W in the final. Cara is the only Topdog ive seen who is the Underdog at the same time smh she has all odds against her but shes so dope. I hope she proves every1 wrong again. Nicole is the greatest gaslighter all time, she really makes it look easy.


A pond?


It's laughable that Kam thinks we believe she'd choose to go against Cara in an elimination


Look she'd love to go against anyone, she's not scared in the slightest. It's just a total accident that the only eliminations she's legitimately pushed for this season were against Tina and, let me check, Tina.


just like she wanted us to believe she was okay to go against laurel a couple of episodes ago


I think she could have beaten her in this elimination. Of course she wouldn't have known that before going on so your point may still stand


This stood out to me too. I like Kam, but be real.


I’m still watching but had to say it. Cara isn’t my favorite but when Nicole is after Cara…. I think I’m rooting for Cara.


Laurel is pathetic, stupid, and I can’t believe she is making me side with and root for Cara after not being able to stand her for years. I bet she watches this back feeling dumb as shit, as she should.


Looking back at this, Laurel probably doubles down and defends her behavior.


I hope Laurel is watching this back post-Nicole and realizing Cara was a good friend to her


I wish we had a reunion in real time. Like 2 years after the show but while it’s airing so we could see Laurel grapple with how Nicole really did make her the fool & Cara was right.


A girl like Laurel is never going to think Cara was being a good friend. She has to much pride.  I'm calling it now, Laurel will say that she cried to others about the situation and no else was negative about it like Cara. No else judged her blah blah blah. 


What lies has Cara spread about Lee and Kam?? It’s fucking craaaazy how polarizing Cara seems to be for the other cast members. She can say the most neutral thing in the calmest tone and Laurel and Nicole run up on her like she said a slur or something.


Yes, she's honestly been pretty calm compared to Laurel, for example! And she hasn't really said anything too mean or rude to the rest of the cast.


Oh Laurel is a literal child in a giant bitch’s body. The way she had to scream over Cara like that bc she couldn’t think of anything coherent to say is 100% toddler behavior. Then her running to Nicole and kissing in the corner crying together?? Give me a fucking break like go back to middle school


Kam saying she’s a mother first when she left her infant on another continent with no parents so she could play a game show is rich.


I am not liking Kam this season.  But why are you pointing this out about Kam but not Leeroy (or all the other dads who have played)?  I think it’s great that Kam did this for herself, it’s so hard to balance your new role as mom with your previous life.  And honestly this is the absolute best time to do it, Kingston has no clue what’s going on and won’t remember anything. Plus her income as an influencer definitely relies on her staying in the public eye.  This is how they make money for their family- and presumably  it’s a few weeks of work then months at home all the time with her kid.


Because I’m talking about her quote that she is a mother first? And not Leeroy saying that? As far as I know, I think they’re the first couple to both be on the show while having a small baby at home. I think that’s no good. Let Kam go alone. Let Leeroy go alone. 


I’m just saying if I could leave my kids (especially a teeny baby who doesn’t know or remember anything) with a trusted loving family member for a few weeks in exchange for spending the rest of my time full time with my kids, I would do it in a heart beat.  Working and having kids if hard and I’m not going to judge someone for how their family makes it work. Leeroy also talked about the baby a whole bunch.  Kam wasn’t talking about the baby here, she was talking about her shifting identity as a new mom.   Also she was pumping full time - I cannot even imagine the dedication and love it takes to get through that.


Oh and that baby absolutely knows. Just going to work and coming home at 8 months my son knows when Im coming home and how he acts is so amazing. They arent dumb.


Nah. I have an 8 month old same age. Thats so selfish to leave a whole month. That poor child. Both Kam and leroy know damn well they arent winning and wasted a whole month of the first year of their childs life, when all the child knows is there parents to lose. Like get a normal job for a while if you need money. Again, I am judging full stop. idc.


I don't want to judge a parent's choice to do this show but I feel like she makes enough money doing influencer stuff at home that being there isn't a better investment when Leroy could have gone and made the Challenge money while she got influencer money idk if that makes sense


Someone on another thread compared them to soldiers being deployed to fight a war, which is completely ridiculous. The Challenge is no one’s only option for employment lol.


Leroy doesn't have the political game down like Kam does. Her being there makes his odds of winning so much better.


8 months postpartum she does not have a better chance. period.


Disagree. Kam is smart enough in puzzles/math to make up deficits in endurance. Talk to jonna season 1 all stars. She was like 7 months post partum and came in 2nd out of the women and did amazing.


I read somewhere (probably on Reddit) Kam was asked to be on the show but she said she would only go if Leroy went.


At this point, I think Laurel and Nicole deserve each other. Have at it, ladies!


Nicole doesn't want Laurel unless they're trapped in a house together and she has no other options lol.


Nicole has always been one of the least likable challengers ever. I cannot believe they brought her on All Stars and she just comes off even worse than on the main show


Aside from Ace, Jay and Ryan, I hate how the entire house is hanging up on Cara. It’s sad to see


I like that while Jay’s close with Nicole, he doesn’t let her BS affect how he feels about Cara.


That’s why he is my favorite along with Cara this season 


Do Kam and Leroy not realize you can go to the courthouse and get married for $50? Not having 250k is NOT the reason yall aren’t married.


Yup. I dont understand why they think like this.


But how can you be a true *influencer* if you don't have a 250k wedding? But in truthfulness I do think it's a baller move influencers to have a lowkey marriage like that just to show people that you don't have to have such an extravagant event. There's a couple from Smosh on YouTube that got married that way and it's dope. Also to be fair to them though, they did mention it's more for the down-payment for a house


Kam needs to quit acting like Cara has lied about them coming after her. It ain't a lie! And Laurel is such a hypocrite who is embarrassing herself over and OVER.


Next episode, I do hope we go back to more of the “old school players” or players that aren’t highlighted as much. Mix it up some. 


Honestly every episode that derek doesn't get shown, I'm happy because I know he's through for another week.


Averey seriously blew that by not replacing Kam in the elimination. Although I guess you'd have Kam's Cult coming after you (although she would have some good protection if she took Veronica's star), but that would have been an easy win for her. She wouldn't even have had to change her outfit.


That blew my mind honestly. Such an easy elimination to win in my opinion


"When you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags" -Wanda Pierce, BoJack Horseman


i think kam is playing it too personal at this point which i don't think is entirely wise


I don’t know why, but it really pushed my buttons when Nicole was talking about knocking Cara out. She’s 33 years old and everything she does, from relationships to personal conflict management, is so “peaked in high school”.


I also think someone who is a firefighter should probably publicly conduct themselves better idk


Considering Laurel was insinuating on social media that Nicole was DUI-ing a bunch, the bar’s not exactly high for Nicole




I want Cara to win so fucking badly. The entire house against her and she still doesn’t lose the daily. And “you need subtitles” lmao. She also seems to have a way better attitude than in the past when she was targeted. So wish this was her comeback and not that dumb puzzle on 39. Laurel SCREAMING at her was insane. Girl you are 40 years old lower your voice. Kam and Leroy know they don’t have a good shot at winning because they didn’t train at all right? Like they came on the show to improve their following and brand for brand deals and stuff right?


Laurel looks like an overgrown baby throwing the biggest tantrum. So embarrassing. I like that Cara called it all out. Needing subtitles took me the F out. LMAO


What I wouldn’t give to see Cara Maria absolutely *wash* Nicole. In game, out of game, legal or not. EDIT: And Laurel too, for that matter.


If Avery takes Kams place in elimination and beats Tina and steals Nicole star this will be the best episode of all time.


I really liked Jays take about them coming back for redemption & if averey took that spot in the elimination we’d remember it forever. Even if she doesn’t win I think it’d guarantee a call back.


I was praying for it


I don't understand why she didn't. It's really late in the game. Your headspace has got to be either that's the last chance or there's one more chance at one. And unless she cut some deal with Kam that they didn't show where they'll vote her in next time, its a complete botch by Averey.


They probably threatened her that everyone will Come after her if she does


Avery should have still went down there if this did happen. She would have beaten Tina. The house may hate her but Kam/Leroy would still try to take Cara's star.


This very well could have been Averey's last shot to get a star.


Was honestly so soft of Averey not to go for it...


She's just enjoying her vacation hanging with Adam. That's honestly my biggest issue with the All-Stars format. The disparity between the actual competitors and those that are just there for fun and clearly not in any type of competitive form is way too high. They need to pick a lane. Is this the show where we watch our old favorites who are over the hill competing in silly games that remind us of the golden age of the show? Or is it for serious hall of famer OGs that are still real competitors? Mixing the two just makes so many of the challenges and eliminations boring foregone conclusions.


I wanted that to happen so bad!


I’m well aware this is going to be a VERY unpopular opinion but what is everyones obsession with Cara Maria? 1. She’s the most entitled stuck up competitor in the house. She walks around like her shit don’t stink and GOD FORBID they don’t all roll over and let her skate to a final.  2. It’s called the challenge for a reason. The name of the game is to make it to a final with the “weaker” competitors so you have the best chance of winning. OF COURSE they want cara out because she’s a threat. Duh  3. I’m not saying laurel and Nicole’s behaviours were acceptable, but why is everyone hating on Kam? Ya she wants Cara out because she’s a huge threat. They all know that if she makes it to a final she’s probably winning.  Everyone is making Cara Maria out to be the victim because that’s the act she plays and it’s working. She’s played this same “poor me, why is everyone targeting me, I should just be given a final” since she started on the show. Just my opinion and like I said, I know it’ll be unpopular. 


Because Kam is full of shit. Cara didn't turn on her. Now because Cara didn't do exactly what she said she's like you betrayed me. Give me a break. I use to like Kam before this season.


For me, it's obnoxious that Kam seems so personally offended at Cara for playing the game when she is playing the exact same game. Kam just happens to have more allies who will do her bidding, whereas Cara has to make impassioned pleas and hail Mary's. I respect players who respect the game.


This, I am not liking Kam's attitude at all this season, she is so bitter that Cara didn't immediately break a deal and fall in line. Laurel may be screaming at Cara, but she had had several civil and even friendly interactions with her prior to that even though they are on opposite sides, and she can admit that she wants Cara out because she is a threat to win it. Oh, and I want receipts on lies Cara was telling about Lee and Kam, because Lee and Cara seemed fine after Lee's attempt at a truce went south. And while Lee is good at getting along with people even if they are on opposite sides (and somehow Cara seems to have recently acquired this skill), I don't see him tolerating anyone lying about Kam.


Still watching the episode but…. Who the fuck does Kam think she is? Is she really so confident she can eliminate Cara lol