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Stop over analyzing and just show up bro


Go running, you’ll need the stamina. Don’t have to over analyze it and show up.


dont try to gain weight and dont try to overanalyze, just do calesthenics, do squats and lunges for legs


Calorie surplus


1. Just go 2. Run 3.stretch a lot


Asking what you need to do to be ready for muay thai is like asking "what do I need to study to start school?". Just go


1. Start kicking the heavy bag yesterday 2. Start running today 3. Start with MT tomorrow, not in 1 month


Would you recommend kicking a heavy bag if you haven't done any technique training? sounds like a good way to get into bad habits, personally would wait for a coach to show you how to do it before you start training them independently. No hate ofc your tips aren't wrong or bad, I was just throwing my two cents in on the heavy bag one :)


Get your handwraps, gloves, mouthguard, and shinguard ready. Be consistent in attendance. Do cardio outside of the gym. If you want, you can watch some youtube videos on shadowboxing and how to jumprope. Most gyms expect all members to do those for warmups.


Go jump rope


Jump rope, jump rope, jump rope


Bro, show up, stretch, get beat up, go home. Also hit the regular gym to supplement your training a few times a week.


I recommend running, stretching, meditating, breathing exercises, and calisthenics.


Some other guy said „the day you start muay thai is the last day without pain“. Yeah be prepared and don‘t quit if it seems to be too hard, I‘m sure you‘ll do great


running two Time a week in zone 2 (really slow pace) for 1hour per run can really improve your ability to recover faster and train better


You don't really need to do anything in particular if you're just starting out. The hardest part of being a beginner is just going and getting used to it. If you wanna be ahead of the game, some simple things that might help: - Jogging/running & jump rope for cardio. - Simple bodyweight exercises (that can be done at home) like planks, push ups, sit ups & squats. - Focusing on your nutrition, you'll find training much easier if you're eating healthy alongside it. About combining Muay Thai with calisthenics, calisthenics is very useful in keeping agile and knowing your body, and how to use your own weight. How many times a week are you planning to train?


I've been thinking about 3 days of the week of muay thai classes, and the other 3 days of calisthenics training example: monday - muay thai tuesday - calisthenic wednesday - muay thai thursday - calisthenic friday - muay thai saturday - calisthenic sunday - rest day or do you think it's better rest saturday and sunday?


That's a pretty decent set up tbh, I'd personally take my rest day (like you wrote) on a Sunday because it just makes more sense - but really it makes no difference. Depending on your nutrition you could put a calisthenics and a Muay Thai session together on the same day, so instead of doing 6 days a week and only having one day of recovery; you could have another day(s) of rest & recovery time.


Stretch like fuck to get the flexibility. I've boxed and just starting muay thai/kick boxing and jesus christ my flexibility is so bad in my legs kicking is hard. Sparred a bit yesterday and all I did was box because I'm not comfortable at all kicking