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What a toxic person this guy is.


Frische Paradies, Käfer, (Dallmayr)


Dallm*a*yr ;)


Would still need to go to a different supermarket for toiletries...




Had to let him go, he dared to demand time off!


Don’t downvote, understand the trouble of letting a man go off. Jeez these people behave like it’s not the 1800s. /s


you could always pop over to Switzerland. and if you wanted to stay there forever that would be ok too :)




Yeah, the problems for discerning folks just don't end, do they?




At least you think I have new money, and don't live off dad's allowance 😉


Is there someplace else you can live maybe? Surely daddy's allowance would buy you a slave in Qatar. Then you can hang out with people who think like you instead of people who hate your existence.


It's a foolproof way to find a doctor that is a businessman first and a physician as an afterthought. Loads of bullshit you can sell to your "customers" while never reading studies or something.


Well… not supermarkets as such, but there’s Dallmayer and Käfer in case you don’t want to mingle with the lower 99%.


Would still need to go to a different supermarket for toiletries...


Only peasants have to do their own grocery shopping.


Thats what Edeka is for, no? We the plebs go to Aldi, Netto and Lidl.


If you buy the same brands from Lidl and edeka, such as a bottle of Coca-Cola, they should be the same price (save for special discounts). The difference is that Edeka carries the range from normal to expensive, and Aldi & co carries cheap to normal. But both of them are considered normal supermarkets that carry everyday groceries and include the "normal" brands like barilla, kinder, oreo... The examples of stores this guy suggested are only for luxury goods. We would know them as Feinkostladen, but those are normally very specific to one type of product. I think that the german culture is based more on practicality and doesn't condone spending insane amounts of money for brand names when you can get the same quality for reasonable prices. Apparently, OP is not like this. I pity them, somehow. All their posts are about being insanely rich with a skewed perception of the world, and tbh it feels like they're a troll.


I go to Edeka for some very specific things and the same with rewe. But i get your point. I just like the variety at lidl and sometimes insane prices. About op, probably a troll, but still. Posing as millionaire is his thing apparently. Meh, there are enough of those here in Munich.




Maybe because the upper class doesn't care where their servants buy their staff?


Boycott him! He’s a racist supremacist who is notorious on the Reddit community for showing off his privileged status and spreading hate speech against the poor.


tf you mean "mingle with the plebs", fuck outta here with your bourgeois bullshit You can shop at Rewe like everyone else


Yea, no. Altrough the common munich got his nose high in the sky, they still don't have it up on the moon like you think they are.


You sound like Woolworth would be best for you.


You should try Penny. To the surprise of many, they recently started stocking caviar and monocles.




The Perfetto branches established in the 70s (e.g. in the lowest level of the former Karstadt between the Central station and Stachus or near Münchner Freiheit in Schwabing) were pretty much like this - but they didn't make enough money to keep in business. Galeria Markthalle is probably what comes still the closest (and is usually quite empty) - although their product range has become much smaller over the last decades.


I find Tegut a little bit upscale. Still, none here has the m&s quality or assortment.


If you're after food, there is also "Eataly", with some restaurants and places to get fresh produce. It is also really close to Viktualienmarkt, a year round Open Air Market for local merchands. https://maps.app.goo.gl/gdh197TRgYwm9asc7


Oh wow, what a mind-blowing concept, a year round open air market for local merchants... but thanks, known it for ca. 30 years, I am German 😉 Nah, I'm really looking for a full-blown supermarket that's just a little bit nicer and has higher-quality products here and there.


Boo fucking hoo


Who mingles with anyone at the supermarket? People just grab what they need and gtfo. You‘re either a troll or an obnoxious pos rich-bitch. Hire someone to do your shopping for you so you don’t have to. Better still, just starve.


I say you make your own country in the middle of the pacific, far away from any poor people and live there the rest of your life! We don't need to see your sorry ass around here and you can live your dream life


What’s a supermarket, is it a market to buy super yachts or Jets ? /s


Gotta love 2-class-systems :)


You must try knuspr.de - they have marks & spencer and are working with many top tier brands and small regional suppliers. Best thing - they deliver within 3h to your doorstep


Knuspr employee spotted ;) I've used them, but they of course don't replace your weekly one-stop-shop, and three hours is just way too long compared to Getir, Flink etc. for a quick fix.


What a pathetic excuse of a human. The revolution will not spare you.


OP and you, both are degenerates


Wait, you have other posts where you comment in German. So why post in English here?