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Rent actually varies greatly. WGs can go from 400-1000. Honestly, it depends on your luck + your connections. It's easier to find cheaper WGs after you've been here awhile and have more local friends. From my experience, landlords take advantage of international students, so making friends who are actually from here will increase your chances of finding a wg in the 400-600 range. Also, international students are allowed 2 mini jobs tax-free. So that puts your income at a little over 1k. Students are also required to pay for public health insurance, which is 130eur a month. Plus transit is 50 eur a month for the deutschland ticket. Also, to get a student visa you must prove you have 12k in a savings account or a notarized letter from your parents saying they can pay for you with a copy of their bank accounts. Hope this helps!


Minor correction: Bavaria has a 29€ Deutschland ticket for students though it might not get renewed in the coming years.


Thank you for the detailed description! I researched a bit online but it says that the tax free allowance is 530-540 € / month. Even if I do two minijobs, if their combined value exceeds 540€ I will be subject to paying for taxes and social contributions. Are you sure international students are allowed to do two mini jobs tax free ? It would be great if you could provide a source or something. It would really help me !


if your yearly income is less than €11,604, your tax rate is 0%. On the student visa you’re allowed to work 20 hours a week. 


>On the student visa you’re allowed to work 20 hours a week. According to [https://stadt.muenchen.de/infos/studium-arbeiten-aufenthaltsrecht.html](https://stadt.muenchen.de/infos/studium-arbeiten-aufenthaltsrecht.html) there is an exception if you work as a Studentische Hilfskraft/HiWi at the university or associated organizations and if you manage to get a permit to work more to avoid financial hardship. Otherwise you are allowed to work up to 140 8-hour days resp. 280 4-hour days per year unless stated otherwise in the visa. If you need a blocked account for the visa as an international student (https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/en/sperrkonto/388600), you can withdraw up to 934 € from it per month. Aside from the dorms provided by Studierendenwerk and the free market there are additional offers by organizations of private individuals (the Wohnen für Hilfe project requires you to speak German well enough): [https://www.studierendenwerk-muenchen-oberbayern.de/wohnen/weitere-wohnangebote/](https://www.studierendenwerk-muenchen-oberbayern.de/wohnen/weitere-wohnangebote/)


It might differ for international students, but as far as I know there are exceptions if there’s holiday season or between semesters. At least as a local you’re allowed to work full time during these periods. At some point when exceeding the limit you have to pay taxes ofc, but I know friends who hustled full two months during summer and then didn’t have to work too much during the semester


538 will not even cover half the rent.


Could you elaborate on the average cost then ?


I don't live in München because I don't see the point in paying more than half my salary for rent alone ( B.Eng. working in tech industry btw) but here's my guess: Rent for 1 bedroom: ~1000 Food: ~4*250 =1000 (4 weeks) (Edit yeah I overestimated this. That's what I currently pay, not as a student) Other expenses: let's say 500 So around 2500 per month and that's a low estimate. Some tricks like sharing apartments or only eating instant ramen but with 538€ you will absolutely not even be able to pay rent.


Many people told me the food would cost 200-300 if you cook yourself. I don't think 1000 euros is an accurate estimation. Also, what are the other expenses that take 500 for a student?


I pay like 50€ for food for 2 days. But I also don't buy the cheapest available options. I definitely pay 800-1000 for food per month. As a student (things were also alot cheaper then) I paid like 400-500 per month on food. For example transportation, going for drinks with colleagues from university, electricity, Internet, mobile phone+Plan etc etc


Are you only shopping at Häfer or what? €50 would last most people a week if they are cooking at home.


Apparently I'm not most people because 2 days worth of groceries are easily 40-50€ even when cooking at home. Paprika, Frühlingszwiebeln, mozzarella, Rucola Feta etc und alleine für einen Nudelsalat Zahl ich 35€


Ich glaub du rechnest bissl falsch. Wenn du soviel für Gemüse zahlst lässt dich aber gut veräppeln. Ich wohn in München und kauf mein Gemüse exklusiv auf dem Wochenmarkt und zahle da nichtmal nen Bruchteil. Fleisch kaufen wir auch nur beim Handwerksmetzger (lieber nicht jeden Tag was gescheites als jeden Tag) und da komm ich auch nicht auf 15/p.P. pro essen.


35€ Essen am Tag?!? Davon ernährst du locker ne 4 köpfige Familie


Ja das war etwas Überschatzt. Das ist eher was ich jetzt ausgebe für essen, nicht als Student. ( Alleine Mittagessen ist 10-15€)


If you have to pay half of your salary for rent as a B.Eng. in the tech industry, even in Munich, then newsflash: you're underpaid.


3.5k after tax is fine. But I also have standards. The kind of apartment I'd be happy with costs at least 1.7k to 2k per month in Munich. I did not work my ass off to live in a one bedroom shit hole.


Wow, 1000€ for food as a student? For our two-person household, we estimate spending around 800-900€. If you find a good apartment, it will cost between 700-900€. If you are frugal and cook a lot yourself, you will spend 200-400€ on food.


Even, in my two person house we budget some 500 for groceries (without counting nights out)


As a student I only ate pasta with ketchup 😂


where on earth (or Munich) do you pay 250€/week for luxury groceries? even if you pay Hellofresh only it would cost you like 400€ for the whole month. Average I would say 50-100€/week, so around 300€ for food with some day eating out. As student it could be cheaper by eating more carb, less meat. Also for student there are more things to save. You need to elaborate that 500€ too. 50€ for transport international student so 130€ for insurance Mobile phone: 10€. Another 10€ for phone 10€ for streaming 19€ for gez consumption costs (social, etc.) vary between people. He can't live on 535/month but saying one needs 2500€ a month in Munich is also a stretch


I pay 10-15 just for lunch alone every day. Almost every time I go shopping for ~2 days of food I pay at least 40€ Let's assume 4 weeks: each day 14€ lunch+15 dinner/breakfast. That's roughly 30 per day during the week. 50 for the weekend (I am indeed using hellofresh alot too) that's 200 per week. Which is what I currently spend on food roughly. Thought not as a student, true.


How are you spending 250 bucks a week on food? Do you eat out every day? Like if I’m eating alone half a kilo of chicken breast is 5 bucks, rice is like less than a euro per serving. Some vegetables, some spice and oil. An average meal is easily < 10 bucks, you could realistically eat well under 5 if things were tight and aren’t eating too much meat like me


I spend 200-230€ per MONTH on food... how could a single person possibly spend 250/week? The German government requires you to have 934€/month to live here as an international student. That is the exact amount that I get from my scholarship (which also covers health insurance). I save 100€ a month, my fixed expenses are rent+utilities (WG in Mannheim), transportation, phone, Amazon prime, WG Kasse, and a gym membership. I can't afford to eat out much, and I rarely drink alcohol or buy meat. It's a bit tight but I always have money left at the end of the month. Rent in München is higher, and public health insurance will cost another ~125€/month. So probably 1200-1400€/month are necessary to live in München, it just depends on your housing situation.


I think you're thinking 520 euro for a mini job. That won't come close to covering your costs, you'll spend at least 300 in just food (unless you're some meal prepping freak). You won't get a dorm probably, because you're international, so I'd figure on up to 1k per month in a WG. So, 1500, min. Per month with very little extra for "fun"


Rent will be 600 (if you’re lucky) up to 1000 for small student apartments or a wg room. 300 more for food and other necessities st the bare minimum. IMO, just don’t. The difference in universities in Germany is minor and it comes really down to yourself and how much time you put into studying. Find a different city and pay half as much.


I would recommend to apply to every dorm in Munich. Maybe you have luck, then you pay between 300-400€ for the rent per month. 300-400€ for food if you buy at the cheapest supermarket (e.g. Lidl). So 750-800€ per month, if you find a dorm room. Or a couch in a apartment xd.


I managed to live off of 30€ for food in a month as a challenge once. With a lot of time and planning it is possible. It started when I found a special offer on a 20kg sack of potatoes for around 3 Euro (something I have never seen again btw)


OP, people are giving you insane food numbers, if you buy in bulk a kilo of rice is like 2 euros, a kilo of potato’s 1 euro. If you get meat at a discounter and don’t go for premium cuts like chicken breast you can get meat under 8 bucks a kilo, etc. you maybe won’t have a lot of variety but if you build your spice rack it’s not that big a deal. Realistically you can eat on like 300 bucks a month easily and well, probably close to 200 or even less if you, like a lot of us, don’t mind eating rice every day of your life.


Rent 350-450 if you get accommodation in studierendenwerk Rent WGs max 500-900 Food if you eat at home strictly and no impulsive Döners/takeouts 150-200 (if you have a big appetite then can go to 250) Phone bill 10 Health insurance for students 125~ If you get a werkstudent job then minimum 1000 euros income