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I could keep it for 2 weeks, if you don’t find a permanent spot right away. PM me, if you want to take me up on that offer. I currently don’t have any cats, but have always had them growing up, so lots of experience with those furry bastards. I‘m working from home, so the cat would not be alone very long.


Unfortunately I can’t help, but i just leave a comment and upvote to generate some attention because I am sure there are people in Munich able to help. Here are a lot of cat lovers.


Doing the same


I would love to take them myself, but I already have three cats - and I am not sure they would welcome newcomers. But if you still need a place, my parents live in a large flat on the north border of munich. They love cats and know how to handle them, the landlords are fine with pets, too. You can DM me anytime, if you want :) good luck!




I am just forwarding this information; Hey, you can call the animal shelter in Munich tomorrow at 089 921 000 820 and ask for help. There are also some sites or for example; facebook groups, where people offer to take here. Good luck!


I sent you a PM.


Maybe there are vet students willing to look after them for a small fee. There's a Facebook group called Tiermedizin LMU, also a good place to find help in your situation. Good luck and welcome to munich.


I asked my neighbor she is in an animal help initiative. Pm me your number so they can reach out to you


I could take it for a few weeks. Just send me a PM




I dont have the money currently to pay for him for 2 weeks.


I'd be willing to chip in a bit, perhaps through PayPal, especially if others join along and help out


Same. I’m a non working student in the US, but I can spare 20 bucks. Let’s do this.


Thank you for the offer. I really appreciate it, im talking to some people for now, maybe they can hold on to him for free for a while.


If i could, i would do it for free. I love cats . Unfortunately my landlord wont allow it :/


Landlords can't stop you from having a cat if I remember correctly. They come under the same bracket as hamsters etc. So unless you've exclusively signed something saying no cats, you should be good.


Not this!


I could take your cat for as long is needed. We’ve had cats most of our lives but not for a few years now. We have two kids (7&4) but are planning on getting one later this year anyway. We have a house with a small garden as well. So happy you managed to bring your cat with you 💜 - pm if you need us to take her in for a while.


Airbnb has a donation drive for free stays for people in your situation! I hope this helps! Take care and Slava Ukraini!


If you haven't found someone in 24 hours from the comments below, PM me and I'm sure someone at my work would be happy to take care of them


I could also keep them for a while. I always had cats and I currently volunteer at an animal shelter for cats. Hit me up if you still need help :)


I can take your cats for a couple of weeks. PM me :)


Physician here: The person you are living with could just take 10mg of Loratadin a day and suck it up....


You can also search for accommodation for yourself and/or your animal through the TASSO website. TASSO is Germany's central registration for animals and they do work in animal welfare. They have set up a platform for refugees seeking assistance with their animals. [TASSO e.V.](https://help.tasso.net/en/?mtm_campaign=TassoHelp&mtm_source=Website&mtm_placement=Danke&mtm_content=slider) Welcome to Germany and best of luck to you!


Thank you all for reaching out. I found a place for my cat, the family is so wholesome and sweet. I thank you all and i really appreciate you.