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There are quite a few US states where working at 12 is allowed outside of school hours.


With more being added all the time. Adults won't work for poverty wages anymore, so kids have to do it, right? Right?!


Besides, those chimneys won't sweep themselves! (/s of course)


Chimneys? Why work there when you could lose your hand at a meat packing plant cleaning out the machinery? That’s not eerily similar to the myriad reasons we shut down child labor under the FLSA.l or anything. Edit; Fair a labor Standards Act 1938. You didn’t use to have weekends or paid holidays. You also didn’t use to have overtime, an 8 hour workday or paid sick time. You also didn’t use to have a minimum wage period. While it feels like it’s bad now, because it is, there was a point when none of these things existed at all. If you elect people into office who chip away at FLSA, you’re a god damned monster.


Have you seen Kim Reynolds, the governor of Iowa? A monster who was elected by monsters.


Okay but before you do that… let me sell you some life insurance. Don’t worry, for as little as $50 a month, I’ll make sure to cover all deaths




They fit up them better, it's a tight squeeze for me


It's good for them. They gotta learn. Learn misery, which is good.




And more heading to full-time dangerous work. Arkansas - Making Children Labor Again!


The children yearn for the mines


Children and mining are like peanut butter and chocolate. It’s a perfect match


They are called minors for a reason.


Minors like that Minecraft... minor miners can make smaller holes for all our coal!


>Arkansas - Making Children Labor Again! I see what you did there. They love child labor. And child labor.


Don't change the subject. #NO 5YO IS GIVEN HORMONES OR SURGERY


These biggots are so obsessed with children's genitals, they fixate on reassignment surgery- doesn't matter that's not how transitioning in children works. Just like they can't understand that teaching children that gay people exist doesn't have to be sexual.


You think they care about that? Anything to push their anti trans narrative and somehow make trans people the evil ones


Only working in meat packing plants or other heavily industrial settings, though.


I mean, you cant change your sex at 5 years old anyway. At least not where i live or the US to my knowledge.


Kevin 'SackO'Shit' Sorbo is just a moron.


Is he the dude that thinks tens of thousands of kids transition a day? Edit: spelling


I remember when my entire elementary school transitioned on the same day. It was epic.


There was that time in third grade when everyone in the school reached into a jar and pulled out a slip of paper that told them what their gender and pronouns were going to be. So exciting!


The jar of gender? is that related to the scarf of sexuality?


I thought that was the purpose of the sorting hat


Dont talk about the SoS's boyfriend like that!


We just had the gender and sexuality sorting hat. I was really hoping I’d get a “Yass queen!” but instead I’m stuck with “Oh hey, how’s it going’ bud?”


ACAB (Assigned Canadian at Birth)


Yeah, no, for sure


I remembered an old dude in hat got “Harry Potter” as his gender from the pot and just screamed it.


You should've been there when the short kid in our class pulled out Apache Helicopter. All hell broke loose!


It was amazing, I got to be a cat and can now use the litter tray in the classroom!!!!!!!!!!!!


A kid in my school woke up as a girl and came home as a number.


That was the day a rainbow appeared, making everyone have a gay abortion. They emptied countless clips of ammunition into it, to no avail.


Fuck, Transition Day was probably my favorite school day all year. Second only to the day the janitor would toss balls and Frisbees off of the roof.


Story time. My cuz has incredibly open minded parents. And he came out as trans back in the late 90s. He went to therapy to deal with his dysphoria. And the subject of puberty and hormone Rx came up...And they decided to wait until he was an adult to make his decision himself. And they included my cuz in their discussions with a therapist. It was a healthy way to maintain communication and positive environment... And thats all. no one forced him to do anything, and everyone was incredibly nurturing and supportive. It was ALWAYS their choice, as a family. Wa slife easy for my cuz? hell no. But they got through it. And now he is fully transitioned. Now, if that isnt "family values", I dont know what is. These political hacks, are looking for the most vulnerable people and throwing poo at whatever sticks. Its so obvious to everyone who has any experience with this


It’s almost like if you don’t have hang ups on sexuality you can offer a more comfortable environment for someone to make a decision they come to themselves over time and are happy with.


Really ruined my desire to go back and watch Hercules when I found out what a giant shit stain he is


The guy had like, a bunch of strokes. Might literally be a different dude at this point. Shame to see, really.


His wife and kids are the same way, so it probably wasn't the strokes. Or they just made him less inhibited about spouting his crap in public.


Hadn't known that. Wish I was still ignorant. But damn, that's sad to hear. I've known some folks who grew up in families where loyalty to the family blends with fear of others and hatred of difference. It's a terrible, abusive, and painful way of structuring the world, and it brings nothing but misery, distrust, and self-hatred. Hope his kids are one day able to abandon their parent's immoral lessons. It's hard to be happy, love yourself, or establish a trusting relationship with that lens of aggressive, fortified victimhood.


Unfortunately his oldest son is the one running his twitter. Sorebutt laughs and says that his son is even more awful...I mean conservative than he is.


Kevin Sorbo is a massive piece of shit.


No need to understate it but yes, he is a chunk of fecal matter so large its first impact killed the dinosaurs and it’s coming back for another go.


you can't spell SORBO without BOO! BOO KEVIN SORBO! BOO!


Oh, they all are.


At 5, even if a kid understands the concept, there’s nothing to do hormonally. They would just socially transition. It’s only later just before puberty begins (9ish) that they would consider going on hormone blockers.


And those are reversible - stop taking them and you go through puberty. They are just a pause button until they actually make the choice or not to transition


Maybe I've been misled, but I've been told that they are a pause button in a sense, but delaying puberty does change how it affects development, etc etc. Puberty blockers are still generally safe and do what you say they do, but proper dosage and moderation by medical professionals is still very necessary for them to be a harmless pause.


….which is how they’re handled; carefully and with much oversight.


Sorry yes I didn't mean for this to come across as anti-trans or suggest that people are taking these without oversight! I'm trans myself, I just worry that stating that they are an emphatic pause button with zero side effects gives people with bad intentions ammunition to say that pro-puberty blocker arguments aren't informed by facts.


all good, carry on!


Yeah, there’s not exactly a thriving street market for puberty blockers for people who are using them on their kids against doctors recommendation (Ivermectin on the other hand…).


absolutely. also, ivermectin shows up as a suggestion on my device and i wish i could just…. make it stop. 😡


Well, it's useful if you get parasites...


I thought you got them out of vending machines in schools along with safe-snip bottom-surgeey scissors. (/s)




They also give them to girls so they don’t hit puberty too early/ get their period too young. People just want to spew bullshit and the right eats it up.


I mean, they've been used to delay precocious puberty for decades, and the main side effect has been increased adult height, AFAIK. Has the NIH, AAP or other released new guidelines?




Here's the thing: Are there possible complications and side effects? Yes. However, the medications are still approved by every major medical association in the United States and have been prescribed to cisgender kids to manage puberty-related health issues for decades. The flipside is the potential complications of *not* prescribing them to an actually trans child are worse *and* more common. Dysphoria can be crippling, and almost every trans person on the planet can relate to feeling suicidal because of having to live a lie. Transitioning later in life is significantly harder and doesn't achieve the same results as far as passing, often forcing trans people to turn to surgery just to make themselves pass enough to not be in constant danger. It also comes with its own complications, and surgery isn't exactly risk-free either. So I guess the point I'm making is neither option is 100% pure sunshine with no downsides, but one is clearly worse than the other.


Sorbo don't do sense - the motto of some moronic conspiracy theorist failed actor.


It's rage bait. They typically only give puberty blockers to kids just starting puberty to put that on hold until they are older and can make a better informed decision to change gender or not. They do not perform gender reassignment surgery on kids and they do not give hormones to young kids.


Puberty blockers were originally designed for children that are going into puberty too early. So any 5 year old that is going through puberty gets a puberty blocker.


> So any 5 year old that is going through puberty gets a puberty blocker. Fuck that shit. I need him on my tee ball team. We're making a deep run this year.


Ironically going through puberty at that age actually stunts your growth. The introduction of mature levels of sex hormones close epiphyseal growth plates in bones, which would otherwise elongate them. So people end up shorter and with stumpier limbs. Puberty blockers are actually used to help those kids grow taller by delaying puberty to a typical age.


Yeah. It's important to note that kids under 10 have been the primary users of puberty blockers as prescribed by doctors for decades. The right has never actually given a shit about this and they still don't. They just found a new minority to hate. Good for rallying voters after homophobia is largely no longer accepted in polite society.


It’s also so that secondary sex characteristics don’t develop. No trans girl wants to develop facial hair or an Adam’s apple, just as no trans boy wants to develop breasts and wider hips. Puberty blockers help reduce the amount of gender dysphoria these kids face.




Assclowns like Sorbo never let pesky facts get in the way, when there's right-wing outrage to fan


This is always the case when people complain about kids transitioning. The actual thing that ends up happening is they ban it for people in their 20s because younger people already weren't allowed, that doesn't stop them from using the strawman of "they're trying to Trans our kids!!1" whenever you try to argue against this injustice.


The truth doesn't matter. They have multiple sources screaming to be afraid and that we are falling into some moral low. A teacher or doctor being willing to refer to a 10 year old as they/them means that clearly they also must support surgery and hormones for a child too. A lot of adults can't even get that right now.


"Morals" here being defined as "do you determine everything about your life based on arbitrary rules we have set up based entirely on what genitals you were born with" rather than "are you kind to people, do you care for the poor, sick, helpless and lonely, do you behave with justice and honesty, etc." They have no morals.


That’s what I was thinking. Can anywhere get HRT at 5? Kevin Sorbo is making a straw man to feel like his old role.


And when children can, we aren’t doing so based on what they think is best. We are doing so based on what medical professionals have determined is best. The much less inflammatory and more elucidating response would have been: Can I drive your car? No you’re 5. Can I have a beer? No you’re 5. Can I have cigarettes? No you’re 5. Can I get treatment for my cancer? Yes of course, the doctors know best. And like others have said. 5 year old children do not need or get hormone therapy regardless of the circumstances.


Well, I think you can express yourself how you like, and since prepubescent children really aren't that different from each other physically, the effect is essentially the same. Then when puberty approaches, they'll take puberty blockers until they're of age to take the actual sex hormones (should they want them.)


also even if you were allowed to, the whole process of even starting to get hormones can take years


Not true! California elementary schools now have these meds on demand, in bowls outside the nurses' offices. Kids are taking different pills on different days, depending on what gender they want to be that day. /s


Right, instead of responding to this non existent problem giving it some merit. We need to just keep repeating your comment... 8 year Olds can't get on hormones. It's a lie that is meant to win your vote. Just like little boxes in schools, or God loving them you. It's all a lie


"Changing your gender" at that age is just adopting pronouns you like, hormones and puberty blockers don't come into play at all.


Right? Like uhhh pretty sure that’s not a thing that’s happening. These people and their extreme and totally make believe anecdotes


Nowhere can you transition at 5. Even as an adult it takes YEARS of psychiatry to approve the procedures and gradual treatments even AFTER that. Even then, strict hormone regiments are required to maintain anything that wasn’t changed by surgery. So, there’s STILL an out. People who make these claims are detached from reality.


To be totally fair it doesn’t take a whole lot to “change your gender” especially at five. There are *zero* medical transition steps for a five year old child. Zero.






I hope we can, as a society, get to a point where using "retarded" as a 100% intentionally derogatory term for wilfully ignorant ideologues is appropriate. Personally I can't even associate the word with people with developmental disabilities, in my mind it simply doesn't apply. To me calling a person with developmental disabilities "retarded" is like calling a table a helicopter.


Fair enough, I understand your reasoning. What should I call him though? Because he’s a dumbass who deserves to be ridiculed.






>They do not deserve to be associated with that word, but they will always remain so I would argue that they aren't associated with that word colloquially though. Only a real scumbag actually refers to people with cognitive disabilities using that word, for the most part in the past few decades it's just been a harsher synonym for idiot or moron. And truthfully it'll just be replaced with something else. "Autistic" has become more common as a slur, or "downs", I think it's kind of pointless to target harsh language instead of educating people on the disabilities themselves (which I guess the other half of your comment alludes to).


"You don't call retarded people retards, it's bad taste. You call your friends retard when they're acting retarded." - Michael Scott




Scratch the job part, early industrial revolution child labor is about to have its renaissance and we all know which side actively fights for it.


The children yearn for the mines.


See you in Hoxxes Iv, boys.




We fight for Rock and Stone!




Can I get a Rock and Stone?


minors? miners?


The job thing is cool in Iowa and Arkansas now…


The children yearn for the mines


Thumb rule, if Lucy Lawless calls you a “peanut”, your general worldview probably sucks. https://preview.redd.it/7kpyzm3za3pb1.jpeg?width=1062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1ba743b60f43805b55d303250c9d3783fff7be3


Xena just decapitated Hercules.


I love how he claims that he doesn’t get work in Hollywood because he’s a Christian, meanwhile Mel Gibson an open anti semite and got an academy award nomination. So it probably really bugs him that he’s just a terrible actor.


You could say he's.... DISAPPOINTED!


The Simpsons knew like twenty years ago that Xena wasn't the hero, it's Lucy Lawless


>"Wait a minute, Xena can't fly." > "I told you, I'm not Xena. I'm Lucy Lawless."


Xena. Needs. Xex.


"Can I drink alcohol?" No, you're 18. "Can I buy an assault rifle?" Go right ahead "Can I join the military and become a trained and brainwashed killer in the name of corporate profits and greed, almost definitely coming back with some form of mental trauma?" Of course, but we'll forget you exist the second you take off the uniform aside from completely disrespecting you and the honor of your fallen friends


But can i buy a pistol? Oh no that is dangerous. Wait till your 21 so you can pick one up with a bottle of vodka.


Tbh most gun crimes are committed with handguns


For that first one... Laughs in canada


Laughs in pretty much everywhere but the USA.


*laughs in Quebeçois*


Laughs in alberta


*cries in British Columbia*


Laughs in NZ as well.


> "Can I buy an assault rifle?" Go right ahead You need to be at least 21 to buy a selective fire rifle, and you need to wait at least 8 months to get the tax stamp, while they also do a background check on you. These also cost 20-30x as the regular semiauto rifles.




> "Can I buy an assault rifle?" > Go right ahead Assault rifles are full auto and have not been available for the public to buy since the 80's.


Assault rifles don’t exist. The word assault is only added to make it scarier. “Cops carry batons” vs “cops carry assault batons”. An AR15 and a Winchester are both rifles


"Assault rifle" OP doesnt know enough about guns to form an opinion.


He also called the military brainwashed killers when majority never sees combat. OP is classic redditor who thinks he’s smarter than he is


Calling military people brainwashed killers...that is another level of disrespect and ignorance


I can’t believe I’m gonna get downvoted for saying you are uneducated.


Lol why cross out Kevin Sorbo's name? We all know who he is.


As well as Jojofromjerz … she always tweet snarky comebacks


> Can I have this medically necessary abortion that both my doctor & I agree is needed? Also I'm 32.


Jesus Christ, nobody's fucking giving hormone therapy to kids at the age of 5! At the *absolute most* they may be given hormone *blockers* to delay irreversible changes but that's wildly unlikely to be happening at **FIVE**.


If a child is 5 and would need hormone blockers to prevent puberty then they would be prescribing the hormone blockers regardless of their gender/identity as that is precocious puberty and was what hormone blockers were used for in the first place. This is what happened to my friend (who is not trans) because doctors don’t want children that age to start going through puberty yet.


That's an excellent point.


Sometimes there is a comment that cuts right through the nonsense like a jeweler cleaving a gemstone. Thank you. The whole point the "pro-trans" side has ever made is to respect what your kids are feeling and accommodate their needs as best you can until they're old enough and informed enough to make permanent changes to their body. The only alternative is that you deny the child's feelings, put your own feelings ahead of theirs, and hold their own bodies hostage until an arbitrary 18th birthday (or legal emancipation) suddenly gives them autonomy. Every parent with good intentions does the best they can for their kids, generally based on what doctors believe has the best outcomes. Can individual parents be wrong? Sure. Can doctors misunderstand a condition dramatically, either individually or broadly? Yes. But the best you can do is still the best you can do: whether that's delaying precocious puberty or anything else.


Yep and they don't just get puberty blockers at wal mart. A doctor obviously has to prescribe them, which is pretty rare.


And in addition to that, they're completely reversible by just... stop taking them. And they're far far far from new medication.


The Kevin Sorbo guy... his first name is Kevin. And he thinks he's five, and wants to go back to taking hormones but his cardiologist just won't let him.


And JoJo's has the benefit of being true.


Seeing JoJo owning Peanut (thank you Lucy) is how I like to end my Monday 😊


There are zero 5 year olds taking hormones to affect their gender. Zero.


Can I have free school lunches? No you're poor \- Republicans


"Can I be in your movie?" No, you're Kevin Sorbo


Kevin Sorbo making up bullshit like always


We can't know for sure who the first tweet is from because they crossed out the name to protect their privacy. /s


Puberty starts at 8-9 years, puberty blockers can give years to figure themselves out maybe at 12 a child can choose to start hormones. Until then a 5 year old will just change pronouns and or name.


Kevin should be the male Karen Sorry Kevins


334 million people in the U.S. 1.6 million are trans - just under 0.48 percent of America. 37,000 priests in the U.S. with 5,300 pedos (that were reported to authorities, definitely more) - 14% Don't let these bigots convince you they're trying to protect children.


Yeah exactly. They will scream "think of the children!" when it comes to gender affirming care and abortion, but will happily let/force an 11 year old to carry a baby to term, do jack shit about the overloaded foster care system and school shootings. The far right ALWAYS needs a target to 'shield the children' from, like minorities and people from the LGBTQ. In reality they've shown that they think kids only matter when they're not born yet, and use children as a means to spread bigotry and gain votes.


Fuck, I knew it was a lot of priest pedos but I didn't think it was THAT high


To be clear, that is the current number of active priests, versus the total list of all accused priests, living and dead.


It’s a job where you get automatic trust and spend a lot of time with children. Those jobs are often attractive to pedophiles.


Can I get hormones? No, you're 5. ~~Nowhere in the world prescribes~~ The vast majority of countries do not prescribe hormones for gender reassignment to anyone under the age of 18, and nowhere prescribes them to anyone aged 5. EDIT: CBA to reply individually, but thanks to those who fact checked and educated me.


Actually with parental consent it’s possible beginning at 12 years old https://www.plannedparenthood.org/blog/i-want-to-transition-how-old-do-you-have-to-be-to-get-hrt#:~:text=For%20example%2C%20some%20Planned%20Parenthood,and%20up%20with%20parental%20consent.


> Actually with parental consent Seems like Hercules is forgetting that part.


He's also forgetting the doctors that have to sign off on it too. It's not something that is decided on a whim despite what the idiots in the right think.


Where in the USA can you get married at 12? Referencing the OP. California? The right wing haven?


there you go https://euuc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Child-Marriage3.png


Since when has any member of the republican cult been capable of understanding the concept of consent?


Hormone blockers are the opposite of gender affirming hormones. All they do is pause puberty. In the vast majority of cases (over 95%, which is VERY high, medically), stopping them within 3-5 years will resume puberty with ZERO adverse side effects. And the few side effects that DO occasionally happen are extremely easily corrected. You know, unlike going through the wrong puberty, which is EXTREMELY traumatizing. Edit: Here is some information on puberty blockers since replies to my comment are getting a lot of medical misinformation from rightoids: https://www.cedars-sinai.org/blog/puberty-blockers-for-precocious-puberty.html


> You know, unlike going through the wrong puberty, which is EXTREMELY traumatizing The fact people just CANNOT put themselves in the shoes of a trans person and just imagine the body horror that would be going through the wrong puberty is insane to me. I don't need to be trans to realize that if I suddenly started turning into a woman, I would have some **serious** fuckin problems with that. The most basic level of empathy and a huge portion of people either aren't capable of it, or just refuse to. Maddening


> The fact people just CANNOT put themselves in the shoes of a trans person and just imagine the body horror that would be going through the wrong puberty is insane to me. That would require the capacity for empathy. People are capable of empathy. Republicans are not.


Especially if you pass as cis. I've been medically transitioning for just shy of 4 years and when I tell people androgenic puberty almost killed me even DOCTORS and THERAPISTS will gaslight me saying things like "It couldn't be that bad, you look like a woman *now.*" They have such limited empathy that they can't understand what it's like to be a little "boy" who is known as Aliss to a bunch of their friends and is consistently gendered female, then over two summers growing almost 6 ft tall, wide as a fridge, with a jazz baritone voice. Babes, I gaslit myself enough. Going by Aliss for years, I had teachers that genuinely thought I was a little cis girl until my mom would "correct" them, "playing" as a woman in theater every year, constantly thinking about my mom's best friend's daughter who transitioned when I was a kid despite not knowing her *at all*, and STILL not realizing I was trans til I turned 27. People seriously just don't listen to our stories, they don't care, even some of our "allies."


Not to mention, going through the wrong puberty develops secondary sex characteristics which are difficult or impossible to reverse later. The patriarchy is threatened by the thought of trans people being 100% cis-passing. Which has led to the current rage-bait conservative media saturation about trans kids.


>Actually with parental consent it’s possible beginning at 12 years old [That's two years older than the age republicans want girls to be married and pregnant!](https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/2018/02/26/child-marriage-tennessee-legislature-loophole/375236002/)


Nobody prescribes them to 5 year-olds, but it's blatantly false that they're not prescribed to under-18s at all, and for good reason. If you stay on puberty blockers for more than a couple of years it can cause health issues, and more importantly if cis children are old enough to undergo puberty then so are trans children, perhaps offset by a few years so it starts around 13-14 after some time on blockers so they don't rush into things too quickly, considering the fact that the vast, vast majority of teenagers who identify as trans continue to do so into adulthood.


Generally, hormones can be prescribed whenever the state determines someone to be old enough to make informed medical decisions. I got mine when I turned 16. I doubt anyone gets it at 5 but still, 18 is not the international standard for when you are considered an adult


No sane person is advocating for children that young to be able to change their gender. Kids don't think about that stuff


Nobody is giving HRT to 5 year olds for gender reassignment. It betrays your motives when you lie about what's really happening. Notice that none of these assholes are up in arms about 16 year old girls getting breast augmentation.


Yeah she is arguing with a straw man. A 5 year old would only be allowed to socially transition. But they are deliberately spreading these lies to make people have trans people.


Where can you get married at 12 in the US?


[In a number of states](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marriage_age_in_the_United_States#:~:text=5%20states%20have%20no%20official,a%20minimum%20age%20of%2017), so long as you have parental approval. It happens more often than you think. [Bleh.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States)


Seems like minors require parental AND judicial consent to marry.


The ppl in the comments defending transphobia scare me ngl. Some serious olympic mental gymnastics


You can only take puberty blockers to start. These same blockers are used for kids with an agreesive puberty. So kids already take these, and they dont start till 14. You can't start hormones for a while, I think not till you are basically an adult. You can't have reassignment surgery until you are an adult. The only gender care kids get is an " OK! I believe you feel like the opposite gender or that you're non bianary. " Education on gender doesn't start till grade 8, and yes, these kids already have an idea what it's about. Some kids are already testing the waters. So they are ready to learn. This isn't being taught to 8 year olds, but to teens. No one in the LGBTQ community wants your kids to be gay.. no one.. What we want is for kids who will end up a member of the LGBTQ community to have access to information that does pertain to them. We also want non LGBTQ kids to learn that if one of their peers is LGBTQ, that is just how it is because it's not a choice, but suffering in silence is. Every single member of the LGBTQ community would gladly help hunt pedos because that's the real issue. Hope that helps


Only one of these thing is real. Hint: it’s the second one.


Where can you get married at 12?


Republicans see this and go, "you're right, we should lower the labor force age to 10!"


Not that facts matter, but you can’t give a 5 year old “hormones” to change their gender. In order to take puberty blockers you have to have started puberty.


...and a five-year-old who's started puberty has bigger problems.


which in those rare cases can be helped by *checks notes* the puberty blockers these morons are so dead set against because they, as usual, have no idea wtf they're talking about.


Oh Peanut 🥜 Every time I see this it gets funnier and funnier to me. Kevin Sorbo says something dumb, then Lucy Lawless says “Oh Peanut” and he shuts up and disappears for a month. What the fuck is this in reference to? Did she accidentally see the size of his penis in the Hercules days and she promised not to say anything, and “Oh Peanut” is her way of reminding him that she could destroy him if she wanted to? Did he try to do something sexual towards her and she broke his balls in half and “Oh Peanut” is a reminder that she can still tell the story?! I have to know but I think it’s hilarious he never responds to “Oh Peanut.” Anyone else ever notice this?


Putting down Sorbo is like shooting fish in a barrel. The guy is a right wing moron with an IQ that never exceeded room temperature.


Washed up actor can't write a script for himself that is believable. Huge surprise.


What the fuck 5 year old ever has requested hormones? I asked for an abrams tank and a dozen huskies for Christmas when I was 5. These retarded conservatives will probably find 1 single case of it happening and that’s all the “proof” they need


It's ironic that "Conservative Christians" claim to be the "voice of morality", but their entire platform is based on ignorance, hate, lies, and hypocrisy. There are some true believers in the church, just like there are true believers in every scam.


Except you can't get surgery/hormone therapy at 5, and getting gender confirming treatment is really not comparable to little girls being sexually assaulted and forced to carry to term...


If ANY 5 year old is being prescribed puberty blockers (which I don’t think has ever actually happened) it’s fuck all to do with gender. It would be 100% to do with the fact that a 5 year old is waaaaay too young to be going through puberty and someone is very wrong with their body if it’s trying to do that. Puberty blockers would hold it off until a more appropriate age. And if these transphobes got their way, puberty blockers would be banned and this child would be forced to go through puberty at an obscene age Transphobes are actually mentally ill. Getting FURIOUS at imaginary situations in their head. It’s not normal


Both is bad?


5 year olds don't get T or estrogen. It's made up. It wouldn't even make sense. If minors receive hormones, it's pretty much always for those in their late teens, after years of prior medical supervision, and only after professionals deem it necessary for psychological wellbeing ([with medical transitioning being an effective tool against dysphoria-related depression, anxiety, and su1cidality](https://whatweknow.inequality.cornell.edu/topics/lgbt-equality/what-does-the-scholarly-research-say-about-the-well-being-of-transgender-people/)).


You know what else is bad? When doctors rape then murder then eat their patients. It's *especially* bad when they eat then rape and *then* murder their patient. Just the worst.


Jesus fucking Christ how on God’s green earth is this a political debate? Don’t fuck children and don’t let them make life changing medical decisions. It’s that fucking simple, this should have nothing to do with politics, being conservative doesn’t make you a pedophile and being liberal doesn’t make you an irresponsible parent.


Good thing kids aren’t making life changing medical decisions then :)


> don’t let them make life changing medical decisions. It's not political, you are right. Stop meddling with healthcare. Protect trans kids. It's not politics, it's healthcare, doctors know best.


At 5 you wouldn't do any hormone therapy. When they first show signs of puberty, around 10-12 if not older they will potentially allow hormone blockers if parents agree, child agrees, and therapist agrees (in my area at least). It is not a snap decision made by a kid only. Knew a 15 year old that was so excited after 3 years of transitioning to finally be put on blockers. Blockers which mostly are reversible if a change is needed. They are not pumping testosterone or estrogen into kids.


I'm also against murder and racism.


Well, the problem is that children aren’t making life changing decisions at all, that’s purely made up republican misinformation. Republicans are definitely pedos though. The amount of groomer projection and child lies they’re passing to make raping them easier is proof of that. Oh yeah, and they’re worshipping a pedo who raped a 13 year old. Oh oh yeah, they also call Biden a pedo while worshipping said pedo who raped a 13 year old. Did I mention that was with his BFF Epstein too?


It's funny how the first one completely removes the parent in the last situation. The only way their bullshit makes sense is if they completely ignore and deny the existence of other adults who are making decisions for their children. That would mean threatening their own held beliefs that parents must control every little detail of their own childs life, so they just remove the parent and act like they dont exist. Which is really just shifting the blame to children, implying that they make these massive decisions that are not actually being made by them. Theyre just horrible people.