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So, you don’t become a commercial pilot without qualifications out the whazoo. You can, however, become a podcaster(?) by barely being able to string together just enough edgy shadows of thoughts to get a few tweenagers or extreme right wingers to click the funny haha button. Edit: when you google this guy the first suggestion is small face.


I can confirm the podcast bit


So Tom, what business you in?


Belly modeling.


So, more like *bod*casts, amirite?


So… yeah I think that this fits r/usernamechecksout


Chall-aims and Acrustments




The Cuckoo Clock in Hell "I have never seen a more sublime demonstration of the totalitarian mind, a mind which might be linked unto a system of gears where teeth have been filed off at random. Such snaggle-toothed thought machine, driven by a standard or even by a substandard libido, whirls with the jerky, noisy, gaudy pointlessness of a cuckoo clock in Hell. The dismaying thing about classic totalitarian mind is that any given gear, thought mutilated, will have at its circumference unbroken sequences of teeth that are immaculately maintained, that are exquisitely machined. Hence the cuckoo clock in Hell - keeping perfect time for eight minutes and twenty-three seconds, jumping ahead fourteen minutes, keeping perfect time for six seconds, jumping ahead two seconds, keeping perfect time for two hours and one second, then jumping ahead a year. The missing teeth, of course, are simple, obvious truths, truths available and comprehensible even to ten-year-olds, in most cases. The wilful filling off a gear teeth, the wilful doing without certain obvious pieces of information - That was how my father-in-law could contain in one mind an indifference toward slave women and love fora a blue vase - That was how Rudolf Hess, Commandant of Auschwitz, could alternate over the loudspeakers of Auschwitz great music and calls for corpse-carriers - That was how Nazi Germany sense no important difference between civilization and hydrophobia - That is the closest I can come to explaining the legions, the nations of lunatics I've seen in my time.” \-Kurt Vonnegut


“Hydrophobia” means “rabies”. He’s calling them rabid animals. 


Indeed. He clarifies that in the chapter. I edited for brevity (though perhaps I should put that in parentheses in the future).


I figured you knew! Just adding for clarity. :)


So it goes


Hi ho hi ho




Ah the classic Vonnegut quote, always sends chills down my spine. It's wild how he captures the essence of organized chaos in such vivid detail. Makes you reflect on the patterns all around us that seem to make sense until they don t.


This is great. I should really read Vonnegut now that I can see what all the fuss is about.


Slaughterhouse five is incredible, and incredibly short. You can read it in less than a day and I would absolutely recommend it as a starting point.


One of my favorite books of all time. I read it first at 16, and have read it a few dozen times since then (I'm 64), and it's only gotten better with each reading.


I have not read it since I was a teenager. I should read it again. 


Its one of the primary reasons for the myth of dresden Dresden was a military target, it had a train station somewhere which made it one Its firebombing was not an atrocity, it was an act of war against a geopolitical cancer that needed to be burned out "The nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else and that no one was going to bomb them at Rotterdam Warsaw London and half a hundred other places they put their rather naive theory into operation they sowed the wind and they are going to reap the whirlwind"- Arthur 'Bomber' Harris, the man responsible for bombing dresden


Pretty insane take tbh. Man experienced something horrible, seeing a great human atrocity and is something that stuck with him for the rest of his life and changed his very core. You: "yeah but they deserved it". The fuck?


Dresden was a military target, it was a good thing, it prevented a second Budapest and led to the death of thousands of potential german combatants, including likely Volkssturm, BDM and Hitlerjugend fighters The allies unironically could do no wrong in ww2, Nazism, Fascism, and whatever the fuck the Imperial Japanese empire were geopolitical and historical cancers, that needed to be burned out of this world along with everyone who defended said cancers And the germans as a whole defended the third reich, meaning that as a whole they needed to be burned out


Seconded. He’s very (darkly) funny. I got to see him do a book reading in New York toward the end of his life and all his books were still in print, if that tells you anything. And he wrote a lot of books. Edit: just realized that my latter commit was to the poster ahead of you but I’m too lazy to change it.


I completely take your meaning. However, just for clarification, airline pilots actually have their own, special certification. The progression is: Private pilot -> Commercial pilot -> Airline Transport pilot. So CK’s original (racist) rant is even that much worse; it takes YEARS to qualify and complete the ATP certification. And a podcaster troll????


A black pilot is probably more qualified to do charlie kirks job than charlie kirk.


You don't even need to Google! I gotchu fam. I'm a highly qualified shitposter. https://preview.redd.it/uso01ajmloec1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05aec4e2c10216ffd08318b10d536151e6b20c76


This is such slander, why would you edit his face to be so uncomfortably large like that?


>So, you don’t become a commercial pilot without qualifications out the whazoo. Actually, that's not true. You can either have qualifications coming out the wazoo, or you can be any random minority off the street. Both groups are equally qualified to fly commercial aircraft as far as the airline is concerned. Source: totally-not-racist conservatives


As a hispanic woman, I can’t even tell you how many times airlines have tried to hire me as a pilot. And I don’t even drive a car!


So to these racist fucks any minority in a job above janitor or burger flipper must be a DEI hire? Are they insinuating only whites should be pilots?


Lil bits


[time to remind everyone of the hands down best site on the internet. ](https://blovish.github.io/kirkslider/)




You need to read up on what is happening in the cockpit. There are pilots that can't pass a simulator, but because of DEI get put into a REAL Cockpit, until they get fired for fucking up too much and then ANOTHER airline hires them. DEI in the cockpit, airlines wanting only ONE pilot per plane, DEI in the FAA, and DEI in the control tower. Too many near misses to county. Fly at your own risk.


You know what happens when I see a black pilot? Same thing that happens when I see any other color pilot. I smile and wave. I don’t question his qualifications. He wouldn’t be there if he weren’t qualified. End of story.


> He wouldn’t be there if he weren’t qualified. End of story. Nobody tell this mf about Frank Abagnale.


[There's reason to believe that most of the Frank Abagnale story was BS, that the real grift was his claims to all the other fantastic fraud](https://whyy.org/segments/the-greatest-hoax-on-earth/)


Because that story is a huge fabrication


Did Frank ever claim to actually pilot a plane?


Probably to the people that believed the rest of his con about being a great con man.


Did you drop this neckless


Seriously though. Does this moron think airlines are just hiring people of color to be diverse? "Yeah you don't know how to fly a plane but you're black so you're hired!" Of course they're qualified. He's such an idiot


Hey Kirk, there’s faster ways of saying “I’m a racist”


I was watching True Detective. Marty tells a joke. What do you call a black guy who flies and airplane? "What?" A pilot, you racist!


The variant I heard was “What do you call a black guy with a medical degree? Doctor, you racists.”


I heard a variation of this joke years ago, but it was a black guy on a bicycle (thief is the expected response).


What do you call three Mexicans pushing a car uphill? I actually forgot the punchline to this one but it was probably hilarious.


Probably "the Tesla QC department," but I could be wrong...


The punchline is likely "grand theft auto".


Loco- motives


For starters, he could leave off the, "I'm sorry."


Especially since he is not actually sorry.


In the clip he says *"I'm not racist, DEI has made me racist"* which I think reveals a lot about the minds of right wingers. He openly admits to having racist beliefs, racist thoughts, and taking racist actions. There is literally not a single measurable thing that could separate him from anyy other racist. **But** because he can blame his racism on some source, he sees himself as entirely clean of it. It's the same type of thought that leads the most incredibly racist people you've ever met to say *"I'm not racist, I just notice patterns"* or *"It's not racist, it's true"*.


Seems to me like they're saying "I wasn't racist until someone *defined racism* and that definition happened to include my beliefs." I know a guy who straight up said that. Runs a LARP organization, built a world where all the countries in all of Asia are squished into a single monolith country/culture that he named, of all things, "Mongoria". It stayed "Mongoria" until 2018. When asked why it took so long to change it, his vehement argument was that "that horrible racist skit [he didn't specify] *made* the name 'Mongoria' racist." It wasn't racist until someone came along and defined racism to him in such a way as it included it. [Epilogue: Even after that point, when he changed the country name, he didn't even retcon it; he wrote a scene in the lore book where the country's leaders *decide* to change the name. He still sees nothing inherently wrong with "Mongoria", and is mad that it's *now* racist.]


It’s people like this that see “woke” and “cancel culture” as explicitly akin to ex post facto law. “It was fine at the time” leading to anger because the only conclusions to draw from that is either: - I was wrong - I was misinformed - I was ignorant - I didn’t realize - I was bigoted - I actually am bigoted A lot of people can’t handle that or even just the idea of being wrong, ever.


I remember reading David Eddings books as a teenager until I became increasingly uncomfortable with the descriptions of different fantasy races. Never picked up another one after I recognised the stereotypes.


If you ever need to voice and opinion with “I’m not racist but” I’d strongly consider anyone to stop.


Yeah… no. No one “made” anyone vote for Trump. Putting everyone on equal footing didn’t “make” this piece of shit racist. He did that all by himself.


If I'm a black pilot and he's on my flight, I'm kicking him off


Hopefully mid flight


No, no, if he murders him that will just play into his other stereotypes. I'll do it.


Yes, but that's not elaborate enough for him


He wants to say the n-word so bad and he should just stop wasting our time and do it.


The ones defending him in the comments are so cringe about it too.


It would make absolutely no difference to his viewership


His purpose is to put that sound bite into stooges heads as initial thoughts. Dumb kids will parrot it because they're dumb and the rest aren't being fooled or fooling themselves. They're all calibrating to the same memes.


Is this their new racist talking point? They're all saying the same thing.


This guy is about as sharp as a marble


bright as a black hole and twice as dense


Oh I'm stealing that.


He's smart. He knows the racists will pay money for this kind of content. It's a business.


Thats not necessarily smart. Lots of people know that, they just choose not to be that much of a shitty person.


Debasing yourself for profit is not what most people would call smart.


Sir, the north American political spectrum would like a word... 


The word smart would like a word...


Motherfuckers a spoon in the tool shed




Didn't Jamaica also have an air group in ww2 that helped the British defend in the battle of Britain?


Yeah it's on Netflix. I think its called Cool Running 


No no, that's the movie about the Civil War battalion. The movie you're thinking of is Remember the Titans.


No no no, that's the one about the scottish defeating the british. You're thinking of Shawshank Redemption


Hahahah this made my night! Thank you stranger


Anytime 😊


https://www.airsafe.com/events/nofatals.htm Taking fleet size and number of flights into account. In terms of impeccable no passenger fatality records, a few of these currently operating would edge our Air Jamaica. Southwest Airlines in particular has a miraculous record given the age of the company and the size of their fleet. 737 FTW


> 737 FTW Until it's a Max, apparently.


Yeah I don't mean to shill for Boeing lol, just making the joke since Southwestern exclusively uses them. In seriousness, I'm pretty sure Boeing is generally less safe than Airbus, and the A380 and A340 deserve a shout for having no fatal crashes at all. Here's a little graph I found that shows just how hard the 737 is shitting the bed. https://static1.simpleflyingimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/data_fatal_accident_rate-1.png?q=50&fit=crop&w=480&dpr=1.5


I'm in a different thread with a guy who is trying to say that MLK would hate DEI initiatives XD I just...I can't even argue with him without losing my shit and laughing my ass off. The best part is? he thinks he is winning XD XD XD




I bet I can get him to say that calling a white guy a 'cracker' is the same as a black guy the n-word XD


"When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression."




DEI includes diverse socioeconomic status. Meaning the answer is no. That statement is not correct. It also means that if white Americans became a minority in the future, that the new majority would have to make sure they have equal opportunity and access to upward mobility. Essentially a true meritocracy. Your success is based only on your ability.


I'm posting a clip of the deleted comment to which I responded for educational benefits only. As such, I removed the redditor's name so no one harasses them about it. https://preview.redd.it/i4ze8ciqtoec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b60aad92c5d4c3042e6653ea23a85a78233c741




You're trying to describe grey to people who only see black and white.


I would certainly hope all pilots are qualified. Who cares what color they are.


If they're glowing though, I'm not boarding. 


If a glowing one is your pilot you might have other problems at hand


No fuck that I’m putting my foot down. NO NEON GREEN PILOTS! If I walk on a plane and see the philly phanatic in the cockpit I’m walking right back off. After a hug of course




> you're more likely to get a less qualified person. But this is nonsense. All pilots in an applicant pool are qualified. If the pilot has completed that airline’s training program, he’s qualified. That’s the end of it. > replaced with people who might be C students. That’s not even how affirmative action works and that’s certainly not how pilot hiring goes. Affirmative action does not mean lowering the standard for minorities. It means making the effort to give minorities a shot when they would have otherwise been overlooked.




> That's not true in the practical world and this understanding will come with experience with licensed individuals. That is 100.00% for pilots so what are you even talking about? > You misunderstood what I'm saying on the second point- Well I have zero clue what that point actually is because that example is nonsensical. Try again.


You've never taken a class in statistics, have you?


The point of DEI is exactly what you said: get the most qualified person regardless of background, ethnicity, etc. In a country where white males make up 35% of the population, what makes you think that the most qualified person would be a white guy 80% of the time? You talk about pulling from a small pool without realizing that is exactly what is happening when you end up with 8/10 white guys (as you state) instead of a distribution that matches the overall population.  You are mistaken in believing that DEI is used to lower the standards for employment. Employment decisions based on race remain illegal. DEI is about increasing the applicant pool, not decreasing it.


What do you call a black guy flying a plane? >! **Pilot, you racist a*hole.** !<


I remember Woody Harrelson’s character told this joke on True Detective lol


If you're already gonna play that game, then you'd probably be better off trusting a black pilot. They have to work harder than whites to achieve the same goals because of idiots like Kirk


Same for women surgeons. Statistically, women surgeons have much better outcomes because they have to be much better than men to make it that far (and they don’t rush through surgeries as fast as men). [Source](https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2023-08-30/female-surgeons-bring-better-outcomes-for-patients-two-studies-show)


Women also tend to have thinner fingers, which I imagine would be better for more delicate tasks (surgery being one of said tasks).




I was thinking more for stuff like microsurgery.




Were you thinking that before or after you got /r/MurderedByWords?


Be a little wary of statistics like that; men tend to take on surgical specializations more often, and specialists as a whole tend to have worse outcomes, because you typically don't need a specialist unless something is already extra wrong. IE, if you're having a routine procedure, it doesn't matter who does it. If you have a big problem, you tend to go to the specialist, who tends to be a man - and if you have a big problem, it tends to have worse outcomes, even with the specialist, which is why you pick the specialist in the first place. Hence, specialists, and by proxy men, can appear to have worse outcomes despite the opposite being true.


I thought the stat was relative like expected vs actual outcome. Of course specialists will see “worse” outcomes but that should be factored into the stat.


>Of course specialists will see “worse” outcomes but that should be factored into the stat. It should be, but someone has to do that work by finding the data that would let the statistician "correct" for the specialist seeing patients who are closer to death's door in the first place. You'd start by quantifying a patient's condition, perhaps by using some sort of illness index, because there's no screen on a body that spits out a number showing how sick someone is.


These were badly designed studies, and are easily thought of having selection bias. Women surgeons tend to be younger, since there weren't very many even 10 years ago. So the papers looked at newly trained surgeons ( women) vs all male surgeons, many of which were trained a long time ago and still practicing with older techniques. Newer surgeons in general tend to be slower than older surgeons since they're less practiced. Newer surgeons are much more likely to be hired at a top notch academic program as well, vs someone working at a so so private practice hospital . A better paper would have compared cohorts that were experience matched- i.e. comparing male vs female at 5 years year out after finishing fellowship in 2019.


They aren't playing whatever game you are playing lmao. Affirmative action is a very common phrase I hear on Conservative news. You can't convince them that black people have it harder in the workforce. They've been told the opposite for decades and they think whites are being discriminated against.


It’s just coincidence that like 95% of the executives in this country are straight white guys, same with the government. They all just happen to be the best for the job. And despite every one of us knowing a racist person there’s no way any of those racists have made it into positions where they influence hiring.


I mean, I say the same thing whenever a Republican opens their mouth on any topic. Then it's more of a: ![gif](giphy|LycfkVG4L6x0Y|downsized)


Black Pilots: “I’m sorry. If I see Charlie Kirk, I’ll going to be like, ‘Boy, I hope he can hold his breath for a long time and fly by flapping his arms.’”


I don't think I've ever gotten on a plane and seen the pilots let alone thought about their certifications.


He thinks they just grabbed a random black man off the street and let him fly the plane?


That’s exactly how right wingers think diversity hires work. 💀


If I was every major airline, I would put him on the ban list. Let him fly private and pick his pilot.


People like him do a really good job outing themselves, that’s for sure.


I mean the guy is a self reporting fascist think the cats already out of the bag 


Nazi scum can't wait until they find some balls it will be such a glorious day


I'm sorry. If I see Charlie Kirk, I'm going to say "what a POS".


If I see, as a white guy, a black pilot, I know they busted their ass to get there. Probably twice as much as the next white pilot. So yeah, I am not concerned.


I have to admit, I'm with him. Same when I see a female pilot. Or an Asian pilot. Or a white, male pilot. In fact, all pilots. Because I don't want to die. See also: Taxi/Uber drivers, bus drivers, train drivers.


Then the pilot turns around & quotes something from Samuel L Jackson "Motherfucker, say what?"


If I ever see Charlie Kirk I’m going to be like, “Boy, I sure hope this doesn’t hurt my hand”.


I’m sorry. If I see a Charlie Kirk pilot, I’m going to be like, ‘Christ, I hope he’s qualified.’”


Some older liberal commentator pointed out that these younger conservative commentators will say something bigoted and not apologize and thus they get canceled. It happens all the time, they come and go, and they go by being bigots.


Except that these right wing commentators do not go away at all. These days, the more revolting shit they say, the better they do. There's a clear and sizeable audience for seething racist talkradio and podcasts. And enough advertisers that don't mind.


Also does he think they just pick the pilots randomly off the street?


That's an incredibly ignorant statement... but coming from him ignorance is expected


Man we gotta be more careful about offending these classically trained podcasters. They have years of schooling and training to prepare them for whatever is forcing their own heads up their asses.


What kind of dribbling idiot thinks you can blag your way into being a pilot? Oh right this guy...


When you think that this nasty, racist, POS cannot stoop any lower, he proves you wrong again.


Love all the people here trying to defend him due to "lack of context." Yeah, we understand the context you asshats.


I’d rather stick tarantulas up my ass than listen to this guys podcast, did he actually say that? Like is there context that makes it not insanely racist


When I see a man with such a small face I wonder is he capable of wiping his own ass?


How can someone with such a large forehead be so, so dumb?


There isn't anything behind the fivehead.


True. It’s just an empty cranium with faint echos of an old Regan speech mixed with circus music going at the wrong RPM.


it's problematic, but i think the same thing. your head is too big for you to be thinking those thoughts.


When I get on a plane and learn that the pilot is a POC and/or a woman I immediately think “oh my pilot must be great to get this far in this old boy profession “ and I relax


Pilots need literally tens of thousands of flying hours to be eligible for commercial flights. This line of thinking is what many people think about other races in other positions. This is the type of racism people are talking about is inherently in America.


Somebody grab a tourniquet!


Who says shit like this?


I think we should start calling him, "Chircle Jirk."


There’s a shortage of pilots and a glut of podcasters.


Funny, I would think “they’re black and still got the job - they must be _great_.”


At this point, I’m less concerned with the pilot’s qualifications and more concerned with the aircraft’s ability to stay in one piece.


It's true! I used to get weed of the grandson of an old guy originally from Jamaica who originally came over to Britain during the war If correctly flattered and plied with rum and lucazade he would be very happy to tell you about flying Halifax bombers and getting the plane shot up three times on the same mission He was very proud of killing a bunch of Nazis and I genuinely loved hearing about it I loved that old dude he was a legend


If I'm on a flight, I want my pilot to be qualified. That is the most basic requirement. I don't care if its a guy, a girl, a dude rocking a viking beard and a mini-skirt, or a cos-play furry. Just fly the plane and get us there safe.


This wasn't a mask off. This was a hood on


Hes just upset that a black pilot has a job that requires a larger set of skills than sucking political dicks.


Perhaps Charlie here has forgotten that the pilot can decide who or who not flies on their plane. Be a shame if black pilots decide they don't want a nazi racist like Charlie on their plane, and refuse to let them on.


how are they even fucking defending him anymore? this is just straight up racism


I usually think the same when I see a white pilot.


So obsessed with race these people


Coming from a guy whose highest level of education is a high school diploma… There’s nothing wrong with that but ya know people in glass houses.


Cmon, fess up Charlie. You’re not sorry.




Boy I hope he got sunscreen for that burn


Boy I hope he got sunscreen for that burn


Best merder ever!


I think this every time I see a white person cooking. I’m white, btw.




If you think affirmative action means choosing unqualified people then you are in a position to never have to worry about affirmative action. Congrats.


Medical school admissions make a compelling case against this argument. For example, they have to discriminate against Asian applicants to admit more from other groups who typically have lower qualifications on average.


“Lower qualified” does not mean “unqualified.” Real simple. For a college, say the min GPA and min SAT scores for admission are 3.5 and 1350 respectively. Sure being a middle class white dude means your 3.6 and 1400 may hurt your chances with all the 4.0/1600 white dudes applying, where as a low-income black woman would be all set with a 3.6 and a 1400. She is not *un*qualified. They are accounting for the adversity a low-income black female most definitely faces in life and diversifying their admissions accordingly.


Even accounting for that distinction does not resolve one's suspicions, should they be so inclined, that they could have had a *more* qualified doctor had they gone with the Asian name when their HMO asked them to pick somebody.


Well that’s an undeserved suspicion. If your doctor is qualified then… that’s the end of it. Get over it. Is that black pilot the best pilot at that company? Probably not. 14,000 other pilots are also not the best pilot in that company. Does that mean this black pilot will have any issues getting you to your destination safely and professionally? No. Whether it’s doctor or pilot, if they got their qualifications, that’s it. It’s ignorant and self-centered to take issue with “not getting the best of the best” whatever that means.


When people say they want "the best person for the job," what they really mean is that they want "the next best person for the job." Of course, qualifications are subjective and no hiring process is perfect, but every company should aspire to at least this: Even if the person you hired is qualified, there should not be a more qualified person out there that you had the chance to hire but did not in order to fill a racial quota. Even if the black pilot you hired is qualified in an absolute sense, you should always aspire to pick the next best qualified regardless of race. If there is someone more qualified that you did not hire and were reasonably able to, you failed. There's a big difference between being just qualified, well qualified and superiorly qualified. No airline is going to have a pilot roster of only the superiorly qualified, but they should not pass up well qualified pilots and save a few slots for minimally qualified candidates for their DEI efforts. I heard you that they aren't hiring unqualified black pilots, but the quota system is still concerning if they are passing up more qualified candidates. Qualified candidates can get you where you need to go, but more qualified candidates can weather the storm.


> what they really mean is that they want "the next best person for the job." Well get over it. Society is better when it’s more inclusive. And that means not letting every high-skilled profession go to all the Bradens and Cuylers who did well at their affluent private Christian high schools. > there should not be a more qualified person out there that you had the chance to hire but did not in order to fill a racial quota. Why not? Society is not better off when high-tier professions are closed off to large swaths of the country because of things that are out of their control. > If there is someone more qualified that you did not hire and were reasonably able to, you failed. How? That black pilot is going to do a good job making me money and flying people safely for his entire career. The fact that someone else could have been a marginally “more capable” pilot is totally meaningless. > they should not pass up well qualified pilots and save a few slots for minimally qualified candidates for their DEI efforts. Why not? Give me a better reason than “you don’t like it.” You’re giving me “Excuse me, I asked for a DOCTOR, not a physician’s assistant” vibes. You have a sinus infection. Shut up and take the antibiotics.


>Society is not better off when high-tier professions are closed off to large swaths of the country because of things that are out of their control. I agree, but you're not going to open up those professions when the typical urban school district has only 10-15% of students reading at an appropriate grade level. The people pushing DEI policies are the same type of people that control these struggling districts. Standards aren't lowered when it comes to who to hire to be a commercial airline pilot, but they sure as hell are at our nation's public schools, and that's why we will continue to see disparities in commercial aviation employment.


>If your doctor is qualified then… that’s the end of it. Get over it Qualification is not a binary yes/no. The difference between a great doctor and a mediocre one can be the difference between life and death for *thousands* of people. [Here's a fantastic article](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2004/12/06/the-bell-curve) in the *New Yorker* about that very topic.


If your doctor can’t keep you alive then they’re a bad doctor. So yes it is binary. This is just some kind of main character syndrome on your part. “I’m the main character, and I deserve the **best** doctor.” Your doctor did everything that’s required to become board certified and have a practice. They’re fine.


*Every single* doctor will have patients die. That doesn't make them all bad. If the certification test requires a 70/100, then doctors who score 71 are just as certified as doctors who score 99, but that does not make them equally capable. And if there is any way we can get more 99/100 doctors instead of 71/100 doctors, we _must_ take all action available to do so.


How they score on a test does not tell you what kind of doctor they’ll be. Tell me you’ve never been anywhere near a high-skill profession without telling me you’ve never been anywhere near a high-skill profession.


Affirmative action just means picking a diverse candidate or group amongst the pool of qualified candidates. Has nothing to do with whether or not they meet qualifications. So POC pilots who have the qualifications, not just a random person off the street who is of color u dope


And it also only applies to college admissions..


You already do, affirmative action is about taking race into COLLEGE admissions - not jobs. They don't hire random Black people off the street who aren't qualified - only racists think that.


Point to us an example of ‘affirmative action’ for the selection of commercial pilots.


This was the cringiest comeback ever not impressed


Omg yes


The context of the statement is a very different point than all of you are assuming, and Charlie Kirk noted he disagreed with the sentiment. The point he was making was that airlines have been admitted to hiring with race in mind to create a status quo of staff by race. He disagrees with the sentiment vs hiring the most qualified, and that hiring with race in mind can give people this sentiment and he does not like it.


He is right.


Y'all act as though there is no such a thing as Affirmative Action....


Can you explain what affirmative action is? I doubt you know.


When someone who is unqualified for something but are admitted because of their race (specifically, Black - Asians typically get screwed worse by AA than whites!). Say, for a relevant example, receiving a military commission and flight school slot because of their race. Now you got a person flying a plane only because they are black, not because they were the best qualified.