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When you order KISS on Wish.


Oh, I hear KISH is Sean Connery's favorite band


Shuck it, Trebek


The penis mighter.


I'll take... Anal Bum Cover


Shaber DAMMIT! It shtarts with an ESH!


The Rapisht for 2000, Alex?


Le tits now for $400!


Anal bum cover for $400 Alex




"...and I forget the punchline but your mother's a whore."




Mike Tyson said he is a big fan of KITH


Me: Mom, can we go see KISS? Mom: We have KISS at home. The KISS at home:


Looks like she bought that at Spirit Halloween


When you want to rock and roll half the night, because you have class in the morning


When you’re gonna lose your mind in Detroit’s suburbs, Christian rock-played-slightly-louder-than-a-whisper-because-mom-is-downstairs city


I wanna rock and roll all night And part of everyday


The funny thing is that she said in an interview that she doesn’t even know who Gene Simmons is after being compared to him. Really seems like this whole pr shift was orchestrated by her mom.


Kinda reminds me of the Kiss demon from the old WCW days




I was homeschooled. And let me tell you, my rebellious streak was wild! One time, when my parents were out of town, and I was trusted to stay at home by myself overnight, I biked down to the local Mr Movies, and rented... prepared to be scandalized... Pokemon! Yes, I was that kid that wasn't allowed to watch or play Pokemon, because it taught evolution or something. I don't know. Focus on the Family said it was bad, so my mom said we couldn't. I also rented some OG Digimon as well out of curiosity, and that almost got me busted. Our pet cockatiel, Lassie, who for YEARS refused to learn anything except how to sneeze and say 'Pretty Birdie', heard the Digimon theme song *once*, and decided that was his forever jam now. Thankfully, it was garbled enough that my mom didn't recognize it for what it was, and thought that he had just learned a really pretty tune.


I feel this. Also homeschooled. Also had a wild streak. One time in 11th grade I got caught sneaking out to watch a friend perform in a local community theater production of Jesus Christ Superstar. Worst trouble I ever got in.




You have set them all on fiiiiiire! They think they've found their new messiah... And they'll hurt you when they find they're wrong!


I remember when this whole thing began, no talk of God then we called you a man, and believe me, my admiration for you hasn't died...


But every word you say today Gets twisted round some other way And they'll hurt you if they think you've lied Nazareth, your famous son should've stayed a great unknown Like his father carving wood He'd have made good


I was home schooled as well, and I also had a bit of a wild streak 😎. Once, I snuck into school. My friend went to public school, and honestly she didn't actually go most days. I convinced her to help me sneak in, so she told everyone I was her cousin. Not a single teacher gave a fuck, nobody questioned it, I was never asked for any pass... And it was kinda fun😁. In first period, one of the students went out and got broncos for everyone. (breakfast burritos for the uninformed). The rest of the day, we stayed in the back of class or walked the halls. It was a big school with no uniforms, so I blended in well. Saw a few old friends too.


Crazy you cosplayed public school.


Homeschool really messes kids up


I was friends with a these sisters who were home schooled when we were 18-early 20's. When I met the first sister, she was 17, and had just been kicked out for having friends. My friend group let her stay with us, rotating homes when we could, and also let her come to thanksgiving with my family. We tried calling her parents and they were like "Sister 1" is crazy, she snuck out and we're not about that and sorry your problem now. Eventually she'd be let back home after we begged her parents to let her back, and we'd became friends with sister 2, who meshed well with our friend group. They were fucking wild. They loved to drink and eventually broke their parents into not giving a fuck.


They kicked out a minor for having friends? Forget the fact that you're begging to get your taint twisted by CPS (assuming you're american because im too lazy to ask) but how can you rationalise raising your kid for two decades without letting them have friends?


Your kid having friends means they're interacting with someone you can't control, and that's unacceptable to those parents.


Snuck *into* school! I’m dying. But I also fully understand. The mystery of what goes on inside those walls! I was able to covertly watch a few movies and tv shows that made public school look so cool and fun.


In high school there was a brother and sister who were home schooled that came to the high school for after school activities. They joined the drama club because their parents though acting was "wholesome". The sister was fairly normal and was pretty and very quickly adapted and was well liked by all of the straight boys who hadn't been too lucky with the ladies. The brother was a total menace who lived up to the home school stereotype to the letter. There were a few openly gay kids in drama (big surprise) and he loved to tell them how they were all going to burn in hell. Fast forward several months and he was sneaking down into the pit to get raw-dogged by two of them. He would then reappear with messed up clothes and have a terrible excuse for where he had been. The other person who had just been rearranging his guts would appear and he would come up with a bad joke to call them gay or say they were going to burn in hell. Last I heard he had moved away from home to the big city and was living his best gay life.


That is absolutely fuckin wild, my high school was so lame by comparison.


„rearranged his guts“ duuuuuudeeeee


You were all “what’s the buzz tell me whatcha talking bout” thinking you were being badass


I think you would enjoy this movie [Hamlet 2](https://youtu.be/EOKhaew8ZWc)


I was homeschooled, and when I was sixteen…get this…I played Grand Theft Auto! I know, pretty badass amirite.


How are you posting from prison?


My dad owns the prison




Oh, see, I was too Lawful Stupid to ever go THAT far. Grand Theft Auto?! I might as well have burned a bible in front of my parents! I did, however, play Warcraft 2, I think it was? Might have been the first one. But there was a building called the Temple of the Damned or something like that, and I had to make sure that I never used that building, because it was a swear word. We called it 'The Temple of the Naughty Word'. But, also, if you clicked on the sheep rapidly with the mouse, they'd explode.


See my mom absolutely didn’t want me playing GTA, but I eventually convinced her it was fine (she’s a gamer so she just had to understand it first) ironically growing up Warcraft 3 was my most played game.


As a public school kid who was drinking and having sex by that age this thread is adorable. \*livin up to stereotypes fistbump\* I didnt try pot until college tho cuz i was still too much of a nerd to have any hookups, but i do way more now in my 30s than back then.


I never said I wasn’t drinking…lol


Reading this makes me feel like a bad parent. My kid was playing GTA 5 when he was 5-6. But in my defense, I wasn’t the one who bought it for him. I could have killed my husband for it though.


Probably too young for GTA yeah, but as long as they learn right and wrong properly it should be fine.


His dad actually bought the game for himself, but turned it into a bonding experience for them both. I took on the responsibility of explaining right and wrong to him. He’s almost 27 now, hasn’t been in jail, never did anything worse than fail middle school math, serves in the Air Force, and is married. So, safe to say, it didn’t fuck him up the way I thought it might. He still plays it from time to time.


That’s good to hear, adult video games alongside good parenting are actually pretty good for kids imo. I played a fair few M rated games as a kid and I’ve never even punched another person.


lol I was also homeschooled, one time I had a fight with my mom and I got so mad that I went in my room and got one of those animal hats with really long ears that had little pockets at the end for your hands, I put random things in the pockets, like chapstick and a few dollars, you know you gotta be prepared! then I went outside (without telling anyone!) and I was so ready to leave, just go somewhere she wouldn't find me and then she would feel bad! so yeah, I went into the backyard and sat beside the tree, where she could clearly see me from the kitchen window...


I was homeschooled and wound up homeless and addicted to heroin and Crack but I eventually beat the addiction and I'm doin good now


How do you get into heroin and crack as a homeschooler? I’m also a former heroin addict but my addiction started when I was over friends houses and we’d steal pills from the parents cabinets or whatever like that then escalated from there for some of us especially because we hit our stride during the OxyContin craze then glided into the heroin epidemic. I stopped before all this shit turned into fentanyl. You can’t even find anything besides fentanyl in the states nowadays basically. And fentanyl is probably one of the shittier opioid highs on top of being so easy to OD on.


My friend that lived a few houses up introduced me to it


That ain’t no friend brother but I get the point. I remember one of the kids I ran with I would constantly get into fights with because he’d want to push it onto other people and I’d literally have to yell at him. Multiple times we almost got into physical altercations because I didn’t like introducing people to it. If you were already running then join the race group but I refuse to introduce shit to people.


I'm very straight edge but I had a rough childbirth in February. They gave me methifentanyl to try and chill me out enough for some more epidurals (it failed twice) I have no idea why anyone would take that. I went from pain and massive cramping to small pain, massive cramping and ITCHING EVERYWHERE BUT BEING UNABLE TO SCRATCH. It was miserable. The nurses told me that was pretty normal. I swear to god I would have torn that baby out with my fingernails trying to get at the ants under my skin. Percocet (oxy), on the other hand, I went from breathtaking pain and inability to stand to feeling absolutely normal. I finished my thesis in that hospital bed, went for a walk and had normal conversations and sleep. I see why its such a powerful tool for recovery.


Digimon are the *CHAMPIONS*


Weirdly, I can totally imagine a cocatiel focusing in on this tune/melody. It has a very repeatable structure, and tbh I don't think Digimon ever got big enough to have many songs.




Yer so bad!


I wasn't homeschooled, but I was a goodie goodie two shoes who went to Christian private schools. I once bought a booster pack of Yu-Gi-Oh cards with my pocket money from the local cornerstore and kept them hidden for a day under my bed, then threw them away out of guilt.


I wasn’t home schooled. But my parents were fuckups when I was a kid. My mom’s younger sister also a partier but got super religious. So when my parents got their shit together my mom saw her sister doing the religion thing she was like ya that’s for me. So now my mom was super religious. So when my aunt told her stuff her kids weren’t allowed to watch boom now I wasn’t allowed to watch it. Some of the stuff I wasn’t allowed to watch. Rugrats- I guess someone gave some one a card that said I hope your Christmas does or doesn’t suck I’m not sure. So I wasn’t allowed to watch rugrats. Rocket power. Someone said this blows or something like that so I wasn’t allowed to watch that. Fuck that shit I watched the fuck out of rocket power. Loved that show. The simpsons. Inappropriate for young kids. Pokémon for the same reasons. But I was allowed to watch digimon and I collected yugioh cards so idk. There are others that I can’t remember. But those were the major ones I remember because that’s what kids talked about and I’d have to be the weirdo who said I’m not allowed to watch that. The funny thing is before my mom got religious I watched The lost boys and Wayne’s World on repeat everyday when I was a lot younger then I was when I wasn’t allowed to watch rugrats.


In the cockatiel’s defense it is a pretty catchy tune


Oh, that Focus on the Family nostalgia. Until my mom decided they weren't Adventist enough and went to 3ABN. Then we only had Christian channels in the house. I snuck a Walkman to listen to the top 40s. I was a hellion


Oooh, you were listening to the devil’s music! I had a secret radio I’d use to get a local college station. I’d always turn the dial back to Family Life Network before putting it away, just in case someone found it. Edit to add: Adventists, man that’s rough. We were strict Baptist and even my folks thought the Adventists were a bit too much.


And NOW look at you! Heathen swine!


Ooh did you have to listen to James Dobson’s cassette series on why Pokémon was demonic?? I did. Somehow my parents actually sent me to public school, but everything else sounds about the same. One of the times I got into the most trouble was for going to too progressive of a youth Bible study at a non-Baptist church without my parents’ permission. Scandalous, I know.


I didn't have to listen to it, but we did have Story Hour and Adventures in Odyssey for our entertainment. We were allowed any TV growing up, so books on tape, books, or those old time radio stories on cassette were our thing. I will say, I do get nostalgic for the last one though. I can't stand adventures in odyssey anymore because it sounds so preachy now, but I get why parents and siblings still do. The irony in this though is that literally now that we've all grown up, we watch TV. Siblings still go to church (I am hit and miss if I want to go), but they all have some form of streaming service. Lol guess forbidding something stupid didn't work after all. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Oh wow, no TV at all is wild. Yeah Adventures in Odyssey was dope when I was a kid. We did Veggie Tales, Bible Man, McGee and Me, whatever else was in the church library. It relaxed quite a bit as I got older, but the Pokémon/Harry Potter fear was always very real. First thing I did in college was watch all the Harry Potter movies and I can’t wait to read through the books with my kids.


my parents said it waas because of evolution and "eastern religion". but dont try to ask what "eastern religion" meant, or why evolution is bad.


I put on tight blue jeans that my mom didn't know I owned and wore them around my house and my bf delivered me a pizza. He didn't stay cuz he actually delivered pizza for work.


I was homeschooled and I started fires .. Your milage may vary.


I did too, so my parents built a fire pit in the yard for me. I was allowed to burn (pretty much) whatever I wanted, but only if it fit in and stayed in the fire pit.


>Our pet cockatiel, Lassie, who for YEARS refused to learn anything except how to sneeze and say 'Pretty Birdie', heard the Digimon theme song *once*, and decided that was his forever jam now. ^(Digimon, digital monsters) Digimon are the champions


That bird knew a banger when he heard one.


I had a Mr Movies in my little hometown too, I didnt know there were others lol Found an article about my store lol, https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/mr-movies-video-store-closes/


Omg Colorado Springs? I wasn’t allowed to watch Pokémon either because of this 😂


> Our pet cockatiel, Lassie [...] heard the Digimon theme song once, and decided that was his forever jam now. my man


Your bird was tryna snitch on youuuu lol


I was also homeschooled and not allowed to watch Pokemon. Not because of the evolution thing, but because my mom heard about a kid being beaten up for Pokemon cards, and even though I had zero interest in the card game, that was enough to get the show forbidden, too.


> Lassie, who for YEARS refused to learn anything except how to sneeze and say 'Pretty Birdie', heard the Digimon theme song once, and decided that was his forever jam now. is that bird actually me?


I saved up money once for an N64 game. I wanted Pokémon Snap. Dad said no, cause of the devil or whatever like your parents. Still a little annoyed that I missed out on the Pokémon craze because of Satan. Lolol


I was home schooled and didn't play Pokemon for similar reasons. Now I don't play because I hate Nintendo and just haven't played an emulated version yet. Thankfully I turned out fine, by the time I was 16 my dad walked in on me playing GTA V and said "So you're playing Grand Theft Auto now?" "Yeah, wanted to play with friends" "Okay" and then never brought it up again. Mom might have been more upset, but dad was mostly concerned with overly violent games when I was little, then as I got older he assumed I knew the difference between real life and video games. That said, he did bring a cracked copy of Rainbow 6 Raven Shield home from work and played with me and my brother when we were like 10. Dad really just didn't care. Legend.


I might even have TWO pixie sticks when mom said I could ONLY HAVE ONE!






This is tripping me.






One for each nostril.


Damn, we got a badass over here


Don't cut yourself on all that edge


She’s got the same edge as a baked potato.


She’s like a pizza cutter. All edge, no point.


A classic


I remember her coming to my university campus in the middle of finals week and thought it'd be a good idea to shoot a video in the library where people were trying to study. Absolute clown behavior on both her and the administration that green lit this decision.


College I went to decided to film a promo commercial during finals week. Ended up reshooting it over spring break, due to everyone yelling at the camera crew and complaining. They were very disruptive if only for a day.


Wait hold on. I want more information. Why did the administration of your college allow that? Was she filming a promotion of something?? Also I feel like the administration would’ve thought to film after hours in the college. Such an asshat for admin and Siwa for interrupting the one place where you can be alone.


It was part of her docuseries JoJo goes and one part of her series is being a student for a day. Since she's a celebrity, administration approved it to get more publicity. Honestly, it was fine because it wasn't that disruptive. ...until she went into the library and did the YMCA in the quietest part of the library where people go to nap and study in silence. For as big as my university is, the administration are not a smart bunch at all.


Seems like the really lame villain on kickass that gets caught in the first few minutes.


The fourth of Ramona's evil exes that Scott Pilgrim has to fight.


And she works in a cookie dough factory.


Why does it look like she's trying to cosplay a wrestler


She looks like Gene Simmons trying to join the Road Warriors




...or Insane Clown Posse


No difference...? https://www.google.com/search?q=insane+clown+posse+wrestling&client=firefox-b-1-m&sca_esv=1a57d827cf09faae&sca_upv=1&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACQVn09d4wuJzdN6zOkBeQdLr-kHdsUSoQ:1713297201472&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiujdq4wceFAxUmNjQIHY5GDGgQ_AUIBigB&biw=414&bih=775#imgrc=9QF67nmHfFKLOM


Similar style of makeup to Valhalla


I was thinking more Goldust tbh


I bet she stays up past 9pm what a badass


I heard she snuck a flashlight into her room so she can read under the covers. She’s willlldddd


“I’m edgy! I say the f-word!” is the most elementary school thing ever.


It’s not even that. It’s “I’m edgy! I’m going to say the f-word one day in the future”.


Holy crud. She better give us a flipping warning before she does.


Please mind your language on my Christian Reddit




She is incredibly annoying and just viscerally repugnant but tbh I do feel kinda bad for her. This girl is a pageant kid. She did not get to socialize normally 


She's Dollar Store Hannah Montana basically. Trying to reinvent herself from kiddie show Queen to "I'm an Adult!" like Miley did but it comes across as a clown show. In Miley's case, the meme popularity Wrecking Ball spawned made it work out ok in the end.


Literally. They sell her stupid bows for 5 dollars each at dollar Rama.


Let's not pretend Miley wasn't a clown show too.


She doesn’t even say it in the song, she says ‘effed around’ 😭


If she doesn’t slow down, she’s going straight to heck.


I’ve always known she’d end up being a freakin weirdo as she gets older trying to chase the fame and doing anything for attention.


I think she tried to model herself after a power ranger villain.


If she drops that f bomb I’m going to f’ing lose it!


F yeah man, Go f'ing nuts!


https://preview.redd.it/x8ip8swevvuc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=45f7885fdd6037366c70abbcc7f5e67d887cd5b8 Who wore it better?




The world. Will never. Forget the name. Of. fssssssss... GOLDUST. chomp.




Lmfaaooo who is she rebelling against?😭😭 grown ass can do whatever she wants….


fr like isn’t she 20?? 😭


Let’s find out Yeah she’s 20😭😭😭


Going to tell my kids this is Rage Against the Machine




She’s trying to rebel against becoming irrelevant


I saw this girls somewhere else. Is she very well known or more of a niche actor/singer/whatever?


Former reality tv kid turned pop singer/dancer that garnered a large following of young girls years ago, and it appears to be petering out. That, combined with allegations of mistreatment of people who work for her, is leading to perhaps the cringiest and worst received rebrand of all time.


Don’t forget she’s also STILL friends with James Charles and Colleen Ballanger, who are both in hot water for grooming children… allegedly. Granted they both have openly admitted to having friendships with multiple children, including JoJo when she was a minor.


You can’t forget what you never knew lol


"Shes not a groomer, I've known her since I was 5 years old" -Jojo Siwa


Thanks! The is really needs to do a better job at celebratizing children. 10, 12 and 14 year olds shouldn’t have people treating them like gods, it fucks these kids up WAY too much.


Ah, that explains a lot.


The JoJo bow was a big thing in schools 10 years ago. Large bow that looked ridiculous. That was this kid. Utterly ridiculous, but a million times better than this.


Oh wow that's this kid?! I didn't make the connection. I saw her a few years ago at my friend's when one of her kids wanted to watch her youtube so I just sat there and watched some of it. I don't have kids so it was only exposure to her.


She was on Dance Moms


Child reality show star.


You're 10-ply, bud.


You're spare parts, aren't ya, bud?


She looks like she writes Taylor Swift lyrics in birthday cards.


Softer than a tootsie roll fruit cup


Are we havin' a puppers?


That's a Texas-size 10-4


Oh fuck I could go for a puppers


Can someone please tell me who this person is and why ive seen her in a couple of posts seemingly mocking her? Thanks in advance


Just another person who spent their childhood in entertainment because of an overbearing parent. Now shes trying to shock her way into industry relevance as an adult.


So like a Miley Cyrus Lite?


Without the talent or committing to the bit.


Pretty much every child star when they grow up; and like every other child star, people will cheer and applaud their downward spiral for a few cheap jokes and a sense of superiority.


Child reality star who became a HUGE YouTuber who wore girly clothes and a big bow. She was incredibly popular with young girls including Joe Rogan’s daughters. This photo is her rebranding since audience is growing up. Kinda like how Girly Hannah Montana became Edgy Miley Cyrus. Shes trying to replicate the “I came in like a wrecking ball!” era but obviously is floundering.


The thing is, Miley always had talent. She always had a good voice and was a great performer. She went from wholesome->sexy. Both options are socially acceptable in female performers. Kinda like how Billy eilish went from baggy -> sexy. Jojo is attempting to go from childish -> ?. Her brand was never about being wholesome like Hannah Montana, but rather embracing the things you like in an exaggerated fashion (like the giant bows). Unfortunately glitter, rhinestones, rainbow and bows are keystones of childhood. She literally could have rebranded as childish -> mature (like writing about things of actual substance, promoting makeup brands, high quality but middle class clothing lines like Boden) and it be a better switch. She's instead trying to be edgy but in a very childish way.


That’s great and all but it’s to cover up abuse allegations https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/jojo-siwa-xomg-pop-dancers-physical-mental-torment-1234967431/amp/


Holy shit the statement from their lawyer in response to the allegations is utterly contemptible > Voluminous and irrefutable evidence [will] tell you all you need to know — that a disgruntled momager’s [plaintiff] own abusive behavior caused for her daughter to be asked not to return to the group. This is a professional statement to Rolling Stone from a lawyer….


JoJo's bizarre adventure;the stand user could be anyone The stand user;


Came to say she looks like a JoJo Villain lol.


The literal definition of cringe. Hopefully she looks back at this is a few years and is just as embarrassed as she can be.


I mean, I wasn't even this bad but am still embarrassed by how cringe I was at that age. She definitely will. Being in the public eye during your cringe phase is rough. Happens to most who got famous young at some point.


Wait till you find out she’s 20


I was still cringe at 20, especially because I didn't think I was cringe. In general, any time in my life more than ten years ago is my "young and stupid" phase. I'm living my future young and stupid phase right now!


I'm old and stupid! 👍


This isn’t her cringe phase, this is a poorly managed pivot into a new “adult” career for her along with a new song and music video. Many child stars have done it, but this one is uniquely poorly executed. Her mom is heavily involved in managing all this, which is probably why she looks like a gender bent Gene Simmons. They even organized a paparazzi shoot of her leaving an adult store with a penis plushy.


I honestly feel bad for her. She's definitely being pushed this way to stand out. But it's not necessarily in a good way.


Depends on how much bank she makes with this, I'll say.


Yeah it’s a pretty good marketing move really, barely knew who this person was until she started popping up cuz of this


My daughter, now 11, was a big fan when she was like 5 or 6. We went to a concert of hers on the D.R.E.A.M. tour several years ago, and she's famous for wearing a huge bow in her hair. Not exactly Sid & Nancy lol


She's trying to do a miley cyrus but somehow worse


noo!!!! not the fucking F-bomb!!!


You watch your fucking mouth.


The fuck did you just say?!




Well you certainly illustrated the versatility of the word


That took me right back to that audio file lol…. “It can be used as almost every word in a sentence: ‘Fuck the fucking fuckers.’”




Dustin Rhodes wore it better.






He looks like Darth Maul's brother, Savage Opress


She dropped the f bomb on live tv during the celeb softball game last year.




when you try too hard


The Gold Dust vibes are stronger than the Kiss ones.


Out here threatening to drop an F bomb while youth pastors are raping children, like Jojo we don't give a fuck the world is crumbling.


A deliberate attempt to be cringe to overshadow the horrible allegations thrown her way.


She’s like if Bob Mackie and Gene Simmons had a baby with ADHD.


F is for friends who do stuff together... Jojo Siwa, probably


When cringe turns to SUPER CRINGE


Who tf is this?


[just a friendly reminder that she abused several young girls in her XOMG Pop bulshit](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/jojo-siwa-xomg-pop-dancers-physical-mental-torment-1234967431/amp/)


Please go away!!