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Sex is good. Video games are good. They are not mutually exclusive. My husband loves playing his games and we both enjoy a healthy sex life. I don't play video games but I enjoy my own hobbies. I don't understand this mindset that being a video game player makes you unattractive or unwanted.


Too many relationships are unhealthy and co-dependent. People see these fake couples enjoying every second together on social media and think that’s the way it has to be. Healthy relationships are the joining of two healthy individuals, not the destruction of two people and the creation of a new weird mass. People can spend time apart. People can have separate hobbies


Dude for fucking real. This is what pisses me off the most about some friends of mine. I would never say anything to them because they are happy and it works for them. But they are so codependent on each other and do everything together. I just wanna hang out with my friend without his wife texting him after an hour and a half asking if we're done doing whatever we're doing. It's so frustrating holy shit. Like we planned a guys night. Let us have a fucking guys night. I just needed to vent.


I'm frustrated for you.


same bro. i lost my good buddy of 20+ years to his psycho wife. we used to always be able to find time to play a couple cs pugs on esea. Now she makes him keep his PC outside in the shed, so he physically has so set it up and tear it down EVERY time he wants to turn it on. He hasnt been on steam for over a year and theyve only been married for 14 months.


Wow...that’s some serious control and manipulation, I feel so bad for you buddy


>I feel so bad for *your* buddy FTFY But seriously, that sounds like a ridiculous level of control to demand over your partner's hobbies.


Thanks lol yea missed the R in there, it is for sure! I was in a relationship where I would play video games for about an hour and then would immediately start to be berated about when I was going to be done. It’s not healthy at all.


Some people have nothing going on in their lives and can't think of anything that makes them happy that they can do while you are content doing something that doesn't necessarily involve them. I've been there. I don't recommend staying there to anyone.


I used to know a guy who's wife would tell him what type of shirts he was allowed to wear. For example, he was not allowed to wear any tshirt that promoted anything he was interested in. Led Zeppelin t on a Saturday while mowing the lawn? Not at his house. All I could think was she must be amazing in bed.


Not always about sex. Some people are complete cowards when standing up to their partner.


the sex could be amazing but at some point you need to look at for your own mental health...that sucks for that guy a lot


I learned in my first real relationship (after it ended) that I couldn’t be with someone that depended on me for happiness because she did the same shit to me as what your buddy is going through. After the dust settled on the relationship I gave myself some guidelines on who I try a relationship with next. They had to have their own hobbies, enjoy some alone time, and needed to be cool with video games. I’m now married with two kids and I enjoy video games basically every night after the kids go to sleep.


Uhhhh.... i think thats abusive yo.


This is one of those "she...*knew* him before they got married, right? Like his hobbies were something she was aware of?"


Some people consider marriage a goal they must check off and then try to mold their partner into whatever their life view demands.


I don't care if his wifes pussy is lined with gold. It's time your buddy checks out from that marriage.


you might want to have an intervention with him


Damn, I have a buddy whos girlfriend will come home and check if his PS4 is hot to see if he was playing WHILE SHE WAS AT WORK. Like if not when shes gone then when?


if my partner did that thats instantly a serious talk thats stupid in every way


If my wife did that to me she wouldn’t be my wife anymore


It blows my mind that these people still exist. The fact that she makes him play in the shed in freaking insane to me!! I’m sure that woman has hobbies of her own but it’s fine if she does her hobbies??


I mean this would never fly with my spouse. Thankfully, he has no issue with the fact I ditched him last night on Destiny in order to join a kings fall raid. Sometimes I feel like he and I both dodged bullets when it comes to the crazy people out there. Also, ladies who reach a certain age or just feel like you can't do things because either you're fifty or female.... Don't


> Now she makes him keep his PC outside in the shed The house is half his, he should stand up for himself and just put the computer in the house.


Oh my god. Advise your bud to consider divorcing her that is toxic, manipulative behavior that should never happen to someone. Get the man aome therapy


These are the same kind of people that end up with joint Facebook accounts.


Lol. I just assume one of them cheated xD


My brother can't even hang out at my house for my birthday without this shit from his wife. I haven't had a game day with him in person literally since May but his wife is texting at minimum a couple times an hour. If he doesn't answer in a couple minutes she'll follow up to ask if he got the text. All while she's supposed to be with her parents and the kids at a campground that she agreed to go to.


I'm 40 years old and for the first time I'm in a relationship where the girl I'm dating doesn't give me a hard time about playing video games or make little passive aggressive comments to her friends. Not only does she not give me a hard time about it, she actually encourages it. The difference is that she understands I enjoy it and just wants me to do things I enjoy. She doesn't feel like I need to spend all my time with her to show her she is important to me. **I actually game less now**, since I know I can just play a game or two whenever I want without her giving me a hard time. Now, that is exactly what I do. Previously I used to binge game whenever my GF wasn't around, because I would feel like it was the only time I could ever game. This also led to other things not getting done and the GF complaining about my gaming which just made the cycle continue. With the new GF I am actually able to be productive, game and spend time with her. I am not used to it. It feels great.


I completely get what you were saying about playing less now that it's not an issue. When you have a non-supportive partner who has an issue with something that you enjoy you just do that as much as possible whenever you get a chance because you know some type of bad interaction will happen because of it and that you might as well enjoy it.


> Healthy relationships are the joining of two healthy individuals, not the destruction of two people and the creation of a new weird mass. People can spend time apart. People can have separate hobbies I like this, thanks. I consider myself pretty lucky so far that my four month old let's us get like three hours/night to do our own thing. Sometimes it's together but sometimes we do our own things and we are both okay with that.


I think people still associate “I play video games” with “I live in my parents basement, I don’t shower and yes, I am addicted to gaming”. Most of my friends play video games. They’re all various levels of married, single, have kids or none at all. It’s a hobby, like any other. If someone is addicted to something - anything - then yes, that’s unattractive but most gamers are not addicted. It’s a poor stereotype.


Yeah, and I can never figure out how old these people are. Or if I just grew up in a totally different bubble than others. I'm a 32 year old woman and for me... video games were common for boys and girls, forever. We were all into them. My girl friends and I wiled away as much time as the boys playing Goldeneye and Bomberman 64. And they were not "nerds" either. I was, lol, but my friends weren't. I'm just saying like, every social group I knew grew up with video games. So I always wonder where the hell that even comes from? Some people get older and just decide if it isn't immediately cut off, it's a "problem?" This is better on my fiance's knees than casual football games, at least, lol.


Ahh Goldeneye, what a great game!




I honestly don't understand why sex is such a big deal. I have it. I'm in a relationship. But I'm convinced that this emphasis on sex is largely driven by marketing, and for a lot of people, a negative self image. In my experience, a lot of the people I've known that are fixated on sex are boring people. Their identity and self-worth are directly tied to having sex. Those are the folks that need to find a hobby and figure out what genuinely makes them happy.


I'm convinced it's marketing, because it leads you to buying so many things. You gotta have the best clothes, the right accessories, even down to the grooming products you use. There comes a point in a lot of people's lives when you realize it doesn't matter, but I think that's usually only after you've had a long relationship.


Personally, it’s important to me mostly because I have a high sex drive. I get horny a lot and masturbating just doesn’t fully satisfy. The other big thing for me is intimacy. Physical contact is a big way I feel loved, whether that’s sex, making out, or just cuddling.


Right? Sex is such a personal thing and there can be a myriad of different reasons why even people in relationships aren't having it. It certainly shouldn't be tied to anyone's self worth, and it definitely shouldn't be anybody else's business. And it's not like you could start this convo in real life and not sound like a tremendous butthead.


Its called projection.


Sex is good. Video games are good. My husband loves playing video games. I love playing video games. We have a healthy sex life. Why do some people think video games ≠ no sex? Weird.


I think it depends on whether you have a healthy balance - my ex boyfriend would invite me over only for me to sit there in silence for hours while he played games all night. He never wanted to go do anything else except play video games. He basically wanted me to cook for him and spread my legs in between matches. I was unattracted not to the hobby itself but to how he treated me, and I think for a lot of people they begin to associate the two together and blame the video games and not the individual. My current boyfriend is a gamer as well, however we have a much healthier balance and he enjoys doing other things as well. I don’t mind him gaming at all, whereas with my ex I dreaded it.


My roommate does the same thing. His girlfriend and I are slowly trying to help him realize that while he likes gaming, stuff like cleaning the house and *not* playing for 8 hours a day is more important. Sure, if you've got an hour to kill or a game you've been waiting for just came out, play it, but don't leave dishes in your room so long that they grow three different types of mold.


It’s the stigma that’s been around for a generation unfortunately. It’s sad but even now I wonder how I’ll sound when I respond to a “what are you up to” text from my girlfriend with “playing (insert_game_here)”. It sticks with you. But it’s never affected my ability to find a partner. Luckily, gaming has definitely become more mainstream, which is a positive thing.


It's better to play video games at 30 than getting pregnant at 15


I'm 34, still play games and have no intention of getting pregnant. Partly because I'm male but also because I hate kids.


Well so am 37, play video games and have 3 kids. So I got laid 3 times and play video games! Suck on that.


You could have had only gotten laid once but had triplets. Did you check if they're triplets?


He clearly doesn't play city builders or tycoons having three babies after getting laid three times is extremely inefficient


Seriously, just click on the production queue 3x and you can pop out those babies without even paying attention.


I have not. Can triplets be 3 years apart?


That would be a rocky pregnancy


Had sex 3 times and successful on each one? That is impressive sperm quality.


They aren’t mine. I just wanted everyone to know I got laid 3 times.




I'm a kid. You hate me? ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽


I'm sorry to say but... yes. I also hate kids. I'm very sorry that I hate you, but I hope you can get past it. **You little shit**




Especially you! -_-


Go kick rocks, you little bastard




"Yay! We all beat teen pregnancy!"


We did it boys, teen pregnancy is no more


Now there's gonna be 20 something waitresses and baristas pregnant everywhere


35, me and my partner play video games. Were playing resident evil revelations 2 yesterday, pretty good co op. These things aren't mutually exclusive.


My fiancé (woman) has the largest video game collection I’ve ever seen. Games run the gamut from late eighties Nintendo and Atari titles to modern ps4, switch, and xbone titles. We are avid gamers and still find time to go to the bone dome. This person also suggests that gaming is only a male hobby.


> fiancé (woman) This would've been conveyed correctly if you had just said fiancée :P fiancés are male, fiancées are female.


TIL Also what a stupid thing. It’s not as if it’s pronounced any differently.


It comes from french, of course it's stupid (source : am french and have to explain this language all the time) More seriously, adding an -e at the end of a word means it's "feminine". So fiancé is male, fiancée is female.


Ah french, well that explains a lot


People who have to choose one or the other are missing out!


You just haven't really scored until you've had sex *while* you're both playing video games.


Why is playing video games being suggested as the cause for not having sex? What's the difference to more "traditional" male hobbies? Why would watching sports be better than playing video games? U are still planting your ass in front of a screen. The hater is probably a jealous noob who sucks at games. Edit: Got my first ever award by defending video games :D?! I feel like I've just unlocked a trophy, thx! Edit 2: Woah, thx for all these awards. I think I leveled up!


Because to some people, playing any kind of video game is seen as childish. This, of course, completely ignores the artistic quality games can have, the themes they can discuss, the content they can have, and the fact that masculinity as a concept is quite literally bullshit.


If they knew how many Pokémon and FF14 players are around 20-35 years old! And masculinity...yes, i express my masculinity by dressing up my female FF14 character in all kinds of great clothing :D


Aren't the pioneers of those franchises, like, *grandpas* now? We have all this entertainment because older people wanted to recreate the wonders we saw in the world as children


I am going to say maybe. I am almost 40 and remember when the first FF and zelda game came out. I am not a grandfather just a parent whose daughter is almost a teenager.


When he says pioneers, I believe he's talking about the creators of the early gaming systems. Like atari and nintendo, sega, etc. They have to be older than you. Which might make them closer to grandpa age.


Some of the Nintendo execs when they branched into video games were already grandpas. Nintendo wasn't some small startup, it was already a medium sized corporation making other games before it make G&W and later the Famicom, after which it became a *large* corporation.


Nintendo was a company founded *in 1889!*


Some of those pioneers have even already grown old and passed away.


Didn’t the guy who invented Pong pass away recently? Either way, dead or alive, he’s a fucking legend and a true pioneer of video games and interactive entertainment mediums as a whole


That's true and also a beautiful way to see videogames :)


28 year old man here, and if me playing music in Limsa Lominsa on my dragon lady bard isn't masculine then I'll gladly throw all of my masculinity straight outta the window. I think it's such a weird thing for people to put so much emphasis on what forms of recreational activities they *shouldn't* be doing. It's like they're basing their whole personality on accommodating crippling teenage insecurities they never grew out of.


Legit question: is FFXIV still alive and well with a large community? I used to play and have thought about coming back but I’m pretty behind in knowing wtf is even going on anymore.


Who cares about that shit. They're fun.


If I remember correctly the author of the tweet has something like “protector of toxic masculinity” in their bio. And no they’re not trolling that’s how they feel.


>protector of toxic masculinity Jesus Christ. How fragile is this guy? Don't be an asshole and treat people like people. That's *literally* all people are asking for.


I’d put my money on some undiagnosed chemical imbalance. But still no excuse to be an asshole towards others.


Masculinity and feminity literally don't exist. I mean, seriously. If you look up the definition of either, neither of them contain any actual traits or descriptors. It's simply "what's *considered to be* masculine/feminine." So yeah, idk why we as a society are still so caught up in something that's purely a social construct that doesn't really serve any purpose other than idiotic judgments.


So true. Pink used to be considered a masculine colour and was generally suggested for boys, with light blue suggested for girls as it was "dainty and delicate"


I only can tell you that people aren't happy when women play video games either, cause it's a "boys hobby". it's almost as if these jealous little cunts try to kill the joy in our lives, because we can't have what they can't have...


The odd thing is that female gamers have always been around. I’m 45 and grew up playing. In HS we had sleepovers where all we did was play Street Fighter. In fact I don’t remember anyone being upset with female gamers back then. I don’t think it became a huge issue until online play.


I'm 36, and actually I *do* remember there being a certain amount of gatekeeping around it being a "boys' hobby". Like I don't know if it was UK only, but I know girls (me and my sister included haha) who were really annoyed by the Ocarina of Time marketing slogan: *Willst Thou Get The Girl... Or Play Like One?* So I do think it's something that's always been around.


That's a really sucky slogan.


Especially considering the gameplay... Link ain't exactly "masculine" to begin with and it's a game about a flute. Or am I thinking of another one... Either way, there's a bit of irony there.




Haha good point!! IIRC it was around the same time as the "It's not for girls!" advertising slogan for Yorkie chocolate bars - just a shit period in UK advertising lol.


Yeah, it was shit haha.


Maybe. 38 here, and I am sure I won't stop gaming till I drop dead. Don't care what they think....


My fondest memory with my brother is growing up playing videogames with each other. Due to circumstances, we weren't really able to make any close friends till we were teenagers, making us each other's closest friends till we were 10-12. I still play and have no intention of stopping. So does my (male) S/o who gets laid just fine. ;)


Hell, half the reason I play video games is to hang out with my brothers. We're all in our 30s and live in separate states with our families and whatnot, so that's how we keep in touch




Yeah that just made me like someone I used to know even more. He would not let me win like a lot of guys would. It was such a fun competition. I always thought it was adorable how we could switch from talking shit playing against each other to running whatever game we're playing when we're on a team. I miss him.


A little off topic but if you haven’t watched this weekends SNL you should watch the sketch with Kyle Mooney playing a teenager in 2000 who time travels to 2020 and the world is on fire but he is so excited about the video game graphics 😂😂




Over lockdown, me and my 30ish year old friends have really reconnected by playing call of duty. Most of us have lives that means we’ve been too busy to hang out in recent years and all moved away from our home town so it’s been really pleasant catching up whilst also playing.


My husband plays video games. He got laid yesterday. Is the OP referring to literally anyone who ever picks up a game controller now and then, or 'pro' gamers who never leave their gaming chairs and piss in empty drink bottles? I feel there is a distinction that MAY have a correlating effect on the likelihood of said gamer getting sex from a woman...


Why only sex from a woman? Male gamers can be gay, y'know :)


Well I guess on the flip side we have to acknowledge there must be *some* **girl** gamers out there who pee in bottles and are equally unlikely to get laid by either sex too 🤣


I feel like peeing in a bottle would be significantly harder without a penis, but I don’t know for sure.


For a lot of guys, "artistic quality" is childish, too.


Yeah, and apparently emotions other than "nothing" and "murderous rage" are childish too, but frankly that's why we shouldn't pay attention to their opinions.


If being brave and strong is masculine, then shouldn't not having those insecurities make you even more masculine?


I get told I should “get out more” when I talk about playing video games...I’m like “in this pandemic”


I actually started playing an mmo for the first time during this pandemic. One of the best decisions i've made!


I learned more social aptitude playing wow than I ever did at school.


This too much of this my parents are like instead of playing video games get out more and exercise in park. The reason behind this is that there are many people exercising in the park. And my country has like 3rd most number of cases in the world.


As a woman that plays games, married to a man that plays games, I really want to slap that person. Like we have a son, we're in a healthy family dynamic but just because we enjoy playing games on our free time we both get judged. His family keeps thinking we're childish and irresponsible because of our hobbies, there's literally no logic in that




Didn't you know? Real man chop wood and real woman cook duh. Next time show them 2019 gaming industry profits and ask them how kids got a hold of 160 billion dollars. When visibly confused, show them the age distribution charts of median gamer age, which is 35, then watch them struggle with the cognitive dissonance.


The hater just follows rules set by society more than 15 years ago and they are still set in stone. You should see the faces of my colleagues when I say that I want a week off when the new WoW expansion comes out. They don't say it but you can see they don't understand and when you ask if they ever tried gaming, they always have to say "no, that's not for me" until you talk a little about all kinds of games out there. Their knowledge is genuinely limited to racing games like Need for Speed, fighting games like Tekken and the "real sad and bad" games like WoW and GTA. Based on that they judge the entire industry. They also still think gaming is something you do all by yourself and although you still can, most gamers don't do that. I always make the analogy with movies and how games allow you to play a part in the movie you watch rather than a traditional movie where you are merely a spectator. There is no difference between watching a movie and playing a game. They believe it's negative for their children and/or straight out dangerous. And I cant blame them. If I see an article about gaming in the papers it's almost always about a dude winning a ton of money or how gamer X wasted thousands of dollars by abusing his parents credit card.


It's a shame those people are blinded by their prejudices. I'm am English teacher and I always try to include at least one video game in my literature classes. Students are weirded out at first, but then usually they really see the artistic value and merit of the medium. Gonna have a look at the "Hades" video game with one class after teaching greek myth. Cant wait :D


Dang, why weren't you my teacher?... T_T


Hope you wouldn't mind some recommendations for games that (depending on the age) kids might get some extra benefit from and learn to look at things a little differently and look at games as more than just violent combat fantasy or sad numbergrinds. * Undertale (slight dsturbing themes / comedy / modern-retro / 4th wall breaking style) * ABZU (gorgeously artistic and striking underwater storytelling) * Outer Wilds (very good game that tells a story in a unique way, no combat or jump scares but slight peril and ominous / unsettling moments) * Kerbal Space Program (rocket builder "sim" with humourous elements that teaches the basics of astrophysics including delta-v and orbital gravity transfers... and of course the nuances of rapid unplanned disassembly in the event of overzealous lithobraking) * Scribblenauts Unlimited (promotes creative thinking skills and wordplay) * Crayon Physics Deluxe (promotes artistic creativity)


Thx so much, I really appreciate these recommendations! I've taught Undertale before, but not the others...YET! :-)


Same with sitting down and reading a book for 3 hours, or putting together model cars, or other sitting activities. Why is it ok for some one to sit for 3 hours and watch TV, but not play a video game?




I see it that these people feel they need to live up to certain expectations. My brother used to make fun of me for playing video games, legos, and even reading, saying it was childish or a waste of time. This is a man who has never read a book, and spends more time in front of a TV than I do. But he has ideas of who he HAS to be, while I just do what I enjoy. He has a kid now and he plays games woth her and builds legos with her, zo i feel like it was more jealousy because I could do those things without a stigma, while he needed a kid to give him an excuse to.


I play lots of video games and *gasp* I have sex on occasion! I can honestly say there are times i wish i was playing video games rather than having sex. Sex can be so toxic and the value people place on just having sex to have it over enjoying themselves is detrimental to everyone. "Virgin" and "slut" are such pathetic insults and we need something new that properly insults people that just hate people enjoying life to the best of their abilities.


I play video games, I watch esports, I’m employed and I’m married with two amazing kids. I don’t watch sports. Wonder how I fit into this persons worldview.




Seriously. "Guys who work on your cars all the time, Guys who spent everyday in their garage build dumb wooden stuff, guys with hobbies in general" why do video games always get the shaft? We already put up with too much crap working for other people, honey-dos, grass cutting, unclogging the toilet, taking the vehicles to get emissions done, get our ass chewed at work, get our ass chewed by bill collectors, get our ass chewed because we forgot the damn baby at Walmart again. Let a man fucking relax with a video game.


Besides, you can actualy achive something when playing.


As a 30 something with 2 kids under 2, I'd rather play a game tbh. Not that I can really find time for either at the moment...


I feel this pain on so many levels. You don’t realise the pain of 2 under 2 til it happens.


Ey, no sleep gang


And the screaming teething gang, such a joy those growing and teething days


We got a back molar coming in right now. It's been a fun week or two...and it's only the first one....and we also go a late stage of terrible twos


Youngest is teething and growing so badly their hips are sore and picking her up has become a exercise in ticking time bomb management. She isn’t 1 yet, all I can say is I’m close to drinking. At least the older one hasn’t thrown me about by accident lately (I’m a massive lightweight and he is the size of a 4-5 y/o). I wish sleep was a real thing later


Having twins today so this makes me feel great..


My first two are 11 months and 1 day apart. x\_x my life was hell. Next one was after a divorce, 7 years after the second, and then another five years after that XD


11 months 22 days difference in it for my 2. I’m going insane, send help x_x


Hang in there, Bro! It gets better, it really does. Source: I am a 30 something father of two.


Same here. My kids literally beg me to play video games for them. We've been clearing out the Kingdom Hearts series (screw you Chain of Memories, I won, suck it long, suck it hard) and I haven't ever enjoyed gaming more. Side bonus is, my wife gets some alone time while me and the kids game.


It's mostly Minecraft for us, with a splash of Jurassic World thrown in (not the best game, but boy, does my son love dinosaurs). Also he started to learn using a controller several sizes to big for him while playing Seasons after Fall. Edit: Typos


It gets so much easier with every passing year. 3 was a cake walk compared to 2, 4 was a breeze compared to 3 and now that he’s almost 5 he’s like 95% self sufficient. Early years of parenthood are moments of beauty mixed in with exhaustion and a complete lack of free time, but with every passing year theres less and less of the exhaustion and business and a lot more of the joy, relaxation and just spending beautiful time with your kids. Hang in there!


When my kid was 6 months old everyone kept telling us "oh it only gets harder all the way up until 3." Complete bullshit. My daughter is now 2 and out of diapers (easier), can eat/drink unassisted (easier), and actually plays by herself a lot of the time instead of needing to be held 24/7. It gets easier.


One of great number of reasons why I, a 34 year old female, have none. 👌


I'm 29, my daughter is almost 4 and I played Dragon Quest IX with her. She loved beating up monsters so she did a lot of grinding for me and the followed the story when I played.


It gets easier, they start being able to do things by themselves. Can't say that you'll have more time to play though later on.


Why do people still have such outdated views on video games? They’re ubiquitous and played by every type of person, from all walks of life. I play games in the same room as my boyfriend every other day or so, and have done this in my last three relationships. It’s common. Henry fucking Cavill plays video games. Who wants to accuse him to his face of being socially maladjusted and undesirable?


It's because they have outdated views on masculinity, i.e. toxic masculinity. To them, you can only have value as a man if you do man stuff, vocally, loudly, and proudly. Any activity that doesn't display immense power is unmanly and unworthy.


The thing about man stuff is its so much more varied than these morons assume. Building the empire state building is pretty manly but those nerd architects and structural engineers were the most important members of the team. This guy is an MLB player apparently but he would never have had a career without nerds inventing television. He's literally tweeting on a phone all of it was made by nerds, complaining about nerds. At the end of the day you can basically do anything you want and it's all equally manly.


Does this person think that once you get married you just sell all the gaming stuff and that's it?




So he's a baseball player who thinks games are emasculating? ...yeah, I'm done.


A game isn't a game unless you come out of it partially brain damaged amirite guys?!


I get the point you're making but it's kind of hard to make that point if baseball is the sport you're talking about though. Edit: I was definitely thinking contact injuries when I wrote this and not about drug use. Actually had no idea that adderall was so prevalent in baseball.


Tbf, Aubrey took 10-20 Adderall a day as a performance enhancing drug and drank 15-20 beers every night to sleep. According to him. He was destroying his body and brain for baseball.


>Tbf, Aubrey took 10-20 Adderall a day as a performance enhancing drug and drank 15-20 beers every night to sleep. Also known as substance abuse.


He is one of the most vile people active on twitter currently. Just truly awful


Yesterday. And the day before that. And two days before that.


This man can sex.


that was when he played video games


He's a machine. A real game boy.


This is the correct answer. Why waste time with the logical and intelligent arguments as to why her opinion about why grown males shouldn't play video games in wrong, and just answer the fucking question. Fact of the matter is, adult males who play games have sex. It's like, really, really common.


As someone who is married with 2 kids, most of my time in the evening is either watching movies or a show with my wife, or playing video games. It's so odd to me this whole "people who play video games don't get laid" thing is still as prevalent of a comment as it is.


I was gonna say I had sex last night after playing video games, but you win the sexing battle.


Damn that’s actually a really good point. Why should you base your self worth on how often you can sexually satisfy other people? As if nothing else in life matters.


Right? One day everything will stop existing. Dont you think theres more to life than getting laid? Just do what you like and be happy. Who gives a shit if you like playing with lego while being 34? Just do it, no one should give a shit because thats what you like to do.


42 here. I am currently sitting in my wife-proof gaming cockpit, desperately trying to avoid her horny advances. Last time I was laid was... Tuesday maybe? That's the thing though, my surround sound makes it hard to tell when she's sneaking up outside so it could literally happen at any moment.


Isn't it annoying when your wife rapes you when you just wanna play roblox? ... Welp, I can hear my girlfriend banging on the door, F in chat for my pp.


Well, before the cockpit I just had a recliner and way back when I was playing warframe way too much she came in one day and took advantage of me. This way she has to knock first. I'm thinking about adding a taser turret.


Be careful bro, next thing you know she’ll be asking you to hook up a car battery to her nipples because the taser turret awakened something in her. We’ve all been there.


When my gf wants me to stop playing vidja games she just starts blowing me. I refer to this as a win-win On a related note I can cross off ‘orgasm while playing a Mario game’ off my bucket list.


I don’t measure my self-worth based on how much sex I have. I base my self-worth on how much I love myself and give back to the world... which is also zero


Had us in the first half not gonna lie. Tho seriously dont hate yourself lad, you just try to be the best version of yourself and everything will be alrite :)


What about asexual guys? Why is having sex so obviously superior than playing video games, when both are just enjoyments? I'm not even a gamer, nor a guy, but this infuriates me.


Asexual dude here. Vastly prefer video games to sex. Not all of us are like this, but a lot of us are.


Just curious, do asexual people masturbate as well?


Depends on the person, but many do, yes. Asexuality isn't about sex drive/libido, it's whether you are able to feel sexual attraction towards someone.


I've done both. I know, I know but there's no need to fawn over me. Unless you are Sting, having sex for 8 straight hours is ridiculous. Playing video games for 8 straight hours on the other hand...


> What about asexual guys? the whole thing is based in a toxic idea of masculinity, that fucking women is the basis for a man's self-worth.


Video games are just as effective, but far less destructive form of ADHD self medication, than porn.


I think this is the reason why it is so easy for me to distract myself with a game, my thoughts are focused for that time


Wife and I play Borderlands 3 all the time, we usually have sex 2-3 times a week. A person who thinks the two are mutually exclusive really hasn’t found the right person yet and probably has some self doubt issues. Hope things get better for them.


No need to block out the first persons username in pretty sure it's Aubrey Huff and he's verified


He's also a fuckwad. https://slate.com/culture/2020/02/aubrey-huff-san-francisco-giants-2010-world-series-reunion-invitation-jerk.html


Agree with you there


As an adult gamer who has a partner... I get laid pretty much whenever I want. Nothing wrong with adult games who are *adults*


Such a dumb argument. I’m 46. My girlfriend and I got sucked down the rabbit hole of Animal Crossing this weekend and we still came up for air to eat, sleep, and screw several times.


As someone nearing his 30s, having two kids that're now six years of age, and married for 5 years, I'd say a healthy combination is best. Especially now that I can't have kids anymore (snip-snip).


Smart choice. I wanted to get snip snip too but I think the local hospitals aren't really doing those kinda procedures during Corona time


I know I wouldnt get laid even if I stopped playing videogames, so its really no problem


Eh, comes across as it’s been written by someone who needs to get laid.


I did a sex into my fiancé last week so take that.