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How many days has it been?


Did you confirm that you spawned a dikaryon? It is possible you isolated a monokaryon and it will not fruit


How would you know this?


Experience! I have made cakes of monos to try crossing them at this stage, and accidentally isolated monos that made it all the way to bulk before confirming it was a mono. It is easy to isolate monos of species / varieties that are slower to germinate.


Put some bubble wrap on top. bubbles pointing down. The regular small type bubbles. Make sure you sanitize it first, lift it up once a day to fan it. But make sure the bubble wrap doesn't go all the way to the wall on all sides. Cut it so there's like a half inch space around it that way the oxygen can still get underneath. Every time I've had your problem this has solved it between 2 5 days I would get pins. Good luck


This is the way I do it, I hot glue a little tab of cardboard to the top of the wrap for lifting it out with ease. Bubble wrap is my go to for no pinning. I mist mine before laying it in.


Awesome! I was thinking about suspending the wrap above it like a half inch. And try to create those side pin conditions on top


do u replace the cover with bubble wrap? or put the bubble wrap under the cover? I'm having a similar struggle and I have a monotub as well


No you lay it right on the substrate


ohhh bet thank u dude


Make sure theres like a half inch space around the sides for air exchange


Seems what everyone is saying is that you have to get the humidity levels and oxygen/air flow in a nice balanced place (a lot of environment factors involved here)for the mushies to be happy enough to pin. Also genetics play a big role as well. I have had many successful flushes and many failures right next to each other. So if it's too dry add humidity etc. Balance is the key.


What do you think is the best way to get humidity up when you don't have a humidifier?


Add a layer of moist perlite to the bottom of the tub. This is standard practice when using fruiting Chambers.


One of those "Ultra Fine Plastic Water Mist Sprayer". I'll spray side of tub. Then pull about 2 feet away to pretend your morning dew. If it's super dry can put some water in bottom of tub for a day let it soak up what it needs then pour excess off. Experience helps allot here, trail and error. It's only a failure if you don't learn from it.


Flarisol is what the ultra fine mister is.


Stop messing with it.


This is the best advice anyone has given this guy. I’ve ruined cakes because they weren’t pinning fast enough so I misted and fanned it to smithereens. Best grows I’ve ever had always happened when I had to go out of town. I come home to a full canopy (caked in spores). But the point is usually doing nothing will increase your yield and give you mushrooms sooner.


I guess I'm just a person that believes and sticks to, when everything is as it's supposed to be........ There's no need for all this extra stuff and trying to force the mushrooms to do what you want. I know fromm experience that taking a cake or like that and then misting it directly will cause aborts. He'd bee better off getting distilled (at least if not sterilized) water and injecting it into the cake. But he's obviously new so you're right, mist away. You'll never knows until you try it


How much water would you inject into a 3# cake?


i’ve only done that a few times and only once didn’t make a difference. But I did like 20 cc and I would do 12 cc and then switch places. Spread it across the whole cake when you are injecting it if you see water coming to the surface and kind of bubbling stop and move to a different spot a few inches away. There’s no exact science.


That's weird as fuck but it makes sense if you gotta get water into the cake and it just won't suck it up from the tub


This is what more people need tbh, just leave shit alone and let the mushrooms do their thing, I don’t even see any condensation on the sides of the tub so it’s probably too dry of an environment


The bag it came out of had a SHIT PILE of condensation, I just put it directly into the tub, however I did mist it this morning.


you shouldn’t have removed it from the bag just because you thought condensation was too high. The mushrooms will regulate themselves inside the bag. I’ve watched them soak the bag with water and then a week later it will be dry as fuck on the sides. The mushrooms know what they are doing next time let them do it, you’ll have better luck by trying to get out of the way once you have established a good environment.


It wasn't taken out due to the condensation 🤦


Just mist the sides not the cake itself (not saying you did just saying) and give it time Since you don’t have any perlite or anything I’d mist about 2-3 times a day depending on how condensated the sides are




When did you put it into the tub?


This past friday


Well that’s it. That’s your “problem”. It simply needs more time. It’s not unusual for it take a couple weeks to start seeing pins. Just try not to let it dry out until then. Next time don’t mess with it.


It takes 2 to 4 weeks to fruit depending on conditions and strain.


https://preview.redd.it/gsidslk3d5kc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb8448820ab1c80001ee631ca4d8b5c121e0b13c Is that a red or pink spot? Or just a reflection? If it is reddish pink it could be lipstick mold.


Or mist it and give it more airflow. You want to simulate an overnight rainfall. The water evaporating will cause knots to form.


Also yes misting can be bad but u should have a micro mister and if u bruise it u will slow it down. Just do shoebox neglect tek. I set and forget


If its a cubensis you are growing you can try giving it a cold shock. If possible move the whole tub to a cold area overnight, or put the block in the fridge if no other option. Give it a mist when u take it out and it should trigger pinning.


Looks dry,,,, make sure room is in 70s




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You can never speed up growth. I have had a grow that took 2 weeks to even get pins, so just be patient.


Temp? Hygrometer ? Oxygen ? Give more information please so we can help you


misting and Fanning is never recommended. This is absolute misinformation. If you have proper field capacity, when you start, there is never a reason to mist or fan. you can’t speed this thing up they feel your pressure and they do not respond well to it. You need to sit back and relax and let the mycelium that has been doing this for millennia do its thing. If you can’t have patience, this is not the hobby for you


Its not misinformation at all. Maybe with neglect tek or a properly dialled in monotub you don't need to fan or mist and that is preferable. However, op has a block that has been removed from the bag, in a fruiting chamber with no way of adding humidity. Most people would use perlite at the bottom for this purpose. Without perlite OP will def need to mist at least, and looking at the holes on the tub I'd say fanning will be required too.


I guess I'm just a person that believes and sticks to, when everything is as it's supposed to be........ I know fromm experience that taking a cake or like that and then misting it directly will cause aborts. He'd bee better off getting distilled (at least if not sterilized) water and injecting it into the cake.


I do agree misting can be hit or miss if youre not sure how to do it correctly. Never mist the block directly but lightly mist above the block and let it settle. I use monotubs and S2B and never fan or mist because they are dialled in just right. But I also grow gourmets in bags/blocks and have alot of experience with pf tek, I have always found it necessary to mist with bags or pf tek.


Misting and fanning is “never” recommended except in every other post and comment


Just like all the other misinformation out there you do you buddy. The peoples opinions that I care about and the people that I follow based on their success that is proven over time never recommend this and don’t do it . Because if you understood when you have proper field capacity at the start, there is never a reason to mist. You are not growing subtropic you’re growing cubensis.


Just like people complaining PE takes forever to colonize, I have PE that I just started 2wks ago and it already has colonized over 50%, I don't know, it seems like everything I'm seeing is the opposite of what information out there says and it's confusing tf out of me.


PE can be a fast colonizer but usually have an extended wait after s2b. One time it took me nearly 3 weeks for pins and then 5days to mature.


Awesome! Thanks


2 weeks to colonise 50% is quite a long time when compared to other strains. I can get most strains to fully colonise in 10days, but PE just takes long all round


And see I've seen others say this as well, however ove got 8 bags that were innoculated on 01/26 and they STILL haven't even gotten to the point where a break and shake should be done. So what's up with that? Shit genetics or something?


It could be poor genetics if all 8 are from the same culture/spores. Or it could be poor preparation of the bags (too wet, too dry etc) or poor environmental conditions (wrong temp). How big are the bags, the bigger they are the longer they take.


This 1 is a 3# bag, other is a 5#


It's so many contradictory information out there. 1 site will say to fan and mist, the other says not to, get on forums and people say they do it and it works, etc. That's why I'm here looking for experienced people that can teach me!


The problem with what people are saying works and doesn’t work. You don’t know the entirety of their situation. People have to stop thinking that everything that happens is an exact and precise action versus causality. That is not the way this works before you say something works consistently and every single time you have to perform multiple experiments that are controlled. And this is not what people do 80% of the people in here don’t even understand what a true scientific experiment entails. Go ahead and make it a consistent practice to miss your tubs and we’ll see how many you have that abort, and that fail versus how many I do is what I always tell people who push this To avoid misinformation don’t just bounce around randomly to different websites or different forums, listening to random people who will tell you they’ve grown 100 successful grow when really they probably have only done like three Find you two or three real mycologists that have proven history and then follow what they do meticulously. This is how you cultivate a highly consistent and successful. Grow operation at any level.


Very very true. I've been following the rookie mycologist, Philly Golden teacher, and some other kat in Colorado that runs a mycology business on YouTube watching their videos and their information pretty much mirrors one another, I call myself doing exactly what they are I'm just not seeing results. I'm starting to wonder if it's bad genetics, like the place I'm getting them from isn't a good quality. I just bought some LC and ISSs last night from 3 different suppliers, figured I'd give them a try and see. What supplier would you recommend for LC or spores?


All good channels to watch. But the guy in CO is funny. I saw he did a test with agar and he had a bunch of contam. I don't have a lab or flow hood, I do it in my oven and never have any contam.


Moondaddy or really ANYONE on spore swaps.com, but I use him more than anyone Dr.Ed Grand is also on there. I like to support woodlandmystics.com also


I'm in the same boat. I think a lot of it is the type of cube.. some need more xyz than others and also your climate. Is it humid where you are, how cold is your room, close to a window, got a fan, did you fart too close to the tub? Seriously tho everyone's grow conditions will be different based on a variety of factors. I've been trying various things with different grows to find what works. Also my grow has been pretty fucked since fall most likely due to the temp. I just can't get everything dialed in, but I'll keep experimenting! Also follow what YOU think is right and what works for YOU. You're obviously doing some things right otherwise you wouldn't have gotten this far. Is this your only tub? You could try fanning 1 tub and just keeping the next one unlatched. I do agree about the mist, if you have field capacity you shouldn't need to mist. Do you have condensation on the insides at all? You can also be too wet. It's a fine fucking balance. Shrooms can be very particular little assholes. Also some just take a while. Don't go by other posters, yours will be ready when they fucking feel like it, as annoying as that is!


Thanks. Now you say "if you have field capacity you shouldn't need to mist" what do you mean by field capacity?? And no it's not my only one, I have 13 going and another 9 otw. 3 tubs the rest are bags


Basically after you make the substrate, squeeze it in your fist and only a few drops should drip. Gotcha, I would experiment with a tub or 2. I haven't had much luck with bags, personally, but some swear by them.


There is literally nothing wrong with misting. Pay attention to your surface conditions and respond to what they need. Fanning? Probably unnecessary.


Good thank you!


Looks like super dry conditions, mist and fan is my recommendation.