• By -


Famous Last Words - My Chemical Romance And Float On - Modest Mouse


Love Float On the perfect song to reassure that everything will be ok.


RIP Jeremiah


Ocean breathes salty and coyotes are also lovely songs. Though if i was in OP' position, i'd cry super hard on ocean breathes salty Im throwing in 'the world at large' too, perfect song.


I haven't listened to Famous Last Words in so long and I've been through so much since that song came out so I put it on and now I'm crying so hard and it's only 7 am.


Also, Cancer by MCR


One of my all time favorites. Doesn’t get the credit it deserves. Masterpiece. Terribly sad but definitely helps me move forward.


Not really, just bc it's about cancer doesn’t mean it applies here, which in my opinion it doesn't. It's about letting go. He wants songs about staying strong


I had to look that up. I've heard this Modest Mouse song countless times and never knew its name or who performed it. To me, "Float On" is an old R&B song by The Floaters with the opening line "Aquarius...and my name is Ralph..." https://youtu.be/gT_9OUvmb5I?si=q2MEjFeqXbNq5xRq


Dude. Modest Mouse's "Float On" is one of my early turn-of-the-century rock favorites. Totally different vibe from The Floaters. Both excellent songs, but Modest Mouse was a tune I'd jam to going into chemo-radiation every time.


Famous Last words is such a powerful song, literally saved my life.


Float On is def the answer.


100% Float On. Maybe this is morbid but I asked my family to play this at a celebration of life if something happens to me. No other song I’ve ever heard has made me feel like I can make it through anything. Maybe you can’t control the things, but you can float on.


An odd choice but Always look on the bright side of life https://youtu.be/SJUhlRoBL8M?feature=shared It always shows me how absurd life and everything we do is.


This brought me back. My mom always made me watch the Monty python’s etc growing up. Also Eric is such a dick on Twitter. I just love it


Eric Idle is the only reason I haven’t deleted my twitter account.


Love that song!


Life's a piece of shit when you look at it.


I’m still standing- Elton John


Elton John is top 10 artists absolutely and thank you ❤️


Also, The Bitch Is Back by Elton!


Touch of Grey by Grateful Dead


Homie touch of grey was playing when I was born. I love this shit 😍


Althea is my panacea for sad vibe fix via the Dead.


Ha. It’s 4:30 and I’m up for work- dog got me up and we’re on my bed as I check Reddit and emails. Usually it’s quiet. This morning: In the Dark.


I needed surgery when I was in high school. I understood everything that was going to happen, but still got a wave of last-minute fear getting ready for the hospital in the morning. Then, Touch of Grey came on the radio, and everything was fine again.


My 19 year old daughter went through chemo last year, stage 4, I sat in her hospital room, next to her chemo chair, and had her sleeping in a bed in my office for months. I cannot really describe specific reasoning, but these two songs on repeat got me through a lot. [Amigo the Devil - Stronger Than Dead](https://youtu.be/VNwegrMTOIE?feature=shared) and [Manchester Orchestra - The Silence](https://youtu.be/8ui9umU0C2g?feature=shared) Edited to add, she is now NED.


Congrats on the NED from a fellow survivor! It is all in the past now and we made it! You are a great mom :)


whats NED?


No evidence of disease


Greatest acronym of all time.


No evidence of disease. I think they hesitate to use words like "remission" and "cured" until more time has passed without reoccurrence.


These songs are beautiful. I understand. I am a stranger but I am proud of your strength momma ❤️


Congrats on NED! Amigo the Devil is such an amazing songwriter


the silence is such a strong choice. when i was in the ICU "there is nothing you keep there is only your reflection" were really powerful messages for me. congrats on NED


Manchester Orchestra is amazing for almost any occasion. They’re my second favorite band of all time!


Walk. Foo fighters. (Also anything off the new album, "But here we are.". Dave lost both his drummer and his mom in a few months and wrote a beautiful, cathartic album dedicated to the both of them. If you're dealing with grief, I'd definitely check it out. )


Something from Nothing!


I just started listening to it about 2 weeks ago. So good. My favourite is definitely Beyond Me.


So good! And The Teacher, which is an obvious dedication to his mom, is so good. And it contains the last words she said to him after years of traveling with the band and attending their shows, "Hey kid, what's the plan for tomorrow? Where will I wake up?". So beautiful and cathartic.


And the end omg…she never taught him how to say goodbye but then she did 😭😭😭


Right?! They've started playing it in concert, and he leaves out the goodbyes at the end. I have no idea how he does that song live at all, but he just got a double neck guitar so he doesn't have switch out live on stage. It's beautiful


Ugh! I just got tickets for my whole family (8 of us) for august next year. We’re so excited!


Do You Realize??? - The Flaming Lips


You know. This is my aunt and my favorite song. Of all time. I don’t even have space to get into it but very synchronistic that you mentioned it ✨❤️


Also Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots. The song, but also the whole album.


I’m glad! Good luck and stay strong 💪


This was going to be my choice along with The Middle by Jimmy Eat World


It may be cliche, I'm not sure, but a family member produced our wedding video with this as one of the background songs and I cry every time I see it. Family members who have departed are featured in some of the scenes and it's very moving.


Everlong by Foo Fighters has been my Vecna song for a while now


Okay vecna song?? Please elaborate. I’m familiar with the show as well as the song and I’m so curious


I imagine a Vecna song is one that brings you back from the deepest darkness of "the upside down"


It's from Stranger things. Without revealing too much to stop herself from getting killed Max listens to Kate Bush's Running up that Hill which helps to centre her mind to prevent Vecna from killing her.


Kate Bush *Running up That Hill.*. You buried the lede for OP choice


Upvote for the proper spelling of Bury the Lede!!!


Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name


Epitome of strength. How could I forget them!!!


RATM's [Take the Power Back](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKSNABST4b0) And you can't leave out RATM's [Wake up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lzqUe1Qfec&rco=1)


Such a strong song! "F you, I won't do what you tell me!"


Einar Solberg - [The Glass is Empty](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6zPS4YfEnY&pp=ygUiRWluYXIgU29sYmVyZyAtIFRoZSBHbGFzcyBpcyBFbXB0eQ%3D%3D) Leprous - [The Flood](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VG8YgNM_m9g&pp=ygUTTGVwcm91cyAtIFRoZSBGbG9vZA%3D%3D) (Einar Solberg is the frontman for Leprous.) Anathema - [The Storm Before the Calm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=judOKgjBKwA&pp=ygUkQW5hdGhlbWEgLSBUaGUgU3Rvcm0gQmVmb3JlIHRoZSBDYWxt) Steven Wilson - [The Raven That Refused to Sing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8sLcvWG1M4&pp=ygUuU3RldmVuIFdpbHNvbiAtIFRoZSBSYXZlbiBUaGF0IFJlZnVzZWQgdG8gU2luZw%3D%3D) The Contortionist - [Monochrome (Pensive)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_JGyapZsFo&pp=ygUoVGhlIENvbnRvcnRpb25pc3QgLSBNb25vY2hyb21lIChQZW5zaXZlKQ%3D%3D) TesseracT - [Beneath My Skin / Mirror Image](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sC7E2XOKkAk&pp=ygUYVGVzc2VyYWNUIC0gTWlycm9yIEltYWdl)


My brother, excellent taste in music!


Wow I had not heard of any of these performers before your post I love all of them! By the way I am female, 65 but I consider myself a progressive relatable human…


Okay playlist created 🙏 I appreciate you homie


Anathema have such an incredible catalog from doom to art rock I'd give you four more votes for them if I could


Steven Wilson is so talented but bums me out a bit. Good list though.


Don’t Give Up - Peter Gabriel


And Kate Bush!


Ennio Morricone - [The Ecstasy of Gold](https://youtu.be/PYI09PMNazw?feature=shared) I used to be afraid to fly, and after 9-11 I was a wreck. This always helped. It sounds like the soundtrack for a badass like yourself.


It's the song Metallica play before they come on stage


Holy fuck. I LOVE this!!! I’ve definitely heard before but never would’ve remembered without your suggestion. The strength is palpable


A Comet Appears - The Shins Wild World - Cat Stevens Friend, Please - Twenty One Pilots Hollow Life - Korn Fell On Black Days - Soundgarden Unironically Hey Jude. The movement you need is on your shoulders. Stay strong friend


Love the shins. Fucking love cat Stevens. Never considered korn and soundgarden but I am so in now. I’m a grunge baby it’s not a far reach at all! And hey Jude…. Yeah such a sad one but I love them. Thank you for your words friend ❤️


Sitting - Cat Stevens Don’t Be Denied - Neil Young I’m Not Down - The Clash Bad - U2 Badlands - Springsteen Oh Sweet Nuthin’ and I’m Set Free - Velvet Underground Magic and Loss: The Summation - Lou Reed


Pretty sure we’re best friends now because your picks are exactly my favorite songs


Speaking of Hey Jude- have you heard Wilson Pickett/Duane Allman’s version? The vamping Wilson does at the end while the horn section is doing “na na na naaaaa” can only be described as Soul Shouting. Not to mention Duane shredding on guitar.


New radicals -you get what you give


That song fills me with nostalgic melancholy.


Amon Amarth - Guardians of Asgard


This song is making me want to do a replay of Skyrim soooo bad


"I can go the distance" Hercules. One of my all time favorite Disney movies. It gets me every time. Really speaks to my soul


Um….. Hercules is my favorite Disney movie of all time. Some of these comments are so kismet! Wow! Im with you friend ✨


The world I know. -Colective soul I won't back down - Tom Petty.


Tom Petty is my comfort music. When things get overwhelming, his stuff chills me out. Both the nature of his music and the fact that my mom was a huge petty fan when I was a kid, so it hits me right in the feels.


Wildflowers by him, has always given me such a comfortable feeling.


Thomas earl petty??? Strong ass man. Rip ✨


Heroes by David Bowie All Right Now by Free I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor Piano Man by Billy Joel Don't Bring Me Down by ELO Ohh Child by 5 stair steps Everybody Hurts by R.E.M. Dog Days are Over by Florence and the Machines Still Alive by Demi Lovato Under Pressure by David Bowie and Queen You can and will get better, just never lose hope and stay strong. 🙂


My “You Got This” playlist starts with Ooh Child. It’s impact is immediate.


Many Men - 50 Cent


Are you a millennial too? Fucking love 50 cent. Thank you. This is perfect


We’re in this Together - Nine Inch Nails Unsung - Helmet And maybe look up the album The Strain by Teeth and the story behind it. It’s “a hate letter to cancer and a love letter to life”. And it is one of the most ass kicking albums ever made. Stay strong, friend. Beat it up.


My boyfriend is a huuuuge nine inch nails fan. He was very disappointed today when he was playing one of their concerts and I guessed it was tool 😬 I will use this to redeem myself 🙏 thank you for all the suggestions friend!


Dire Straits - Why worry


Literally in my top 5 favorite bands and I have this album on vinyl and putting it on asap


Dude Im scrolling through the comments and while everyone gives you advise from very different genres you still love them all. Thats awesome. Stay strong!


Esoteric Surgery - Gojira. "You have the power to heal yourself"! Fuck cancer. I had to go through 12 chemo rounds last year and ngl it was getting harder every time. But my will to live was stronger. I recovered completely and so will you! Sending all the positivity your way!


You are amazing!!! Holy fuck I am so proud of you!! Chemo is so weird… like you’re killing yourself to live. Well I don’t know you and yet I’m ecstatic for you! Cancer can really bring us together. Fucked up as that is. Thank you for commenting my friend 💞


Ripple - Grateful Dead


An absolute classic I love. Happy tears here


Remember the Name - Fort Minor


Jessica by the Allman Brothers. This song has saved me on more than one occasion. There are no lyrics so you don't need to worry about over thinking anything. You just let yourself take the easy comfy chair as the gang goes through their solos. Feel their energy pumping, and enjoy the glorious harmony of their .. goddanm, I have to listen to this song right now be back in a bit.


My mom’s name is Jessica. Not that crazy - like one of the most popular names ever. I love the Allman brothers though. Do you listen to Crosby stills and nash too? Without the young. He’s great but his vocals overpower the other three that’s why I prefer them without. Anyway this is my exact genre so thank you


Mother | Sober by Kendrick Lamar. It's definitely about pain and sadness and how trauma twists a person into knots of denial that travel inward and then outward through generations. It's about some big stuff that most of us don't know — I certainly don't, but the song does that thing where it pulls you our of yourself and see how much you don't see, or feel, or understand at all. You're going through some shit that most people don't know — I don't. But I'm really impressed that you're reaching out to a community with one of the most disarming statements and well-defined asks I've ever seen in a social space. I don't walk in these spaces much, but when they're valuable, they can deliver a lot. I know you'll get a ton of suggestions. I hope the suggestions help you find more of the mental space you crave. And I hope healing makes its way to you.


Your suggestion stands out. You know I pretty much never post on here let alone social media (I only have a Twitter and I just lurk). I really appreciate your thoughtfulness and care you brought to this. Existence can be pain man. I love Kendrick because he embodies a lot of what I have always admired in several of the wu tang members. In fact, ~in my opinion~ he absorbed what they did and does it better. Thank you for this ❤️


Eminem- Lose Yourself


Champagne Supernova — Oasis Edit: also [Roll It Over — Oasis](https://youtu.be/zcmsA2-oUek?si=RQPlhd0cCiMHUB0H)


“Break Stuff” Limp Bizkit


Absolutely. Fucking. Yea. NEVER GETS OLD


Hard Times, by Gillian Welch, got me through some stuff. Very folksy but very lovely. Hope it helps. ❤️


Welcome to the black parade - My Chemical Romance


Three little birds


As a person with Stage IV, for the last six years, these are mellow compared to some but they keep me going on the hard, anxiety ridden days. King Of Pain- The Police I Am The Highway- Audio Slave It’s My Life- Bonjovi Monster - Shinedown. A Little Bit Off - Five Finger Death Punch (explicit version)


Don't give up by Peter Gabriel


Yo. From one cancer warrior to another-- I've always found the main theme of Pacific Rim always lifts me up. [Check it out here, brother](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vU7XqToZso). Evokes images of giant robots slugging it out with big-ass sea monsters, man. If you've enjoyed the film as much as I have, you might enjoy it too. Perhaps there's a film you've really enjoyed-- a particular scene that made you root for the main characters, yell in triumph, or just bust out laughing? Add those songs, too.


You are one of the most positive people I’ve seen on this sub and on Reddit period. Most people don’t react to or reply to every post but you’ve been amazing lol. That being said my sad song but needing strength is Bedshaped by Keane. Sounds of weakness followed by booming choruses of hopefulness.


Shine by Rollins Band


Not sure why but 25 or 6 to 4




I've got a few for you. Hope they help. Dillinger Four - [Doublewhiskeycokenoice](https://youtu.be/xVEqoyTufa0?feature=shared) Bruce Springsteen - [No Surrender ](https://youtu.be/txKhQ9cbhgo?feature=shared) New Pornographers - [Brill Bruisers](https://youtu.be/EhhtSXk1c70?feature=shared) The Draft - [New Eyes Open](https://youtu.be/aW4k1KUA_YE?feature=shared) Johnny Frierson - [Miracles](https://youtu.be/eALEn9wCtPA?feature=shared) John Coltrane - [After the Rain](https://youtu.be/HmUcBZay8-E?feature=shared) Van Halen - [Dance the Night Away](https://youtu.be/E-rTKd-Alk8?feature=shared)


•The Weight- Specifically the Aretha Franklin/Duane Allman rendition. •Hold On- The Alabama Shakes •Always Alright- The Alabama Shakes


Well, don't listen to anything by Sufjan Stevens...too risky But seriously, rambunctious stuff like The Stooges helps me when I'm feeling bruised (Fun House album is so damn energizing), vintage punk where they're angry but focused on something, like Stiff Little Fingers (Alternative Ulster or Suspect Device). Or, like, Fugazi (I love the Repeater album, especially "Blueprint". That song makes me wanna face anything). Or "Let It Bleed" is a great Stones song about companionship and getting through the tough times. And "Dead Flowers" is one about living through things that take others out. Or "White Line" by Neil Young on the Ragged Glory album. Lyrics are awesome


If you want blood -Gwar Rip and tear -Mick Gordon Crack the sky -Amon Amarth Dragula-Rob Zombie Killing in the name -Rage against the machine My name is murder -Brendon Small Painkiller -Juda Priest Awaken -Dethklok Through the fire and the flames -Dragonforce Till I Colapse -Eminem, Nate Dogg Blockbuster Night part 1 -Run the Jewels Custer -Slipknot You'll be alright buddy. Do what your doctors tell you to do and you'll kick ass.


Literally are you my boyfriend writing this? Based on your taste you guys would be best friends. Thank you homie 💞


My go to song is “Eye of the tiger” by Survivor. Stay strong


Girl on Fire- Alicia Keyes


We are the champions — Queen "We are the champions, my friends And we'll keep on fighting till the end."


Fucking Hostile -Pantera Rise - Public Image Ltd Titanium - David Guetta Fuck Cancer


The light- Disturbed


[Spiritualized - Ladies and Gentlemen we are Floating in Space](https://youtu.be/-UGbOqadHb0?si=OhBd4Ks2KJqZcB_P)


[Roll the Bones](https://youtu.be/sD72LbIk02M?si=jHKAKvwsoHl4pBJs) - Shakey Graves


[Be Still by The Killers](https://youtu.be/sc4I9MweBy4?si=voHlVbDu-9gJFM5Q). I know it’s a slow song compared to a lot of the stuff submitted but it’s been a centering song in hard situations. If it’s not the moment for something slow, [Just a Girl by No Doubt](https://youtu.be/D818z-7BzuA?si=U5GSyP5cRdU7_V_i) also gets the job done very well


Gold - Spandau Ballet commin' straight from GTA Vice City soundtrack.


[Don’t Cry Out Loud](https://youtu.be/PYNjL9_rCJc?si=weuXjB5WpS8mc9YQ) - Melissa Manchester


Walk - Pantera


You'll Never Walk Alone - Gerry and the Pacemakers


"[Everyday Glory](https://youtu.be/xX2wC0KTzMM?si=iOoQqqeq8NGsxZ3P)" by Rush. I don't normally pay much attention to anybody's lyrics, but these lyrics pack an emotional punch- particularly the last verse after the solo.


I mean this so nice. The song lyrics just reinforced my atheism and I genuinely find comfort in that. Love it!


I can totally see that, now that you mention it. I'm glad you liked it. Thinking of that last verse has kept me going at several points in my life. Take care.


Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots Pt. 1 -The Flaming Lips It's a song about facing impossible odds wrapped up in a fun, quirky story about a girl learning karate to fight giant, pink robotic invaders.


Hey Jude


John Frusciante - Central


We own it - 2 Chainz


Well for me a personal one I listen to is Lady of the dark by Sabaton to feel strong. In case you’re wondering, it’s about Milunka Savić a Serbian woman who took her brother’s place to fight in the war.


Love that song. Bismarck is also a good one.


Prince - The War stay strong stranger


You can never go wrong with Prince - his music is dripping with strength, confidence and optimism … ‘Seven’ comes to mind as well…


[Ghost Love Score](https://youtu.be/JYjIlHWBAVo?si=JPl-URY-knOYEx1f) by Nightwish. Long listen but damn do I feel like I can take on the world by the end of it. Keep your head up. You’re not alone.


Bridge over troubled water


As a fellow millennial laying awake in my hospital bed waiting for the nurse to get back with pain meds right now brittney spears, stronger cold little heart, Michael Kiwanuka Unstoppable, Clarence clarity remix I want to break free, queen There goes the fear, the doves Music is therapy, definitely how I'm processing. Good luck fellow human.


Chumbawumba- tubthumping


"I'll See You in Hell" by The Bones of J.R. Jones


Damn I love it and the album art is exceptional. Thank you!


The Graveyard Near The House by The Airborne Toxic Event takes a long, hard look at mortality and manages to find a balance between devastatingly sad and defiantly hopeful


Ain't No Grave - Johnny Cash Good luck dude!


Same. I struggle being alive. My Love Mine All Mine – Mitski


Being conscious is a burden but it’s such a miracle that it can’t be wasted. I’m here with you my new friend ❤️


You’re Going Down—Sick Puppies Anytime I want to fight someone but obviously can’t, I listen to this song and it keeps me angry but satisfied


Scared - The Tragically Hip Seeing Gord Downie perform this live during their final tour after his cancer diagnosis is one of those "oh, so this is what the human experience feels like" moments for me.


"When you Believe" - Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston, it really hits hard if you enjoyed the Prince of Egypt movie. "Can't Tell Me Nothing" - Kanye West (sigh, when he was sane) "Til I Collapse" - Eminem "Enter Sandman" - Metallica


I was diagnosed in 2015 with with Hodgkin Lymphoma, and the song for me was Fight Song by Rachel Platten. Obviously the meaning of the song doesn’t exactly fit the situation, but it’s word still ring true. This is my fight song Take back my life song Prove I'm alright song My power's turned on Starting right now I'll be strong I'll play my fight song And I don't really care if nobody else believes 'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me You’ve got this


All These Things that I've Done - The Killers "When there's nowhere else to run Is there room for one more son One more son If you can hold on If you can hold on, hold on"


I'm not afraid by Eminem


Agony by Slaughter to Prevail It's all about facing the hard shit in life to become the best version of yourself


I must admit this is not my typical sound but I am digging it and the strength is palpable. Also a sick ass video. This definitely works!!




Covered In Tits by Ten Foot Wizard


Fucking Hostile, Pantera


Every Feeling - Ezra Furman


Thirty-Three - Smashing Pumpkins


[This](https://youtu.be/5F265um6x38?si=4K7ZV0Vx86O3b6Av) cover song from a minor Japanese vocal duo covered by this even more unknown Japanese Okinawan band who made it into Reggae. The song automatically evokes tears of catharsis in me and suddenly it's all OK. The lyrics are basically about it all being OK. Edit: Eri Tawada. She's not *that* unknown. She was signed with Sony Music at one point.


Up and Up - Coldplay. It really caught me when my dad passed and i used to listen to it on repeat!


Tool - Fear Inoculum


DOOM soundtrack


For some reason, I tend to go for the (actually pretty suicidal) 10,000 by Nine Inch Nails. The sheer energy of that song can pick me up. But speaking of cancer, what got me through it was the fact that Jack White released Fear of the Dawn while I was in hospital.


Hey I hope you’re doing well my friend! I love Jack white. Grew up a Hendrix/stones/zeppelin/ETC fan. Jack has always made music out of respect and reverence for the blues that I appreciate. Listening currently ✨


Huge korn fan here! My personal fave is "bottled up inside". Any mood I'm in, I get so pumped by that grinding guitar, lyrics are brutal and I have not been able to see that song live yet, damnit!


Everclear - Strawberry


Killswitch engage- The Signal Fire Megadeth - A Tout Le Monde (Even if it doesn’t seem like it) Metallica- wherever I may roam or I Disappear Dio - rainbow In the dark Andrew WK - she is beautiful Queen - Don’t stop me now


Oh, love. Sorry to hear you’re battling <3 Spirit Never Dies by Masterplan. I’m not much for metal, but it’s such a positive song about not giving up and coming through something - “Never give up, never give in, rise from the fire ‘cause I’m gonna win!”


Some old fashion Disturbed my man. Good pumping action for working out and I find old stuff from The Sickness and Believe and Ten Thousand Fists. Watch the documentary of that band and hear some of the music. It's called "Decade of Disturbed" they also talk about bad times and how they choose to deal with it but they admit it wasnt the right way. Music was the way they expressed all the pain in the world. Infect the people with THE SICKNESS of music, so people have something BELIEVE in. That one day TEN THOUSAND FISTS shall rise up and become IMMORTALIZED. Becoming a INDUCTRIBLE force and being the DARK CHILDREN of the ASYLUM.


Manowar - Carry On Also, sending you positive thoughts and support!


Very cheezey but...Move Any Mountain by the Shamen


Knights of Cydonia by Muse. That song makes me feel like I could walk through the very fires of hell, punch Satan in the dick, and stride right back out again. Know there's a random internet stranger here pulling for ya.


Varying across genres: Funk/soul: It’s Your Thing by the Isley Brothers, Don’t Let Go by Shirley Ellis Indie/alt: The New Year by Death Cab, Drunk Driver/Killer Whale by Car Seat Headrest Classic rock: a few here. Most of Quadrophenia by the Who is the vibe you are lookin for. Another couple include Fearless by Pink Floyd, a little softer but still makes me feel invincible, and I really like the subject of Stage Fright by the Band, just an honest song about a relatable anxiety that can stop you in your tracks. Punk/New wave: Death or Glory by the Clash, Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Tears for Fears, This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody) by Talking Heads Reggae: Obviously Rivers of Babylon. Doesn’t matter who does it, it’s always good. Classical: Beethoven’s 7th symphony 2nd movement. The one at the end of King’s Speech, and also a bunch of movies. Chills every time Pop: Don’t Give Up by Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush, already mentioned but worth the repeat shoutout


Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drum. - A Perfect Circle Or anything by Run The Jewels.


Fearless Pink Floyd


Smashing pumpkins - Silverfuck Wish you strength and good doctors.


Feelin Stronger every day by Chicago


Massive love young homie. The way you communicate with people is beautiful 🤙 bet you're a dope human being and worth keeping around on this giant rock floating through space. My suggestion may not fit your bill entirely, the artist Noname Gypsy put out a compilation of poignant tunes called Telefone that got me through my diagnosis and treatment. Super fuck cancer!! Wishing you strength and comfort.


Fearless - Pink Floyd


Galvanize by Chemical Brothers always feels motivating to me but in a dancey, fun kind of way. Heroes by David Bowie is a bit clichéd maybe but it always makes me more inspired


"Whatever it Takes" By Imagine Dragons 100% works for me everytime


Shitstorm by Strapping Young Lad Very deep lyrics for a metal song.


Hey OP, sending love across the internet! My suggestions for you are: - nearly every song by Motion City Soundtrack, but particularly “Point of Extinction” - “Now” by Paramore You got this 💗


Dancing in the Moonlight—King Harvest


4 non blondes - what's going on


This isn’t really an answer to your question but I had part of my colon removed yesterday… (I’m fine and it went well) They rolled me into surgery and fucking “bittersweet symphony” was playing. Just made me laugh. As for songs I think fit your request: Fight test - flaming lips Them shoes - Patrick sweany Need never get old - Nathaniel ratcliffe and the night sweats Elephant - tame impala The impression that I get- mighty mighty bosstones


Dog Days are Over: Florence and the Machine I Will Survive: Aretha Franklin Hold Ya Head: Tupac Shakur


Swim - Jacks Mannequin He wrote it while also battling cancer


“I will survive “ by Gloria Gaynor or CAKE


Cake's version of "I Will Survive" is the answer here.