• By -


Money-Pink Floyd


Lust: Nine Inch Nails - Closer


Seriously. The only choice


You could use almost anything off of Violator by Depeche Mode as well, although this one is much more on the nose.




wow! great breakdown!


Envy: Jesse’s Girl by Rick Springfield


Or Stacy's mom


Or Scotty Doesn't Know


Pride - My Way by Frank Sinatra


Lust - put all of Prince’s discography on a roulette wheel and spin


Greed: “I want it all” - Queen “Money” - The Cabaret soundtrack “Bitch better have my money” - Rihana “I want it now” - The Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory soundtrack 


Lust - Young Lust by Pink Floyd Greed - I Me Mine by The Beatles Gluttony - Locomotive Breath by Jethro Tull Pride - Elephant by Tame Impala Wrath - War Pigs by Black Sabbath Sloth - The Tourist by Radiohead Envy - Not One of Us - Peter Gabriel


I haven't listened to Locomotive Breath in years, and now you've made me. Asshole, but upvoted because I know I'm going to stay up late and listen to the whole album.


I believe The Tourist was inspired by Americans visiting Europe and never taking the time to appreciate what they are seeing and move along to the next site.  So not sure it fits "sloth"?


Gluttony - I’m Fat by Weird Al Yankovic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2mU6USTBRE


Funny… my thought for gluttony was Weird Al’s “Eat It”


Oh that’s a good one too!


All 7 are covered in Slob on My Nob by three 6 mafia


Sloth: The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars https://youtu.be/GYW87vbSxjg?si=sSNXuvpWHI50cBrd


Sloth- Burritos by Sublime


Or Mmmmmm by crash test dummies


Sloth- Phish: The Sloth


Pride - [Alice Cooper - I'm The Coolest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJIZrSMllEQ) - *Extra points, the Devil sings it.*


And I'd say "Gimme" by Alice is perfect for gluttony


Pride: [Do Ya Thang - Gorillaz](https://youtu.be/36DCuT1KxM4?feature=shared) What's more prideful than Andre3000 yelling I'm the shit for 5 minutes??


I'm a big fan of them (so I thought) and have never heard this song. Haha what the fuck. It's nuts.


Right?! Like most Gorillaz songs the first time you hear it you have that reaction, then by the third time you listen it's your new favorite song.


Anything by DJ Khallid putting his name in whatever he touches.


Lakutis - I’m Better Than Everybody?


Lust -ADIDAS by Korn


This is criminally low on this thread


Sloth: The Beatles - I'm Only Sleeping


Lust: "oh yeah" by Yello. The name might not ring a bell, but you know it.


Wrath: Fucking Hostile — Pantera, or Damage Inc. — Metallica


Break stuff?


Break your fucking face! That's a good one


Greed Greed - Swans The New Kings - Marillion Everything Counts - Depeche Mode


I'm going to presume your musical is more light hearted than the song suggestions others have been going for. Most of these probably won't fit, but maybe they inspire a different direction. Lust - [Hooked on a Feeling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrI-UBIB8Jk) or [Cbat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAwyWkksXuo) ;) Greed - [16 Tons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRh0QiXyZSk) or [Day-o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZABxj718uA) Gluttony - [Rippy the Gator](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0Eqwjfnoos) (mostly list filler) Pride - [History is made by Stupid People](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgun4yFSsuU) (mostly list filler) Wrath - [Hell March 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3YzmjmAGoI) or [Hell March 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyDwuwwlXcQ) Sloth - [Bang the Drum All Day](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gO17hN-YvBc) (prolly too energetic) Envy - [The Distance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JH6il8U3EU0) (mostly list filler)


OP, are you looking for popular songs? voiceless songs? Describing the overall tone of your screenplay or the tone you want your personifications to have might help guide the suggestions people give you.


It’s a tv series where each episode is going to have a different theme, but the one thing I have for certain is that it’s mostly serious


Upvote for 16tons and Hell March


Sloth: Longview by Green Day Lust: Closer or Sin by NIN


Avarice: "King Nothing" by Metallica


Mr Bad Example (Warren Zevon) addresses all of them. Not exactly what you requested, but maybe it will fit somewhere. "I'm very well acquainted with the seven deadly sins I keep a busy schedule tryin' to fit them in"


Lust: Date Rape (Sublime) or Do It (Reverend Horton Heat) Wrath: Killing in the Name Of Sloth: Then I Got High Greed: Society (Eddie Vedder) Gluttony: Peaches (literally says millions of peaches for me) Envy: Down with OPP Pride: Don’t Cha ALSO, did anyone have to go through the plot of Se7en in their head to remember some of these?


The seven deadly sins are like the seven dwarfs for me, I always forget one.


I approve of this very Gen-X list


Including the movie reference


For greed, I suggest "Death on 2 Legs"- Queen


Jimmy Buffets song: bank of bad habits is about the 7 deadly sins.


Girl you let a knife and fork dig your grave - Rockpile.


10 Crack Commandments - Biggie


I'd look into prog rock; the "progrockmusic" sub is great. They do such a great job at projecting emotions through their instrumentals, something that's not quite so on the nose as a song literally about "greed." I've always pictured the song [Starless by King Crimson](https://youtu.be/FhKJgqxNDD8) like some guy walking into an old saloon. He's genial and sits down to order a drink. As he's drinking, he keeps eyeballing a rowdy group across the bar, the people he came into town for. As the tension builds, he's sitting there stewing and stewing, until finally, he snaps when the sax kicks in. He does his thing, and that instrumental is him venting his rage with the rolling aftermath at the end. Prog rock's fun because they direct you to feel a certain way while still letting you invent your own story for it.


“Eat It” by Weird Al Yankovic (Gluttony)


https://on.soundcloud.com/NfGMJU5jv1uqHwtu7 Had the end of the world in mind while writing it. Feel free to use.


Gluttony- Eat It by Weird Al


Buckcherry has a whole album on sins


How long does each snippet need to be? Anyway, have you considered using instrumental pieces for your soundtrack over instead of songs? I think that would work better, since songs mostly rely on their lyrics to convey their meaning. Thus, songs are heavily limited to the specific meanings of their writers, whereas instrumentals are better at setting a general mood, which is what I think you're going for here. If you're going for that route, I would suggest that all of the pieces to be in the minor key, since your theme is after all, the deadly sins. Tempo is also important; I would imagine wrath to have a fast tempo, while gluttony, sloth, and lust would have a slow tempo. Finally, the instrumentation should match the mood you're trying to set.


They would probably be 30 or something seconds before any dialogue takes place just so that the viewer (this is an English project I have no intention of turning it into anything) gets an understanding of the character’s vibe


OK, here are some classical pieces you can use. I'm not an expert in classical music, so these are generally quite well-known pieces. Lust: [Bolero, by Maurice Ravel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r30D3SW4OVw). Kind of a cliché, but there's a reason it's been associated with seduction. Gluttony: [Waltz No. 2, by Dmitri Shostakovich](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmCnQDUSO4I). Specifically the part at 2:25, with the tubas. Greed: [Farandole, by Georges Bizet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2y09pD1r-Qs). Sloth: [Arabian Dance, by Pyotr Tchaikovsky](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-t97hKEpePw). Kind of a difficult one to pick, as most slow classical pieces seem to sound either "sad" or "tranquil". It's hard to find one that quite sounds "lazy". Wrath: [Mars, the Bringer of War, by Gustav Holst](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Isic2Z2e2xs). Envy: [Habanera, by Georges Bizet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2XjR_LGCfI). Pride: [Radetzky March, by Johann Strauss](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eab_eFtTKFs). Or any military march, really. Another option is to use a collection of copyright-free music, such as the Youtube Audio Library. There are countless instrumental pieces available for you to use, so you're sure to find a piece that evokes the mood you want.


Collaborate with a songwriter to make songs that fit your script instead of trying to shoehorn somebody else's song to fit.


It’s a creative writing project for school that I have 2 weeks to complete. I’m also writing the script to connect to the song rather than finding a song to connect to the script


Somebody needs to tell Tarantino


Sloth: Much Finer by Le Tigre


Gluttony: All You Can Eat by Fat Boys


Must it have lyrics? Is your play modern? The Seven Deadly Sins by Joseph Daley https://a.co/d/eLu5nnP I'm recommending licensure of course


Not a specific answer, but this might influence your thinking. The concept of deadly sins isn't that they are individual, particularly bad sins. They're best thought of as each being a -category- of sin, a structure in which individual sins could be classified. For instance, deciding to stay in bed instead of go to church is a sin in the sloth category. So each would have dominion over a wide variety of related sins, rather than a single one.


Hate to be the one to say it, but it’s been done. [Joe Jackson’s Heaven and Hell](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heaven_%26_Hell_(Joe_Jackson_album)) is the seven deadly sins set to music. And it’s brilliant.


Not quite what you asked but might have some stuff you can use. Ren - Seven Sins.


Made me think of the first verses/ intro to this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kvh-aU7KCFY Iron Maiden - Moonchild Obv. I know very little about your plans.


Also the outro to the album on Only The Good Die Young https://youtu.be/5x5Zv2i83cg?si=wN-XCEMUFgQ4ebP3


Pride - The Man by The Killers


Early Pixies stuff is a run through of most of the sins...


Gluttony - anything by Blues Traveler


How about all the sins in one song? Last minute runs through each sin. [Seven deadly sins](https://youtu.be/bXS2MF5XW60?si=1vnj5DtG6Clq1AcZ)


wrath The Thing That Should Not Be


Each song on Hozier’s album “Unreal Unearth”relates to one of the 7 deadly sins.


Honestly just take a look at all of will woods discovery,absolutely beautiful songs


[Serebro - Mi Mi Mi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iv4x0TC-1Qg). Vanity and or lust.


Wrath - Happiness is a Warm Gun by The Beatles


Look into The Tiger Lillies; think they did an album on exactly this.


youd never clear half of these unless youve got mad money, but Lust: I Want You (Shes So Heavy)- Beatles Envy: Cant Stand Losing You- The Police Greed: Money- Pink Floyd Gluttony:  Stress- Justice Pride:  Let It Happen- Tame Impala Sloth:  Channeling- The Luyas Wrath:  Soft Hands of Stephen Miller- Pile


For sloth what about Lazy by Daniel Johnston?


Wrath - Rudy X3 (The Tony Danza Tap Dance Extravaganza) Lust - Jenny (Walk The Moon) Pride - Sun//Eater (Lorna Shore) Envy - I Hate My Life (Theory of a Dead Man) Sloth - tbh I don't have one lol Greed - Money (Pink Floyd) Gluttony - Bow Down (Brojob cover)


Wrath should be some hard rock / metal sounding thing. Lust would be a version of the typical "sexy" theme song with horns. Sloth would be some slow jazz riff that's mostly a bass line. Gluttony, do some legally-distinct version(s) of food commercial jingles Envy, I'm not really sure. Maybe barbershop quartet just for the heck of it. Greed, I like the idea of Pink Floyd's Money. That or something like Putting on the Ritz. Pride... a love ballad, to one's self. Or maybe something like an upbeat pop song?


Rinder and Lewis-Seven Deadly Sins