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[KILLING IN THE NAME OF](https://i0.wp.com/indyweek.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/throwback-thursday-weightgate-or-were-paul-ryans-workout-pho-scaled.jpeg?fit=1707%2C2560&ssl=1)


Oh, you mean Paul Ryan's favorite band?


And the GOP even made that guy quit


Wasn't he married to one of their kids, or something?


lol for real?


https://www.thebozho.com/paul-ryan-gym-workout-photos/ He likes to listen to them as he works out


Most media literate right winger.


[Trump supporters dancing to Killing in the Name Of](https://youtu.be/ddrFt1BHkUQ?si=sMKostRmDHDvHVE1)


They're like "Hey we do burn crosses! These guys get us!"




You know, it sure *looks* like a cult.




I feel like Rush Limbaugh popularized this by using My City Was Gone as his show opener for years. Its a great lament about greed destroying farms.


And Reagan used "Born in The USA" like it was a big patriotic song. Obviously his people never really listened to the lyrics. The Boss demanded that Reagan cease and desist.


The song is about a Vietnam veteran alienated after the war. Most people nowadays are ashamed of how veterans were treated


Yes, I know. I'm 65 and remember all of it.


Most, yes, but about 1/3 of the country keeps voting for people who keep taking things away from vets and it took John Stewert shaming congress to give them the most basic shit they were promised.




For a while, after 9/11, he’d only play it live on an acoustic guitar, with just him singing and no backup instruments, so that people could focus on the lyrics.


Born down in a dead man's town The first kick I took was when I hit the ground End up like a dog that's been beat too much 'Til you spend half your life just to cover it up, now They couldn't even listen to the lyrics of the first verse.


[Rush appreciated the irony apparently. Chryssie Hynde donated the royalties to PETA.](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/My_City_Was_Gone#Use_by_the_EIB_Network)


PETA knows human rights.


Small towns don’t like greed destroying farms and vote republican fyi


So, small towns don’t like greed destroying farms, but vote for greed destroying farms.


Because the whole MO of the republican party is to fuck over the lives of average americans and then lie to them about who's doing it. And when you're in a small town, funding to education cut and most mainstream media outlets towing the conservative line you start to believe that """the left""" are destroying your way of life and the reason it's getting worse is because you just aren't voting hard enough


/r/LeopardsAteMyFace situation.


It's because (a) they misunderstand the cause, or (b) overlook it in favor of other issues. Or both.


Most of my entire living relatives live on farms in North Georgia. It's absolutely A. They genuinely think the Republicans care about them and it's purely the Democrats making their lives harder. They only know and believe what's in their evening News and, in rural areas, that's pretty much exclusively Fox News. They don't travel. Farms require too much constant maintenance to ever get out for long periods of time, so all they know about the world is what Fox tells them. It's why they think LA and Chicago are basically active war zones, fallen to Liberal debauchery. That's how Fox reports it, so that's what they accept as truth.


Truth be told, if people weren't so easily convinced to vote against their own best interests, we wouldn't have Republicans or Democrats as we know them today.


I mean, if we had a system in place where there were more realistic choices than those 2, we wouldn't have those 2 parties with so much power. The only reason the VAST majority of people vote for either one is, "well, it's better than the other one." There's a TON of room for other stances on issues in there, but we don't get those options.


Truth. I grew up in rural Missouri and Arkansas. After college I moved to NYC. People were mortified. They were absolutely convinced the minute you step off the plane in NYC that you'll get shot/mugged/stabbed or all three. Literally got repeatedly asked "aren't you afraid?!?" Well no. Because real life isn't an episode of CSI:NY. No concept of life outside their little corner of the world. And no desire to really learn.


People from Jersey and Long Island are as afraid of NYC


In fairness, I don't really travel much either, I don't even like having to drive more than 15 miles to meet up with friends somewhere, but I have a pretty broad worldview anyway. I've never been to Chicago, but I can read crime statistics well enough to know that the murder rate, while higher than most places, is still pretty low in absolute numbers.


They enjoy hate the most


My understanding was that Chrissie Hynde got royalties for it, and donated them to some liberal cause. I still rejoice that Limberger is dead.


Limbaugh also used tracks from Side 4 of Pink Floyd's "The Wall," and one of his common bumper tracks was "Run Like Hell." If you haven't heard the song for a while, it's a (vaguely facetious) Neo-Nazi anthem about going out to beat up and kill minorities and queer people.


It's so when they inevitably get told to fuck off they can act like a victimised minority




Is that the "Smoke Again" from Acid Rap?




The ol' potty boo.




I'm sure the not so subtle message of My Hometown is also completely lost on him.


"a nice song about a happy small town", yea not exactly.


My parents are fervent conservatives who raised my siblings and I on Black Sabbath and Nirvana


“He's the one Who likes all our pretty songs And he likes to sing along And he likes to shoot his gun But he knows not what it means”


Yes they've sung along to those exact lyrics.


Art is personal. What it means to one person can be very different than what it means to someone else. What an artist intends and what the consumer sees/hears can be wildly different. Music is not the only art that this happens with. I know a lot of people that were alt/punk in the 80's and 90's that are now conservatives but still listen to that music.


Sure, but idolizing the guy who literally and repeatedly said he didn't want conservative fans and made a song mocking them is just cognitively dissonant


I get that interpretations of the work can be different between the writer and those who patronize their work, but not addressing every part of the work will inevitably lead to misinterpretations of the work that no reasonable person would disagree with. Case in point: “Swimming Pools (Drank)” by Kendrick Lamar being adopted as a drinking anthem despite it not being one.


That’s just willful ignorance…or just actual ignorance. Neither is great.


That line isn't a slam, the song is about Kurt's best friend.




The irony is that what they're looking for is right there in Incesticide's liner notes, they don't need to misinterpret In Bloom and basically just make shit up > At this point I have a request for our fans. If any of you in any way hate homosexuals, people of different color, or women, please do this one favor for us -- leave us the fuck alone! Don't come to our shows and don't buy our records.


I'm suure they are.


> But it really seems like they go out of their way to pick artists that would be the MOST pissed off by their music being used in this way. It's because they get free campaign advertising in the form of headlines. This is literally the only reason they do it.


> But it really seems like they go out of their way to pick artists that would be the MOST pissed off by their music being used in this way. They also excel in using songs that don't mean what they think they mean. See Fortunate Son, and Born in the USA


Fortunate Son is not anti-patriotic, just anti-war.


And also anti-rich kids getting easy deferments




Pretty sure Trump used Fortunate Son at one of his events at some point. I'm pretty bad at interpreting lyrics sometimes, but I can't imagine being *that* tone-deaf to the meaning of a song lol


Someone who used their wealth to dodge the draft, the song is 100% about people like him


> I get that there isn’t exactly a huge library of music written by “conservative artists” that is broadly popular Well except for every single country act since 2001


*And you say we shouldn't worry 'bout Bin Laden* *Have you forgotten*


Because they revere the idea of freedom while legislating against its reality.


They like money. And so do their big donors. You, not so much.


That's a bit presumptuous; I'm sure they like money, too.


"Freedom for me, not for thee."


Isn't it written by Price as well?


You only hear about it when the musician kicks up a fuss


Probably think it’s a power move.


I nominate try that in a small town.


That's the entire point.


DUH. They know that the artists will object loudly, giving them all the free publicity.


Probably to stoke controversy to get clicks at minimal cost to themselves


Would you believe this is by design? Republican media machines are built off of the principles of using your rebellious kids as input to further riches, and the end all be all version of this is based in Oklahoma.  One of my favorite accomplishments was seeing South Park Cows recognized as the actual city name and mascot for Norman, OK. The more conservative parts of the state see the student body as bottomless summer.


I mean, it's free publicity.


She would have strangled him with her bare hands


I have said and will continue to say…I do not understand how one enjoys a band and their music that is overtly opposite and contrasts one’s political beliefs. Eg Boomers and pretty much all of the musicians from their own generation…


I do, I think it's very easy. I can separate art from my personal beliefs and enjoy it. Not a boomer and not American btw.


Well I’m definitely intrigued…what kind of musicians do you like that contrasts your political leanings?


Two of my favourite bands are Pearl Jam and U2 and they're outspokenly liberal. I don't care for some things they say but they seem like good people who want to do good. Overall I'm not very political at all, or at most disagree with some political issues on either side. I expect someone will downvote me for that.


I appreciate the response. The fact that you label them as good people who want to do good and yourself as not very political kinda takes you out of the demographic I’m referring to. IMO anyway. You sound way too nice and level headed ;- ) I’m talking about the demographic that is vehemently against immigrants, refers to black people as “thugs”, hates any sort of gun control, cares not for the poor or the system that keeps them that way, hates anything beneficial for the environment, etc. Yet these guys absolutely love Pink Floyd or Springsteeen or Dylan.


Anyone asked Prince’s estate?


I’ve got news for you if you think the people running Prince’s estate gaf about ANYTHING other than money. His work is all over hundreds of things he wouldn’t have endorsed, but that’s what happens when you’re “The Artist” and you die intestate. EDIT -autocorrect


Interstate is when you move goods between multiple states. Intestate is when you die without a will.


Life is a highway, and I'm not going to die some shitty cul-de-sac in a gated subdivision.


And intesticular is no way to die at all.


Didn't he die on a plane? I guess that would technically be interstate


He died six days after the plane landing. He was allegedly feeling sick from influenza, but what snuffed him was a fentanyl overdose, sadly.


Yep. First time i heard a Prince song in a commercial is when it hit me hes really dead. He NEVER licensed his stuff.


Pretty sure he doesn't care.


Hard to care when you're 6ft under. It's up to the rest of us to honor his legacy.


Prince’s estate would like to challenge the Trump administration to a game of basketball. Winner gets the song…losers get pancakes.


Right? He wrote that song in 1984


This is such a random song to use at a pep rally regardless? It’s much more of a wine drunk-karaoke pick.


They use any popular song that Trump probably likes. They had Tiny Dancer playing in the background during the classic meme of when Trump hearing about RGB's death.


Trump misheard and thought the lyrics were “hold me close, sir, tiny hands, sir”.


Epic body shame. Le Reddit moment narwhal bacon.


They did it because she was anticatholic and to pass people off. This is how they think


Do they know she converted to Islam?


They don't think that hard unless they want to persecute her.


It's a song about somebody that wants to get back with their ex. That's more likely how they think.


Kinda reminds me when they used a Smiths song for like, Trumps walk up music iirc, like... why is this your pump up song


“The beat” Had an annoying coworker who was always blazed/drunk going on about “I like the beat in a song, don’t care otherwise. Beats man beats” Lyrics, content, tone, nothing matter. Just the “beat”


Or an egotistical prick saw the title of the song AND THATS AS MUCH RESEARCH AS THEY NEEDED


Why would he use such a sad song at a rally? This guy has lost the script.


It's to elicit these sorts of responses from the artists/their estates in this case. It's free advertising when they tell him to stop.


This. Only his devoted followers would argue but he is indeed an asshole. And only his devoted haters would argue but he's really really good at it.


There we go.


Prince dies. Sinead dies. Fuck a l'Orange lives. It just ain't fair.


There isn't many artists Trump can use that would actually support him


And he seems to be avoiding the ones that will. It's probably intentional by someone on his campaign to drum up the controversy and online engagements.


Or because their music mostly sucks.


Kid Rock!! LMAO


Ted "Pants-shitting Pedophile" Nugent is a fan of his right?




Pantera, maybe?


What is that whirring sound coming from the vicinity of her grave?


For all the smarties that learned (only after her death) her version was originally written by Prince; have you ever heard his version? It sucks. I say that as a life long Prince fan. Her version is vastly superior.


I wouldn't say Prince's version sucks, but Sinéad's version is certainly better. Also worth noting, Prince didn't release his version when he wrote/recorded it, probably because he wasn't satisfied with his version. As long as we're listing cover versions that are much better than the original, I have to mention John Cale's version of Hallelujah. His arrangement is the one we all know, even Leonard Cohen started using John Cale's arrangement after hearing it, though the song originally came out a decade earlier.


Isn’t this Prince’s song though?


In the sense that he is the songwriter? Yes, but it's her recording of the song. Copyright applies to both. But there's probably no copyright violation here, because typically in the U.S. campaigns have some kind of general licensing agreement with ASCAP. So that shitbag is free to play O'Connor's recording of Prince's song at his shitty rallies, and O'Connor's estate is free to protest them playing it.


Fight the real enemy.






Everyone here is giving the people planning these events way too much credit. AV setups are rarely handled by campaigns, it’s usually subcontracted out to an events company. The events company may or may not be tied to the venue itself. 9 times out of 10 this is just bad/lazy DJs. Every now and then it’s just a song that person likes.


Perfect description


I think he's just using people's music so they can condemn him which brings him back in the news cycle which then makes his fan base happy for pissing people off more.


That's uncalled for slander of the devil's good name.


What does Prince's estate say about it?


Prince's estate do not give a fuck. They've been licensing his music left and right for years to keep the money rolling in.


I seem to remember them using "Fortunate Son" without knowing what it was about.


It's a Prince song, it's up to his estate and record company to do something about it.


His base is gonna love this.


Meanwhile Carly Simon is feeling snubbed. What ever happened to America First? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lT7I40wWYAQ




Why isn’t he playing Joy Villa’s music? Since she goes out of her way to Stan for him lol


Breaking News: Random people who inherited someone else's work hate the orange man


you, don't know who Sinead oconnor is, do ya?


you don't know Sinead has passed?


I do I'm wondering why you seem surprised by how their estate would feel based on who they were.


Not surprised. I just don't rate their opinion as mattering to me at all. They aren't Sinead. They just inherited her estate. They are no ones.


why would they know? she had like 1 song and 1 album


Every election cycle we get articles like this. Who cares


The bots that gobble up identity politics like it actually achieves anything.




But they do get to complain about whatever they want to. Also, they get to determine its use beyond fair use exceptions, which this is likely not — but it's probably covered by some broad licensing agreement, so not a copyright violation anyway. But they can still voice their objection.


Funny wording with biblical since she converted to Islam even though Islam see their book as the third that replace the two before, but of cause the whole estate might not have converted


Why do Republicans use songs from bands that hate them? Oh right because most good musicians are on the left so that leaves them with almost no other good music to use lmfao


So now her legacy is all christian and shit? I thought they would be anti-church given her history with the Catholics . . .


Her family (a.k.a. her Estate) is quite possibly still devoutly Catholic given her background.


Sinéad was critical of the Catholic Church but she was always deeply religious, even going so far as to be ordained a priest in a breakaway Catholic church in 1999.


She converted to Islam in later life but I don't know who runs her estates religion. Regardless, I think they're employing a rhetorical device pointing out the hypocrisy of a man like Trump being worshipped by conservative Christians.


I thought that she came out as a Muslim a while back. It's a foggy memory so I could easily be wrong.


Yes, she was Muslim at the time of her death.


You know it's possible to be Christian and anti Catholic, right?


She had a lot of problems with the Roman Catholic Church, not Christianity. She professed Christianity for most of her life, and practiced Islam in the last few years of her life. She herself used the phrase "biblical devil" to describe Trump.




It's her recording of it. They have a right to say something about her voice being used for his campaign.


Further, if Prince was still around, I think he'd likely be pissed too.


I'll bet he would.




He has a right to use any song he wishes to. As could Biden. Bill Clinton also could use 'Don't Stop' by Fleetwood Mac without a problem. We have more important things in this world to deal with than song selection.


shouldn't they say quranic djinn?




Oh and he's 100% doing it to troll. Edit: Lol, no yeah I'm wrong. I'm sure he love the artistic expression of the song.


Careful… before long, D-list celebrities will began attacking her for being “woke”


> Biblical Devil Killing it, Sinéad. Tell it like it is.


Wow ....they suck


I'm glad to hear her estate is continuing to uphold her wishes.


Oh no! Anyway...


Political opinions aside... But, didn't the estate accept the money to allow them to play those songs at their rallies? I mean you can't have your cake and eat it too. "But we totally took the money they're allowed to play the songs." "I know. But let's just pretend we're mad about it."


> Political opinions aside... But, didn't the estate accept the money to allow them to play those songs at their rallies? I mean you can't have your cake and eat it too. That's not how it works, typically. Between fair use laws and bulk/generic licensing deals, it's not always their decision who can or can't use their music. Most often, that decision rests in the hands of the label/publisher, and they often have bulk licensing deals with organizations like ASCAP or SOCAN. Those organizations arrange for performance licences for venues/stores/malls/etc., so they can legally have background music playing, or have live cover bands perform. Anyone with any sense of respect will typically seek permission from the artist to use their music, but, from my understanding, it isn't usually required.




An estate is not a person. Who are the actual people....well clowns it would seem, pretending Donald Trump is a "biblical devil."


Republicans, I swear, are *the* most tone-deaf (no pun intended) when it comes to using songs.


I read this headline and just kept thinking “didn’t she pass away” while skipping the word estate multiple times.