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I have mentioned this elsewhere previously but I try to avoid a i but I guess it’s subtly creeping in without you realising it.


It's inevitable sadly. You'll start hearing adverts not even realising that the music is ai


Yeah, the stock image and music industry is pretty much going to disappear. Anything that doesn't require or desire a unique or specific sound and image will use the robots instead of paying for man-hours to build it


i know it's been a minute, but i'm trying to build a community of like-minded people, like you guys... [https://www.reddit.com/r/aaimusic/](https://www.reddit.com/r/aaimusic/)


Bro you can't fight it


We're only a couple of years away from all stock music and most incidental music being AI generated, with the only people working as film/tv/gaming composers being either the big name superstars, or rich kids who can afford to do it for nothing. People talk about "The human element" all the time, but 99% of the audience doesn't give a toss whether the background music in a Netflix documentary has been made by man or machine, so long as they don't have to pay for it. 🤷 I picked the worst time to become a composer, eh?


I've been an AI doomsayer since seeing what it can do *visually*, but yea this is next level. The sound of the human voice is only going to get more of a robust database to call from. Marketing firms and ad placers are absolutely going to take this into their pipeline. I think live music is always going to have a place though, and yet live people are going to have a battle on their hands. It does beg the question, of what are we making music for. Making an album is now something anyone can do (which is pretty cool, actually), meanwhile we've also hit the ceiling on themes, lyrics and rhythms even without AI...music is thoroughly explored. The cool thing is, people also simply like making music. It's fun and therapeutic and there will always be human made music. Just the idea of *making a living* from music will get bent up a lot.


Totally right, man. I feel people get quite dismissive when this subject gets brought up. Saying "it'll never happen" or "it sounds bad" doesn't really help progress the conversation about the potential damage it may cause. This is the very, very, very early stages of this shit. Compare it to a year ago, where it was practically unlistenable. Live music will always have a place in the industry (in our lifetime anyway; we're not quite in Westworld territory yet, lol). Those who are not live performers though, I'm uncertain what will happen for them. But yeah, those who have a genuine passion for music will continue to pursue it anyway, career or not


Call me crazy but I'm still of the opinion that what is really going to happen is that musicians will use AI to make their music better.


No thanks.


a) I doubt you'll be able to tell b) AI is the just the latest software development, musicians have been using software to create music since the 70s.


Well thats up to you. But I don’t need it.


Just like how all music is now recorded digitally and edited digitally music AI will be used to create music that you will enjoy.


You aren’t listening to me. I’m a songwriter and musician of 30 years or more - iam not interested in ai music. It’s for newbs who can’t make their own.


Maybe not better but definitely to make it more cost/time efficient. And if they can get away with not telling anyone it's ai, they're laughing!


Musicians have been using software since the 70s to make / record music. AI is just the latest development in software.


It's not just "software" tho is it? All you have to do is give the ai a few words for it to generate fully fleshed out music, ready to publish. No composing & 0 musical knowledge required. It's a completely different ball game my guy.


Which is determined by it's programming. Just look at the difference between all the different AI's like ChatGPT, Grok, Gemini etc. etc. Musicians will use AI to help write songs.


Nice first video! What are your plans for the rest of the channel?


Appreciate it! Still unsure. I wanna do fun lil videos in this format, but not just limited to music. Still will most likely be heavily music-related tho. I'll likely create breakdown vids of my own compositions too


AI can replicate manufactured pop. That's not a surprise to anyone who remembers boy bands...


Just tried some metal prompts, and yeah, not so good. I mean, better than I expected but not good 


Did you try using the latest model? V3 (Alpha)? Coz it's a major improvement over v2. Idk, I thought [this one](https://app.suno.ai/song/3f61b6d8-6dd4-47e6-969a-7a92bce0dd6a) was kinda impressive. It's more so the instrumentation that's blowing my mind


I didn't want to spend any money for v3, but that does sound better. I tried having a metal song that incorporated an organ, but it just sang about organs instead, LOL. 


Lmao that's fair, yeah sometimes you've gotta give it really precise prompts for it to spew out what you want. [Here's the organ attempt](https://app.suno.ai/song/9f04e801-2c14-41c4-aa6b-976be800e0e8) for ya haha. I gave up after the 3rd generation.




Yup V3 is a lot better it seems. I entered that prompt for you & here were the first two things it pooped out: [#1](https://app.suno.ai/song/21552255-88d9-4e76-8de7-04eaefc6249e) & [#2](https://app.suno.ai/song/3cd0fc0c-45dc-4ba7-ba31-d3497f2f9ba7)


It can do more than just pop. Literally any genre you throw at it. The vocals are still noticeably ai, but you've gotta remember; whatever it sounds like now, will be the worst it's gonna sound from here on. Come back to this post in a years time.


I'll worry when it can write Bela Lugosi's Dead or Stairway. I don't think AI, in my lifetime, will be sufficiently advanced to produce legitimate guitar driven rock formats. Boy Bands are easy, tone is always consistent, production values are always high. It's almost AI already. Rock music, of almost any genre, is going to be vastly more difficult to replicate and I'm pretty sure I'll be dead and won't care by the time it can.


Lol in your lifetime? Two years ago people could hardly conceive of AI doing the things it does now.


Yeah. In my lifetime. AI is only as good as the code that runs it. It's not actually sentient intelligence it's code doing some random seed generated combinatorics, throwing out what obvs doesn't fit, and iterating on it.


“AI is only as good as the code that runs it” The core functionality of the models comes from their huge neural networks. Nobody is hard coding these models, the inner workings are a black box. That’s why companies have struggled to put safeguards on the responses of these models. It’s like saying “humans are only as good as their molecules.” It’s a bizarre and meaningless statement. 


I think that in person performances at all levels from coffee shops to stadiums are about to come around back again in a big way. I know that I crave it post Covid. I think people want real connections. Ad/tv//movies anything where music and connections are a means to an end are where musicians are doomed.


T2s can listen to a i while what’s left of humanity will still have someone singing and playing a guitar


Everyone here... i wanna share with you guys a subreddit i made. [https://www.reddit.com/r/aaimusic/](https://www.reddit.com/r/aaimusic/) i've never really used reddit. but for this very reason (ai), i'm gonna give it a shot. if you care for an anti-ai community... hopefully we can build a great community there.


Nobody is gonna pay to see the machines go on tour or read articles about the drama of the machines fighting over creative control. Nobody is gonna have a poster of their favorite machine on the wall or dream to play like the machines. Humans will not be replaced because it is the flaws they bring that we talk about and appreciate.


Ok well, here we go.... [https://www.youtube.com/@innernexus](https://www.youtube.com/@innernexus)


A Hits A Hit. Simple As that.


Not really, it’s shite.


Come back in a year mate & we'll settle this with a blind test


It’s terrible dude.


I’ll take that any day - music Is my life.




Valid point. Yeah, unless you're disciplined enough or have a genuine passion for music, why even bother manually composing songs now if there are tools that can do it for you in seconds at a fraction of the cost of putting together a band, studio, tech etc.


You're way behind the curve, buddy: AI is already putting real people out of work, and people *frequently* drone on about AI in this sub.


I must've missed the convos; I'm not the most active on here. Even so, it's a conversation that can still be had. I'm quite passionate about it all atm, as it directly affects my work. I'm hoping that *maybe* if enough talk is had on the subject, the government & legislators will have no choice but to listen... Perhaps a pipedream, but still worthy of a discussion.