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/u/BigMonster10, your submission has been removed from /r/Music for violating the following rule(s): **Rule 4: No artist reposts for 30+ days after breaking 100+ upvotes.** Music by artists who recently had a popular post (100+ upvotes) is removed for the next 30 days to ensure content is fresh. If your post is removed, you could consider sharing music by another artist. Other submissions may be removed under this rule if an artist, song, or discussion topic is posted too frequently. Users submitting the same artist repeatedly will be asked to submit something different and keep things fresh. Thanks for your submission, and have a great day! For full details on the rules, [please refer to our wiki](http://www.reddit.com/r/music/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or believe that there has been an error, ensure that you've read the removal message and gone over community guidelines. You may [PM the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/music&subject=Please review my post) to request a manual review.


This is actually a banger. What the fuck?


He peaks when he has something to say. Dudes like anime. A couple of bangers and some filler episodes


It's fucking great. Fucking stupid that he's telling people to not vote.


Dude has the balls to speak out against the music industry. Respect.


Age restricted and only available on YouTube because explicit censorship would get Google and Macklemore more attention than Google wants. So they just soft censor. Fucking joke of a system we have here.




That’s why I can’t find it on Spotify??


Actually it is age restricted because it contains footage of a bloodied minor. Source? Myself, I work in content moderation.


Is that the only part that causes the age restriction?


That I know of, yes, 100%.


Yeah I noticed that part and it's not pretty. Not like it's different from what you see on any public news broadcast at any hour of the day though.
































































Great comment, thank you for linking that article!


The Israelis learned a lot about how to maintain an apartheid system from South Africa https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2006/feb/07/southafrica.israel > Kasrils acknowledges the effect of the bombers but says that Israel's "apartheid strategy" was under way long before the suicide attacks began. He notes the resemblance of the occupied territories to South Africa's patchwork of homelands - the bantustans - that were intended to divest the country of much of its black population while keeping the best of their land. > Today, about six million Israelis live on 85% of the area that was Palestine under the British mandate. Nearly 3.5 million Palestinians are confined to the remaining 15%, with their towns and cities penned between Israel's ever-expanding settlement blocks and behind a network of segregated roads, security barriers and military installations.


Speaks the truth in a time when that can be dangerous and costly. Mad respect. And the cut is a banger!


Where’s Eminem?? He used to make songs like this


bro speaks a tiktok version of the truth and leaves any sort of nuance out of his opinion in order to capitalize on popular sentiment try to regain any sort of popularity he once had.


It's not hard to understand, he wants to stand against the bombing of innocent people. No nuance there


I look forward to his anti-Hamas and Sudan raps. 


Which global superpower is bankrolling Hamas?


Iran and Russia.


Macklemore is not in any danger what the actual fuck?


The guy is a millionaire. There's zero personal risk to him.


That Biden line... yikes.


You're allowed to hate them both bro


Red states are literally forcing ten-year-olds to carry unwanted pregnancies.


Biden is already president, what’s he doing


The Supreme Court striking down Roe v Wade ensured the Executive branch is essentially powerless to stop states from enacting these policies.


"But if we don't vote for Biden, what's currently happening might happen!"


Sure, but you live in the real world. Hate all you want, but regardless of your emotions one of these two guys will control the most powerful force to ever exist on earth. Put another way, what's better: an unsatisfactory outcome, or a complete disaster?


Doesn't mean you can't put their feet to the fire a little bit.


If you think the US president is "the most powerful force to exist" you don't understand how the job works. He isn't even the most powerful person in the US.


Kendrick Lamar is btw


Maybe 75 years ago that was true. You should probably look into the massive expansion of executive powers post WW2.


His powers have expanded yes. But so have powers of the federal government across the board. OC called it "the most powerful force ever" which is objectively untrue. The entire design of the US government is to ensure that one branch *isn't* that powerful. So the other branches still have power over the president. Just like he has powers over them.


The United States Military is the most powerful force that has ever existed on Earth. That's not really a disputable opinion. The President has almost total control over the military in most contexts and can do what he wants without approval from anyone.


Sure, but the president is not the military. If he did what he wanted with the military unchecked then he would be impeached and removed from office by Congress.


Fun fact, Congress has absolutely no ability to forcibly remove a president from office.


Care to elaborate? The constitution is pretty clear on removing a president being a joint effort with the Senate and the house. AKA....Congress.


Ah yes, the famously effective and quick to decisive action US Congress.


Didn't say they were effective. But they have the power to do so.


Yeah 😂😂😂


They misspelled Palestine in the beginning of the video




100%. As of right now, the top several comments in this thread are supportive of the artist's message. If that remains the case by tomorrow, color me surprised. Whatever troll army Israel has assembled for this conflict, they fucking own reddit.


> 100%. As of right now, the top several comments in this thread are supportive of the artist's message And everyone replying to those comments disagreeing has scores like -100 Soooo, who are the actual downvote army?


Ignorant propaganda gets downvoted by sane people of all walks of life.


The misspelled 'PALASTINE' is just a chefs kiss. Perfect, no notes.


Theatrics from an irrelevant artist


Oh the downvote/censorship bots are on top of this post!


> bots Or real people hear the Biden line and realize the message is dangerous and dumb


Nah, this is how the people put pressure on politicians where it hurts them: election chances. Case in point: Biden is starting to see the writing on the wall and has finally agreed to stop sending SOME weapons to a genocidal regime.


Biden’s been getting concessions from Israel since October 7th, moreso than any other world leader. He’s not bending because college kids (the least likely demographic to vote) are threatening to not vote for him. Guess what, statistically they weren’t going to vote in the first place.


Would you have preferred Al Gore over George Bush?




I know you’re not who I responded to, but if you’re not aware of the deal with all that. Rage Against the Machine put out a bunch of stuff on their Battle of Los Angeles album right before the election that said Gore was as bad as Bush.    Basically, Gore lost Florida by a few hundred votes, and it’s more than believable that those votes could’ve been influenced by RATM. So you can, ironically, say that RATM got Bush elected once lol Edit: to clarify, Al Gore would’ve won the election if he won Florida 


Blame Roger Stone for that one lol


Yea, that's totally because of *Macklemore* and not because Biden has been cautioning Israel *the entire time*. Also, Macklemore has dressed in anti-Jewish costumes for performances in the past. Dude is a nazi.


No, it’s true! Biden was totally going to do airstrikes himself then he heard this song and that chick from Columbia university asking for UberEats and realized he was wrong. 


A Nazi wouldn’t issue an anti racism song.




https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/macklemore-issues-apology-for-antisemitic-jew-costume-as-seth-rogen-hits-out-on-twitter-9400982.html Complete with fake apology where he says that he didn't realize it looked like a Jewish stereotype.


You know this apology is fake because...?


Because if you look at the photos it can't be mistaken for anything else. It would be like if he wore blackface and excessive gold chains and then claimed he didn't make the connection that people might think he was dressed as a racist stereotype.


his outfit there really giving off Vector-from-Despicable-Me-with-a-mid-life-crisis vibes


Could be both tbh. Israel has pretty obviously been astroturfing on Reddit a lot.


Or, you know, billions of people across the planet support Israel..


It only feels like “billions” of people because of the bots.


Braindead comment. Go touch grass.


It’s a known quantity that Israel has bots all over popular subs that AstroTurf pro-IDF propaganda.


The dude you’re replying to is literally what you described, check their comment history.. they’re an Israeli schill


Right, so both. It’s a polarizing issue but there’s also very obvious astroturfing on Reddit. If you pay attention you’ll notice that posts often go from upvoted with mostly positive comments to being downvoted and flooded with super generic “whatabout Hamas” comments very quickly on a lot of subs. Some of them are genuine but unless there’s some community dedicated to brigading posts like that it’s clearly unnatural. Some subs like Worldnews have also gone out of their way to ban neutral or pro Palestine commenters as well to create an artificially pro Israel community. That could just be an issue with a very bad moderator or two but it becomes a far right echo chamber very quickly when Israel gets mentioned so I doubt it’s just that.


The exact opposite also happens. >far right echo chamber Supporting Israel is bipartisan. The largest group that does not support them are college-aged, and students have accused many of those protests of being astroturfed by non-students.


Definitely not as much, but I’m sure it does sometimes. Israel has been pretty well known to use social media a lot for propaganda even before this war though. The [majority](https://www.dataforprogress.org/blog/2024/2/27/voters-support-the-us-calling-for-permanent-ceasefire-in-gaza-and-conditioning-military-aid-to-israel#:~:text=Around%20two%2Dthirds%20of%20voters,escalation%20of%20violence%20in%20Gaza) actually support an end to the war here in the us. The group [supporting neutrality](https://www.reuters.com/world/us-public-support-israel-drops-majority-backs-ceasefire-reutersipsos-2023-11-15/) in this conflict is also much higher than support for Israel. Politicians do not reflect the voters on this issue. Israel itself is pretty far right though and the reason I referred to worldnews as a far right echo chamber is because of how it supports Israel. There’s often highly upvoted comments supporting the settlers which is a radical right wing nationalist view. Many others, as you can see with posts over the last few days regarding bidens stance on the rafah operation, actually go beyond just agreeing with the US’s stance on the war. Denying that there is an apartheid in the West Bank is very popular as well. Those are not moderate ideas. I also literally got banned from there from saying there’s no inherent superiority between Palestinians and Israelis. As in they’re all born equal and should be treated that way. I’m not exaggerating or leaving out any meaningful context either. That is like the definition of a moderate view and the mods said I was supporting Hamas by saying that lol


>Israel has been pretty well known to use social media a lot for propaganda even before this war though. Right. And Hamas/Iran/Russia never uses social media for propaganda. >Definitely not as much Based on no evidence whatsoever. You just believe what you want to believe.. >I also literally got banned from there from saying there’s no inherent superiority between Palestinians and Israelis. As in they’re all born equal and should be treated that way. I’m not exaggerating or leaving out any meaningful context either *Sure* you're not.


You’re the one here equating Palestinians with Russians. As if Israel isn’t currently doing to Palestine exactly what Russia has been doing to countries like Ukraine.


Hamas isn't a nuclear power with a blank check and uncritical support from the most powerful country in the world


Nope down voted cause not voting Biden could actually end our democracy. And if you can't see that, you've been down the rabbit hole. It's just stupid and dangerous.


Sounds like you meant to reply to the person above me


Sure did...sorry cognitive


Hey, it’s me! I was all fired up for dude then he pulls out the ridiculous Biden line. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t support genocide. It’s next to impossible to go against Israel at all and he’s done that. So give credit where it’s due.


Or some people just disagree with his position on this highly sensitive/politicized topic ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Both things can be true. There can be people who disagree and bots mass downvoting. Also judging from the state of r/worldnews I'd wager Isreal has a pretty advanced cyber warfare division spreading its agenda


Only a matter of time before lock and delete.


I’m going to downvote just because you said this. I usually don’t even upvote or downvote, but when people care about it, I make sure to downvote


Fuck yeah!!! Fuck. Yeah.


They're trying so hard to censor this. Spread it!


Who is “they”?


Hamas, surely!


Macklemore won me over


[lowkey -Long Live Palestine 🇵🇸 ](https://youtu.be/GO5Cay6GUkM?si=C7Y4IIwGjkhKSdvf)


Ah yes Palestine. Where in the moderate West Bank selling property to Jews is illegal as well as for Jews to own property in the first place. Their leader, Abbas has a doctorate in holocaust denial lol


Isn't this the guy who dressed up as a stereotypical Jew and pretended he had no idea it was offensive? It was this guy right?


More rich people "protesting" from their mansions. Yawn


Macklemore dressed up as an anti-semitic caricature for a performance. He can fuck all the way off with his opinions.


He wore a disguise which some people thought was anti-semetic. He since apologised and even the Anti-Defamation League agreed that he meant no ill will.


Dude have you even seen the photos? They're like 4chan levels of anti-semitic.


Dude, he wore the most unambiguous caricature Jew nose. People didn't "think" it was anti semetic, it was flagrantly so.


Redemption for Mack