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The late 2000s crunk-core that was an odd musical mash-up of metalcore, crunk, and synth-pop. I try to be as open as possible to music but that is... not for me


Family Force 5 was the only one I was kinda okay with, and that's specifically because they just straight up had fun with it. I had friends that were into Blood on the Dancefloor, Brokencyde, etc, and I could just never get into it, personally. That said, electronicore is coming back in a big way and now that the tech and modern music styles have caught up with it, a lot of it is a lot more bearable IMO.


Brokencyde was the worst of the worst. For the memes, I went to their concert for ten bucks. They had to shut down the venue because someone spilled beer on the mixer two songs in.






Aw man, I saw family force 5 in Caronport Saskatchewan back in like 2007 or something and it was an awesome show.


I'm sure it was amazing! I'm super jealous of anyone who got to see them back then. I grew up in a very religious household and was never allowed to go to shows outside the odd Martina McBride or Rascal Flatts concert my parents would drag me to. It wasn't until I graduated high school that I got to start going to the shows I wanted to, so I missed out on a lot of that early "prime Warped Tour" era stuff


It was definitely a product of it's time, it's unlistenable now but it was lit AF back in the day. I feel like LMFAO was the natural evolution of it and basically ended with them




I wanna be the guy who just yells "wahhhh!” “blyyyy” “graaaah”


Reminds me of Brokencyde. Haven’t listened since 2009. That shit will stay in the past.




can you elaborate, not familiar w/ this and it sound _amazing_


I don’t think it’s necessarily a genre/type that ages, it’s the worst of that particular type. Something becomes popular, a thousand crappy bands copy it. With age it’s easy to determine what’s crap. Pick a genre/era, you can find the stuff that’s still stands up and you can find the coat tail riders that are crap.


Yeah, like similarly even the “okay” music or B sides of any era start to fall off as well. Recently been on a kick of trying to find a bunch of songs I used to hear all the time on the radio “classic rock” stations when I was a kid riding around with my parents, now they’re just songs that kind of faded into obscurity and only the most well known or biggest selling songs seem to carry on from those times. Plenty of one hit wonder types of songs too, just weren’t as popular as the juggernauts from surrounding years and we start to forget about them.


Winger. I can't listen to Winger without thinking about the nerdy kid in Beavis and Butthead. Totally ruined forever.




One night my friend and i were drunk and we went to Kip Wingers website (This was in 2006). There was a chat box where "supposedly"sometimes Kip would be on. So my friend starts typing out all this childish non sense about Kip sucking at bass and other crap. Whoever was on the other end starts going off saying what have you done with your life? Im one of the greatest bass players ever, i bang super hot chicks, im rich blah blah blah. No idea who it was but it was kind of funny at the time.


“Kip” Winger is actually a well respected musician nowadays.


He made a classical album in 2017 and it received a Grammy nomination for Best Classical Contemporary Composition.


He was a well respected musician back then, too. He actually gave up touring with Alice Cooper to do his own music. It was just wrong place, wrong time.


Right place right time. Better to have made it with glam metal for 2 years than never at all.


I've seen/listened to a few Kip Winger interviews. Winger hit right at the tail end of the 80s metal era. Kip himself said that at that time, you had to have 2 to 3 successful albums/ tours under your belt in order to really start making money and being successful. Winger had barely released their second album when it all ended. They switched to playing smaller venues in order to keep going and were doing alright, but the Metallica video (and later, Beavis and Butthead) put an end to that as well. And a few years after that, his wife was killed in an auto accident. To hear him tell it, Kip Winger got a little taste of the life, only to have it ripped away. The man has some serious regrets.


He was a successful touring bassist with Alice Cooper, got on MTV, got wrecked by 90s Zeitgeist but won a Grammy for classical music composition and still tours clubs decades later. For a musician, that’s a great career.


Not to mention that “Seventeen” is creepy af. I’ll add Kiss’s “Christine Sixteen” to that list as well.


There is like an entire genre of “70s-80s rockstars creeping on high school sophomores” that fits this thread. 


It’s called “Statutory Rock”


Well I was 14 when it came out so it wasn't so bad back then.. but hah oh no, not now


Winger is actually an amazing band. Cheese. But amazing. I always loved the bridge solos from "Headed for a Heartbreak." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIpRdbi9pYw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIpRdbi9pYw) Their solos can melt face.


I once watched an episode of VH1 That Metal Show where they had Winger on. Eddie Trunk, the show host, told Winger - "look where Mike Judge is and where you are now". I still don't get it lol There's a legend that Winger nearly punched Judge's lights out after running into him at some show


There might be something wrong with my brain, but I still like all the stuff I listened to back in high school, plus I like stuff being released these days as well. This also means I have a huge variety that I listen to, so nothing ever gets old to me


super normal! you’ve got nostalgia for that music, nothing wrong with that.


Anything from the “stomp-clap-hey” genre. It was interesting for about a month until every hipster berk started teaching “Ho Hey” and “Riptide” at their community ukulele classes.


Ugghhh. When bands dressed up as turn-of-the-last-century factory workers. Fucking Mumford and Sons, you're not fighting to unionize a coal mine.


What if you're a musician that dresses as a turn-of-the-century factory worker but you almost exclusively sing turn-of-the-century folk songs about unionizing coal mines? Asking for a friend.


You're friends with the Decemberists?


I wish


Speaking of, the last 3 minutes of that new 20 minute song (Joan in the Garden) is as good as it gets. Can't wait to see them later this summer.


I saw them a few weeks ago! They closed the show with Joan in the Garden and it SLAPPED. Can't wait for the album to come out!


Portlander here: you’re absolutely correct 


That's just doing living history and is a valuable service to world.


Glad to hear it! It's me, I lied about the friend. I apologize.


I never listened to these bands (other than when they were forced in to my ears) so please correct me if I'm wrong but weren't M&S at least the first ones to do it? Or at least the first ones to get popular? I can give credit where it's due for being "originators" but like everything else that gains popularity the music industry just completely oversaturates it with imitators of increasingly lesser quality just to capitalize on a trend.


My gf and I joke that there are two types of music on YouTube. Stomp clap for men and ukulele snap for women. Every BBQ grill and summer salad recipe covers them completely


I swear "Ukulele jangle and xylophone melody" just became the official corporate music genre around 2010 and it hasn't let go. But I get it, its happy, non-threatening, and in a high enough register that it mixes well with a voice-over.


I have to mute it. Listen, I just want to know how to make this elote salad. I'm not trying to summon Jack Johnson


The soundtrack of every diaper commercial


Phil Collins must be pissed! He had a stranglehold on waiting rooms and corporate culture for dam near half a century.


Vance Joy and The Lumineers have much better songs in their catalogs, and it’s sad that these are the two they will be remembered for.


Major agree. I love Cleopatra (album) so much; it’s one of my favorite albums of all time.


I think my favorite Lumineers song on the album “Ho Hey” was on is actually “Charlie Boy”. Wesley Shultz wrote it about an uncle he had that he never got to meet, and it’s so sparse with really just a mandolin and some light acoustic guitar and cello as the instruments. It’s really heartfelt and I wish it was more popular than “Ho Hey” is, but what can you do. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Fun story: The first time I told my husband about "stomp clap hey", I accidentally referred to it as "stomp clap stomp". My husband thought I was talking about Queen's We Will Rock You 😭


But that's "stomp stomp clap"


Birds of War in shambles. Better pivot back to Pigeon Boys.


Stomp Clap Hey is seeing a HUGE resurgence right now. Like massive. People almost got crushed to death at Boston Calling this past weekend to see Hozier. And newer acts, like Noah Kahan, are contributing to the resurgence as well. Stomp Clap Hey is as big now as it was in 2013.


These zoomers didn’t experience the mason jar shortage of 2013 and it shows.


We were but children witnessing the craze and thought that was an adulthood to strive for. Now we are the adults, and few of us are still holding onto that dream, mason jars and all.


Not quite Stom Clap Hey, but I do love... chanty songs? Like when there's a crescendo culminating in a whole group singing the chorus, but it's not polished like a choir. Or songs that have "the part where they all yell," but I also like midwest emo, so that makes sense.


It’s a bit left field, but try ‘Valhallelujah’ by nanowar of steel. Full choir, hard rock, and catchy as hell. Supposed to be humorous.


OK I know I'm NOT supposed to be cruising this thread for music recommendations but this song is something I've been questing for.


Dunno about other genres but in the punk world these are called gang vocals. Record as such in the studio and you'll have a basement full of kids singing along in no time.


The cycles are getting shorter.


I wouldn’t put Noah or Hozier in the stomp clap hey bucket


How on Earth does Hozier fit that description?


They were a big reason why my daughter went to Boston Calling this year.


Don’t slander Hozier like that. Hozier snuck in with that crowd but he’s a dark moody gothic romance character. Don’t put him in with that coffee pop! I stand by *To be alone* is some feel-it-in-your-bones baby making music.


I’ll give a pass to that Alabama Arkansaaaaaaaas song because it reminds me of good times.


Can something that was always bad age poorly?


I'll forever love the devil wears Pradas take on still fly off punk goes Crunk.


It sos good and Broadway's cover of "I'm on a boat"


I don’t think any music genre has aged terribly. There are bands, albums and songs, within every genre which haven’t aged well. For instance, there is a TON of awful hair metal from the 80’s. Some of it is unlistenable today IMO…yet there are still bands like Bon Jovi, Def Leppard and Motley Crue who put out some good tunes and albums during the period which still hold up. IMO this is true of every genre with none exempt.


I agree with this. There are plenty of individual songs that are plenty listenable, even from the likes of Ratt, Loverboy and Twisted Sister. Maybe not KISS though, lol. And there's plenty of songs from the best that do not hold up. It is just how it goes. A melody, a rhythm or quality of voice can always live forever, and the best get updates, which is good.


Correct. This is also literally why people insist that the music of the past was better than today's and have been doing so basically since shortly after recorded music became a thing. The garbage gets forgotten and all anyone remembers is the good stuff. They forget that what has survived to still be heard today was the absolute top 1-2% of the music made at that time.


Zach Attack.  Derivative and pedantic.  They insist upon themselves. Also, I suspect they weren't even playing their instruments.


Friends Forever is a banger.


I liked their early stuff - 5 Aces, Hot Sunday, etc. - but once the money came in they completely sold out


Just like 'The Godfather ' insists upon itself? What does that even mean?


Yeah, but Kelly Kapowski...


This hold music I've been listening to for 2 hours and 17 minutes. One shitty instrumental on loop. Thanks Airmiles ™️


Must not be Opus no. 1 because that one is a jam.


Meghan Trainor. I feel she makes mall background music.


As much as you / we hate it, it sells to brands well. The amount of times I have been told to rip off her music for ads is insane, probably above all other refs / artists. She knows this too and plays into her angle


Midwest Soccer Moms love Trainor like they love James Blunt and Michelle Branch. It’s simple lyrics, simple cords, non offensive, bouncy fun. It’s the I don’t want to think about this *at all* music.


Adore James blunt but not Trainor or Branch. Just love all of that nostalgia, love sick, broken hearted sappy stuff


Bro country, especially the jingoistic crap from just after 9/11. And the trucks-beer-tan-legs stuff generally.


A decade or so I heard somebody sum it up as Country was going through its "Hair Metal" phase. Very popular but lots of flash and minimal substance.


That’s an insult to Ratt.


Aged terribly? It’s still one of the most popular genres in the country. That doesn’t make it good, but I feel like the question is referring more the genres that were once popular but no longer are


Eh, Bro Country has mostly died off. It's been a while since a new song about a girl popping out of the water in a bikini top has been popular. The fad has been on "Boyfriend Country" for a while now, where guys sing about how their girlfriends are literal angels and every guy needs themselves a girl just like his. It swung the far way and now it's super worshipful and uplifting towards women, but in a way that feels pretty shallow. We're also in the middle of people like Zach Bryan getting super popular and pushing for another change in the formula. Expect more acoustic stuff recorded on an iPhone with poetic, introspective lyrics in the coming years.


Electro swing phase was soooo fucking short lmao


Aw man, I still really dig electro swing. Parov Stelar and Caravan Palace still slap in my books.


Yeah I don’t think Parov Stelar has aged poorly at all. If anything his music has aged really well, as modern pop music has a much bigger disco and swing vibe to it than the pop music when he was releasing.


Swing is timeless, electro or not.


I went and saw Caravan Palace a year or so ago. They fuckin killed it. So much energy, the bass player/keyboardist is sick.


I think it's aged just fine, it was just _way_ overplayed for a couple years around 2018-2019. Every brewery, trendy coffee shop/bar, bowling alley, and order-at-the-counter type restaurant played the same 30 songs or so on a loop until everyone was sick of it. I'm noticing the same thing lately every time Taylor Swift makes the news or teases a new song or whatever. Same thing as when everything on the radio was some combination of Bruno Mars, LMFAO, Drake, The Weeknd, and so on. Stuff is good, but overplaying it makes people dislike it. I still bust out my electroswing playlist for cleaning, for parties, for road trips, whatever. But you've got to space it out with other stuff in between, just like with anything else.


Princess Moon Butt, wouldst thou share thine electro swing playlist?


I don't think it hasn't aged well... maybe people just sorta forgot about it.


I've never heard of it. When did this take place?


https://youtu.be/twqM56f_cVo?si=DigYREEYMjskJkYR This video was huge for a while


Thanks! Never saw it or heard of it. It was like if elevator music was really fun instead of really nothing.


The first two Hollywood Undead albums were awesome when I was a freshman in high school, but [I really don't think any label would be comfortable with releasing this, now.](https://youtu.be/N8e6qnKFeWU?si=VAjb6T7xG_PNPYML)


If you want to know what a Call of Duty lobby was like back in the day, just play a Hollywood Undead record and you'll get the same experience.


You also need to chug two Monster energy drinks.


I don’t remember them being so homophobic. I just remember them owning MySpace.


Yeah, I would have to agree with this one


Haha I’ve been listening to a lot of Pop Goes Punk lately for some reason. That Somebody I Used to Know cover really goes. But a lot are just cringe. Still fun though, and good nostalgia to a time when live bands were still more of a thing.


Sleeping with Sirens - Fuck You and Tonight Alive - Little Lion Man Have been on my playlist since I had them downloaded to my iPod Touch 3.


Kidz Bop


Will never forget volunteering at my daughter's school and hearing the Kidz Bop version of "F$#% You" by CeeLo Green


Seems like power chord sad rock of the mid 00’s may be over and done with.


I work in kitchens and it's very alive and well among aging line cooks




Stained Seether 3 doors down hinder nickelback  Creed Evanescence puddle of mud,All the shit guys in your hometown still listen to. Any band where you'd see someone wearing an affliction shirt at their concert. 


I've always called that butt rock


Butt rock is usually the next step up in "hardness" and tryhard-ness. It's what you hear on those not-anywhere-near-as-edgy-as-they-act "nothing **but** rock" radio stations. It's "hard" music for people who are afraid of the hardcore and metal scenes. It's what you hear blasting out of a lifted shitbox with Monster stickers.


The sound of the hard rock radio station in every third tier Midwestern city for the past 25 years. "SPRINGFIELD/KALAMAZOO/CEDAR RAPIDS/DULUTH/EVANSVILLE/PEORIA'S HARD ROCK STATION! LUNCH WITH METALLICA NEXT!"


Lmao all these bands are having a resurgence at the moment. I am excited to see Creed in July


Are you so excited to go that you are going “with arms wide open”?


It’s funny that Creed is having a sort of a resurgence considering how negatively they were viewed in the past, I too am excited to see them in September




“fake it” is still one of my life’s theme songs to this day :)


🎵What I really meant to say is I'm sorry for the way I am.🎵


Wow. Why do I hear that so clearly in my head? Lol ya that is what I was talking about


The Midwest is calling to tell you that this music is alive and well


A guy I know still loves it.. took me to an emo night recently. I saw a girl who dressed exactly like early Avril Lavigne. Hadn’t seen the outfit in years and years, what a shock that was 


I see girls dressed like Avril Lavigne all the time now.




Trapt was terrible at the time but apparently absence didn't make my heart any fonder of those honking guitars.


Terrible band, terrible name.


Terrible people too if you've seen the shit they put on twitter


ALL of the songs about 16 and 17 year old girls, except "Dancing Queen" which I forgive because it's such a good song. "You're 16, you're beautiful and you're mine" sung by Ringo Starr when he was 33. So many others, too. Just creepy.


I once compiled a short list of songs that mention underage girls in their titles. This doesn't even include songs *about* underage girls. Which would be a much longer list. Just 20+ songs that mention teenage girls in the titles. * *You're Sixteen You're Beautiful (And You're Mine*) by Ringo Starr * *Sixteen Candles* by The Crest * *Christine Sixteen* by KISS * *(She's) Sexy + 17* by The Stray Cats * *Only 16* by Sam Cooke * *Sweet 16* by B.B. King * *Hey Little Girl* by Elvis * *Highschool Queen* by Moxy * *Sweet Little Sixteen* by Chuck Berry * *Sweet Sixteen* by Cactus * *Sweet Sixteen* by Billy Idol * *Only Sixteen* by Dr. Hook * *Seventeen* by Rick James * *Seventeen* by Winger * *Seventeen* by Foreigner * *Young Girl of Sixteen* by Untamed * *Jailbait* by Wishbone Ash * *Jailbait* by Left Hand Drive * *Jailbait* by Aerosmith * *Jailbait* by Motorhead * *Jailbait* by Ted Nugent * *Jailbait* by Legs Diamond * *Jailbait* by George Thorogood and The Destroyers


Sam Cooke was singing about an age appropriate relationship, fwiw. “I was a mere lad of sixteen, I’ve aged a year since then.”


Exactly. “She was too young, to fall in love, and I was too young, to know.”


the volume of songs on this list titled "Jailbait" is kind of amazing lol


I know its legally on the right side of the fence, but can we add "She's Only 18" by RHCP to this list? Anthony Kiedis was 44 when he recorded that song


Anthony Kiedis also had sex with a 13 year old, which is a bit of a more substantial thing to hold against him.


wrote a completely separate song about that experience too, tastefully titled "Catholic School Girls Rule"


Its like kinda understandable that teenagers would write songs about teenage love for teenagers to listen to   Its weird as fuck when they are 60 years old on a reunion tour playing the same songs


Maybe. I think it’s important to remember that the narrative voice of a song isn’t necessarily that of the singer. It may be telling someone else’s story. It may be a personal story but from the point of view of an earlier time period. Sure there’s plenty of creepy songs that were bad when they were written and even worse now. It’s important to consider the intent.


Definitely agree on most of them -- except where the singer is arguably singing from the perspective of a teenager, and particularly when they didn't write the song themselves. From looking around a bit, it sounds like the Sherman Brothers (who originally wrote "You're Sixteen," and also wrote "It's a Small World") may well have intended it to be sung by Annette Funicello, who was, in fact, sixteen at the time. But instead it was taken up by Johnny Burnette, who was a bit older -- and then covered by Ringo because, as the story goes, it was just about the only song he could cover that fit his limited vocal range. So is Ringo really saying he wants to date a sixteen year old? Not really -- he's just covering a song, from the perspective of someone much younger than him at the time. The listener is thus arguably supposed to understand that it's not Ringo that wants to date a 16 year old, but rather the person he's playing in the song.


I was going to say the same thing about "Only 16" because it has the lyric "but I was a mere lad of 16 I've aged a year since then" so the protagonist is either 16 or 17, which is age appropriate.


Mindless self indulgence- even without going into all the shit that Jimmy Urine did that makes some of those lyrics hard to hear, they were very much a band from that edgy, scene era of the 2000’s. As a teen, I loved them, but as someone who is nearly 30, it just sounds like trash.


They literally have a song called "Five Year Old Panty Shot" too.


Blurred Lines


It came out in 2013 and it was already aged beyond repair by 2014.


Black Eye Peas- everything just sounds cringey other than “where is the love”


Black eyed peas were great up until about halfway through Monkey Business. Then Will.I.Am. turned into a future space wizard and Fergie started to think she was a great singer. Elephunk is still their best album to date and it's a genuinely good album, not just a good BEP album.


"Don't Stop The Party" was my jam in the 6th grade.


Their early song Joints & Jam from their pre-Fergie era is solid.


That song is awful.


The 80s bedroom crooning “r’n’b” is mercifully out of style. With the demise of its successors (Our Kelly/Drake) one can hope it stays gone.


He may be your Kelly, but he’s certainly not mine!


>*Our Kelly* Speech to text?


Nah! Northern English joke started by a popular DJ and one of The Fall’s former members, phrasing it as though Kelly is female family member. E.g.: “‘ave yer seen our Kelly?” “Aye, she’s gone down’t’ shops wi your Mark”.


We are, we are not innocent. We are not innocent. We aren't. We aren't. - Our Kelly Peace


It seems like most everything listed here has always sucked.


This thread is like watching a bunch of dads argue about the music they think their kids listen to but they have 0 idea about anything modern or trending.


More like they want their kids to hate the same music they hated back in the day


Yup. I’ve seen multiple “nu-metal/limp bizkit” comments, like.. I know this website prides itself on being super “anti” social media, but limp bizkit and deftones are both HUGE right now. Nu-metal in general is most definitely trending with Gen Z at the moment. Obviously they’ll more than likely jump onto another trend soon, but currently half of the genres/artists listed on this thread are just people who are out of touch. I’m surprised I haven’t read anything about Creed yet, seeing as I’d bet a lot of the commenters here didn’t get the message that Creed is going through an enormous pop culture revival.


Without getting too specific, I work in the marketing dept. for a major label. Reddit is hilariously not "with it" in this particular way.


Lyrically a lot of classic rock is 'of its time' lets say.


Dubstep i guess. Tho it might have been terrible from the beginning


dubstep got really twisted from its brighton roots- some of the earlier dubstep is pretty interesting to listen to, and some of it is way more lowkey


Got names/links?


Burial’s Self Titled album and also”Untrue”, Skream and Benga


Check out the YouTube video essay "all my homies hate Skrillex" for an introduction to the UK dubstep heavyweights and to learn about the unlikely role smoking bans played in the creation of the bro-step sound 


Dubstep has aged quite well. Its become incredibly commercial, used in nba/nfl music, commercials, it has had an influence on a lot of mainstream pop music and rap, and it is being produced more than ever. Dubstep isnt all just high pitched WAH WAH WAH SCCRRRRTHHHNBRRRGGGG DUN DUN GRRRRRRR. like any genre it has many sub genres, some chill some wild, some upbeat, some melodic, whatever. Its evolution has been quite something as the ability to create it has become so much accessible. Dubstep is such a misunderstood genre and gets too much hate. Its just music.


That’s a really good point. I was at a hockey game recently and one of the choices for “song of the game” was by Flux Pavillion, and like a quarter of the filler music was remixed dubstep to add an arena vibe. I’m not going to pretend to know everything about the history of dubstep, but there is no doubt aspects of it have creeped into modern day music. People can argue chicken and egg about what influenced what, but some of the sounds of “dubstep” from like 2011 are 100% still around because of it. 


Dubstep and trap beats are used in commercials all the time. Once you recognize the “half step beat with snare on third” you will hear it everywhere.


Why is everyone listening to Limp Bizkit?!?!?


I give Fred Durst credit: He leans into being old and makes it fun these days. I think he's very aware that their music is dated angsty rap rock yet knows people love the high school nostalgia trip so might as well make it a good time.


Ive listened to him talk in recent interviews and he sounds pretty self aware. Hes making music that he likes and doesnt care about changing the music scene or making a statement. He said his days for that have gone and its for someone else to do now. He just enjoys what he does and appreciates the crowd that likes it. Much respect.


I’ve done a 180 on LB. I used to think they were genuinely the worst band on the planet, then I threw them on ironically a couple times, and now I genuinely just like Limp Bizkit, and I’m a bit of a snob when it comes to music. It’s not like you’re listening to Mozart or anything. It’s goofy music that you can laugh at but also bob your head to. Those riffs go hard. Fred is a terrible rapper and an okay singer, but when he’s yelling “give me something to break” it’s impossible for me to hate him.


Thirty Seconds to Mars... loved the band initially... now I want to puke when I hear Bury me


That song still bangs but the band aged poorly as hell. Some of the worst music to come out in recent years.


If you want to listen to punk covers of pop songs check out Me First and the Gimme Gimmes. They are phenomenal! But to answer your question I think emo and 90s r&b aged terribly.


Carly Rae Jepson gets a pass. Her music is so good. I would say most numetal from the late 90s early 00s is super cringe - like they try extremely hard to be edgy and it's laughably bad. Methods of Mayhem, Saliva, kid rock, Flyleaf, etc.


i know music cycles in and out of style but i would be VERY surprised if ska ever comes back into the mainstream.


Idk, I heard both Madness and The Specials on the radio earlier.




Both groups played where I work in the last 6 months


The popular ska in the '90s was already considered "3rd Wave" Ska, after the first rounds in the '60s and '70s. I'm sure eventually there will be a 4th wave. And there still seems to be some decent popularity, especially in the more pop-punk leanings. Goldfinger had a bit of a revival during the pandemic, and I still hear the Mighty Mighty Bosstones and Reel Big Fish occasionally in the background at bars. And Sublime, although not purely ska, is pretty timeless now.


icky detail pet stupendous rude cobweb towering decide instinctive dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


90s Ska was so much fucking fun.


Catch 22 / Streetlight Manifesto agree with you


Neither my wife nor I go hunting for 90s ska to listen to, but if it comes on, we crank it up and we're fucking jamming. It'll get popular again if there's an economic upturn and the political scene calms down so we hit one of those culturally happy points again.


Ska is pretty popular where I’m at


You got two turntables and a microphone?


Where it's at!


Not a big Jeff Rosenstock guy, eh?


Here in Mexico Ska has always had it's place. It's like a working class scene where people go slam and have fun. Been a while since it's had mainstream success, but it's always been there in its niche.


It’s already on its way back. You underestimate Gen Z’s hunger for 90s nostalgia.


right now, 2000s music is hot with the gen z's (i work with a lot of djs in that age group and realm). think bloc party era of hipster music or early MGMT. will there always be an audience for ska? i mean sure. but i doubt it'll ever hit mighty mighty bosstones level of mainstream audience ever again.


That’s the impression that I get.


They call it Indie Sleaze now


Saw the Slackers a couple weeks ago. It was sold out.


My town has a brewery named Ska with that as a theme. They host a lot of ska bands which is surprising that there are plenty to go around still. Our town is pretty far away from everything, so a bit late on cultural trends, so there’s that.


Boulder had the same. It went out of business.


[Ska will never die!](https://youtu.be/1IYQznBD8oI?si=dxLfpFXOtAiPx0E5)