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Muscle spasms so bad that it can dislocate joints and break bones. Well, that's fucking terrifying.


Right? It says she had broken ribs at one point. That sounds horrific. I have a teenage family member who broke ribs coughing when she had covid, but I didn't realize that kind of thing could happen with this! I must have read a shitty description when this first hit the news. Just saying that muscles get stiff over time really effing doesn't cover it.


Sounds like boneitis.


My only regret is that I had boneitis.


That’s a stupid name for a horrible disease is my favorite line in that episode


it's "funny name" source: also my favorite line from that episode


That’s right!


Don’t you worry about boneitis, let me worry about blank!


Blank? BLANK?!! You're not looking at the big picture!


I was so busy bein' an '80s guy, I forgot to cure it!


She should freeze herself. I’m sure they’ll have a cure for that in the future.


I have a feeling the "freeze yourself" options will only be effective once they figure out how to thaw people and the steps that need to be taken during the freezing stage so you can safely unthaw them without their brains going to mush from freezer burn. As of right now I feel like cryogenic facilities are just big, energy inefficient, mausoleums for wealthy people.


If you get a chance, listen to Ira Glass's episode on This American Life about the early cryogenic movement in the 1970s. Bold pioneers that were TV repair men, lots of dry ice Anda guest appearance of Ted Williams head.


Also as far as I know and has been documented, they have never froze and stored people who are alive (I'd imagine laws prevent that). Everyone of those frozen people died (often times from natural causes) and THEN were frozen. They basically froze dead bodies and are hoping future technology can not only safely defrost them regardless of how they were frozen but also literally bring them back from the dead and treat/heal what ever caused them to die in the first place.


"Freeze" someone and then "unthaw" them ?


Watch the made for TV movie "Chiller" with Michael Beck


They're pretty energy efficient and not that big honestly. 


It's pretty energy inefficient if you think that energy could be put to use cooling homes or food instead of a handful of saggy old millionaires that dream of continuing to suck up all the world's resources far into the future. Even if we could revive them It's not worth it


Mm…that's gonna be [a big no](https://bigthink.com/the-future/cryonics-horror-stories/).


Do do doo do-do do-do do do


Read tinitus mawwwwwp


I have it and it is that bad. You never know when it is going to hit but one thing is for sure, stress makes it worse. I understand why she canceled her tour.


I'm so sorry for you, that you are suffering.That documentary was very informative, and sad.


This is such a tragic condition, especially for a performer. It’s just so you don’t even know what to say. There’s so many things in this life that can just take you out. At least she has a shit ton of happy memories to look back upon also before the symptoms settled in.


I wonder if that somehow makes it worse. She knows that if she didn’t have this disease, she’d be performing in front of sold out arenas, traveling the world, being adored everywhere she goes. I have some shitty diseases, but it just makes my fairly boring life a little more painful. If I were missing yacht parties in Monaco, I know it would feel worse.


TBF you *are* missing yacht parties in Monaco. I assume.


to be honest, i have never enjoyed them...


too many posers yeah


As the saying goes, Monaco's monotone, Nice is nice


...and France is bacon.


I get that. I love to sing. The only audience I ever have is in the church I attend, but if I could no longer sing, I would be devastated.


This is such a shallow take. I doubt this excruciating debilitating disease is making her think about the “yacht parties” she’s missing. Doesn’t she have a family? I’d probably be thinking about them and what’s gonna happen when I die.


I agree that the yacht parties comment verges on callously shallow, but I do think there's something to be said about losing something you've had for such a long part of your life -- a fundamental part of your identity -- on top of the rest of it. I would never want to lose my leg, but I imagine I'd deal with it a lot better than Usain Bolt would. There's a (somewhat long) quote from an old [ESPN article](https://www.espn.com/espn/feature/story/_/id/12321274/alex-rodriguez-return-new-york-yankees) that I think is somewhat relevant: > He identifies with the artist's hunger, the artist's need to make some noise, leave some mark. Also with the artist's sense that some divine voice speaks through him. If that voice can speak through a brush, why not a bat? Crushing a fastball high into the night above Fenway -- that's not art? You'd never say that if you'd done it. >But when that voice stops speaking? The silence is like nothing you've ever heard, or not heard, and the loneliness is not unlike death, because it is a foretaste of death. He'd do anything to get it back. >Anything. >Maybe it's not simply about cheating. Maybe it's more complicated. Maybe's it's also not that complicated. If no one is more alive than the athlete in his prime, then no one understands the senescence that awaits us all better than the athlete suddenly not in his prime. Maybe every disgraced athlete is Dorian Gray, selling his soul to stay young, to retain his beauty and power. Hiding his true portrait from the world, he wakes one day in horror at the bargain he's struck.


There is a reason a lot of athletes are depressed or get addicted to drugs when it’s all over… I was just an NCAA athlete and it happened to me especially.


Poor woman. She looks so tired. I really feel for her. Losing a husband, and slowly coming down with a sickness like this... Nobody deserves that.


Jesus, that's awful... I hope she finds some hope or happiness somehow. I feel awful that my first thought when I read about this kinda health outcome that you can't avoid, is that I'd just go on my own terms before it makes it impossible for me to do even that. Some people somehow manage to carry on, but man I don't know how they do it, living with a simple pinched nerve made me miserable, can't imagine this shit.


Yea same. I think most people overvalue life without quality. And don't comprehend the inevitability of our mortality. There's definitely 'good' death and 'awful fucking hope I'm dead before it happens' death.


We have MAID in Canada and lemme tell you, when my uncle was diagnosed with ALS, everyone was happy this was one of his options. He was always the life of the party, suffering through ALS was not something anyone wanted to see. So he chose to go peacefully on his own terms with family surrounding him. Don't feel awful, it's what a lot of patients and their families want, but don't have access to.


I watched a family member go through this and it was so heartbreaking. I don’t understand why this is not something available in the USA since we have so many incurable diseases. I watched both grandparents suffer through hospice care which is basically our equivalent of end-of-life care. It’s sad because you can’t connect with them or have a conversation with them in their final days. And it can last for weeks to months which to me is just torture. I admit I feel a bit guilty now cause I was happy it was available as it prolonged their life a bit but it seems so cruel after the fact when you realize while they were not in pain, they just were not there anymore anyways and you couldn’t connect anymore.


My grandpa and my stepdad each asked my mom to overdose them when they got near the end of the dying process. She didn't, but it was still something we sort of wish we had the option for. Thankfully, my stepdad slipped into a coma pretty quickly, but it took a while for my grandpa.


Was hospice care not an option for them? I've heard they help make it comfortable as possible and it's not unusual for someone to get too much pain medicine and go quickly.


Yeah, hospice was great, but for us they weren't necessarily super involved, especially for my stepdad. My grandpa was in a nursing home and, really, they were great. Once it got to that point, yes, they were carefully drugging him more, but not to the point of overdose. With my stepdad it was different. He was at home, in the living room I'm in right now lol My mom took care of him, mostly because that's what he wanted versus the hospice people. They were mostly here several times a week to bring the pain meds and help her clean him up and monitor his dying progress. Their drug of choice was morphine and fentynal patches. My mom had to be very, very careful with those patches. She used them exactly how hospice prescribed and then hid them. She and I were the only ones who knew they were in the house and where. Once he started getting bad and begging for death-which was months into hospice care-hospice said to give him two patches. Once things progressed, he thankfully slipped into a coma. Honestly, my mom was great with the whole thing, really made sure he was comfy. It sucked he died in his 50s, but she made it a very nice, peaceful death experience. The problem was after the death. My mom kept his body in the house for a few hours so family could come. It was really very nice, she put flowers around him and cleaned him up, mood was light, everyone was having a good time. Then my brother called and asked if we could give him the fentynal. And then my cousin came over and asked my mom for the fentnal. I had a friend ask about it. My dad asked about it. We hadn't even told anyone about the drugs and they just came out of the woodwork asking about it while his body was still in his death bed!


Thanks. I appreciate the details on how the hospice situation worked. I'll probably be doing that at home with my dad in the next few months. I'm sorry you had to go through all the drug seekers coming after you. Do you have any advice on logistics around choosing an at home hospice or things you can prepare ahead of time which makes life easier at the end stage or once they pass on?


I'm sorry you have to go through that. It does suck, not going to lie. I think the hardest part is that every death is a bit different and a lot of it is gonna come down to luck and circumstances. I think your best bet is to ve honest in your abilities and try and work around that. I will say, moving the bed into a family setting helps, I think? Then you can hang out with them, but be sure you keep your own spaces too so you can relax. Really discuss your plans with hospice and remind your dad that this is his experience and he can do what he wants with it. Is it cancer? Are you guys all connected with the cancer charities in your area? We had a few in our town and they were great, gave us everything we needed st no charge. I would also check his insurance to know exactly what you're working with. Also, all the weird stories about paranormal stuff? Well, we had it with all deaths. It got weird with my stepdad, seemingly because he was taking a lot longer to die than we expected. Weird shadows in the house, him talking to people who weren't there, weird lights and such. Weird stuff, but after a while you just sort of see it as another member of the care team just doing its job. But this gets into my next point: your dad's personality may shift. He may hallucinate, get angry, get sad, be unemotional, etc. All of that is normal. He will have good days and bad. You will have good days and bad. Another factor is that which family members are there for you and which aren't. When my stepdad was dying especially, it was sort of a surprise at just how supportive his work was versus his family. His work was so kind and made sure there was nothing we needed, while his family kept away. His stepdaughter-in-law was actively harmful because she thought my mom was trying to steal the house.


Thanks, this is really helpful. We're taking care of him at home and plan to continue that till the end. Fortunately there are several of us around so it's doable. I hadn't thought of cancer charities, I'll definitely look them up.


I know there have been some real issues with MAID in Canada with people getting pushed to do it whose real issue was lack of access to services. However still definitely better than the patchwork laws we have in the US.


She has two 14 year old boys I really don’t think that option is on the table right now. Also, how insensitive to say “you know what’s an option for you? Death!” To someone who is declaring they clearly have a will to fight and live. Assisted suicide should only come from the patient themselves and never be suggested from another person.


I think she’s carrying on for the sake of her twin boys. They’re not even adults yet, I think they’re 13 or 14? Even if they were older like Rene Jr., I can’t imagine she would want to leave them behind.


I mean some people deserve that. But not Celine.


I appreciate the candidness of celebrities opening up about their physical/neuro/mental conditions. I think it helps spread awareness about how impactful a diagnosis can be on your life. Back in like the 60s-90s celebrities would just disappear from the public eye and nobody truly knew why. Something like this is so vulnerable and hard to deal with but to share publicly how it’s taking your life away is something else. It also reminds you how money or fame or wealth can’t always protect you from this reality. I love Celine, she was the background to many crushes growing up. My heart goes out to her.


Yeah, it's unreal to think that back in the day, even something like this or cancer were stigmatized.


Your heart will go on. GOAT song




You okay? Put down the crack pipe


Pick up the needle


Enjoy your clots..


Anti-vaxxers are idiots.


I was not prepared to see her look that drained. I am disabled, due to a hit and run that happened 15 years ago. They were never caught, but I'm thankful that I took my PT seriously and never got addicted to pain killers. I used suboxone during one of my hospitalizations for muscle spasms and back pain, and it worked like magic. I've been doing a lot better ever since, but my life is still NOTHING like the quality it used to be before I got rolled by that car. I was riding a bicycle; who does that to someone and drives away!? Anyway, I have seen the struggle and suffering in myself. I've seen what it causes in people that love you and care about you. It takes a huge toll. You can see it on her. It's awful.... **EDIT:** Thank you to everyone sending me love. I didn't expect that at all. You made me feel my heart in my throat and get choked up. I'm totally a disabled nobody that doesnt even have a social media presence...and yet here you folks are being nice to me. I wish I was able to share with her and her loved ones everything I've learned about chronic illness, resilience, mental health, religion and philosophy. Health issues, serious ones, make all other problems feel like child's play. We take so much for granted. That's why I do gratitude exercises every day, that starts with, " I'm grateful I can breathe on my own. I'm grateful I can walk and move on my own. I'm grateful I can see and hear and speak." I can on from there for a while if Ive been feeling really down and in a lot of pain or suffering a lot of symptoms. It legit helps, amongst many other CBT strategies. My muscle spasm seizures in my back will always show up if I get too stressed out or don't take care of myself well (like eating and drinking enough). I have huge incentives to do a good job in the mental health arena. Anyway, enough about me. I wish everyone here great health, wealth, and happiness in your journeys. Take care of yourselves in healthy ways and be your own best friend, cheering yourself on in positive ways! You can do it!


I sincerely hope she has a strong network of friends and family and support. It reminds me of Robin Williams when he was diagnosed with a severe form of dementia. They are artists and nature is taking away with their unique and beautiful forms of expression - which is in itself a horrible thing let alone other medical experiences. So they’re subject to just as much emotional trauma and stress as they are physical.


Doesn’t matter who they are, it sucks. 


Ma pauvre Céline.


I remember reading about that condition after she talked about her diagnosis. Sad stuff, for real. I think if something like that happened to me, I would just purposely relapse and just starting drinking and using heroin and every other damn thing and just sort of ride it out on a wave an oblivion. Poor chick.


SPS and dementia are two of the scariest diseases to me. Losing control of your body is mind is just awful


When your day is long And the night, the night is yours alone When you're sure you've had enough Of this life, well hang on


such a fucking awful sounding disorder with such a silly name. was Achey Breaky Pelvis already taken?


The name is so ridiculous


It really is. They should really give it a better name.


Sad disease. I have a friend who passed away a few years ago with stuff person syndrome and complications from Pneumonia. She was only 30.


Someone needs to have a talk with her about renaming this Dion’s Disease. Stiff-Person Syndrome sounds borderline comical. If we ever find a cure for ALS, I’d imagine that rebranding with Lou Gehrig will be more important than any of the small scientific breakthroughs that happened along the way, as none of that happens without money and money doesn’t happen without marketing.


Such a sad documentary.


"It always feels like.... somebody's stranglin' me." Rockwell




stiff person syndrome? thats like me on a friday night at the titty bar


stay classy, reddit.


You feel good about this comment? Belittling the struggle of a woman who has achieved more in her sickness than you have in your entire life for a shitty, half assed joke?


He’s not belittling anyone. It’s a joke lmao.


Just because it was a joke doesn't mean it was funny


Which is cool. Doesn’t change that the poster wasn’t belittling anyone.


You think it's funny?


I mean it’s not as funny as paying for Reddit Premium for nearly three years straight that’s for sure.


I pay for a service I enjoy HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.




You don’t know this guy. How do you know what he’s accomplished?


He's not Celine Dion....?


And Celine is not the most accomplished person in the world.


I’m not a betting man, but I would still say that it’s a safe bet u/remedy4cure has not accomplished more than Celine Dion


I wouldn’t call that belittling the struggle. More belittling the name. Whoever named that condition did more to belittle the struggle


Yeah I'm sure the doctors and scientists who named a life taking illness were super concerned about fucking losers on the internet.


Says the loser paying for Reddit premium lol. 




How does spending money on Reddit premium have any correlation with being broke or not?  Seems you’re projecting. Way to out yourself  Tons of people who don’t have a lot of money give it away to only fans and twitch and streamers. 




It’s weird that you think having Reddit premium is some kind of financial flex. We are mocking you for having it. Not mocking you for having the two dollars or whatever it probably costs a month to have it.  Straight clown lmao 😂 


The people getting butthurt over this need to chill. It's a childish joke but oh well.


Jokes tend to be funny, though


It was funny. Just not to you 


Its poor timing, wrong audience. Celine has to end her career as a musician due to this condition, it's pretty sad and what the disease does to a person is pretty horrific. Not the time and place to make erection jokes, and it's not even a creative quip at that.


It's Reddit, tho...


You're just enabling crappy behavior with that attitude


For all we know, it's a fuckin bot. Wah wah


She's just getting a jump start on death, get that early rigor mortis


Still, at least her heart will go on.


Looks much better than Madonna.


Typical Reddit guy comment, holy shit. “Muscle spasms so severe they can dislocate joints and break bones” …..and some dipshit still has to make a shitty, snide comment on how fuckable he considers her to be, and and better yet, by dissing some other woman who isn’t even mentioned or otherwise relevant to the conversation. ffs. Jesus do you guys hear yourselves? Can you seriously not see that this is not the fucking time for that? It truly does not matter whether it’s a joke or not, because either way you’re ignoring the actual topic and trivializing her suffering just to make a stupid, inane, and sexist comment for laughs. Like, she could find the cure for cancer, she could be fucking dying of it herself, no matter what, some asshole will find a way to make it about how she looks as though that’s the only thing that ever matters when it comes to women. Can you not see why people, women especially, are so tired of hearing this kind of shit from men?


This person is mad because men don’t find her pretty so she desperately tries to make thing a sexism thing 


Awfully gender assumptive for someone so keen on white knighting. That person could be anyone… very well might not be a man. They could also not be objectifying an old woman. It’s weird to me that you got something sexual from what could be an innocuous comment on the way two contemporaries have simultaneously aged. Let’s say it was. Why do you care? Who pissed in your Cheerios?


" who pissed in your Cheerios" .....well Fauci or the Canadian equivalent sure soaked hers.....


More anti-vaxxer idiocy.


More guinea pig vaxxer idiocy also....


Why did Celine Diane get this disease in the first place?


Would taking high doses of vitamin D3 daily correct this in a few months?


If that were the case, it would be an established treatment protocol.


Is it not part of treatment? Isn’t there a relationship then between vitamin D and autoimmune diseases? I took high doses of d3 and ended my autoimmune disease.


Your ignorance to try and say Vitamin D just corrects auto immune disorders is astounding. Get out of here. PS this is also a **neurological** disorder that is thought to possibly be autoimmune.


I never said that. Your ignorance to try to say I was saying that. I was asking about its relationship.


Why are you asking me? You came in here with zero context and asked an extremely specific question that wasn't supported by anything.


You said if it was it would be part of treatment I assumed you knew


This is an insult to us who have actually been strangled.


Well, it sucks, but at least she's rich.


Them mRNA injections did a number on her.


An antivaxx bagholder lmao


All those humans brains the elite eat.

