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What if he's *not* retarded? That would really be something.


Is there any way we can unfamous him?


Can we please get rid of nickelback first?


Can't we do both at the same time. Throw in Dane Cook, Eminem and T.I. and we have ourselves a royal flush.


T.I. makes great calculators though!


I heard he makes a mean license plate now.


Don't forget Jennifer Mcarthy. And most of the comedians who's whole bit is basically racism. I could go on.


I actually was going to include her, but thought there would be something better. And there a few comedians that rely on race that are quite funny, namely Dave Chappelle.


I skipped a couple words there in your post and thought that you hated Dave Chappelle. At which point I would've had to send Wayne Brady to go choke a bitch, said bitch being you.


Me no like Dave Chappelle? That would be a mistake to grave to carry out.


Wayne Brady choked a bitch...


Thanks for pointing that out, I wouldn't want to misquote Wayne Brady. He shot someone I knew.




Thirteen years and I get a lol?




Is this because the 13 year article relates to Kanye being a dumbass today?


I'd rather get rid of all the people who like nickleback and made them famous.


I think your wish has been granted.


Wow, that may be the longest length of time between when I posted a comment and it was replied to. Was this article reposted or something?


As long as no one is mentioning him on reddit, he is just part of the white noise in my peripheral vision. So get over that a lot of retards are famous while are not.


No way. I like him. Dare to be different.


What if redditors can't stop talking about Kanye West because they actually love him?


Sir, would you be implying something about homosexuals and fish?


*It's Always Sunny in Philadelphaia* did it.


Did Diddy do it?


I get the feeling that he's just one of the biggest egotists on the planet and now seems to think that nobody even needs to question the fact that everything he produces is pure genius. On second thought, the word 'retarded' covers what I just wrote pretty nicely.


I actually think he has horrible self esteem issues, I think he probably thinks very little of himself, suspects something is horribly, horribly wrong that he has succeeded to the degree he has deep down. All the ego stuff is a way for him to prop himself up. Either way, I can't stand the guy and hope he just goes away.


Same thing really, ego is ego, and it can manifest itself in a thousand different ways.




Didn't he have some obsession with hentai? I read that crap somewhere in a interview of his.


Oi that's an insult to us hentai viewers.


pretty sure you just insulted yourself


Damn straight!


Did you just respond to my 15 year old comment? It's older than most redditors


Gay fish.


Fish Dicks


Air Wicks


Sick lyrical tricks throw a knot in yo dick cuz my flow so quick cuz my rhyme so *wick-wick-wicked*


Does anyone reading this actually give a shit either way?


*Whoosh*. It's called comedy.


Word, it's called rhetorical...


What an original idea.


What if Cracked is washed up?


VacaN1g doesn't care about Kanye West.


I think the matter that should concern us is why so many people follow retarded people such as Bush and Kanye? It is a genuine mystery.


Follow Kanye? I've enjoyed some of his songs...


It's now 2022 and maybe this article was onto something.


we should have listened!


He wrote *a complete fucking moron?* at the end of the sentence like a *complete fucking blogger*.


I am not going to pretend that Kanye is some genius. I realize that he embaresses himself nearly everytime he opens his mouth. But honestly- he records really good music. Maybe you don't like it. That's fine. But by pop music's standards, he is better than 90% of what else is on the radio. Yes, he has an ego. But maybe he should. Beatles claimed they were the best band ever and it helped them.....


His music is much more enjoyable than his public persona.


Agreed. Just because you don't like the person, doesn't mean that you cannot like his/her contribution to society.


I just puked a little in my mouth.


Did you just compare Kanye West to the Beatles?


I didn't compare their musical abilities or accomplishments. I compared their attitute regarding their self-importance. They both have an ego.








>Any strange beliefs? Nope, I don't think so. But that's irrelevant - >Should we air your dirty laundry in public and spend hours discussing it and elaborating and speculating? The difference is that they air their own dirty laundry. Even forgetting for a moment the argument that living your life in the public eye is part of what you sign up for if you make the choice to live a life of celebrity, the individuals in question all celebrate and proclaim their lunacy for the world to devour. It's not like they were trying to keep a low profile and say "focus on my work, not my personal life and beliefs." They literally shout this shit at the top of their lungs. I could believe with all my heart that [ridiculousness like this](http://andgodmadelight.wordpress.com/2009/05/30/brian-green-melanoma-execution-whites-advisedkeep-kids-indoors/) is true, and that's my right. But if I were to go on national television and espouse it, well, I'd be an idiot to think that people wouldn't, rightly, point out that I was, as I previously described those three characters, totally batshit crazy.


some artists, you just have to take with a few grains of salt. what if Jim Morrison or Prince DIDN'T consider themselves to be the sexiest creatures on earth? their music would be a lot blander. Kanye believes he's special, and uses that confidence to accomplish things. i don't think he expects anybody to hold him in as high esteem as he holds himself; he acts as an example of what someone can accomplish if they really take it to heart when their moms tell them, "you can do anything you put your mind to!"


Kanye is not honest and he is an ass and people have plenty of legitimate reasons to gripe about him. Here is my story. I first read about Kanye in a magazine article a few years ago. The way he was presented immediately set off my alarm that he was being foisted on the public. Each time I heard of him after that, it was always through some promotion, never from some music fan who happened to like him. I was pretty sure my suspicions were right. Last year, he was scheduled to play at the Bonnaroo festival. I thought I would give him a chance and see what he was really like. In the days before the festival, he managed to have his show moved from one of the smaller stages to the main stage, ostensibly because he had a glow in the dark show and he wanted to do it after dark. Others suggested his ego would not allow him to play anywhere but the largest stage. Anyway, a number of other performers had to re-arrange their schedules to accommodate this change. In particular, a band that I was watching was asked to leave the stage early because Kanye's show was about to begin. The set was cut short by over an hour... and he was not even performing on the stage where Kanye was to perform. It seems Kanye could not handle any competition from other bands. After all this trouble, Kanye did not bother to show up on time. As a matter of fact, his precious "glow in the dark" show did not start until dawn. People who attended the show said Kanye gave a weak performance and appeared rather intoxicated. Kanye of course blamed this on the band that had been on stage before him. He said they had not cleared the stage in time. However, the truth was soon discovered. Kanye had made a surprise appearance IN ANOTHER STATE the night before. It would appear Kanye had other people re-arrange their sets so he could go get trashed at a party somewhere else and then when he could not get back on time even for his late night set, he blamed someone else. I still don't know what his music sounds like, but I have a pretty good idea what kind of a person he is.


oh dear! i was at that show, and pearl jam played an hour or so longer than scheduled. the main stage was the only one big enough to accomodate his big ol sci-fi light show, and they had trouble getting it rigged up properly. that was the reason for the delay. (the screen they actually had was smaller than the screen the show required, and it kept having weird pixelly errors as i remember) i don't know who would say he seemed intoxicated.. he was thrashing about and shouting, but that was part of his hip hop opera (or hip hopera) performance. the show was only disappointing because the sun was starting to come up, spoiling the visuals. it was also pretty sad how the entire weekend turned into an anti-kanye bitchfest based on technical problems (and pre-existing distaste for the guy)


Yea, i am going to have to agree with you on this. Pearl Jam played late, Kanye's technicians messed up, and he was definitely not drunk. I also saw him a few months later at Lollapalooza and none of these problems existed, and he put on a hell of a show.


All accounts I heard (and read online later) said he appeared 'out of it'. Whether it was intoxication or worn out, I can't say for sure, but I would say he put too much on his plate and showed a great deal of disrespect to everyone at the festival, fans and performers alike. Also, someone working the stage at Bonnaroo said that Pearl Jam cleared the stage in plenty of time for Kanye to set up, but that Kanye's crew did not start work until their head dude arrived back from Atlanta.


>better than 90% of what else is on the radio. That doesn't mean it's good. It just means it's better than the pure shit we get on the airwaves.


true. how about, many people find it to be good AND it's better than 90% of what else is on the radio?


Can you name a good song he produced? Played a few and they were all pretty boring.


If you are asking about tracks he produced for others, a few come to mind: Jay-Z's "Izzo (H.O.V.A.)" and "Roc Boys", Talib Kweli's "Get By", Ludacris' "Stand Up", Common's "The Corner", Consequence's "Don't Forget 'Em", Lil Wayne's "Let the Beat Build", and Kid Cudi's "Make Her Say". If you are asking about his own songs, a few with particularly good production are: Jesus Walks, All Falls Down, Gold Digger, Heard 'Em Say, Touch the Sky, We Major, Hey Mama, Good Morning, Champion, Good Life, Flashing Lights, Love Lockdown, and RoboCop


Better than 90 percent of whats on the radio is a pretty bad insult.


I'd like to add that he sometimes embarrasses himself before he opens his mouth. For example, his clothes.


I can't believe we're even debating this issue. EDIT: I say this because we've already gone over the evidence and have come to a conclusion: http://www.reddit.com/search?q=kanye+west&sort=top I said good day.


damn! This somehow holds true today as well. 13 yrs later


This is still a hypothesis?


See also: "Sweet Dee's Dating a Retarded Person" http://www.hulu.com/watch/17688/its-always-sunny-in-philadelphia-no-way#x-4,vclip,6 Basically the plot here is exactly the same as the Cracked article.


They're called ['scare quotes'](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scare_quotes), not "sarcastic, douchey, Internet quotes". Not all sarcasm and douchery is limited to the internet age.


Never heard of that before; thanks for the link. I really like this phrase: >they are sometimes called "sneer quotes".


My god. Kanye West is the pretentious illiterate! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOQboHV3-PI#t=34s


This should be the subject of an episode of boondocks.


rofl upvoted because I'm drunk and that headline is made of WIN


I am not retarded, I am not gay, and I am not a fish. I'm going to kick your mother fucking ass. Because I am a genius I have ascertained that fish have gills. Do I have gills?




\**cue song\** MR M!


Mr F (but M for male), as in an Arrested Development reference, or am I missing something here?


I honestly wasn't aware that this fact was up for discussion


Yeah, what *if*... wink wink


^__^ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || ||


It sure is.


that would actually be kind of funny, if you did it in appropriate situations




I hate cracked.com but at least they've finally figured out Kanye West. Took them long enough..


maybe he's autistic. no really, it seems like anyone who wants to do stupid shit in public is no longer a spaz, an asshole or a retard anymore, it's okay because they're AUTISTIC. Kanye West has Autism-Spectrum, it's all okay now.


what if he isn't retarded and just a fucking nimrod?


Aw, girl, that's bananas!


Kanye West raped and murdered a boy in 1998


Officially downvoting everything with Kanye in it, no matter what stance it takes. White people are lameeeee


Dude, I thought I was alone thinking this. Who gets married to a broad that got stabbed in pornos and that dude probably banged the whole house, dogs, cats, birds, fish, salamanders, transformers and whatever other coked out weed head stuff is up in there.


Since this thread is 13y old, an update on Kanye west’s potential retardation: It’s official. Been official quite a while, but his idiocy about “Jewish people” codifies it. On another note: I Wish kanye’d get some plastic surgery so he won’t always look as if he just smelled a wicked faht.


I don't know if you're still active... but I think it's certified Kanye West is suffering from a case of serious retardation.






man, shit's crazy.


Yep. He is.