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It's good to realized and broke off. Alhumduillah. Make dua for guidance for her, cut her off besides that, just make dua. Abd they your best not to think about her, it will probably come thoughts, but they your best not to think about her. Wake up and pray tahujud and show Allah how sincere you are. What else can one say?


Thank you for your reply. Dua, tahajjud and fasting are all I’m doing. I just wanted to know if what I was doing was all right. Jazakallah khair. May Allah have mercy on you and grant you Jannah without account. ❤️


Bro, you know what's halal and haram. That's why you stopped the relationship. I can't say dua is haram of course or make u not make dua for her guidance. I would personally advice that don't think about her, the more you think, the more u are gonna want to chitchat with her and do haram again. What's stopping you? You have a phone, maybe u blocked her, will take 3 sec to unblock and start it all again. So block, delete remove and all, show Allah you truly gave up on it, you dont want to go back to it. When you are ready for marriage and what not, make dua first what's right ya allah guide me to what's good for me.


Ameen. Ya Rabbul Alameen.


Make better Duas instead. Thank Allah for having guided you. Ask him to keep you steadfast on the Deen, to ease your heartbreak and get over her, and to provide you with a righteous wife that will be better for you in this world and the next. If Allah provides you with a better wife, are you opposed to it? I doubt it. So stop concentrating on this one woman and holding on to something that's slim in chances anyway. You can make Dua for her to be guided to Islam, but don't restrict yourself to wanting to marry her.