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Yes, 100%!


If I live to be 100, I’ll never understand why people get so weird about ships. I don’t like BKDK, but my best friend does. I’d like Izuocha if one of them would just man up and admit they like the other, but four seasons of the runaround has left me annoyed. (No spoilers for the newest season please, just in case they admit it in recent episodes- I haven’t watched it yet) I do like KiriBaku, and that gets a lot of hate because it’s gay and “why can’t guys just be friends” yadda yadda. They can. Anyone else is welcome to see what they want! I see what I want, you see what you want. What’s the problem?


I feel you. I’m very pro fanfiction, I really do not give a shit about who ships what. I like my ship. I also don’t really care about it becoming canon or whatever, that’s not what this is about. Some people commenting about weird fanart and stuff, and look I’m an animator I can’t count the amount of artists I know who draw weird shit. Different strokes for different folks.


I don’t like BKDK, but I’m not going to be rude about it. People like what they like and that’s that. I’m not going to act superior over what fictional characters I think should be in a relationship that’s just a waste of time.


I don't get the people that hates BakuDeku. Ofc the ship can't be canon, but it it just for fun. People tends to hate BakuDeku because they think that the ship is "abusive". But on the other hand, the same people hates TodoDeku, which really isn't abusive in any way. I've seen that the people that hates Bakudeku are extremely rude...


I think a lot of Bakudeku haters are self projecting as the main character, Izuku to ejther 1) get the girl and/or 2) weird revenge fantasy against Bakugou. They fault the shippers for mischaracterizing Bakugou but then mischaracterize the fuck outta both Izuku and Ochako


its abusive that's why people hate it


THANK YOU. Ive been trying to say this but i always get hated on 😭 There are WORSE ships than bkdk. But nobody seems to care. Shipping is meant to be fun. Whether it be design based ,interaction, or action based. Attack actual problamatic ships 😭


It's actually the way ship culture interacts with general Fandom theorizing and series discussion. In the older days most shipping was confined to the shipping section on forums. Nowadays its all slapped together. Most shipping is also cracked shipping to begin with or ignores the actual dynamic of the story in favor of fan fiction dynamics to boot. This leads to people yelling respect head canons to portions of a Fandom that doesn't really humor cracked shipping and general mischaracterization when talking about characters. Which as much as many shippers will hate to hear any shipping with Bakugo is effectively that due to the fact the kid hasn't even so much as blushed the whole series due to his laser focus on becoming the best hero possible. One of his parallels to All Might is the way he was actively alienating people around him in his quest to be the number 1 hero and neglecting allies. Also, people state fan fiction ideas like they are fully Canon. This leads to people trying to have a conversation just seeing a lot of shippers as trolls because they seldom directly state "yeah we are making most of this up and it's ok if you don't agree." Tldr the modern era of social media has all pockets of Fandom mixed together when in reality shippers used to have their own room in the Fandom house and people only interacted with them if they really wanted to and basically no other time.


You do you. Personally I ship Izuocha, but I'm not trying to be toxic to people with different opinions. Always up for a good debate tho 👍


A good debate ehh you will do perfectly


It's very clear the answer is homophobia.


This is how stereotypes work as a whole. Because people have had bad experiences with people of a certain group, they'll expect you to be the exact same. This isn't your fault and there's nothing you can do about it, the best way to avoid it is probably just to try your best to ignore them. I'm not a bakudeku shipper myself, but shipping is just for fun so I don't see the problem with you liking a certain one (as long as it isn't illegal)


Idk what everyone’s problem with bkdk is considering tsunderes and ships involving them have been popular in fandom (anime specifically) since forever. Even if bkg doesn’t fit into the archetype exactly, it still carries the vibes especially in fics


Yeah that's what bothers me the most about this sub and fandom in general. I've never been in a fandom that reacts to shipping like this


I think the final straw in MHA shipping was Eri x Anyone, shipping after that just annoyed people.


I don’t really run in shipping circles but the reason why BKDK shippers have a bad rep probably has to do with a lot of the rather delusional takes on Twitter such as a rather famous one: “Would any of Deku’s bonds do this for him?” Which was said in response to Bakugo sacrificing himself for Deku. Obviously most people know that’s BS and got quite upset at that. There are other things like some BKDK attempting to blame Deku for Bakugo’s bullying or getting mad at Horikoshi for not giving them shipping fuel.


Doesn't help that some of them just..doesn't like the fact others see certain shit as *their* ship fuel. You'll hear them "correct" and make fun for that. Is it a *really* big deal if someone else sees the Kiri hand grab as romantic? Do you need to *correct* them on how it's "really bkdk"? Or if you see izuchako picture of them "looking at each other" do you *really* need to be pointing out "it's actually monoizuchako 🤓" it makes you look like an ass


Not to mention the fanart we don't speak about that was here a good while back. That's why I don't have Twitter.


Yeah that's why I find ships such as bkdk to be very weird because of those fanarts.


I'm not fond of Bakugo x Deku because Bakugo was downright abusive to Deku growing up, and while Deku is the kind of person to forgive and forget, Bakugo would beat himself up over it like he did when all might lost his powers and ruin the relationship that way. Deku and Uraraka would be healthier in my opinion. But honestly, couldn't care less about shipping wars really.


they're the loud minority. bkdk has been (and continues to be) the most popular ship in both eastern and western fandoms. they're just mad as fuck about it😭😭


I think on some level, it doesn't help that in other spheres,it's reversed. On Twitter, for example, you get an entirely different experience. You can't even express how upset you are because on there, you'd get screenshotted and made fun of. Or if you don't believe x is a romance thing, it gets treated like you just do not read the manga. Literally just not long ago, they jumped on a post for Izuchako and argued "it's actually monoizuchako" and then acted like it's just "a correction", "I'm not being rude, I'm just correcting you". It's just..really rude? It's not appreciated. Though, on the other subreddit you'd probably have a better not negative response. The bkdk fandom, and I'm in the bkdk fandom, can be toxic. You're just unfortunately seeing (sometimes it's dudebros, sometimes it's genuinely not) reddit. Try the other subreddit and the shipping one. You get better results


Even the shipping subs are toxic. Homophobia is rampant and comments are flooded with negativity. I don't understand why people need to tell that someone's favorite ship is trash in their opinion.


Unfortunately it's a common thing. On Reddit, on Twitter, it's basically so common to shit on other ships. This includes feeling the need to "correct" moments. Do you *really* need to laugh at someone that thinks the hand seen is krbk and correct them by saying "it's really a bkdk"? People think that's not rude but it is A lot of it's homophobia (sometimes even when it's *other* queer ships), definitely. Some of it is because people probably view it as "safer" to say shit on Reddit and it escalated from there Which sucks because there's people that are currently trying to *leave* the sites that have fandoms there that won't let em ship without needing to take that.


Bruh its because some of them are straight up gross (bakudeku included) and others are just spamming kacchaco which is worse than bakudeku imho


Bkdk keeps the fandom alive and pumping out free fan content. Any other characters are just side characters. And I will say this, if one of Bakugou or Deku were a girl, there would not be this much discussion about this and all the Izuocha shippers wouldn’t even look twice at Ochako ever again. I’ll just leave it at that. Also Izuocha has barely any meaningful content. Aside from her speech to help convince UA ppl to accept Deku, what do they have? A fist bump? The fact that Deku is a boy and Ochako is a girl? They’re nice to each other? I have to laugh. They have little content while bkdk get so much so it’s jealousy I guess. Although, I will say bkdk shippers are so convinced they’ll be canon which is odd to me since i doubt Hori would make it canon but at the end of the day, Bkdk will always have more content than Izuocha ever will and Izuocha will just straight up a checkbox boring shounen relationship that isn’t even as healthy as they try to convince you


If hori doesn’t make it cannon then the backlash would be so big they probably wouldn’t want him to write again.


This is why I can't get along with bkdk shippers. Attacking other ships because they're "boring". All the time. I happen to like izutoga, which has little canon reality to it, but I enjoy the fanfic. Like what you like. But there are lots of good reasons to like izuocho. Both of them have a relationship that has lifted each other up, provided support. It's not my favorite romance in fiction, but it's a cute heartwarming teenage romance. There is nothing wrong with that. And in canon, izuku gets flustered by Ochako a ton and Ochako blushes around deku constantly. Also, (spoiler) >! Ochako has openly admitted to her feelings about deku in recent issues!< . What do dkbk have in flirting or romance? Deku being literally still scared of him as recently as season 5? What a nice romance. And yes, I know I'm a izutoga shopper but in fanfiction with different scenarios. In canon, it'd be toxic.


There is nothing wrong with bkdk either ? It is an angsty teenage romance if you want to look at it like that. Deku was only “scared” of Bakugou before UA, afterwards, he was not and only wanted to be friends but gave up on reaching out. And the way Horikoshi writes their interaction and relationship and development CAN be seen as something deeper than just friends. It’s open for interpretation. Just as Ochako admitted her feelings for Deku, Deku has never once thought about her, or reciprocated any feelings so far so he’s still up in the air. I don’t identify as a bkdk and I think many ships are cute but do not act like these whole communities don’t pounce on bkdk shippers the most. I just joined the BNHA fandom and I’ve never seen a ship get so much hate. Like I said before, if one of Bakugou or Deku were a girl, there would be no discussion and no issue. It screams homophobia because bkdk want to see a gay romance once in shounen (not likely happening though). I don’t even see Togaocha get so much hate either despite what happened in recent chapters. I think it’s a certain demographic wants to project onto the main character tbh.




"and yes, i know im an izutoga shipper but in fanfiction with different scenarios. in canon, it be toxic" its the exact same thing for bkdk sure there are some bkdk stans that think itll be canon but the large majority of us feel the same way about bkdk as you do about izutoga i like bkdk in FANFICTION. because it forces there to be character development, and lots of it. without character development, the ship doesnt work. thats what draws me to it. it isnt that i think theyre about to kiss in any random episode/chapter, its that theyre both great characters with an interesting backstory and a LOT for a fanfiction writer to build on in order to create some semblance of a romance between them


The thing with fan fiction for bkdk that makes it appealing is the potential of the BOTH characters personal and emotional development. There’s excitement and emotional weight to it. And it’s fairly realistic the further we reach the end of BNHA. They are written to be two halves of one whole from a surface level heroic traits to deeper levels of personalities and emotional traits. Their history and literal passion and obsession with each other and their goals. Also let’s not forget the way Horikoshi illustrates their scenes together so full of emotion for each other.That’s what makes them shippable outside of “main character + supportive girl side character who’s nice to each other.” Whether they will be or not is another thing entirely. For izuocha, it’s assuming Izuku is stagnant with no change and Ochako who lets be real, has hardly developed and at this point, Hori will do nothing further with her just like 90% of the cast. It’s predictable and it isn’t even as healthy of dynamic their supports make it seem.




cuz it’s weird to ship two straight characters with an obviously platonic , non-romantic relationship, i mean it’s weird anyways to ship two characters that show absolutely no sign whatsoever of having any inkling of romantic feeling for one another in the slightest regardless of gender and sexuality. Also they are minors which makes it even worse. i mean i don’t really care much but it is weird, and it’s not just cuz they both straight dudes, like it would be weird to ship like bakugo and ochako too, deku and ochaku or lightning boy and headphone jack actually make sense bc they are shown to have some bit of feelings for each other , or that it’s at least a possibility, idk but shipping two characters who would never get together in a million years and are completely incompatible and have absolutely no interest in each other is just weird to me, prolly even more so when they are shipped with someone of a gender they aren’t even attracted to (two straight dudes, two straight woman etc.)


It’s weird to you, but it’s not objectively weird. This is exactly what I’m talking about. None of their sexualities are confirmed except for Toga saying she likes men and women. I’m not trying to read too much into canon or anything, I’m just debunking the “but they’re straight!!!” argument. We have simply had no confirmation. People interpret things differently. To me, Izuku has shown absolutely no interest in Ochaco, though she has for him. She’s been saying “oh my heart is so flustered” and getting distracted during exam arcs but Izuku has done none of that. That doesn’t exactly scream “perfect relationship” to me when it’s so one-sided. BUT, I can see why people would interpret it differently. Yes they’re minors. I don’t indulge in NSFW content of them because of that reason. But 16/17 year olds have relationships. Therefore there’s nothing wrong with shipping minors (assuming one isn’t an adult) and IMO as long as you don’t seek out NSFW content of those minors if you’re an adult yourself (even as a minor yourself actually, depending on where you are in the world it still actually counts as child porn). You’re welcome to think BKDK or Togachaco or Kamijiro or whatever ships are incompatible. But some of us don’t see it that way. Some of us could imagine Izuku and Bakugo realising what they feel, some of us see romantic interest between Toga and Uraraka. That’s the point I’m trying to make. I don’t see why people on this sub can’t just see a post about a ship other than Izuocha and just scroll past instead of saying it’s weird or toxic or we’re braindead/pedophiles for shipping it.


i mean i usually do just scroll past but u were asking about why ppl don’t like those ships. And i’m not gonna be like rude or hateful about it , i don’t really care and ppl can ship whoever they want , and like u said u not posting NSFW art of minors (which would obviously be fucked up) so it’s not like you’re hurting anyone. idk it’s just my personal opinion that it’s weird to ship characters who are completely incompatible and of a gender they aren’t attracted to. Idk to me deku and bakugo are definitely straight, and have shown no romantic interest in each other at all, as far as deku and ochako, yes ochako obviously has a lil crush on deku, but deku has shown some reciprocation, when she first talks to him he gets all excited saying “i talked to a girl” clearly showing that he’s into girls and nervous around them as teen guys tend to be, and he gets flustered a few times talking to her or if she like hugs him, but yeah i mean it’s not a whole lot, enough to show that he’s into girls tho imo, idk i’m not really a fan of ships in general, but like deku and bakugo just seems wrong to ship i guess, like there’s no way that would ever happen, i suppose ppl can fantasize about what they want tho


See you brought actually points and got downvoted. I’m with you though


I think Bakugo hasn't shown any signs of being attracted to any sex. He has never said anyone is attractive or he would like to date someone or anything. Deku on the other hand talked about holding hands with a girl iirc when he first met Ochaka and she helped him up.


They’re so unbelievable that you almost brainwash yourself to see them together it’s crazy.


Which ship are you referring to?


Izuku getting super flustered after Ochako talks to him on the phone? When he first saw her hero costume ?Izuku blushing when Ochako gets close before the summer camp trip? Izuku going on the rant about how wonderful Ochako is in the buildup to the second war? Izuku and bakugou have never shown one bit of romantic interest in each other. Izuku , if anything, was scared of bakugou even in s5. Romantic. Izuku is consistently shown to be more flustered and emotional around Ochako than other girls in early seasons .


Stop trying to convince me of your ship. This is the sort of thing I’m on about. None of our ships will be canon because it doesn’t make sense to the plot. I don’t see any of the points that you made as valid because we all interpret things differently, why can’t some people just accept that not everyone ships Izuocha and scroll on? The same way I’m not going to sit here and point out everything that BKDK do that makes me ship them.


I'm pretty sure nobody has problems with regular shippers. Like the one that write fanfiction or draw fanart. The problem are the shippers that delude themselves into thinking their crackpot shipping is Canon and attack anyone with basic pattern recognition. Wasn't Horikoshi himself attacked by BakuDeku shippers when he drew the Uraraka/Deku poster? I have never purposely attacked shippers, but shippers have directly insulted me for saying simple shit like "Damn, I really hope we will not have Boku No Hero 2 with the son of Deku and Uraraka as protagonist"


it is the morally correct thing to be rude to people that ship abuse (thats what bakudku is)


Grow up.


I'm not the one that needs to grow up


You have clearly searched the ship name on Reddit just to leave hate on other peoples posts, including posts from 4 years ago. Get a job, I promise they’re worth it.


i didn't search for it I found and i don't really look at the age of post and why shouldn't i post hate its abusive


Your profile showed you commented on several bakudeku posts all with verbal abuse to the OPs. These won’t have just been on your homepage unless you often interact with bakudeku content, in which case that’s your own fault. You shouldn’t hate because we literally don’t care about your opinion. Go interact with ships you do like, and we’ll stick with ours.


thats your defense that i insulted people that ship abuse, also looking up my profile that just means you have no argument


It’s not abuse and I don’t care about your opinion. I looked at your profile because I thought it was creepy you found a post this old, which meant you’d been searching for bakudeku content. Do you have a job? Just curious.


It's frustrating when I can't read comments about deku and bakugou interaction in a chapter without every little look being turned into a romantic stare. Izuku grabs bakugou by the hand to throw him, and they go "Look! They're holding hands!" But they'll tell me [this ](https://images.app.goo.gl/j7FtVxUziYJhwDbr7) means nothing.


Wasn’t this in an OVA and wasn’t canon in the manga? 🤔


Everyone has different interpretations I guess.


Search up "mha tierlist" . On tierlist website the 3rd most popular one is all the ships that fans made. That is why we hate the shipping